
#mct or #ketones may prevent #alzheimers

12.7: summary:
. a mouse model of Alzheimers disease
responds well to addition of various ketones;
these are naturally produced by a low-carb diet,
or the consumption of mct oil .

12.5: health/hormonics/energy substrates help amyloid:
re: The anti-AD cookbook:
. caloric restriction with carb restriction
naturally results in plenty of ketones;
would that include the 3-b-hydroxybutyrate
that they speak of? anyway,
glad to hear mct metabolizes to that,
as a low carb diet grates on my nerves;
[ low carb is another way to get ketones ]
I did try caloric restriction in 2007
(I cut all my portions in half)
and I missed portions that curb anxiety,
so I quit during my first big stress .
. I'm feeling fine now on a
high-fat high-solu'fiber diet .
. but about my recent weight loss,
I wonder if that might be from radioactivity
coming from Fukushima,
most likely it's from hyperthyroidism .

. they mentioned the ketone pyruvate;
Dr.Oz said sources include yellow onions;
and that Calcium Pyruvate was "Fat Melter #2"
(I eat an onion or 2 every day,
since being told it's a great pre-biotic).
. he also mentions MCT and CLA as fat melters
(beware CLA supplements as they use some version
that is not like found in grass-feed dairy).
[ I lost my reference to that ... [no, it's here]
but plenty of references for grass-fed .]

. they mentioned fruit juicing along with vegetables
but there is a big difference between those juices .
. many fruits have a lot of fructose,
so I was surprised they would be juicing them,
as fruit is interesting mostly for the
nutraceuticals in its fiber;
however, they did mention caloric restriction,
so I guess that nullifies the juice concern .

energy substrates reverse early neuronal hyperactivity
. the AD [alzheimer's disease] brain
has trouble using glucose,
and this energy deficit creates problems,
such as neuronal hyperexcitability;
but the brain can use other sources of energy,
collectively called oxidative energy substrates
( D-3-hydroxybutyric acid sodium salt,
and pyruvate sodium salt ).

. interesting they added it to a typical
high-carb diet;
here is p228 of Barry Sears's book:
zone-perfect meals in minutes.
. a study of 35mile/week runners,
Leddy et al, Med Sci Sports Exerc 29: 17-25 (1997),
found that adding 500 fat calories per day
-- the type of fat was not specified --
resulted in no weight gain;
adding 1000 fat calories per day
(42% fat calories diet),
resulted in some lost weight,
-- "a calorie is a calorie" ? --
and their blood lipid profile were improved
by drowning the carb's in fat:
total cholesterol /HDL:
16% fat: 4
30% fat: 3.4
42% fat: 3
triglycerides /HDL:
16% fat: 1.2
30% fat: 0.75
42% fat: 0.60 .
. this article somewhat relates AD with cholesterol;
and the Sears quote relates cholesterol
to high carb' diets .

1 comment:

Philip Torrance (ADDN) said...

12: web.cook/mct/who is selling bulk?:
18kg pail/$111
-- Applications range from nutritional supplements and food
gal/$24 for external use only? and also:
the International Federation of Aromatherapists
do not recommend that Essential Oils be taken internally
unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor
who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy.
well since they promote it as a skin product,
and acknowledge that the skin absorbs it,
how can ingestion be any more poisonous?

their msds
. is combustable: avoid heat and oxidizing agents .
. causes skin irritation, nausea, vomiting .