. part of my logging routine involves
copying a template of month folders
that contain files for each annual date:
each file in a month folder
starts with a date and some event's name,
such as: sched/12 dec/25 christmas.txt .
. ever since hearing about the prophesies of
Hebrew year 5777 (2016.fall ... 2017.fall)
I have been interested in Jewish and Islamic events;
so, I was looking for a way to add them
to my year's logging template .
. the jewish calendar is lunisolar,
and the islamic calendar is lunar,
so while their events are on
a particular monthly date,
their months are shifting around
within the calendar that modernity uses,
I devised an idealized lunation system,
that assigns their months to particular days,
aligned with the equinoxes of the year 5777 .
. also, there are many usa calendar events
that are shifting their date annually
because they are defined as being on
something like the 1st monday of a month;
so, in order to fix a date for these,
I had to choose a particular year,
and, again, the year I chose was 5777 .