Showing posts with label volunteerism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label volunteerism. Show all posts


social sites promoting activism

5.12: sci.cyb/ promoting change:
. that first health article I found there
was their most impressive;
the others are triviage, like warning you that
fox news doesn't know what it's talking about
when they say you can live off rice & beans
(the point was that the cost of living isn't cheap
even if you replace meat with beans).
. some entries reminded me of twitter
without links: a one-liner to say an oil guy
is going to spend a year off the grid in alaska .
. lots of activism: not just stories, but also
suggestion of ways you can make a difference .
. seemed to spend a lot on gay rights
but maybe it's just a very big time for that issue
(today's buzz is about gay marriage,
which wouldn't even be an issue if our laws
didn't discriminate against singles .
. nobody but family can visit in some hospitals?
family can contest an inheritance
to a non-married partner ? )

5.19: news.cyb/
Democratization of the Innovation Funding Model:

Innovocracy =
the Democratization of the Innovation Funding Model
Do you dream of changing the world? is the place where
real innovators are working on
important life changing projects.
It’s a way for you to get involved in backing them .

unlimited free online storage

6.12: summary:
. there is plenty of free storage online:
2GB from dropbox
5GB from google's g'Drive
7GB from Microsoft's SkyDrive,
and 5GB sync'ing services from
Ubuntu One and Apple's iCloud;
iCloud doesn't sync just any folder:
it sync's your iWork doc's,
and 3rd party app's are free to sync
what's in their sandbox;
it also pushes your itune purchases
to all your devices .

. there are many more free sites too,
and, even some unlimited free plans
as long as you're publicly sharing your files,
or not using an ad'blocker, etc .

. DropBox and SkyDrive may be deleted
if not visited every 90 days;
google's gmail has an inactivity policy
but it's Drive service apparently does not .

5.5: news.cyb/net.dropbox/no passwords needed for hours!:
"( Why I switched from Dropbox to Windows Live Mesh ...)
. dropbox had an amazing lapse in security:
for several hours any password would open any acct!


usa's chocolate-boxed high-tech education

2.8: pol/edu/gump's chocolate-boxed:
. even while college grad's cry about unemployment,
the high tech industry (this time biotech)
is again complaining they have shortages
of "(qualified) applicants .
doesn't it seem like a waste to have
everyone piling on spendy college attempts
Stress Wienerjust so these wieners can take the cream
and send the rest home to be dishwashers?

. much of what industry needs
just takes persistent parenting
(ie, with village backup)
rather than specialized schooling .
. if the kids started earlier,
they would have eno' of a background
that industry could easily train them .

. the way to rapidly evolve tech workers
is to support free high-level edu:
# do more with kids earlier:
much of the problem is just motivating kids .
. make motivation cheap:
use any welfare cases as teacher assistants .
. require people imprisoned for drug offenses
(the ones that can read)
to be manning online help centers for tutoring kids .
# free internet:
. put all the college textbooks online
in a place that grabs the attention of kids; [2.23:
this is already happening in wiki's;
now all we have to do is
replace most of the expensive teacher-time
with a free internet edu-portal workstation for every child .]
# volunteering:
. find other ways to allow people to
show how hard they can study
without paying for colleges .
. one can show off papers offered;
wiki contributions, blogs, etc .

[2.23: title: derived from [forrest gump].movie`qoute
"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you're gonna get."