that a reporter was dragged and maced
just for asking a question
in a "(townhall) meeting
whose elite she apparently didn't represent .
. we know that anyone requiring dragging
must be maced to reduce officer risk,
but we can still ask,
who really needs to be dragged,
ie, who needs to be "(arrested),
vs who was willing to leave with an escort .
. we then can seek to punish (or victimize?)
. so in my state of ah-fficer-assisted rage
I thought of this perfect crime:
sir-real psy'op's against the undeserving sir .
. it works something like
the movie" Fahrenheit 9/11
where actual footage of the victims
is used in such a way as to
make it appear as if the victims had
actively taken part in their own lampooning .
. you could hardly expect to get such juicy footage
of your average wah enforcement wah-fficer
so what you'd need instead is
the use of today's supercomputers to generate
video from a few pictures of the victim's face .
. then you get on all the anonymous lists
. the best surreal justice movies
are ones that use actual footage of
the original victimization,
but then change the outcome
in some way that would
embarrass the wah-fficers .
. you also need audio footage
to get a bead on the voice
for generating simulated confessions:
"( . the only reason I could have been so mean. a surreal simulation would not be
to a fellow american
has a lot to do with corrupted hormone profiles
on a account of what I was fed
by the (irreligious) free capitalists .
. oh my . )
honestly representing reality unless it also
did parodies of the entire chain of command .
. a truly american political organization
always provides a transparent chain of command;
-- or the printed policy
that justified the officer's actions --
then the surreal victims need to confess
that they have never really known
who their father was .
-- sad, but increasingly true,
irreligious proliferation .
. the key to surreal justice is that
all components should be entirely factual
and a preface should remind the audience that
-- however real this looks --
it is a mere composite of the truth,
and the characters are entirely fictional .
you're entirely invited,
all ye unamericans
who are just doing your duty .
. Muammar Gaddafi,
the Libyan dictator,
had invited all fiction* writers
*(surreal movie fabricators on the cheap)
to a convention
and then had them all tortured .
. but even Gaddafi can find his way
when The Way is at the table .
we're almost in matrix heaven,
4.30: pol/reservation-backed real justice:
. look at how we falsely imprison
on circumstial evidence;
if the fed was not in there,
we could just say the law we mean:
we must constitutionalize
segregation with honor
-- with proper funding: not ghettos .
(but that requires pop'control
-- the whole problem ...)
Hustler Magazine published an altered photo of
Glenn Beck’s GBTV host, S.E. Cupp.
. the photoshopped work ran beside
the headline “Celebrity Fantasy:
What would S.E. Cupp look like with a d*** in her mouth?”
with a disclaimer beneath:
“No such picture of S.E. Cupp actually exists.
This composite fantasy is altered from the original
for our imagination, does not depict reality,
and is not to be taken seriously for any purpose.”
There was an immediate rush to associate
Hustler’s Larry Flynt with Democrats
and to compare his literal pornography
to the figurative porn of Rush Limbaugh.
Conservatives from all quarters began
demanding that every progressive women’s organization
issue a public condemnation of Flint.
Larry Flynt of Hustler magazine has responded
with a two-sentence statement to The Blaze:
“That’s satire. I’m able to publish this because of the
Supreme Court case I won in 1984,
Flynt v. Falwell,” the statement said.
Hustler Magazine v. Falwell
was a 1988 U.S. Supreme Court decision
that held that the First Amendment
protects parodies of public figures
as long as they could not be reasonably taken as true.
The case arose after the magazine published a piece in 1983
that claimed Rev. Jerry Falwell had engaged in a
drunken incestuous sexual encounter
with his mother in an outhouse. It was was decided 8-0.
what did Cupp do to warrant such attention?:
Cupp wrote this book:
"( Losing Our Religion: Why the Liberal Media
Want to Tell You What to Think,
Where to Pray, and How to Live )
and the book's overview characterizes Cupp as being:
The go-to commentator for such programs as
Fox News’s Hannity and
CNN’s Larry King Live and Reliable Sources,
—a reliable source for the latest news, trends,
and forecasts in young, bright, conservative America.
Savvy and outspoken when shattering
left-leaning assumptions
as she did in "(Why You’re Wrong About the Right).
... She’s an atheist.
Which makes her the perfect impartial reporter ...
... she exposes the unwitting courtship of
President Obama and the liberal press,
which consistently misreports or downplays
Obama’s clear discomfort with,
or blatant disregard for,
religious America ... .
. most of all, the reason for the satire was
Cupp wants to defund Planned Parenthood?
. ah, that is indeed political satire,
because Planned Parenthood is all about
giving women birth control choices,
and without those choices,
they would have to resort to ... guess what?
exactly what Cupp was satired as doing .
. there's also dry humping;
highly recommended, and much cheaper than
Planned Parenthood .
here is a simulation of romney
(christian prolifer anti-gay rights)
french-kissing his running mate
heart-high in sweet beach ocean
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