
recumbent tadpole trike velomobiles
trike as base for DIY velomobile
trike's helmet as tip of velomobile
composite tech for velo'shell
shell ideas for recumbent trike-based velomobile
welcome to heck, bent trikers!
the winning x-prize car is here!

trike security
shopping for velo' security chains locks
ID engraving with drill bit stippling
devolution of operation id

trike maintenance
booking for pedal.cycle tips
preventing frame damage in tadpole trikes
tank treads for pot.holes
idiot-proofed derailleurs
cusion for trice Q seat

trike trainer
neckstrap for laptop while training recumbent

pedal-power gear reviews and ideas
tire.pump with Topeak pressure-rite adapter 2009.12
can't go wrong with the Topeak Pressure-Rite 2009.07
pedgen(pedal generator) for braking
politics of bike lanes
I love the bus? not invented yet
cycling in tucson
still on that

gear hazards
#care microwave power on with a bump sets fire
Energy Security (perhaps) Saves (a lot of) Lives
eco soap(enviro'choices)
from arizona at the airport(bureaucratic surprises)
engraver(electrical surprises)
google's knol turns into deadlinks(or redirects)

financial gear (instruments)
credit report freezes
monetizing with Amazon`associates prog...
beware backorders
lamenting lost deposit from a landlordThe Big Short
finance regulation lessons from Islam
security door 2010
security door 2009
welcome to tucson!

gear reviews
efficient cooker
finding a sensible watch . travel clock
composting toilet with urine separator
the surprising benefits and costs of urinals
container gardening
community gardens of tucson

gear modifications or creations
overhead book holder for recliner
tree.saw repair
sewing machine refurbished with manual operation
portable notepad
Byer Allagash Aluminum Cotneoprene footwarmers
house maintenance, fences
xeriscaping, ironwood tree planting in tucson

 gear ideas
#green #ethanol coffee vending with less wait
rotating bed
no-sweat insect barriers
insect netting
solar roof
oxygen generating hvac
hvac ideas (heating vent air cond')
american dream housing
replacing drywall with dry things

The Homebuilt Wind-Generated Electricity Handbook Michael Hackleman

3M Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator 7502/37082(AAD), Medium

S-17121 3M 2097 is the P100 filter also with
help for nuisance-level Organic/Vapors

3M P100 Particulate Filter with Organic Vapor Relief, 2-Pack

3M 6001 Organic Vapor Cartridge, 1-Pair

3M 60923 Organic Vapor/Acid Gas Cartridge/P100 Filter 2 Pack

All American Sun Oven

All American Sun Oven with acc's;

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