
neoprene footwarmers

4.21: gear/shoes:
. try new shoes with
small shoe covers reused as socks:
very warm, reminds of yellowstone park,
where my feet were too cold with
boots and wooly socks,
but were doing great with
something much cheaper:
put foam from backpack strap under feet,
use plastic bag as a sock, and wear sandals .
. the neoprene shoe covers prove that
my old dry feet still do sweat .

10.29: proj.gear/neoprene footwarmers:
. these were meant for outside the shoes,
but I accidently got a size way to small;
however, they do fit wearing them like shoes ! (with socks)
... but later I would find they can attract odor easily] .

10.30: proj.gear/neo.shoes/fitting inserts:
. the neoprene shoe covers had no soles,
so I had added the inserts taken from triking shoes .
. now, after having problems with the inserts being too large
(not fitting without a wrinkle),
I'm cutting the inserts to exactly the size of my feet .

10.30: proj.gear/shoes/slit to fit neo.shoes inside:
. the neo.shoes are very warm,
and will be good for inside shoes when much colder,
but they are cramped just eno to block circulation;
so, add slits positioned to extend the shoe's tongue
all the way to the tip of the shoes .
. the slit fabric lining under the leather shows through now?
remove much of that fabric in the toe area .
. found more thorns in sole? use clippers .

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