Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts


#Jesus can heal the Sunni-Shia divide #Islam

1.29: relig/islam/Jesus can heal the Sunni-Shia divide:
. the Shia and Sunni fight over how their leader is chosen;
that is just like the Jewish vs Samaritan fight
over which mountain the Temple should be at;
Jesus transcended that fight by saying
worship in your heart not in a temple .
. likewise,
Muslims should transcend the Shia vs Sunni choice
by deciding Islam doesn't need a supreme leader;
all that is needed by a global religion
is to share the same scriptures
and listen to the consensus of our local elders
about how to follow the spirit of the law .
. the reason Islam needed a central authority
is that they were a military organization,
but another way to promote their religion
is by offering social security and local policing .


Mormons are Jewish++

6.19: news.relig/judaism/mormons are Jewish++:
adapted from
. unlike many other Christian groups,
Mormons do not believe that
God abrogated his covenant with the Jews
or replaced them with a non-Jewish "new Israel".
Rather, Mormons consider themselves to be
part of the Israelite community including Jews.
. LDS theology is "inclusionist"
rather than supercessionist.


#Islam like #Judaism facing a holy site to pray

10.24: web.relig/islam/like Judaism facing a holy site to pray:
. another way Islam patterns itself after Judaism,
facing a holy site while praying .


Antichrist war is officially declared

news.pol/purges/wwIII/Antichrist war is officially declared: Aug. 21, 2014:
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
ISIS has an "apocalyptic, end-of-days" vision 
that will eventually have to be defeated.


#PC as the #communists vs the #fascists

8.10: news.pol/PC as the communists vs the fascists:
. traditional versions of Christians
believe that God Himself wrote the very Bible
that outlaws many sexual behaviors
which means you cannot be both Biblical and
tolerant of non-procreative sexual orientations .
. the Christians traditionally tried to
dominate every community around the globe,
replacing all the local perversities;
so, the natural reaction of the PC
has been to globalize sexual tolerance .

protecting Christian culture:
. one way to protect all cultures,
including the Christians and the racists,
is to have entire towns dedicated to
one particular culture and language .
. just like private homes can be discriminatory,
private groups who can afford to buy an entire town
can dedicate that town to their own culture,
their own language, or even their own race .

2014-06-26 remembers WWI 100 years ago

25: news.pol/purges/wwIII/ remembers WWI 100 years ago:
"One day the great European War will come out of
some damned foolish thing in the Balkans."
This prophecy came in 1888,
from German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck,
and On June 28, 1914, the excuse for WWI happened
with the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne,
while visiting Sarajevo, the capital of the
Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia-Herzegovina
and a center of unrest against foreign rule.
. it lead to the downfall of the Ottoman Empire
which sowed the seeds of the current troubles
in the Middle East .


Metapedia judged by its 9-11 coverage

6: news.cyb/ to wikipedia/Metapedia:
. Metapedia is a wikipedia supplement:
here to do things that can't be done there .
. one thing you can't do in wikipedia
is talk about Dr. Judy Wood as being
a serious part of the 9/11 truth movement;
but, Metapedia doesn't even mention her
or her beam weapons evidence,
although Metapedia editors are hardly
main-line 911truthers either
since they blame 9/11 on a Jewish Conspiracy
rather than neocon-CIA-NSA imperialism
or a Liberal Conspiracy bent on
challenging the Muslim globalists
by stealing Zion from them
and handing it back to the Jewish people,
in order to start the Final World War
to choose the world leader
and give that leader the power to
implement global surveillance
and enforce peace throughout the world .


Rabbi Kaduri characterizes the Messiah

2013.1.21: relig/judaism/Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri characterizes the Messiah
2014.1.12: 1.28: summary:
. Rabbi Kaduri was famous for making predictions,
and claimed that the Savior of Israel
would become apparent after 2014.1.11
or whenever Ariʼēl Sharōn died,
and that the Savior of Isreal would
unify Jerusalem as Israel's capital .
. from his clues I develope a theory
for what this "Savior of Israel" is .


universal calendar #5777 idealized lunation

1.5: summary:
. part of my logging routine involves
copying a template of month folders
that contain files for each annual date:
each file in a month folder
starts with a date and some event's name,
such as: sched/12 dec/25 christmas.txt .
. ever since hearing about the prophesies of
Hebrew year 5777 (2016.fall ... 2017.fall)
I have been interested in Jewish and Islamic events;
so, I was looking for a way to add them
to my year's logging template .
. the jewish calendar is lunisolar,
and the islamic calendar is lunar,
so while their events are on
a particular monthly date,
their months are shifting around
within the calendar that modernity uses,
I devised an idealized lunation system,
that assigns their months to particular days,
aligned with the equinoxes of the year 5777 .
. also, there are many usa calendar events
that are shifting their date annually
because they are defined as being on
something like the 1st monday of a month;
so, in order to fix a date for these,
I had to choose a particular year,
and, again, the year I chose was 5777 .


Marches for the various Truths on 9-11

American Muslim PAC`March for Truth:
20: context:
. one big stumbling block for Dr.Wood
as she communicates 9/11 was an inside job,
is seeming to imply that USA culpability
somehow washes away the guilt
of years of anti-zionist violence .
--[30: correction:
Dr.Wood has been very careful not to assert
any particular theories of who did what;
she only points out that there is evidence
that strongly suggests the use of beam weapons .
. it is a stretch to say she
communicates 9/11 was an inside job;
logical people seeing evidence of
directed energy weapons (DEW)
will tend to have intuition communicating to them
-- without Dr.Wood's intention --
that 9/11 was an inside job
( who else but USA insiders could do this
if a hijacked plane could not?! )
so, lets reword that:
. one big stumbling block for Dr.Wood
as her proof of DEW seems to imply
that 9/11 was an inside job,
is that the next logical question is:
ok, if USA's secret military did this
to motivate a war against anti-zionists
-- Islamic radical terrorism --
then is this war really justified ?
oh, and by the way,
anti-zionism is the new communism:
it could be dangerous to your career
to not support Israel under Zionism .
. if you think Islam is all about peace,
what do you think Israel is all about ?
. when Jews mass-migrated to the Holy land
backed by so many arrogant Christians,
-- especially the Nazis --
the Muslims who were being invaded
didn't just call their lawyers,
or in any way sue the United Nations
for giving Muslim lands over to the Jews;
no, Muslims think they are the new real Jews
and they won't be bought off:
they are not letting go of Israel
without a bloody fight to the end .
. and,
that is what the 911neocons were telling us
when they did that inside job on 9/11 .
. I want Christians and Muslims to apologize
for pushing the Jews in and out of Israel;
I'm not marching with either of them
-- Christians or Muslims --
for any cause related to either
9/11, terrorism, or the zionism war .
. why have a march against fear
when there is still so much to fear?
the Christians and Muslims are pawns
as the USA and Russia are conspiring
to launch the WWIII Shock & Awe
that ushers in a One World Government .


Shia and Sunni hijacked by the illuminati

7.30: relig/islam/Shia and Sunni hijacked by the illuminati:
8.3: summary:
. the elites long ago engineered Islamic factions
that the superpowers are now using
in proxy wars that will lead to WWIII,
planned as a means of installing
the international neocon movement
as the One World Government .


the Islamic-friendly John 3:16

4.19: proj.relig/jesus/the Islamic-friendly John 3:16:
5.11: summary:
. the Muslims love Jesus as a prophet,
not as a the son of a god,
so I have explained John 3:16's "son of god"
with Muslims in mind .


the anti-christ is invincible #meant-all #WWIII #911neocons #petrodollar #uncircumcised

3.19: relig/anti-christ:
. you'd think wwIII happens to check Iran hubris
or maintain the petrodollar against devaluation by
competition from a gold-backed currency;
but the stakes are nuclear because
the hubris the elites want to erase is overpopulation
from family values like a cancer .


one bright child, one dark history #WWIII #China #USA #Israel #Iran

12.12.20: pol/purges/war/Taiping_Rebellion:

13.2.5, 2.6: summary:

. free-trade Globalists have 2 main threats:
grudges from the Chinese, N.Korea, communists, ...
over who controls global capital's culture;
and, rivalries from the Islamic empire
over who controls global social's culture .
. if the USA-europe-Israel-India alliance
ever massively attacks one of these threats
they will likely have to face the other;
because, both Iran and China, when 3rd worlds,
had be quite abused by USA-european imperialism .
. Nostradamus . WWIII .
. Obama's intentions are good but not heeded,
the Navy acts headlessly to offend Iran;
then the Eastern powers intervene .
. if USA tries to protect Taiwan,
that could be an act of war on communism;
such a war might involve WMD's
(weapons of mass destruction);
because China could feel confident
that USA would never nuke China
since the insiders that actually
control USA's use of WMD's

have all their assets there in China,
and would never waste their own capital .


New Israel -- preventing #WWIII

. could we, in the USA,
humbly offer the Jews of the world
a chance to all be peacefully Zionist
with some ocean-side national park land
to call their own,
for an everlasting, sovereign New Israel
away from Islam's center of mass?


#Germany circumcision ban warns #jihad

10.14: news.pol/purges/prison/
circumcision ban labeled religious intolerance:

14: 19: summary:
. after England frowned on Germany for
appearing to be anti-semitic again,
I wanted to point out a misunderstanding
about Germany's issue with circumcision .
. I have German and English blood,
my family includes American Jews,
my country is both USA and UK;
my religion is supernature-aware,
but without a belief in circumcision,
and includes a love of Islam's Prophet
however I think the Prophet is misunderstood:
in this age, he would use psychology, not war,
to pursue the dream of world-wide Islam;
and I don't think he would be against Israel,
but he would insist on community purity:
neighborhoods and businesses used by muslims
should be completely Islamic .

. the news of Germany outlawing circumcision
was made into an anti-jewish spectacle,
but notice the related news just before this:
Germany's leadership was reporting
that after embracing the immigration of muslims
it looked like "(it wasn't working out) .
[citation not locatable, heard on NPR?
but below are many reports from Germany
suggesting widespread resistance to,
or systematic "integration" of, Islam .]
. indeed, that was the same time there was
serious talk of giving up all nuclear power
-- and they were concerned mostly about
having it sabotaged by terrorists .

Islam's 5 pillars

[. here I organized everything around the five,
then added the way other sects do,
unless I saw them as fitting within the 5,
eg, cleanliness rituals are similar to
prayer (cleanliness of mind);]

10.29: web.relig/islam 5 pillars
(including 7 pillars of Ismailism)


Illuminati's WWIII & NWO averted by conversions!

12.21: news.pol/purges/crime/911/
Illuminati's WW3 & NWO averted by conversions!:
23: summary:
. this page transcribes a movie
GET READY! Prophecy Coming True!
scrawny2brawny`THE END IS NEAR!
(WW3, Illuminati, Antichrist, NWO)

about the coming WWIII,
which includes a reference to the
psyop#911bluepill conspiracy theory
and it shows religion is big trouble
yet at the end it points out
WWIII and NWO could be averted
if only everyone would convert?
to Islam? to Christianity, silly!


#Catholic gloriously right and fatally wrong

12.8: relig/christian#catholic/gloriously right and fatally wrong:
. the Catholics were both gloriously right
and fatally wrong:
they knew that the planet was doomed unless
we coordinated under one loving govt(papacy),
but their strategy for motivation
was to claim their authority came from
Jesus being The Son of God
which then inspired the equally successful
militant Islam counter-christian revolution;
thereby ensuring
they could never claim the crown
even after 2000 years of demon-amusing war .
. another mistake of the same kind
produced the schism that resulted in protestantism;
again, the idea is that if we want a rule4all,
we need a very lightweight doctrine
that can give local variants room to breath .
. on the other hand,
the true, covert purpose of religion or gov,
has been to provoke the wars
that promote the evolution of tech
that ensures our eternal survival after Sun death .
. in this regard,
Catholicism has been a stunning success .