
internet with both privacy and security

7.26: co.apt/cyb/sec/cloud computing is not easy:
. I thought cloud computing would be a breeze;
it was just like SOA, right?
only SOA is on a private network,
while cloud computing is using a public network .
. can that even be done securely?
[ it seems like shifting code tech should do it .
. being able to initialize the session
might be complicated .]

7.8: sci.cyb/sec/how to get secure internet?:
. can there be secure communications networks
that are also self healing ?
how can we support openware and anonymity too?
to be anonymous you simply get another service to
send the message for you
but for openware that depends on
whether we need OS cooperation for the security .
. openware-based internet depends on
whether we need OS cooperation for the security?
I don't think the problem is software,
so, having openware wouldn't make the net more secure .
. there are 2 problems:
# denial of service:
. it's too easy for too many machines to be
owned by malware .
# id theft:
. it's too easy to spoof being someone else .
the solution?:
. there should be special hardware available
in order to authenticate your id;
if you don't have that box,
then you can't do banking, credit-card shopping,
and if there's a denial of service attack,
then you can't get through;
because, nodes stop forwarding your messages .]

7.10: news.cyb/sec/
DOD says we can have both privacy and security:
Cybersecurity and American power 7.9:
At an American Enterprise Institute (AEI) event
U.S. Army Gen. Keith B. Alexander
urged us to support cybersecurity legislation
being pushed through Congress .
. it asks internet service providers to
help federal anti-virus software,
by searching all emails for viral signatures,
and reporting malware event parameters
(malware signature, source address, destination address).
. when asked about china's role in the motivation
he reminded us that there is a high cost from malware
due to intellectual property loss via cyber espionage.
"Symantec placed the cost of IP theft
at $250 billion a year .

The director of the National Security Agency (NSA)
and chief at the Central Security Service (CSS)
reemphasized an immense problem the U.S. is facing:
cybercrime has been "the greatest
transfer of wealth in history,"
Alexander said in a statement.
global cybercrime is $114 billion annually
($388 billion when you factor in downtime),
and McAfee estimates that
$1 trillion was spent globally under remediation.
[ you might think the reason we are such targets
is that our foreign policy is so offensive
to so many bright communists and liberals
but, we'd be in the same danger anyway,
because there's so much money to be gained
from cracking our banks and intellectual property .
. when they talk about remediation costs
they are referring to having their hands tied
by an internet that is inherently insecure;
I wonder what the cost would have been
if we had just rebuilt the internet from scratch
with security in mind .
. can the surveillance proposed by this legislation
make up for the lack of a dual system,
one that promotes anonymity,
and the other that promotes reliability? ]

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