Showing posts with label antipsychotic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antipsychotic. Show all posts


omega-3 medicinal effects

10.21: effects:
12.27: summary:
. fish oil has long-chained omega-3
that is very valuable for reducing disease;
you can make some yourself with
plant-based omega-3, but not much.
. plant-based omega-3 was not helpful for
reducing the risk of circulation disorders
yet one study showed it reduced the risk of
macular degeneration.
. some studies showed that supplements did not help
reduce risk of cerebrovascular disease,
only a diet of whole fish helped.
. one study showed high-dose supplements
did help with macular degeneration,
while another study showed that
low dose supplements did not help.
. fish is a source of mercury, PCB's and dioxins;
fish oil supplements that are 3rd-party tested
may help with heart disease, cancer,
arthritis, macular degeneration
and mental illness.


#cancer #depression #Psilocybin the oracle

12.18: oracle:
. a brain cancer patient who would later die from it
did Psilocybin and it was like an oracle
(here is what is in store for you):
it gave her a very bad experience
but also the message that while life looks bad,
a big part of it is how you look at it:
don't ruin the precious here & now
worrying about the hopelessness of the future.


Richmond model of crime prevention

18: news.pol/Richmond model of crime prevention:
yea Richmond, paying people to prevent crime!
we should pay people to not breed;
and stop paying for the drug war .


blogger's health info disclaimer

2016.12.12: fake news disclaimer:
. many of my blog postings are sourced from
organizations that could be generating fake news;
even peer-reviewed science articles
can be corrupted by Big Money.
. my own opinions could unwittingly be
influenced by a number of fake news readings.
. all I can honestly say is that this blog
documents what I actually believed at the time:
I've been deluded before and it will happen again.

22: news.adds/blog/blogger's health info disclaimer:
23: summary:
. when bloggers or other writers
give health and medical info
they can expect that others will be
using the advice for solving their own
health and medical problems,
so, they need to be warned that this is
for informational use only,
ie, it is simply documenting how the
authors are solving their own problems;
and the authors can't possibly solve
all of the readers' problems
because every reader tells a story
and you've got to listen to that story
in order to help the individual .
. readers are also to be reminded
that all actionable medical claims
must be approved by the FDA,
and that the author's claims are not so approved .
. finally, readers are to be given an idea of
what to do with unapproved medical claims:
they can seek a licensed medical professional,
about how to apply the author's info .


my new year's resolution

8: adds/doc'ing/my new year's resolution:

Lean In / Fall Down ART OF HUSTLE":
Alanna Coby: Word! Particularly relevant to women artists.
In contrast to the article, though,
I feel the advice I've gotten from
writing teachers over the years has been,
"Just write. Make time for it.
Don't wait for the ever-elusive 'inspiration'
because a working writer can't afford it.
Send out your writing and expect mostly rejection.
But keep sending it out."
. I made a new year's resolution
that is similar to that advice;
instead of being too cautious about
when it's time to do some blogging,
I will try to push myself to finish pieces sooner,
and get them posted within days of producing them,
rather than at the end of the month or year .


#fibromyalgia #preventives

27: summary: 
fibromyalgia is thought to have no cure,
but some respond to thyroid supplementation,
while others need a psychological cure like EFT .


post- #2012 #collapse needs Mormonism #Romney #overpopulation #revelation

10.2: news.pol/purges/overpopulation/
post- #2012 #collapse needs Mormonism #Romney:
global economic collapse is likely:
. capitalism and overpopulation
are embraced in a vicious cycle
that is building unstable comlexity .
. pop'growth causes debt that is healed by
the increasing efficiencies of capitalism;
conversely, pop'growth empowers capitalism
by lowering labor wages
and increasing the number of sales
allowing for slimmer margins .
. but capitalism is a cruel master
eventually serving only capitalists
by causing high unemployment
and even endangering itself
by being primarily incentivized by profit
which promotes destabilizing technologies:
# domino-effect vulnerable banking
# brittle just-in-time production .
. this combination can cause
very quick collapses
as a failure to finance food production,
then causes fear of food shortages
resulting in runs on food stores
that empty them within hours .
. it's illuminating that republicans chose
Romney for the 2012 usa presidency:
the icon of globalized outsourcing
and rising local unemployment;
he's notable for having been pro-choice
but then converting to pro-abstinence,
and he is politically challenged by being
associated with a "(cult) religion
that believes in long-term food storage .

. what the Romney choice tells us is that
Republican Christians are overpopulators,
and they are prepared warriors
-- may the best capitalist take all .

. remember the Romney lesson:
your free markets can rely on JIT food
(just-in-time production and distribution)
only because your community
does its own long-term food storage .


9-11 Directed Energy Weapons technology

11.15 ..12.12: pol/purges/controlled demolition:
summary of my NDEW theory:
. what struck me watching Hutchison Effect vid's
was how much effort was spent on
fine tuning the RF waves to resonate with a target .
. then while studying nuclear demolition devices,
I found that much of the energy came from x-rays,
which are just like radio waves,
but at a much higher frequency .
. if there was some way to make a nuclear device
that converted x-rays to Radio Frequency waves,
then they they could be both highly energetic,
and come in every needed frequency concurrently,
so that would provide all the needed tuning:
whatever your target's resonance frequency,
this nuclear device will generate all of them .


911 disaster preparedness

11.15 ..12.12: pol/purges/controlled demolition
11.24: news: summary/
cancers from dioxin and asbestos:

. many 9/11 cancers may be from dioxin (burning chlorine):
Chlorine + Heat = Dioxin. This is finally a proven
possible alternate source for several of the cancers .
. the Lioy report also gives a maximum percentage of
20% volatile compounds in the WTC dust
and approximately 2% asbestos was also present .
11.24: summary/prevention:

. part of preventing a similar 9-11,
is knowing where all the old tall buildings are,
as you can be assured they will have asbestos,
and someone will make money if they are bombed .
. this is usually a problem only for the lower class;
ie, the slums typically get put in harm's way;
but a lot of young educated professionals
are moving back to the city,
and they should know that terrorism there
will mean a lot of cancer (in addition to inconvenience!).
. also, any fire-prone place will cause cancer
as even modern buildings use PVC pipe,
and burning that produces estrogenic dioxin .
. if much of the asbestos was dustified,
then the main problem from that
would be silicosis not cancer;
but there are many other reasons for cancers .
12.1: news: summary/prevention/
WTC Evacuation Study

Preparedness Grand Round Series 2007:
The World Trade Center Evacuation Study:

911neocon theory

11.15 ..12.12: pol/purges/controlled demolition:
"( make everyone come together,
O nation without shame;
before the day of ADONAI's burning wrath sends you violently away in flight like the chaff is blown from grain;
Seek ADONAI, all you quiet ones of the earth, who have done what is right in his eyes;
seek righteousness and a quiet heart: that you may be safely hidden in the day of ADONAI's wrath .
) -- Zephaniah 2:1-3 .
12.12: summary of 911neocon theory:
. the elites who want world peace and free trade,
-- neocons, globalists, illuminati --
are getting hit from one side by privacy paranoids
who won't even cooperate with sure national ID
-- let alone real airport security! --
and are hit from the other side by fundamentalists
who push for their religious police states
to rule over majorities and BigMoney .
. there as been some concern about 911 being
master-minded by "Israeli mafia" or mossad
but they merely overlap with the 911neocons
who's master mind is USA's very own
lack of transparency, tolerance of secret wars,
half-baked support for Israel's repatriation
-- without offering the natives a new reservation --
and the use of a constitutional republic
rather than controlling population growth
in order to support wealth4all libertarianism .

11.26: summary/why attack the towers:


1st responder's story

11.15 ..12.12: pol/purges/controlled demolition:
12.12: summary of 1st responders story:
. assuming that 9-11 was controlled demolition
I kept wondering why 1st responders died .
. later, after believing in conspiracy theories,
I wondered if the 911neocons hated unions
(fire fighters and police have great unions,
exceeded only by doctors and congressmen!);
but, I was amazed to learn later,
that many firefighters
had been told to evacuate;
many were "volunteering" against orders .
. amazingly,
the reason many fire fighters had died on 9-11,
was that they wouldn't take orders from police
(this had been an on-going conflict in 2001:
they are both different branches of policing,
and why should police boss the fire crews?!).
. even more amazingly,
higher-up's seemed to have been aware of
-- but not in control of --
the demolition capabilities of WTC# 1 & 2
(the 2 largest towers, stunningly dustified).

Dr.Wood's #9-11 #NDEW theory and my #meant-all #globalist psyop#911bluepill #conspiracy theory

11.15 ..12.12: pol/purges/controlled demolition:
"( make everyone come together,
O nation without shame;
before the day of ADONAI's burning wrath
sends you violently away in flight
like the chaff is blown from grain;
all you quiet ones of the earth,
who have done what is right in his eyes;
seek righteousness and a quiet heart:
that you may be safely hidden
in the day of ADONAI's wrath .
) -- Zephaniah 2:1-3 .
11.24: news: summary/
the public's sense of smell in 2006:

11.26: summary/why attack the towers:
. Militant Islam, AKA: "terrorists" (
had already made attempts on that building;
and so, whether the 9/11 attack was done by
or by conspirators trying to look like,
that same Trade center would be a likely target .
. the Trade towers were the nerve center
of globalized secular capitalism
which is not only exporting cultures invasively
but also financing militant Zionism
to butt heads with militant Islam;
so, whether you believe gov simulated the attacks
or simply allowed an actual attack,
-- whether you believed the controlled demolition
was done by gov conspirators or city-tower mgt --
you can believe the reason the Trade towers were targeted
was because they were a likely terrorism target .

. amazingin 2006, one third of Americans
did believe in a 9/11 conspiracy theory
yet only half that number
believed in controlled demolition theory!


#9-11 #holocaust #denial pushback @PBS

news.pol/purges/controlled demolition/
Experts Speak Out against usa gov on PBS 2012.9.11:
Sep 3, 2012  "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"
"9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"
is getting public attention and
casting doubt on the scientific validity of
the U.S. government's investigation
into the WTC tragedy.
PBS is the first major network to air the program.
Just days away from the 11th anniversary
of the World Trade Center tragedy
and months away from the U.S. presidential election,
a game-changing 9/11 documentary
is ranking number three among
"most watched" documentaries on PBS
and number one among "most shared."
. see similar:
. books from professionals refuting USA gov reports .
11.20: Dr.Wood interviewed 
by OneStepBeyond`Theo Chalmers:
(title: Nov 15, 2011 Directed Energy Technology)


cure for some type-1 diabetes @JDRF_Tucson

10: 1 diabetes/causes:
. what causes type 1?
the only widely acknowledged risk factor is heredetary
due to recessive gene (needs both parents).
. I seem to recall that this is one of those hereditary things
that could be controlled by environment ...
13: web:
J Endocrinol Invest. 2012 Sep 24:
rising incidence of type 1 diabetes in belgrade
children aged 0-14 in the period from 1982 to 2005:

Type- 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease
in which both genetic and environmental factors
play a role in the etiology
. The average annual age adjusted incidence rate
of type-1 diabetes for Belgrade was 10.4/100,000
It was slightly higher in boys than in girls.
Over the 24 years incidence rates significantly increased
by 8.5% for boys and 3.0% for girls.
. the age of onset is not evenly spread over the age groups:
0-4, 5-9, and 10-14
-- it peaks during the natural rise of hormonal activity;
but only recently the rates are same for both sexes:
The age-specific annual incidence rates (per 100,000)
for the age groups 0-4, 5-9, and 10-14 were
5.5 (95% CI = 4.5-6.7),
11.9 (95% CI = 10.5-13.5) and
15.4 (95% CI = 13.8- 17.1), respectively.
The highest increase of incidence rate
was in the 5-9 age group.
The results obtained are in line with
data from other studies showing that
the incidence of type-1 diabetes has been increasing
in almost all populations worldwide.
natural hormone levels of children:
. estrogenic activity during femal infancy is quite high,
then it's supposed dip quite low until age 7 .
[. of course it should quite low in males
except around infancy? .]
Endocrine disruptors and type 1 diabetes: Is there a link?
. natural hormones can influence
the development of type 1 diabetes.
Gender differences are present
in type 1 (and type 2) diabetes,
and it is possible that sex hormones may influence
the risk of developing type 1 diabetes .
The incidence of type 1 diabetes in children
peaks at puberty,
a time of hormonal changes .
Pregnancy, another time of hormonal change,
can lead to gestational diabetes,
later followed by type 1 or 2 diabetes .
Psychological stress may be a risk factor;
and while the mechanism is unknown,
perhaps hormones released during stress
could play a role.
In addition, the hormone vitamin D
appears to be protective against it .
The role of taller height and excess weight
as risk factors for type 1 diabetes
may also involve hormones
We do not know, however, if xenoestrogens
contribute to the development of type 1 diabetes.
. if it's only slighly higher in males now,
and the rate increase for males
has been much higher than for females,
it seems that this disease is influenced by estrogens;
since during the last 25 years, due to rises in obesity,
children of both sexes have been getting
much more estrogen for that age;
but the proportional increase in estrogen
has been much higher for males .
. obesity also lowers male testosterone,
and there has been more exposure to xenoestrogens .


Dr.Williams questioning schiz' theory

6.24: news.psy/schiz/Dr.Williams is correct:
By Paris Williams, PhD
. we still have no clear evidence that schizophrenia
and other related psychotic disorders
are the result of a diseased brain ...
anyone who takes a close look at the actual research
will simply not be able to honestly say otherwise.
And not only does the brain disease hypothesis
remain unsubstantiated,
it has been directly countered by
very well established findings
within the recovery research,
it has demonstrated itself to be
particularly harmful to those so diagnosed
(often leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy),
and is highly profitable to the
pharmaceutical and psychiatric industries
(which likely plays a major role in why it has remained
so deeply entrenched in society for so many years,
in spite of our inability to validate it).
. I think Dr.Williams is correct,
although I didn't find his arguments compelling;
however, there is compelling evidence out there
(and he's got a book on it I bet is interesting).
. in fact, most psychiatrists secretly agree with him;


witches, queers, and schiz', oh my!

6.1: co.apt/med/psychiatry/corrupted by mobocracy:
. our forefathers thought that you could tell a witch
by their being undrownable;
if they died, you killed an innocent
-- but that was justifiable collateral damage
in the war on witches!
. modern psychiatry until the 70's
had diagnosed homosexuality as mental disorder;
because it was indeed causing mental disorders
to many around them,
but politically you couldn't say most people are
mentally ill on exposure to homosexuality,
so they simply cheated the queers .
. the opportunistic mainstream gov's
or their tools of control, like psychiatry,
were caught lying about witches and queers,
and they are still lying about schizophrenics:


google-plus's "(just the right people)

5.28: pos.cyb/net.g'+/blocked/
stay popular to prevent thread erosion:

. if you get blocked from anyone,
you can't see them on
any threads they participate in,
so then this has the effect of
blocking your view of other posts,
because they expect you can see
who they're responding to:
. so keep remembering,
g'+ is not the place for free speech;
it's the place to listen, and learn!
. you'll need to walk softly,
and carry your big stick elsewhere,
or on a dual g'+ account (haven't tried that yet). 

5.26: mis.cyb/net.g'+/being blocked 
hides posts in threads you can still see:
. while googling for g'plus news,
searching for myself on,
I found some comments directed at me
that g'plus didn't inform me of? :


recovering from brain atrophy

5.14: from brain atrophy:
G Satyanarayanan
Can cognitive problems caused by
antipsychotic like risperidone
(ADHD, slow processing speed, low working memory)
and lithium(dyslexia, restlessness,
immediate and long term memory loss)
be reversed?
I was taking these medications for 4 years.
Now I 've stopped them
still now side-effects of those drugs not gone
so that I can say I have become normal
wrt those cognitive parameters.
Is cognitive problems caused by antipsychotic
like risperidone and lithium reversible?
What duration of such medications
beyond which such side effects
are not reversible- 2/4/6 years?
Ad: "Stainless Steel Meat Hammer"
. Satyanarayanan asks about brain repair
after being on long-term anti-psychotics .
. these medications work by inhibiting dopamine function,
and atrophying the brain cells that make dopamine .
. the key is to find dopamine enhancers,
and anything that "(exacerbates schizophrenia)
and then anything that promotes neurite growth .
. I'm combining mct, blueberry extract,
and LE fishoil with DMAE for neurite growth .
. yohimbine extract promotes dopamine use,
and L-dopa (Mucuna Pruriens extract)
promotes dopamine production .
. you may have a lot of research ahead of you:
beware high blood pressure, etc .
. if I think of anything else for attention deficit,
I'll be putting them on my
performance enhancers list .


AAP guidelines update #ADHD #med #childcare

4.19: guidelines update:

. did you think it was only psychiatrists
who medicated mental illness?
the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics)
started doing so in 2000 .
. back then they were telling all pediatricians
to screen ages 6..12 for adhd
(attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder).
. this was actually a prayed-for improvement;
because, before the diagnosis of adhd,
parents would seek help from psychiatrists,
who would put their kid on anti-aggression drugs
-- the same endocrine-disrupting major tranquilizers
that are given to seriously ill schizophrenics .

In 2011, the AAP updated these guidelines,
now recommending that primary care physicians,
screen ages 4 through 18 for ADHD .
. here's how the adhd stimulants fit in the treatment plan:
"( For preschool-age children,
behavioral interventions are considered first-line therapy.
If resources are unavailable, physicians should
carefully weigh the risks of drug therapy at an early age
with those associated with delayed diagnosis and treatment.

For children aged 6 to 11,
there's combination medication and behavioral therapy .
Evidence for use of stimulants in this age group is strong.
For older children, treatment should begin with medication.
Behavioral therapy may be prescribed,
but data on it in this age group
are not as strong as in younger patients.
Medication for ADHD should be titrated to achieve
maximal benefits with minimal adverse events.
) .
. one problem the "(minimal adverse events) criteria
is that the some of the most notable adverse events
come later;
according to Dr.Breggin,
the use of stimulants will inhibit growth;
and, in households where diet is not conservative,
it can lead to hypertension, and enlarged heart .
. stimulants may increase the risk of
other psychiatric disorders (ocd,
schizophrenia-like disorders,
depression, suicidal ideations).


#antipsychotics are a total outrage

3.15: are a total outrage:

Sandra G. Boodman 03-14-12:
Adriane Fugh-Berman, a physician, and associate professor
of pharmacology at Georgetown University,
was stunned by the question:
Two graduate students who had
no symptoms of mental illness
wondered if she thought they should take
a powerful schizophrenia drug
each had been prescribed to treat insomnia.
"It's a total outrage," said Fugh-Berman,
"These kids needed some basic sleep [advice],
like reducing their intake of caffeine and alcohol,
not a highly sedating drug."
. some of the public may not be aware
that physicians are not only outraged by
inappropriate use of psychiatric drugs,
but often also feel that the entire field of psychiatry
is "a total outrage" because they profess the very notion
that psychosis is a neurotransmitter imbalance
in need of a rebalancing medication .

. honest scientists will tell you something else:
emotions and chronic stress cause these imbalances;
and, the only reason for medications
is if your state doesn't have the money
to provide a secure environment for the mentally ill:
one that calms emotions, and reduces stress .

. remember that even when hallucinations exist,
they are no worse than reality;
both can be called the subject's environment,
and what makes mental illness dangerous
is not the hallucination,
but the policy of taking the law into one's own hands .
. what people are really afraid of from the mentally ill,
is the likelihood of responding to stress in an illegal way
because the mentally ill often believe in
pervasive conspiracies that would cause one to
lose faith in our legal system .

. the other problem that medications try to solve
is emotional contagion:
when people can't hold their emotions,
then those emotions get transmitted to others .

. finally there is the non-obvious problem:
what the psychiatrists are calling hallucinations
are really artifacts of supernatural disorders,
where people are exchanging thoughts silently
via devil-synchronized daydreams .
. this can cause great emotional distess,
as people have no way of controlling
what they {think, said} to others .
. these shared thoughts can be
esp'ly damaging in the workplace;
because, we have to be there -- and stay there --
for what seems like forever .
. if something evil is rubbing off on you,
it's got a lot of time to do that rubbing .
. if many are feeling you rub them the wrong way,
that's not a halucination,
and you may not even be mentally ill,
yet we should consider you to be socially challenged,
and there should be special programs for you,
that find an employment setting where you can fit in .

. if on the other hand, we chose to give you meds,
then you get diabetes, and raise our medicaid bills .
. capitalism can be efficient;
and christianity can be merciful;
but, when you try to mix them,
please don't think you get merciful efficiency .

. that would be a delusion,
unless it was religiously recognized ...
-- that gem can be found in the psychiatrist's dsm IV
(diagnostic and statistical manual).
. do you see what psychiatry is doing?
it's an army of politicians not scientists .
. it doesn't matter that the "superstitious" might have
more insight or more proof
than conventional religious theories;
what matters is,
who is funding psychiatrists ? .
. psychiatrists had to stop calling
homosexuality a disorder,
and, in time, they will also have to stop calling
parapsychology a delusion .
. a belief in parapsychology is a key part
of the current schizophrenia diagnosis;
that's why they are called psychotic,
because they believe in what is
perfectly possible according to parapsychology .