Showing posts with label zionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zionism. Show all posts


300 #holocaust survivors say boycott #Israel

8.28: news.pol/zionism/300 #holocaust survivors say boycott #Israel:`about Saturday, August 23rd:
A letter signed by 40 survivors of the Nazi genocide
and 287 descendants of survivors and victims
ran as a half-page ad in the Saturday, August 23rd
New York Times.
The letter has been getting an overwhelming response.


#zionism in the age of #liberal capitalism

4.8: pol/zionism/in the age of liberal capitalism:
. why would the zionists in this day and age
decide that they had to have
that particular piece of land?
. hopefully, the god had created the
age of liberal capitalism
just so those interested in living within
a community dedicated to Judaism,
could use their economic strength
to buy whole neighborhoods for their own kind,
where they can build a temple
and call that place another new Israel;
they pick an endless fight with the Muslims:
and give us no way out of world war III .
. one flaw in that theory of mine
is that every place that allows Jewish domination
requires separation of church and state;
so you could never have a New Israel
exactly because the liberal's idea of justice
has been meant to keep every city from becoming a
ChristainTown that oppresses women, gays, and Jews .


#usa was and is stingy with #Jewish immigration #5777

8.27: news.pol/zionism/usa was and is stingy with Jewish immigration:
9.6: summary:
. this is my edit of an article by
tabletmag's Mark Oppenheimer August 27, 2014 
[ with my comments in brackets ];
. this article reminds us that some Jewish people
are not that excited about Zionism
but the usa offers them no place to go but Israel
when things are getting much hotter for Judaism
in Europe, but also soon in Israel .
. it seems obvious that Zionism will lead to WWIII
and that is going to devastate not only Israel,
but major cities in the usa, by Fall 2016 .
. we should invite more of the Jewish gene pool
into rural america .


Antichrist war is officially declared

news.pol/purges/wwIII/Antichrist war is officially declared: Aug. 21, 2014:
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
ISIS has an "apocalyptic, end-of-days" vision 
that will eventually have to be defeated.


national security challenge of the 21st century

30: news.pol/purges/wwIII/national security challenge of the 21st century: news:
Aspen Security Forum in Colorado,
 A panel of experts discussed the specter of
terrorists armed with WMD's (weapons of mass destruction)
-- nuclear, biological, chemical, etc .
Among the panelists was Andrew C. Weber,
assistant secretary of defense for
nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs .


United Countries vs United Communities #Israel #Ukraine #WWIII

7.24: pol/United Countries vs United Communities:
. the purpose of the coming wwIII is to
give military muscle to the United Nations (UN);
and, I'm concerned about what sort of government
the UN will be enforcing globally .
. it seems like much of the world is aligned with
the policies of usa-Israel rather than Russia;
and it's likely the WWIII winner will determine
what sort of UN the world must be subject to .
. this concerns me because the usa strongly supports
the will of countries over communities .
. obviously there are some bad communities
( slavers, nazis, and fascists ),
but look what usa has done with good communities:

2014-06-26 remembers WWI 100 years ago

25: news.pol/purges/wwIII/ remembers WWI 100 years ago:
"One day the great European War will come out of
some damned foolish thing in the Balkans."
This prophecy came in 1888,
from German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck,
and On June 28, 1914, the excuse for WWI happened
with the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne,
while visiting Sarajevo, the capital of the
Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia-Herzegovina
and a center of unrest against foreign rule.
. it lead to the downfall of the Ottoman Empire
which sowed the seeds of the current troubles
in the Middle East .


Ralph Nader`Unstoppable corporate state #illuminati

5.3: news.pol/gemini/illuminati/Ralph Nader`Unstoppable corporate state:
Ralph Nader`Unstoppable: 
The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State
. he's too late .
. Nader is right about our country being hijacked,
but it was pawned by the illuminati not free capitalists
-- the pro-War-on-Terror hawks:
the freemason and christian zionists --
completely pawn the Republicans and Democrats;
so, Nader's Right-Left Alliance voters will be impotent .
. the illuminati have a civilization to save/dominate
before the anti-zionist world wakes up to the secret physics
of beam weapons, free energy, and anti-gravity propulsion .
. this is why a bunch of America's smartest
don't seem to be worrying about petty national issues
like popular disapproval or currency collapse .

2014-04-16`animal sacrifice during wwII

3.22: relig/judaism/`animal sacrifice during wwII:
. in thisamericanlife's interpretation of the bible,
the god is portrayed as declaring
the perfect form of worship is animal sacrifice;


anti-christ war 3.23

pol/purges/wwIII/anti-christ war 3.23:
. march 23rd was said to be significant 
"Celestial Sign could mark the beginning of the end"
and so I gathered some news for that day .


Chosen people are highest-tech capitalistic imperialists

16: relig/Judaism/Chosen people are highest-tech capitalistic imperialists:
. we were discussing the idea of
the Jewish people being the chosen ones,
and I was saying that
from what I understood of the Chosen
they Jewish people include anyone who is
an imperialist with the best high tech;
but it's also important to mention capitalism .


Israel advances desalination

11: pol/desalination/Israel advances desalination:
desalination can be mainstreamed:
. Israel desalinizes water for a cost of
53 cents per cubic meter;
desalinizing 1,000 US gallons (3,800 L) of water
can cost as little as $3 .
. modern technologies, such as
the Seawater Greenhouse,
use solar energy to desalinate seawater
for agriculture and drinking uses
in an extremely cost-effective manner.
alternet 2010:
. by 2014, Israel's desalination plants
might provide 33% of their drinking water.
. reverse osmosis technology
is used by the Hadera plant
(the world's largest using such technology);
it does not involve heating the sea water .


you have 2 choices to make #wwIII #globalization #nationalism #catholicism

10: pol/purges/wwIII/you have 2 choices to make:
. wwIII is obviously going to happen
as usa defends zionists in Israel,
while Russia defends Arab regimes against
being undermined by usa's cia,
which in turn means that Russia is defending "terrorism"
(anti-zionist guerrilla warfare operations
punishing usa and Israel).

. in the bigger picture, the purpose of WWIII
is to decide who will be the global leader
of the modern world:
will it be usa's brand of democracy
and attention to human rights ?
or will it be something from russia
promoting orthodox christian views
as they rally against bible-sex deviants ?


universal calendar #5777 idealized lunation

1.5: summary:
. part of my logging routine involves
copying a template of month folders
that contain files for each annual date:
each file in a month folder
starts with a date and some event's name,
such as: sched/12 dec/25 christmas.txt .
. ever since hearing about the prophesies of
Hebrew year 5777 (2016.fall ... 2017.fall)
I have been interested in Jewish and Islamic events;
so, I was looking for a way to add them
to my year's logging template .
. the jewish calendar is lunisolar,
and the islamic calendar is lunar,
so while their events are on
a particular monthly date,
their months are shifting around
within the calendar that modernity uses,
I devised an idealized lunation system,
that assigns their months to particular days,
aligned with the equinoxes of the year 5777 .
. also, there are many usa calendar events
that are shifting their date annually
because they are defined as being on
something like the 1st monday of a month;
so, in order to fix a date for these,
I had to choose a particular year,
and, again, the year I chose was 5777 .


#wwIII #EMP takes out #water pumps

11.2: attack as omen:
. having my computer broken reminds me
I have been forgetting about prepping for
disasters that may take away water as well as computing .

25: essentials:
. water at about $1 per gal 20*5gal
. water disinfectant drops and solar oven .


#wwIII, #9-11, #illuminati and #Israel policy

11.20: sci.pol/purges/gemini/illuminati
/international denial of beam weapons:
. suppose all the superpowers with beam weapons
agreed to hide their knowledge of it because
it could fundamentally change the war game
and actually prevent wars?
well, most likely it's like the nuke:
just because we have nukes to end all war
doesn't mean we can't agree to have lesser wars;
and the main reason for hiding beam weapons
could be to avoid having the muslims get them .
. right now the big players are judeochristian:
usa, russia, israel .
. muslims have been downright suicidal about israel;
so, having them get beam weapons
would be quite the show .

27: pol/purges/gemini/illuminati/
wwIII, 9-11, illuminati and Israel policy:

. the globalized elites are going to
use israel to start wwIII,
so the world can decide who the leader is
of the one world gov that will bring peace .
. I do believe in bible prophesy dates because
the illuminati is using religion to start the war,
and it's important to them that the war's timing
coincides with the bible's prophesies .

#obama sneaking muslims in

24: co.fb/pol/obama/sneaking muslims in:
ABC News Uncovers Obama Admin Has
Flooded America With Islamic Terrorists
Disguised As Iraqi Refugees abstract:
On August 8, 2013 NTEB News warned you of
the plan by the Obama Administration
to sneak into the country scores of
highly-trained Muslim terrorist
disguised as refugees from war-torn Iraq and Syria.
my retort:
as if dem's diluting christian vote with muslims
would hurt jewish people;
I recall hearing on npr lately
a jewish american who was returning to germany
and said as she left,
that americans had obstructed jewish escape from nazi's
by limiting immigration at a very critical time
-- that happened on a christian's watch .


ra-el as jesus returned #WWIII

12.19: news.relig/christianity/ra-el as jesus returned:

EmpiricalData `WikiLeaks : LEAKED 
- U.N. Briefing On Alien God Arrival
. this vid features a ufo sighting
that is interpreted like so:
as ra-el's spirit was carried into heaven
from the base of mount olive
so too would he return 2011.1.28:
that is when the ufo with advanced acceleration
hovered over jerusalem, at the mount of olives .
"( the "son of man" would become "the son of god" ).

. this vid goes on to blame earthquakes and hurricanes
on the wrath of ra-el warning us to believe;
but, the sighting of ufo's should clue us in
there is a lot here we don't know about
like classified beam weapons 
that can cause all this bad weather
and even earthquakes . however, there is
 an implied understanding of beam weapons
as the ra-el site is interested in alien invasions
 predicted by bible codes to happen during
 Israel's big 2014-2015 change .


#nsa forces Torvalds' hand? #linux

12.14: intro:
see NSA backdoors all encryption software

12.12: news.cyb/sec/linux/nsa forces Torvalds' hand?:
. MIT-educated cryptographer and Linux developer
Theodore Ts'o stated publically that
he was happy with his decision to resist
earlier pleads from Intel engineers
to have that operating system commit entirely to
RDRAND [intel's on-chip routine] for encryption:
"Relying solely on the hardware random number generator
which is using an implementation sealed inside a chip
which is impossible to audit
is a BAD idea" . Now just three months later,
FreeBSD is rescinding their reliance on Intel and Via’s RNGs.
[by contrast:]
When a petition began circulating in mid-Sept
imploring Linux to stop relying on RDRAND,
one of the OS’s leading developers, Linus Torvalds,
called those who made those pleads "Ignorant" .