Showing posts with label communitarianism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communitarianism. Show all posts


fig-leafing our responsibility to children

1.13: relig/bible/genesis/privatization of parenting:
[1.21: . capitalists and communists are still arguing about
whether privatization of production is an evil,
yet they are both still making a mess,
and they both agree on the worst evil,
privatized reproduction(parenting):
it is the primary source of drug abuse, drug wars,
schizophrenia(mass rejection), and mass murder .]
. that realization
gave me this spin of the genesis story:
. god insists nothing should be private:
(genitals should remain in public view)
but after Adam's snake gave Eve
that first taste of fruiting
-- a harsh labor, and countless childhood emergencies --
they both decided it would be best if they
put all their troublesome differences out of sight .
. that, of course,
was the end of the first perfect garden .
. slavery is also a constant theme in the bible:
we have to put fig leaves between
the poor and the rich,
the mgt and labor,
your parenting style vs mine .
. the genesis author's god was right:
things should be specialized,
and things should not be private .
. secrets are not sure security,
but they are a sure source of power abuse .
. we should be able to inspect and have a say in
all things that can have an influence on us .
. I'm not saying that's an enforceable rule,
but it's where perfected technology is heading,
simply because that technology by definition
will make such per-module omniscience possible;
that is, it can enforce separate environments
and enable awareness of everything in
one's own environment .


purges throughout the ages

. I had so much fun in wiki the past month
learning about the supercycles of history .
. it started with the wondering about the
people around the Great Wall of china .
. this lead me to Stalin,
and the wide world of
purgings throughout the ages!
. there I found I had so much to learn
about the pervasiveness of slavery,
the persecution of Jews and communalism .
. I've just started making a summary timeline
of these topics, and I include some here,
but the final project can be found at a knol:
purges throughout the ages:
supercycles of free parenting, free enterprise, and privacy rights .
. the world has been, and continues to be
an agonizing replay of unchecked growth,
invasions, enslavements, and mass murders;
empire after empire:
war, slavery, and property rights
have been our only birth control .


anti-communitarianisms by Niki Raapana

through her acl site
and in case anyone would like to avoid being
dragged slow-motion through the hate & porn
I transcribed them here
so you can study some
anti-communitarian propaganda
from a safe distance .

. all nations agreed in 1992
into regions under UN control;
the UN was created by communists,
fabian socialists, internat'bankers,
british & dutch royalty, and amer'capitalists .
. the usa and most other congresses,
make new laws every day
that take away your rights
in the name of sustainability
esp'ly for the sake of global warming
(later renamed climate change) .
. UN local agenda 21
defines "(sustainable)
as amer's needing to
balance their individual rights
against the needs of the global community

. shows a policy square and each one's
focus on {community, individual}:
## left-right
liberal, dem:
-- economic comm,
-- cultural individ .
conservative, repub:
-- cultural comm,
-- economic individ .
## upper-lower
-- economic comm,
-- cultural comm .
-- cultural individ,
-- economic individ .

. obama was trained to trick amer's
into adopting community values .
. his philosophy of community
is the same as EU founders:
jean monnet and robert schumann
who slipped some communitarian law
into the first EU trade agreement .
. now the basis for global law
is communitarian supremacy
-- over all state constitutions .

. obama was taught by his mentors
at the northwestern univ's
communitarian network
and by communist activist Saul Alinsky's
who taught the american colonial version
of building a global community
"(block by block).

. communitarianism is the emerging
supra-national system of community rules
and the new global religion .

--[that has the same red spiral
as debian linux .]

image of book: my brother's keeper .

. prof' McNight's role in
obama's rise to power:

quietly similar to 1970's
amer'press coverage of the
democratic khmer rouge
and their rise to power in cambodia ...
... was never scrutinized by the press .

Obama's committment to community building
is the key to his amazing success .

image of black unicorn
on pink construction paper
with a brilliant rainbow
flowing from its rear .

. ABCD (asset based community development)
is the friendlier way to gather
personal info for the fed,
a mapping and db program
used by community dev's to identify
"(bad weeds) and valuable skills people .

. the old DARPA insignia was the
seal of "(info awareness office)
with a dollar's eye-topped pyramid
behind the globe, as if eyeing the usa .
. the new logo is:
"(. darpa . 50 years .
bridging the gap, powered by ideas )
with "(darpa) in front of the globe .

image of depressed guy with caption:
"(nothing is real).
image of woman drinking coffee
by bending backwards to hold mug with feet
while sipping it .

community economic development:
always sustainable.
image of USSR flag during war .
image of street sign with warning
lic'#'s are recorded for war on
drug dealing and prostitution .

community policing:
is no joke .
image of a clown being arrested .
grade school cartoon of dog in police uniform
with caption: "(let's work together
to prevent crime an violence)

. the violent crime act of 1994
authorized a new federal police force
charged with rebuilding communities
using communist Alinksy's method .
cartoon image of police smiles
with caption:
"( I'm going to kick your ass

character edu -- very 3rd Way:
cartoon of running naked
with caption: "(life is short . play naked!)
parody of dr.seuss's book with caption:
"(my foot in your ass) .

community faith based initiatives:

image of the seal of Theosophy
with gold writing on black and caption:
"(there is no religion higher than truth)
a snake is eating it's tail but stopped by
the tail is bulging with double-lined nazi sign
in the middle is up-pointing double-line triangle,
and a matching down-pointing triangle
like the star of david .
. in the middle of that is the Ankh
. above all that is arabic with moon & star .

cartoonized image of obama
with a shining globe on his forehead .
image of church sign advertising:
"(the most powerful position is on your knees)

domestic violence act
and victim's rights:

image of book: "(the rape of nanking) .
-- they were burning their children alive
to avoid being arrested by fed's .

identical communitarian laws
are often passed in many nations
on the same day ...
almost as if there's a plan .
image of cat as viking
with caption: "(GOD WILLS IT).

mandatory community service:
criminals and students only .. (so far )

image of tide washing over
"(freedom) written in the sand .

image of comical poster of
native amer's with guns
"( homeland security:
fighting terrorism since 1492 .)
image of campers with hunting rifles .
image of palestinian stoning an israeli tank .

community councils:
self-appointed do-gooders .
"(at the root of better gov')

LA (local agenda) 21 project:
image of this projected in a graph
showing it networked with:
( environment center;
residents's assoc's,
NGO's, and other citizen level partners;
helsinki businesses;
other public admn's;
resident-managed local projects and campaigns;
urban facts;
city office,
steering group;
city council,
city board;
regional level ).

cartoon of hands raised to a fish above
with caption: fish worship .
image of "(salmon nation) .
cartoon of smoky the bear
with shovel and telling kids:
"(let's [defecate] in the woods) .
image of "(go green) ad' .

community visions:
(amer's have no idea
they all agreed on these)

neighborhood plans:
following mandates in UN local agenda 21

Local Agenda 21
sustainable development through
local partnerships .
image connects it to 3 things:
# local authority:
(city, municipal, district, ...)
# private sector:
(busi' and industr' informal sector)
# community:
(public, consumers, NGO, CBO, residents assoc,
prof' bodies, mass media, ...)

comical 1950's poster captioned:
"(world's highest std of living:
there's no way like the amer' way)
and in front of it is a soup line
with mostly people whose color
did not include that of anyone in the poster .

it's the ultimate Third Way, baby!
a bridge between our churches and community.

poster of 3rd-world africans
wanted for genocide .

a raised automatic rifle captioned:
"(the rise of israel)
a traffic sign pointing directions to "(hell..)
a white-face reimaging of obama captioned:
"(communitarian) .


Jon Justice sneers at sure justice

3.24: news.pol/jon justice sneers at sure justice:
. ironic how Jon Justice radio show
sneers at sure justice:
speeder-catching cam's are
"(the gov't watching you!)
. but perhaps the real point is that
speed limits are an obnoxious democracy
imposed where consensus could have worked:
eg, consensus would be where
your taxes pay for the roads with
the speed*mass you want:
. the most practical way is to
restructure our city planning
as gated communities that minimize commuting
by use of work-based residences .
. everything you need can be biked to
or trucked in with an internet sale .
. the shop docks are at the wall to minimize truck traffic,
the walls are composed of doughnut strip malls .
. then people can drive between these gated communities
at any speed they want .

teach a man to ... "(oh, fish!)

3.22: pol/teach a man to ... "(oh, fish!):
"(Give a man a fish
and you feed him for a day.
Teach him how to fish
and you feed him for a lifetime.)
. seeing this in the context of
protesting against proprietary software,
I realized that such secret.ware
is just another way of
controlling population by marginalizing it .
. teach a man to fish,
and he reproduces until the pond is empty;
then he's clubbing to control the next pond .
. give the masses a right to
improve your product
and the masses will do your job
for mere beans .
) .

police are human beings

3.22: pol/drug war/police are human beings:

. what was that police officer thinking
when he said drug laws help catch
other criminals?
drug laws single-handedly create
so much heavy crime! [3.28: well, combined with
the use of anonymous cash and privacy rights ...]

. we need to legalize sales,
then have drug testing for
places where it matters .
. if your drugs violate your job,
you lose your job;
if your drugs are used while driving,
you get jailed .
. another option is going cashless:
use smartcards so that drug trades
are not anonymous .
. a problem then is bartering, eg,
human trafficking to support drug exchanges .

. robotic scanners in cars
can tell when driver is impaired .
. public scanning can keep drug use private .
. police are humans; they don't
stand a chance with that cowboy job
against militant drug gangs .
. if there's no reason to
inspect for drugs,
there's no reason to prevent drug use .

3.23: pol/surface oriented architecture:
. "(service) sounds like "(surface);
and the significance of that freudian slip
is esp'ly revealed by the term "(service member)
used in the context of service in war;
as in military policies that routinely use soldiers
like skin, where dead cells are used as shields .

how money is the root of evil

3.20: co.apt/pol/how money is the root of evil:

. unlike credit's circle of trust
through 3rd party accountability,
money as cash is anonymous
making it easy to cheat consumers
or hide illegal transactions (see drug war).

co.apt/pol/root of all evil:
. the root of all evil is
secrecy for the sake of some's security
or financial competitiveness .
. private-sourcing a voting machine?
what were they thinking?

[. to say root of evil is money
would be true only if identifying money
as being a mere symbol for what is actually power
which usually means not just absolute power
but relative power as measured against
what power the competition has .
. trade secrets and privacy rights
are the primary tools of staying in power;
but, they are also the root of the devil's power
-- in that they are the root of all evil .

. to say that money is the root
is to ask how money differs from
power and secrecy,
and to ask what the alt's to money are .

. people who work for a product
they'll use
may not make a better looking product
and it might even have
obsolescence built in,
but it surely won't be
insidiously poisonoius,
either to the consumer
or the producer's neighbors .

. if there was only bartering
rather than money ?

. money is a convenient way of
metering wealth,
which is important when
people tend to demand more
than the stores will supply .
. the bottlenecks include
the reproduction of too many consumers,
some perceived difficulty with
being a producer,
some reason for limiting precursors,
and when a fear of shortages
encourages hording or gluttony .

. when there is perfect knowledge
(no secrets) then,
if we are in control of ourselves,
we can likely reason with people
about sharing
both in production and consumption .
. unfortunately, it's no secret
we have no control over reproduction;
so, the only way to encourage
is to promise supplies to those who
save money,
even in a world of gluttons ...]
[3.28: where the capacity to save wealth
may simply be used to consume excessively .]

3.18: pol/

. when I heard this author (
explain what was setting us back,
I didn't know he was talking about african slaves:
his description seemed to apply to everyone:
. when we came to this country
[esp'ly for the industrial revolution]
we were stripped of our language, culture, family
-- everything !
. how many people can say they relate to
the european cultures of their forefathers?
all but the english lost their language too .
. we have nobody but the
boss and the state now;
and, of course,
the reason there's this ongoing
fight about getting too cozy
with the state (and welfare)
is that the boss in america
is typically not family
and has not one shred of loyalty .
. this would seem like a perfect reason for
mass imprisonment
but somehow the russian communists can match us .
(maybe it's the way
communism treats them like the homeless;
owning nothing but rights to a cot in a shelter?
-- nothing much to lose ... will often lose it;
then again,
they could be political activists
or unsharing types ) .

. has a guest who provided this link .

fair and balanced 2.0

3.16: co.apt/pol/fair and balanced 2.0:
. the featured guest of (3.16)
-- let's call him co.pol#fair and balanced 2.0 --
was a vegan and animal rights activist
when a caller had an interesting opposition:
. like the rest of god's jungle,
we can be a caring, humane hunter
one who takes only clean, painless shots;
and who serves a natural function
of controlling destructively growing populations .
. this vegan actually said
that if we can be such
naturally good pop'controllers
we should feel comfortable with
controlling our own population!
. is this not real "(fair and balanced) ?!
I then shouted to my co.apt's
in glee:
. the fat lady did sing!
so what's the problem?
even the truth socks!
[. as if mocking the typical amer':
the enviro'rights sock,
the civil rights sock,
the animal'rights sock,
-- now we have to admit: even the truth sucks! ]
. who is this guy? Johnathan Balcombe:
author of {second nature, pleasurable kingdom};
unfortunately, he's no saint:
. what does he feed his cats? is it meat?
they ask, trying to trap him;
they did trap him on something else:
. he points out that while cats do need meat
humans have a choice to be vegans;
does he know what torture it is
for cats and dogs to be fed
the cereal-poisoned crap
we call their normal diet?
. at least he's an example of
how people can truly care about animal`feelings
yet torture them out of ignorance .

web.pol/fair and balanced 2.0/Enthologists:

. co.pol#[fair and balanced 2.0]
was also into enthology?
that is a little-used title, according to google;
here are some examples:
Q: What are the job opportunities in forestry and wildlife
Enthology is the scientific study of animal behaviour
in its natural environment.
An enthologist studies and analyses the
evolution, behaviour, biological functions of an organism
in its natural environment.
. a fresh graduate in forestry can expect less salary than
one who is in the research field
or working as Enthologists, ...

Modeling Top Performers -- A systems approach to interventions:
"Why it that some of our sales staff perform at a high level
while others do not?". As behavioral researchers,
like the enthologists,
we had to go to the environment
to see what the top performers were doing
that was different from the other sales people.

crying about aliens we breed

3.9: pol/health care/crying about aliens we breed:

. isn't ironic ?
a foundation of american values is owning
and being responsible for property .
. this was one major reason that
the natives never fit in the picture:
being nomadic was tantamount to
abandoning your property .
. now why is it that minnesota
is just fine with obama care,
while arizona is crying about how many
healthcare clients will be illegal immigrants?
. basically, the industrial revolution
has meant that
people have abandoned their property,
no longer living with relatives
sharing housing and childrearing .
. and with that move,
there is only upward pressure
on population growth
as anybody can take a no-bene's job in usa
and turn into feeding a small army
down in the warm, cheap southern americas .
. what health care really needs,
is carrots and sticks for
population reduction .
. population is not just about
more voting power,
it's holding kids hostage .
. just as we promote owning a house,
we should promote
owning a piece of capitalism:
. the more you save,
the more voting power you have;
having more kids won't cut the power pie .
. conversely,
this nation was built on the backs of
insane laws that were repealed only recently:
welfare abuse and fatherless children
are just a symptom of
not making history right .
. the tax base needs to buy stocks or whole businesses,
and give businesses rather than jobs
to minorities .
. if they are good stewards and save a lot,
they can keep prestigious voting power .

. one problem with that idea is that
lack of political power is hardly the
main reason for high birth rates .

. american businesses need to be
treated with less privacy
both to insure safety reg's are really followed
and to insure that only citizens are hired .
. businesses should be protected from
global trade:
we only buy from places we can inspect,
and we have random inspections via
the entire public randomly viewing from
internet cameras placed on every site
that can do business .

. places for slave labor should be irradicated:
would legalized prostitution compete
at least for everything except child slavery ?
. if america would promote more communal living
like our forefathers did,
we could even put a serious damper on
child prostitution and captive nanny syndrome .

. too bad we can't internet-inspect the
brothels and hospitals
-- hell is just tenacious,
and the fig leaves will keep it that way .
. you always hear preachers warning about
wolves in sheeps clothing
and how
they know god from the devil .

free markets are freely misrepresented

3.9: rn.pol/the free markets are freely misrepresented:

. some talk radio is against changes in gov't
that are restricting the markets;
but this one is wildly deluded:
. villifying pharm's is causing them to go overseas?
the free markets themselves
are letting pharm's move their factories
to where costs are cheapest: in china,
with some major repackaging done in
nearby germany (closer than america) .
. and free markets for health insurance?
but it's not free:
we aren't free to ignore health needs
because we've been shamed into admitting
that would be immoral .
. we are not free to practice med without
cartel-priced licencing .
. people who want free market insur's
don't tell us we are free to ignore the sick
because then it would be obvious
they're not mainstream:
we are never going back to
telling the emergency wounded that
lack of an insur' card on their person
is going to put them in a body bag .

american manifest destiny

3.7: pol/american manifest destiny
(Show me Adam's will):

. suppose the typical way to
handle overpopulation
is to make harsh rules,
and then appy them only to the extras,
who then protest by making their own rules,
calling it a better religion;
the pioneering spirit was founded on
blatent extra's who couldn't just
politely negotiate renting from the natives
because the euro's were actually
pushing surplus population out of their nest .

3.9: web:

. Manifest Destiny is a 19th century term
for the belief that
europeans were destined, even divinely ordained,
to expand across the New World .

. the angel or spirit of Columbia
represents the euro'progress in north america;
the distinction was important to the brit's,
as the northern americas were where
their own had concentrated,
while other euro's invaded the southern continent .

Columbus's initial 1492 voyage came at a
critical time of growing national imperialism
and economic competition between
developing nation states seeking wealth from
the establishment of trade routes and colonies.

"Show me Adam's will!"
The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed 7 June 1494,
between Spain and Portugal,
divided the New World amongst themselves
. the line of demarcation was between
the Cape Verde Islands (already Portuguese)
and the Columbus islands (claimed for Spain),
named in the treaty as
Cipangu and Antilia (Cuba and Hispaniola).
The lands to the east would belong to Portugal
and the lands to the west to Spain.
. a few decades later,
the New World would be divided by
the Treaty of Zaragoza or Saragossa, 22 April 1529;
The treaty was historically important
in dividing Latin America,
as well as establishing Spain
in the western Pacific until 1898.
But it quickly became obsolete in North America,
and later in Asia and Africa.
It was ignored by other European nations,
whose attitude was expressed in a statement
attributed to France's King Francis I,
"Show me Adam's will!"

Amerigo (latin: Americus)
Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512) was an Italian
merchant, explorer and cartographer .
. for Portugal's exploring of the
east coast of South America,
Amerigo participated as observer, 1499 and 1502.
In 1500,
Portugal discovered Brazil at latitude 16°52'S.
. Portugal claimed this land
by the Treaty of Tordesillas,
and the King wished to know
whether it was merely an island
or part of the continent that the
Spanish had encountered farther north.
. Amerigo was aboard the ship that discovered
South America extended much further south
than previously thought.
In 1507, Martin Waldseemüller produced a world map
on which he named the new continent America
after Vespucci's first name, Amerigo
(latin: Americus) .

3.9: co.apt/pol/zionism/manifest destiny is alive!

. prominent jews have lamented
that while zionism is laudable,
circumstances make it practically inhumane;
so, I've been wondering how to buy peace;
but, where to relocate millions?
. we should give zionists our national forests!

as if a sarcastic opponent:
. as long as they're now beating up the
environmentalists and animals rights advocates;
should we let them war with the natives too?
as if they were part of the wildlife?
I just love phil .
phil, you are the sexy many of the year!

3.9: web.pol/movie"avatar:

"Avatar" awarded Best Visual Effects and Best Cinematography
. concerning its lack of Oscars
(just 3 technical's),
critics suspected political trends that
frown on being "(anti-military);
-- [The Hurt Locker].movie was also "(anti-military)
and it became the lowest-grossing film
ever to win Best Picture .
. also, the judges have problems with accepting
avatar's cartoon drawing technology (mo-cap)
as being acting, despite it being defined by
the facial expressions of actors .
. they thought Avatar had been criticized for being
and that's why "The Hurt Locker"
did better at the Oscars?
this surprised me,
as I heard from talk radio
that it was "The Hurt Locker" who appeared
too anti-military in the same way F911 was:
rubbing our nose in the job conditions .
. Avatar, on the other hand,
seemed a bit anti-american
rubbing our noses in the
Manifest Destiny politics
that cheated the American Natives .
. much of Avatar was
right out of american history:
a military machine is backing a company of
futuristic "(gold diggers)
and the best deposits happen to be
sitting on sacred burial sites .
. it was embarrassing
when the leader of the natives
starts a war against high tech machinery;
because, it occurred to me
that the leadership of american natives
may have known they didn't stand a chance,
and were actually pulling off a massive suicide
as a way of venting tribe-wide anguish .
. in the movie however,
they happily found ways for the natives
to take advantage of technical vulnerabilities
with the help of some turncoats
-- another deeply embarrassing truth:
the military is getting more technical,
with each piece getting more powerful;
and just a few turn-coating
muslim sympathizers
could do an incredible amount of
unexpected harm .
-- not to mention the shame of realizing
that if you really sympathized with
the american natives
you'd have to wish someone betrayed
your own blood .
. I wept a lot in that movie,
and not all of it was from the awesome scenery .]

3.14: pol/movie"avatar/a remake of custer's last stand:
. I'm waking up realizing
the's ending was hardly happy:
the movie was practically a remake of
custer's last stand
where the union of several tribes
were able to make a surprising victory
over superior technology .
. without a chapter where the natives are
capturing the technology,
the story's long-term outcome
is gloomily predictable .

3.15: pol/movie"avatar/the inoculation:
. the movie's happy ending was from
leaving seeds behind:
they would have the chance for
rapidly adopting tech .

3.12: co.pol/Ray Kurzweil`review of
Accelerating-Intelligence News > "Reflections on Avatar by Ray Kurzweil"
--, Mar. 8, 2010
if this mineral is indeed worth a fortune,
they would presumably come back
with a more capable commander.
Yet we hear Jake's voice at the end saying
the mineral is no longer needed.
If that's true, then what was the point
of the entire battle?
) [3.28:
. reminds they'll be coming back for
no other reason than their pride
or more
dead "(be f* and multiply) storage .]

[3.28: it's the economy, sir]
3.12: co.apt/pol/dem's plan is what?:
. do dem's really have what the majority wants?
that majority is crying about jobs,
and it's only getting worse
since we are on the cusp
of a robotics revolution .
. the dem's have done much to lose jobs in the past
from finance dereg,
to free trade;
and, the only thing they've got going now
is admitting that the mideast war
is no way to keep us in jobs .
. the repub's may continue
shipping our jobs overseas,
but the dem's are talking about cap&trade,
championing moderate weather over jobs now .
[. I do have faith that conversion to solar
can both create jobs and reduce global warming
but I don't see a lot news about
how that's crystalizing .]
. and, it doesn't solve the relentless
overpopulation problem .
. it's only been solved before by crime and wars
--- hello?
is anyone getting tired of being taxed for prisons?
when does it end? ]

3.26: co.apt/pol/gold digger was the main menu, christian:

. I had just heard of another psychology experiment
showing how cruel people will be
when prompted by authority .
. some were going, "(no, not today);
and I was going, "(no,
they don't need authority to do that!)
I then joked about talking to the pilgrims:

. the gold diggers were just a side dish, right?
they were the main course, there, christian .

as if another:
. but phil, what if their response was "(so what?) ?

[what's it really about ?
a fine amer' being fruitful and multiplying
-- into your backyard!
lets call a gold digger a gold digger:
. the main course is convenience food,
not authority, or justice .]

free capitalist's original sin

3.6: pol/free capitalist/original sin:
. to the Free Capitalists, I'd like to joke:
"( original sin is real, my friend ) .
. how do we create value
when people are creating more people
than we can really value ?
. our assumptions about being able to
freely exchange
falls from not being able to control
parents get value from children often only by
reducing value of the world around them:
owning children insures that
more of the world is loyal to you,
and often also insures
a better chance of being employed .
. even if we let capitalism operate freely,
this collective overgrowth of the labor force
means that many of them will choose crime
or will unfairly lower the value
of the entire labor force,
as their numbers increase the group's desperation
to the point of "(willing) slavery .
. this growing sea of more desperate slaves
are at greater risk of turning to crime
opportunistically .
. this is not just about
something looming in the future:
it was this discontent
with being the child of poverty
that drove Europeans to colonize other lands .
. there's nothing free about
any capitalism that doesn't
control population somehow
-- either by lottery, democracy, meritocracy,
or by waging wars --
to create new owners among fewer people .

3.7: pol/wealth of rations:
. wealth through pop'control
is what we're already doing:
it's the magic of land owner-ship
any excess labor can pile up in city soup lines
and the families that manage to stay wealthy
don't see any over pop' at all .


any low-crime societies?

11.24: web.pol/any low crime societies?:

. very cool site with rich set of views:
click a country to see all the variables per country .

yun, ilhong, American Society of Criminology, 2009-10-26
Confucianism serves as the origin of reintegrative shaming
as well as low crime rates in East Asia, including Japan.
It also shows how Confucianism relates to
communitarianism, interdependence, and social dynamics that affect crime rates.
Finally, it suggests a strong moral education, both formal and informal,
as a potential way to decrease high crime rates in the United States.


prodigal parenting

9.10: relig/prodigal parenting:
. origin of "(prodigal):
Latin`prodigus: lavish .
Latin`prodigiosus; prodigium: portent (see prodigy ).
Latin`portentum: omen, token; portendere.verb (see portend ).
Latin`portendere; pro-: forth + tendere: stretch.

. the industrial parents both worked in a factory;
they wanted to earn all the things that factories can provide!
. what pay is there in parenting?
we want our pay now!
. thus, the industrials would let their children run wild,
having them watched by the ambitionless,
rather than engaged by the tutors .

. then when it came time for the children to watch the elders;
many of them just didn't get it .
. the prodigal parents came begging to society:
will you build more prisons for my feral children ?
. more institutions for my elders ?
. oh Lord, Jesus Christ,
nothing is more precious than these children .

. as part of the huge pork bar-b-q
to welcome back the industrial family,
they had a team of psychologists look into
what happened to the children:

. it wasn't just that they didn't want to work;
without a history of sociability and performance,
no one trusted them to work .
. those few who would hire them were wolves,
. we don't have the money to do this job safely,
thank goodness, the industrials are expendable .
. every day our technologies are replacing more jobs,
and yet they keep having more ferals .
. there are so many of the poor, untrusted ones;
all we need is a few friends to work with .

. if only there were too few workers
the working conditions would certainly improve then:
it would be a worker's market then .
) .
. [12.21: ever since ? wars have always propped up economic systems:
[/][even with] industrial times,]
they used wars to prop up their economy:
. there's just no work for the industrials;
but we do have a war [12.21: to win;
for the ferals are desperate,
and it's a good time to fight ... in mYour backyard .]
) .

8.8: co.apt/pol/jobs lost:
. imagine this is a thousand years ago;
you see we are such nothing,
struggling with service jobs, not sure of our fate .
. our forefathers' knowledge lost to
a trust that the industrials will employ us .

8.13: rn.pol/walmart revolution unsustainable:
. Walmart's revolution is considered unsustainable
because it relies too much on lowering wages
while many things needed by those earners
can't be sold by low cost walmart;
so their employees get cheated for the good of the others .
. their main money-saving was not stopping shoplifters,
but rather transforming the distribution system
by which goods are taken from various producers
and given to particular consumer outlets .
. many jobbers and other middlemen were eliminated .

8.19: co.apt/pol/what they mean by family values:
. look how the wars stopped chewing on the extra population;
now they check over-pop' by making laws about no car-camping, etc,
there's no place safe to go unless you have a submarine .
. if you don't have a sure job or a family to bunk with,
you're in big trouble .

10.9: pol/reasons for incarceration in usa and russia?:
. what russia and usa have in common in order to be
by far the largest incarcerators
is having a system that disrupts
local communities as law enforcers
by obviating the need for local support
either by having support doled out by the welfare state
or by the promise of new jobs around the corner .

co.apt/pol/platitudes for a delusional constituency:
. obama is sneered at for giving white-lie platitudes?
he has to give platitudes,
because his main constituency (the poor)
doesn't want to hear about being reasonable
(and letting the rich have the kids) .
. in fact, the poor -- to which is speaking mostly to --
have actually taken the nuclear option,
deciding to deliberately use over-population
to build their democratic power by brute numbers
(even if it means crying for virtual communism or abusing their kids) .

10.23: co.apt/pol/pop-controller should be saved wealth:
. co.pol/rn"neil.bortz
has berated an uneducated construction worker
for having 4 kids when money good
but job can't last in hard times?
. in fact, you shouldn't depend on education either!
. women should trust neither income nor edu'
but in savings:
find the older man who's done being a shark
with time to father ...
[12.29: at least if communal parenting is not an option .]

10.28: co.apt/pol/the good points among the economic classes:
. where I agree with the wealthy class
is that you can't have a welfare state
without also mandating a democratic control of reproduction
to put some limit on
how many people we need to find jobs or lunches for .
. however,
one pro-labor move I'd insist on
is keeping the wealthy from taking our jobs
-- and what liars:
Bush was regurgatating their blue pill:
"( greencarders take only those jobs
that americans don't want )
. actually the employers don't advertize those jobs
because they are already hooked up with greencarders
who cost them much less to employ by not being citizens
so that they pay no {unempl, ss, medicare } taxes
as they would for employing citizens .

11.7: pol/real economic growth:
. so much of a "(healthy growing economy) is just such fluff;
making so much junk is what causes
such shifts in buying patterns
as to cause upwards of 25% unemployment .
. if depending on capitalism
then market corrections are inevitably going to create
the same feast-famine cycles
we take as so much bible-old .
. what family values really need to be
is home class values:
. just as a successful business has a mix of products
for selling in both boom and bust,
home communes are based on farms
with back to farm for bad times .
. instead of owning your home,
you do have stock in a farm,
and if there are no vacancies in farmable communes,
you call that situation an overpopulation problem .

11.18: Climate Petition:
#pol Sign the UN Climate Petition |
real hope is population reduction

11.21: pol/making smooth transition to the age of automation:
. use gov funds to buy stock in labor saving tech
so even as jobs are being reduced,
incomes are being increased
and acting a 2nd source of income to fall back on
for those who lose jobs to robots .
. then, use taxes and bonuses of this money to reduce population;
ie, everyone gets a check for being a stock owner,
but people with more kids get a smaller check .

11.26: co.apt/pol/communes for traffic reduction:
. if we lived in communes like the" the walton's
-- seems unamerican doesn't it? --
then we could have groups conserve on driving
by specialize a few members as shared drivers
to reduce the need to give licenses to people on meds .
[and reduce traffic generally ] .

11.26: co.self/pol/overpopulation inflates rents:
. caring for the disabled and other unemployed's
would not be so costly if family values were stronger
such that it was taboo not to invite unemployed relative to share housing .
. we could then reduce pay-outs
to just a person's grocery needs (food stamps) .
. the $800 size typical of today's rents
is not due to the actual costs of maintaining the property
but a sheer function of market demand:
. capitalists are getting what they can from the market
asking not what it costs for me to be mgt,
but how much more can I get from the market after evicting you .
. that's why the soviet's major act was evicting landowners;
most were using their property to charge rent
for housing the state's people [and their productions]
[. likely a few rich owned all the land,
not like the american dream where the realty lots are so tiny
that one owner is mgt for one rental unit .]

12.30: pol/prodigal walmart:
. walmart is sustainable if they
let employees do dry docking in their parking lot
(as they are often graciously allowing rv'ing customers) .
. free rent like that
is removing half the inflation gouge in usa .
. walmart may still have a problem with forced overtime,
and they could have a problem with local authorities:
our idea of a living wage (if not a family wage)
does not include letting people camp in public! .