
before there were ants, there was Light

. before there were ants, there was Light!
. this is my new ant farm showing off its light show:
Fascinations AntWorks Colors of Life
(see vid of lights changing).


New Israel -- preventing #WWIII

. could we, in the USA,
humbly offer the Jews of the world
a chance to all be peacefully Zionist
with some ocean-side national park land
to call their own,
for an everlasting, sovereign New Israel
away from Islam's center of mass?


turning the other cheek

1.24: web.relig/jc/turning the other cheek:

. a signature value of JC was
turning the other cheek;
he said if you are sued for your coat,
you should offer them your shirt also;
what was the context of that ?


#Israel just had an election #WWIII #crimeWave #apocalypse #911neocons

news.pol/purges/WWIII/#Israel just had an election
 #WWIII #crimeWave #apocalypse #911neocons:
. the bottom falls out after an election?
notice israel just had their presidential election;
that may have been the real election in USA too,
since USA's shadow gov is zionist(jewish or christian).
. the pro-settler party did well?
that is amazing .
the settlers are what gave zionism a bad name .
. wwIII is just around the corner, for sure .
. it's predicted that a new form of money
would make USA's current cash worthless?

I'm seeing the new system will be bartering
forced upon USA because of a massive banking failure
after USA is thrown into the stone age by an ebomb .
. USA is hit with a sky nuke or other EMP bomb
that knocks out all electronics in all devices,
and knocks out all the electricity
that is needed to run the phone and internet
that is needed by banking .
. most USA people are on gov assistance,
and now they won't be able to get their echecks,
and won't be able to cash their mailed checks ...
. with the power down there will be a crime wave .


real #NIBIRU danger -- not about planet X

10.2: web.purges/overpopulation/
nibiru cataclysm's political symbolism
12.24: summary:
. NIBIRU (Non-Inflationary Birth-Inflated
Rate of Unemployment)
. the NIBIRU cataclysm is a disastrous encounter
between the Earth and a large planetary object
which will take place in the early 21st century.
. birth-inflated conditions are those that
depend upon overpopulation .
.  people don't slow breeding for poverty;
and, capitalists continue to replace workers with
more profitable means of production:
automation, illegals, and immorals
(uninsured slaves in polluting countries).
... therefore,
the capitalists and the hyperbreeders
are like 2 huge planets about to collide .

#Judaism the Mayan connection

9.13: web.relig/judaism/the mayan connection:
. the Hebrew and Mayans calenders both have
world creation dates that are just 647years apart .
and, how did this synchronicity occur ?


dawn in Aquarian's World

12.20: web.relig/aquarian/myan calender:
. when is the mayan calender changing?
it's friday, 12.21, [why did I think 23?];
the ancient Mayans’ long-count calendar
ends at midnight Thursday,
. archaeologists have uncovered Mayan glyphs
that refer to dates far, far beyond 2012;
an age change happens every 5,125-years .

. our understanding of the mayan calender
may be off by two years:
some think Mayan's new age started in 2010 .
. when is the actual dawning of
the age of aquarius? [2000 or 2600 ...]
are the Mayans referring to this?
[ yes and no ... ].