. the Hebrew and Mayans calenders both have
world creation dates that are just 647years apart .
and, how did this synchronicity occur ?
"(the beginning of the Mayan calendar occurs duringHistorical Events @ historyorb:
the life of Enoch, son of Yered
who was the great great grandson of Seth, a son of Adam.
According to the Midrash in Seder Hadorot, (Vol 1, p. 89),
Enoch served God and despised the
wicked people of his generation.
He separated from them and hid himself away.
. [ an angel told him to] go out and teach the people
about the ways of God and the correct ways to live.
In the Book of Jubilees,
Enoch was the inventor of the art of writing.
This is also so according to Masonic lore.
The correlation of these accomplishments of Enoch
and the meaning of the term Maya in different cultures
is immediately apparent and surely not a coincidence.
... Shem, a son of Noah,
was a fourth generation descendant of Enoch.
Eber was a great grandchild of Shem.
Eber's second son was Yoktan (Genesis 10:25).
... According to the Torah,
the scattering of the people after the Tower of Babel
must have occured around 1765 BCE.
So it is possible that one of the Yoktan's clan was scattered,
eventually settling in the eastern third of Mesomerica,
and named the area Yucatan in honor of his father Yoktan.
Particularly interesting is that there is a Mayan word babel
and its meaning is confusion,
exactly the meaning of Babel in Hebrew.
This is surely not a coincidence.) .
-4004 Oct 23rd:9.16: mayan words that look like ours:
- Creation of the world begins
according to the calculations of Archbishop James Ussher
-4000 Jun 1st:
conjectured domestication of the horse
in the Eurasian steppes near Dereivka, central Ukraine
-3761 Oct 7th :
- The epoch (origin) of the modern Hebrew calendar
(Proleptic Julian calendar).
-3114 Aug 11th:
The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar begins,
-- used by several pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations,
notably the Mayans .
the ending of the Mayan calender is Dec 21, 2012
-3114 Aug 13th:
the start of the Maya calendar
-- According to the Lounsbury correlation;
-3114 Sep 6th:
the start of the current era in
the Maya Long Count Calendar
-- According to the proleptic Julian calendar;
way: spirit[. notice how bak is used in the calender:
tok: flint -- talk = fire starter;
witz: mountain
juun: book -- June = most important goddess;
-- other interesting words:
k'al: 20 [their number's base]
ix: woman [part of a goddess's name]
bak: bone
bak-tun = 20 k'atuns, = 20* 20* tun
where a tun approximates the solar year,
and their calender cycles ages at that order
like bak-tun is the root of a tree
or the bones of our anatomy
-- similar to our eon (a billions years):
there is no common higher unit of time;
eg, if you want say a trillion years,
there's no popular unit for a 1000 eons .
10.2: origin of the first Maya calendar:
20 is number of fingers on married self,
hence, their base-20 number system;
20 * x = 9month (growing season) ?
x = 13 .
. 13 * 20 days = 260 days
= 8.5 months * 30.41666 days per month .
. 13 * 20 days elapsed from the planting,
through the growth, drying, and harvesting, to storage .
[then by convention of corn field size ...]
13 * 20 days were needed
from the choosing of the new corn field location
until the burning of the felled forest patch
--[ the time it takes to fell all the large trees .]
( tzol which means "to put in order",
, kin that means "day" )
Tzolkin cycle#1: la milpa[slash&burn];
Tzolkin cycle#2: corn cultivation and storage .
. a Tzolkin cycle is about 9months
so call it 260 days = 13*20 .
. the deification of number 13,
[was apparently due to that being the integer
that when multiplied by
their number system's base(20)
would equal the days of agricultural cycles .]. later,
the Maya noticed the Sun's yearly cycle
was 28 * 13 days = 364 days,
[ but for the benefit of their base-20 numbering system ]
they created the Haab calendar:
Tun is nearly a year: 360 days = 18 * 20 days
1 year = 1 tun + uayeb [5days]
-- uayeb days are placed before the astronomical year.
The Tzolkin and the Haab were then coordinated
and this gave place to the calendar round."
. after reading how the Mayans were related to the greeks
by blood ties through traveling Dan tribe of Israel,
I thought maia as pertinent as maya:
Roman goddess of fertility, L. Maia,
lit. "she who brings increase,"
related to magnus "great" (see magnate).
Maia, one of the Pleiades,
is from Gk. Maia, daughter of Atlas,
mother of Hermes, lit. "mother, good mother, dame;
foster-mother, nurse, midwife,"
said by Watkins to be from infant babbling (see mamma).
Olympian messenger and god of commerce,
son of Zeus and Maia,
identified by the Romans with their Mercury,
from Gk. Hermes, of unknown origin.
. His attributes and symbols include herald's staff,
the Greek kerykeion or Latin caduceus in his left hand
(that is a winged rod braided by serpents;
and coincidentally,
the Mayans are associated with a winged serpent)
. in 480 BC he's painted with winged ankles,
and rod top has ring topped with a half ring,
that looks like a very brief pair of serpents,
but could also pass as planet mercury's symbol .
the crescent over cross and circle means
Mind over matter and divine spirit;
the rod itself might be a cross .
. it also looks like a rod headed by zodiac taurus symbol .
fifth month, early 12c., from O.Fr. mai and directly
from L. Majus, Maius mensis "month of May,"
possibly from Maja, Maia,
a Roman earth goddess (wife of Vulcan) possibly from
PIE *mag-ya "she who is great," fem. suffixed form of
root *meg- "great" (cognate with L. magnus).
Replaced Old English þrimilce, month in which
cows can be milked three times a day.
May marriages have been considered unlucky
at least since Ovid's day.
May-apple attested from 1733, Amer.Eng. ]
9.15: maya |ˈmīə, ˈmäyə|
maya`ORIGIN from Sanskrit माया māyā, from mā ‘create.’
. connected with the concepts of
“great” “measure” ”mind” and “mother”.
. from a Proto-Indo-Iranian *māyā,
cognate to Avestan māyā with an approximate meaning of
"miraculous force", of uncertain etymology,
either from a root may- "exchange",
or from a root mā- "measure", among other suggestions .
the Greek goddess Maia,
identified with Bona Dea,
the Roman goddess of fertility .
. from L. Majus, Maius: month of May .
possibly from Maja, Maia, a
Roman earth goddess (wife of Vulcan) possibly from
PIE *mag-ya "she who is great," fem. suffixed form of
root *meg- "great" (cognate with L. magnus).
. the name May replaced Old English þrimilce,
the month in which cows can be milked 3 times a day.
maya`Sanskrit roots
ma ("not") and ya: an indicative article meaning "that".
or ya means “pain”:
. The original meaning of the word “Maya”
could be the condition “without pain.”
ie, “awareness without pain.”
Those who master the technique of
leaving the physical body of their own will
can live a spiritual life without pain.
. supernatural illusions or enchantment
(wielded by gods and demons that
control our emotions and intuitions,
they are the personality and opinions you call your self)
Hinduism & Buddhism:
. the power by which the universe becomes manifest;
the illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world.
maya`Hindu philosophical term:
“creation of the world”
and “the world of illusion”.
. māyā is whatever is true[for now]
but not the [timeless or whole] truth .
Greek mythology:
. the brightest of the seven starsPeck`Origin of the Advanced Maya Civilization in the Yucatan:
of the Pleiades constellation,
the seven daughters of the titan Atlas
and the sea-nymph Pleione;
companions of the Hellenic Artemis
goddess of the hunt, wild animals,
wilderness, childbirth, virginity
and protector of young girls,
bringing and relieving disease in women;
she often was depicted as a huntress
carrying a bow and arrows.
The deer and the cypress[evergreens]
were sacred to her.
. The latest research using Mitochondrial DNA samplingoldest date writing in america: 1000 and 800 BCE
indicates that the Americas were first populated
from northern Asia
between 40,000 and 20,000 years ago.
For a complete discussion of the many
controversial theories centered around
the Clovis point people settlement
versus earlier acculturation, see, (Dillehay, 2000:2-43).
The genetic Mitochondrial DNA research
from different sources differs in details,
but agree on the 40,000 to 20,000 before present (BP)
initial arrival date
(followed by later waves of more advanced peoples),
and largely refutes the several theories
that the Maya or other indigenous groups
were part of a separate arrival from
Europe, the Middle-East or Polynesia.
Linguistic studies also confirm
the early peopling of the Americas
around 30,000 BP (Nichols 1995).
References having the most application to the Maya are,
(Cann, Stoneking, and Wilson, 1987, 325:31-36;
Dillehay 2000:227-248; Merryweather, 1997; Sykes 1999).
For a discussion of the several controversial
late wave acculturation theories,
see (Coe 1993:45-47; Dillehay 2000:109-225).
. the ancient Maya revered Kukulcan,
a godlike priestly king from mythology
who brought the vestiges of civilization .
. the mythical Kukulcan (or Kukulcan dynasty)
would have lived and flourished in this area
many centuries before the execution of the sculpture,
probably between 2000-1500 BC.
. he was a holy man with fair skin,
long dark hair, and flowing beard,
whose symbol was the
feathered and winged rattlesnake,
and who instructed the ancient Maya in
writing, mathematics, architecture,
and the arts of government.
Incurring the wrath of the gods,
he was forced to leave, vowing to return .
. he departed in a vessel of serpent skins
to his home in the East, Tlapallan .
(Tlappalan means land of red and black,
the color of Maya writing ).
. In Aztec mythology,
Quetzalcoatl departed the highlands
to the east seeking Tlappalan
and died on the Gulf coast somewhere in Tabasco
(in other versions he disappeared over the sea
to the east at this point),
which they referred to as the land of writing
( Milbrath 1999:177).
And it is significant that the Maya word Tlappalan,
the mythical home of Kukulcan,
means land of red and black,
the color of Maya writing (Seler 1990-1996, 2:740)
1000 .. 400 BC:
. the Olmec/Chontal Maya eastward migration
may be explained by their religious pursuit of Tlapallan,
the homeland of their patron god Kukulcan
associated in the East with Venus as the Morning Star .
The god-king Kukulcan is associated with Itzamna,
the high god of creation who is also associated with
Venus as the Morning Star which rises in the east
(Farriss 1984:303-304).
Itzamna was the supreme god of the Maya
(the equivalent of Abraham's Jehovah)
who brought writing and the sciences to earth
from the Maya ethereal cosmos .
The close association between the Itzamna,
the supreme god of the Maya, and Kukulcan,
the founding god of the Olmec/Chontal Maya,
both credited with bringing civilization to mortals
in the form of writing and the sciences,
and whose homeland was in the East,
would have provided a strong religious motivation
for the eastward migration.
. Itzamna's wife, Ix Chel, was the goddess of
weaving, medicine, and fertility .
Itza Chacobs, or burden bearer gods,
supported the four corners of the Maya cosmos .
[on their backs appear to be various views of a snake:
#1 has a shield of scaled rings
#2 has a shield of thin rings being bound
-- this same structure is used in a gateway for a snake
that is presiding over the burning of a fishing village .
. the same strands not bunded are flowing from the snake's rattle .
#3, 4: has an array of curled snake tails
coming from their shoulders, reminding of rams horns .]
The Chontal Maya trade routes,
later used for military expansion,
[brought them to the Mexican highlands .]
Chontal means foreigner in the Mayan language;
they were foreigners from Tabasco.
. early Maya nobles would have brought with them
the original Olmec/Maya Kukulcan mythology
which was later recycled by the highland cultures
into the many faceted Quetzalcoatl myth .
. the Chontal Maya wore the
feathered and winged rattlesnake emblem of Kukulcan,
the Chak Mol sculptures wearing a typical Olmec helmet,
the quetzal-feathered headdress
for prominent warriors and kings,
the round disk of the sun god,
and the Venus symbol with the associated five rayed star.
. the [prehistoric] [Maya] visiting merchants
carried with them the red and black ink,
the manuscripts and painted books and the wisdom
(Leon- Portilla 1969:10).
. The revered ancient king called Kukulcan
was the first historical figure to emerge from the
many gods of the Maya myth of creation
and from his description of
bringing the elements of civilization to the people
would thus have been considered by the Maya
as the founder of their civilization or culture.
. The fact that Kukulcan in the mythology
came from his homeland in the East is misleading.
The East referred to in Maya mythology
is not geographical east, but the heavenly East
associated with the Maya mythology of creation
and the god Venus as the Morning Star.
. Some old men of Yucatan say they have heard
from their ancestors [oral mythology]
that this country was peopled by a certain race
who came from the East [the sky] (Gates 1990: 30).
Landa did not
recognize the report as [just] mythology
and postulated that the race who came from the East
were ancient [ancestors of Judaism].
. There is no valid support or evidence
that the ancient mortal Kukulcan dynasty
(the basis for the Kukulcan mythology)
originated in a geographical homeland
that was east of the Maya continental area .
September 15, 2006, it was reported in the journal Scienceolmec vs mayan writing styles:
that a stone block inscribed with writing
has been found near the
Olmec archaeological site of San Lorenzo, Veracruz
(Rodríguez Martínez et al. 2006).
Clearly associated with the Olmec civilization
and dating to between approximately 1000 and 800 BCE .
. prevalent thought about the origin of Maya writingconnecting
is that it grew out of an even more ancient writing system
developed by the Olmecs as early as 1000 BCE,
at a time period called the Preclassic by archaeologists.
... the writing system of the Cascajal block
is very different from that of the Maya,
and it is impossible to say
if it had any influence on Maya writing at all.
Regardless of when the Maya started to write,
the earliest examples of Maya writing date from the
Late Preclassic period (300 BCE to 300 CE).
. the Maya Preclassic (Formative) period was 2000- B.C.-250 A.D.
There were 4(four) Quetzalcoatls in the Mesoamerican traditions;
and the exploits and persona of each of them
have become blurred and jumbled over the ages.
The Quetzalcoatl mentioned here
is the second one, Tanub,
the Israelite leader of the Toltecs
that passed through the Red Sea.
In most versions,
these culture-bearer ancestors came to TULA.
The Aztec and the Maya both seem to have inherited
the legend from the TOLTECS;
and one version places the arrival of these ancestors
during the OLMEC period.
Remains of Tula
Shortly after the group arrived in the valley of Mexico
the leaders, according to the traditions,
either left for home or to continue on their quest.
Those voyagers who remained in the region
settled near the highest mountains they could find
and commenced building the city of Tula
in an easily defensible location.
Eventually they married into the local population
-- to whom they taught the arts of civilization.
"When their leaders returned,
the settlers would not accompany them homeward
"(The Popul Vuh).
Generations later, the sons of these priest-kings
returned to the east on a mission ...
Montezuma, the Aztec leader
when the Spaniard Cortez invaded Mexico,
reminded his ministers and high dignitaries:
"( You know, as I do, that our ancestors did not
hail from this country we live in,
but came here from a far distant land,
led by a GREAT PRINCE.
This prince then left the country again
with only a few of his followers,
but returned a long time afterwards.
He saw that our ancestors, his subjects,
had chosen wives from the daughters of the country,
and would not go back with him, their prince.
Since they no longer wanted him as their ruler,
he went away alone, announcing that
he would one day in the remote future
either return himself with an immense army
or send someone in his name
to take back what was his due.)
-- A speech given by Montezuma
-- "In Search of the Roots of Ancient American Civilization,"
New Dawn, April/May 1994. Number 24.
Is it mere coincidence
that the MAYAS claim that their kingdom
was founded by a great EASTERN RULER
by some of their tribes?
According to legend he was a WHITE MAN
bringing an infusion of new people to their land.
When did this occur? 1000BC
notes the historian Ordonez!
Comments Herman L. Hoeh:
"( This VOTAN -- who was also worshipped as a god --
was famous for having himself journeyed to a land
where a great TEMPLE was being built.
Do we have a king in Europe,
living at the time SOLOMON'S TEMPLE was
being built (around 1000 B.C.),
who had dominion OVER THE SEAS,
who was worshipped as a God,
and whose name sounded like Votan?
Indeed -- WODEN or ODIN,
KING OF DENMARK from 1040-999 [B.C.].
He was worshipped later as a great god.
Scandinavian literature is replete with
accounts of his DISTANT JOURNEYS
which took him away from his homeland
for many months, sometimes years.)
-- Compendium of World History, Vol. II, p. 91.
Hubert H. Bancroft`Native Races of the Pacific States:
. ODIN gave his name to the "FOREST OF DAN"
in the land of the QUICHE INDIANS
-- just as KING ODIN or DANUS
gave his name to DENMARK (DANMARK)
(pp. 163 & 549 -- Vol. V).
Also, "DAN...founded a monarchy on the GUATEMALAN PLATEAU"
(Vol. I, p. 789). Odin's capital in Mesoamerica
-- built for the Canaanites he brought from the east --
was called AMAG-DAN.
The book Fingerprints of the Gods:
"there were other gods, among the Maya...,
whose identities seemed to merge closely
with those of Quetzalcoatl.
One was VOTAN, a great civilizer,
who was described as pale-skinned, bearded
and wearing a long robe.
Scholars could offer no translation for his name
but his principal symbol, like that of Quetzalcoatl,
was a serpent." (By Graham Hancock.
Crown Trade Paperbacks, N.Y. 1995, p. 103.)
This Votan was also known as Itzamana;
and the Mayan religious texts known as
the Books of Chilam Balaam,
reported that "the first inhabitants of Yucatan
were the 'People of the Serpent.'
They came from the EAST in boats
across the water with their leader Itzamana,
'Serpent of the East,'
a healer who could cure by laying on hands,
and who revived the dead."
It is more than interesting to note
that the SERPENT was the foremost symbol
of the Israelite tribe of DAN
and McClintock and Strong, in their
encyclopedia of religious knowledge,
tell us that the standard of three Israelite tribes
was a serpent or basilisk, with the motto:
"Return, O Jehovah,
unto the many thousands of Israel."
Yair Davidy`The Tribes:
"the Tribe of Dan was represented by a SNAKE...
[and] in Ireland,
the symbol of a snake was once worshipped" (p. 211).
Pedro de Sautillana, encomendero of Moxopipe,
filled out his relacion with the help of
Gaspar Antomio Xiu
(also known as Gaspar Antonio Chi de Herrera).
A member of the Xiu family,
Gaspar Antonio Xiu (1531-1610)
was an interpreter for the
Spanish government of Yucatan.
In the Relacion de Quinacama o Moxpipe,
Sautillana and Xiu narrated:
"( a captain who was called Quetzalquat [Quetzalcoatl]
in the [the Mexican] language: plumage of a snake,
and among themselves
they give this name to the serpent
because they say that it has plumage )
Mayan and Aztec texts state that this man,
claiming descent from the sun,
arrived from the Gulf of Mexico with a complement of
astronomers, architects and priests.
The Aztecs called the man/god Quetzalcoatl,
and the Mayans called him Kukulcan.
These men wore sandals and robes
and taught the natives to write, build, weave
and worship the sun.
The texts also reveal that they
built schools primarily for teaching history.
This "Kukulcan" or "Quetzalcoatl" was, of course,
Odin or Votan of Scandinavia who introduced
idolatry and human sacrifice into Mesoamerica.
He was the third Quetzalcoatl.
. the Mayan woman occupied a position of
honor in the society of the Mayas
which was the most exalted among the ancient Mesoamericans
The Mayan woman inherited property
and participated in the religious and political affairs .
The Lacandones (one of the most important Mayan tribes)
are divided into clans, or totems,
each one of which worships an animal or object.
"the explorers removed from the land a stela, or monolith,
with the following inscription:
'The Maya Queen' from Quiraqua, Nicaragua.
This stela belonged to the ancient empire.
This monolith tells us that the woman
did not lack power in Maya society.
On the contrary, it might very well indicate that at one time
a Queen ruled over them."
(The Roots of the American Indian, p. 85).
We have shown that the American Indians once lived
on the islands of the Aegean Sea and surrounding areas.
Is it, therefore, not reasonable to assume that they
worshipped the Greek goddess MAYA (MAIA)?
It cannot be a mere coincidence since she was one of the
seven Pleiades whose name,
gave origin to the month of May.
Since the Mayas were so dedicated to the art of astrology,
it seems logical that they would have selected this name.
Strange Coincidences?
The later history of the Maya was connected with
a very unusual man -- the fourth Quetzalcoatl!
When the Spaniards arrived in Mexico and Central America,
they were astonished to find the Maya Indians
practising what appeared to be
tenets of the Roman Catholic Church!
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