
genetic engineering done right, wrong, and ugly

2.20: web.health/gmo/seeds of deception:

. a local radio station just interviewed the author of
[seeds of deception].book;
he recommended a site responsibletechnology.org .

. googling for more info, I found a video of the author
detailing how his book needed to be written
because (at least at the time)
random genetic insertions were being carelessly used;
ie, done without being tested by anyone with
the consumer's interest genuinely in mind .

. the video champions The Campaign To Label Genetically Engineered Foods,
"(the principal organizer passed away July 3, 2009
after a long bout against cancer .
. The fight for a sane genetically engineered foods policy
continues at such excellent organizations as the
Institute for Responsible Technology.)
. the youtube entry has this intro:
This lecture was created by combining the 6 pieces
posted on YouTube by The Kick Them All Out Project.
This project shows you how we can take back control of Congress
from the special interests that control it now
and put an end to things like GMO foods.
This lecture by Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception,
summarizes the contents of his book .

. according to that video,
the reason of being cautious about gmo's
is that gov't is assuming gmo's are safe until proven guilty;
but, the nature of gmo`tech had been
(if it isn't still currently the case)
involving unpredictable changes in a plant's biochemistry
that warrant treating it like a complete alien
in need of quaranteen until multi-generational studies have been done .

. gmo's and biotech do offer the world a lot of potential
(like engineering high-intelligence organisms
that won't poison the planet with over-population);
but, we need labeling that assures testing:
(eg, what strains a food is coming from,
and links to proof of 3rd-party testing for that strain .)
--(. again, that's assuming genetic engineering is still done by
random gene insertions .)

. the problem with the monsanto method
of genetic modification
-- the method (at least at the time?)
that touches the majority of our foods
through the inclusion of the these crops:
soy, corn, sugar beets, and certain veg'oils (cottonseed, canola) --
is that it results in gene shifting,
which can potentially change the meaning or scheduling
of all the genes that got shifted by the insertion .
. it is this random widespread changing
that can result in creation or increased dosages of
allergens, anti-nutrients, carcinogens, and toxins .
. another side-affect of the commercial gmo process
is antibiotic resistant organisms;
because, the economical way to tell
when a gene insertion has taken place,
is to include with the insertion
an antibiotic resistance gene,
so then after applying the gene and then antibiotics,
only the gmo's are left .

fda knew genetic modified bacteria poisoned tryptophan:
. the most shocking assertion by the video
is that fda claimed the tryptophan poisoning
couldn't be due to gmo's
because the responsible manufacturer
was not using gmo's at that point,
but some leaked documents showed that
fda did have a receipt of legal documents
showing earlier use of gmo's by that manufacturer .
. the fda tried to blame it on
the manufacturer using cheaper toxin-catching filters;
but if the fda had admitted to
knowing about gmo's being in use,
the question they would have then been held to is
how are gmo's creating these toxins in need of filtering?
. see the video . see some brief text .

. while fda knew the gmo process had poisoned tryptophan,
they insisted it was due to "(health fraud schemes)
and relegated all tryptophan to prescription only .

. if the tryptophan poisoning hadn't created such bizarre symptoms,
they never would have been attributed to food,
and thereby fallen into the labeling wastebasket
of "(succumbing to the modern high-stress lifestyle) .
. between 1994 and 2001,
when many new gmo products were introduced,
the number of food-relatable illness doubled .

seedsofdeception @ amazon
. one critic of the book suggests a more "(even-handed) alt':
as it
"(deftly swats aside several of the well-known studies
that purport to show risks associated with genetically modified crops
(such as Dr. Pusztai's rat
and John Losey's Monarch butterfly studies)) .
. my response to his critics
is that the authors case is not based
primarily on Dr. Pusztai's rat study
but on simple facts about the effects of
random gene insertions causing unpredictable changes
by shifting nearby genes:
shifting a gene can change its function .
. none of his critics address that concern .

responsibletechnology.org @ facebook

cfs @ facebook
cfs @ twitter
. signed up for newsletters from Center for Food Safety
Cool Foods
Together we will make our voices heard and stand up for True Food!

first gm crop europe liked: Calgene Flavr Savr tomato
United States, Canada, and Argentina together grow 80 percent of all biotech crops

. why did tech nation radio (2010-02-02)
recently razz a solar energy advocate, Rifkin,
about the Flavr Savr tomato? minute 33:
. the context was that "vintage Rifkin" was known for dark predictions,
so it was curious that his newest book is The Empathic civilization .
. and it's not just a matter of empathy,
but the fear of economic failure moving toward green too fast .
. Rifkin said the problem is the older generation
keeping alive the classic American Dream of cowboys
not empathizing globally (eg, natives)
the European Dream envisioned by esp'ly some West Coast Americans
is biosphere conscious
rather, they resist investing in a move from oil to solar .
. she laughed that someone referred to Rifkin as
"(isn't he that guy with the gmo tomato?)
. he gives context to that:
he took on monsanto for using gmo's based on gene splicing
[@] recombinant DNA tech
-- at the time he thought a much better approach to gmo
was marker-assisted selection,
which is just now replacing gene splicing .
. it's not engineering across species lines,
but cross-breeding within a family
. that's a good example for what he's talking about
when cheering on solar over oil:
just because it's the first tech doesn't mean it's the best .

. then he started getting into something that seem confused:
. the 3rd industrial revolution has a good chance
but conservatives will say empathy is collectivism,
liberals will say, individualism is selfishness .
but wouldn't that be a confusion with definitions?
I think he's stretching to not frame it as
a conservative vs liberal thing,
but the "(individualism) that empathy requires
refers to breaking out of the
group identification that is typically fueling religious wars;
eg, when Americans can see their self as
an individual rather than a christian,
that's a prerequisite to seeing the {arab, semite}
as an individual rather than a {muslim, jew} .
. I'm quite sure that real liberals
are all for moving to the solar economy
because, even without global warming being a real danger,
pollution with coal and oil is selfishly living
high at the expense of future generations .
. furthermore, the sooner we invest in it,
the sooner it becomes self-generating:
by using some of today's solar energy
to convert ever more land to solar energy collection,
we can soon have the energy to completely
wipe out water shortages,
and cover the globe with free internet
that empowers the 3rd world countries to
rethink their population growth policies .
. upon the convergence of free energy and robust robotics,
the world will soon have worldwide free robotics
with robots producing robots with free solar energy
-- it's all free .
. but it all depends on free solar energy
-- energy controlled by every home owner,
not aloof oil cartels .

. on the other hand, if global warming is indeed a real threat,
not acting soon will make it more difficult
to use the globe for solar:
tornadoes and hurricanes will often blow away expensive equipment .

. the current green tech is based on cereals fertilized by oil;
whereas, the world would be much more health eating legumes,
and using legumes as fertilizer .
. with huge amounts of free energy to de-salt water,
and to properly cook legumes,
there will be good health, strong teeth, and free food .
. furthermore, cows fed all legumes are healthier source of meat
than those finished with grains .
. they would have less saturated fat
and more omega-3 oils, like fish .
. it's too expensive now only because
cooking beans for livestock
is too energy-intensive until energy is free .]

. he wrote a book condemning gmo's in 1999:
The Biotech Century by Jeremy Rifkin (Paperback - April 5, 1999)

. that book is related to that tomato by
Featured History of FOET Biotech Initiatives: Pure Food Campaign
In 1992, the Pure Food Campaign (PFC) was established,
a coalition of organic farmers and restaurateurs,
consumer and environmental groups, and animal welfare organizations
opposed to the use of genetic engineering in food.
The PFC organized protests and litigation under the banner of
“An International Boycott of Genetically Engineered Foods”,
opposing the use of an engineered form of a bovine growth hormone (rBST) in dairy cows,
and the market entry of the genetically engineered “Flavr-Savr” tomato.
As well, the group demanded mandatory labeling of all genetically modified food products.

types of genetic engineering
. a history of biotech .

gmo's transferring genes to bacteria

2.8: news,web,co.health/gmo/transferring genes to bacteria:

from Health and Wellness Product Information Group
date Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 9:36 AM
I invite you to join our group: Contra Agro-Biotech.
Further reading and references:

my reply:
. a member of group "(Contra Agro-Biotech)
offered this link to read:
. after reading the link, and related,
I was alarmed to hear that
genes can transfer from rot
to the intestinal bacteria
on which our health so heavily depends .
. here are quotes I found from the given reference
and its reference .
[pieces of] the gene inserted into GM soy
transfers into the DNA of bacteria living inside our intestines
/and continues to function/. [*]
*: Netherwood et al,
“Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal tract,”
/Nature Biotechnology/ 22 (2004): 2.
) [@] www.botanischergarten.ch/Food/Netherwood-Assessing-Human-2004.pdf
. there was no indication that the complete transgene
had been transferred to the prokaryones
... nevertheless,
the observed survival of transgenic DNA
from a GM plant during passage through the small intestine
should be considered in future safety assessments
of GM foods .
) .

wma conversion for voice recorder

2.3: proj.addn/wma conversion for voice recorder:

. on the mac I have vista running in a vmware;
I don't like to give it much access,
so there's a single folder esp'ly for vista jobs .
. I'm noticing I have wma's waiting for conversion;
these are [win'media audio].files from the voice recorder .
. there's also a converter program
but I'm assuming that's the one that turned out to be nagware;
I need to find some openware;
and the first thing I find is the WMA-Into-MP3 page:
You can convert WMA files (at least, those without DRM protection)
into the more universally-portable MP3 format using the free,
open-source MPlayer and lame packages.
These are available for many platforms,
particularly the "big 3": Windows, Mac OS/X, and GNU/Linux.

1. http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html
Install the above-mentioned software onto your computer,
using either the source or precompiled binaries for your platform.
Convert the WMA files into an intermediate format,
the space-wasting but lossless WAV (wave) standard:
mplayer -vo null -vc dummy -af resample=44100 -ao pcm "Song 1.wma"
Now convert the result of the previous command
(stored as audiodump.wav by default) into MP3:
lame audiodump.wav "Song 1.mp3"
That's it! Continue the process for each file you wish to convert.
See Tips for some ways to streamline and/or improve this method.
When complete, each directory you visited
will have the last file converted still stored as audiodump.wav.
You will probably want to delete these obsolete files
to conserve space using the rm (Unix) or del (Windows) command.
You may also want to delete the original wma files,
after verifying that the quality of the resulting mp3 songs is acceptable.
edit Tips
You can write a script to enable searching your entire hard drive for wma files
and converting them automatically.
See the source article for examples.
This one was written (on Windows/Cygwin) for the best space savings,
using the lowest possible quality setting for the MP3 output:

for file in "$@"; do mplayer \
-vo null \
-vc dummy \
-af resample=44100 \
-ao pcm:file="${file%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" \
lame -V9 "${file%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav" "${file%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.mp3"
rm -f "${file%%.[Ww][Mm][Aa]}.wav"
. I was concerned that the mplayer doc's
didn't seem to agree with wikihow's suggested param's:
"( -vo null -vc dummy -af resample=44100 -ao pcm ) .

. the mac download has the player wrapped in a gui
and not only doesn't the gui map to every function,
but the location of the program is not obvious .
. it has this advice:
Using the command line MPlayer
. to use the command line version of mplayer
without any hussle,
we suggest you create a link to the binary file
contained in the MPlayer OSX.app bundle.
. just type the following into your terminal:
ln -s /Applications/MPlayer OSX.app/Contents/Resources/External_Binaries/mplayer.app/Contents/MacOS/mplayer
This will create a symlink to the mplayer command line binary,
and place it into /usr/local/bin.
. however this didn't seem to work;
-- at least it's open
To get a copy, issue following command in the terminal:
svn co svn://mplayerosx.sttz.ch/mplayerosx/trunk/ mplayerosx

. so then I'm looking for more openware:

Dave's Answer:
"( under Mac OS X, there is Music Man and Sound Grinder,
but my favorite tool is the Australian-produced Switch,
which also has a Windows version available.)
. I tried that (wma to ogg(qual'level=1) )
and it quit unexpectedly .

. finally, I double-checked the converter I had waiting for vista:
and found it's not that old nagware
but the openware" winFF:

. this is doing well on vista:
letting you graphically select batches
and then converting them to mp3 or ogg .
. its prefered output.folder is vista`user`doc's
rather than source folder .

. I'm going back to the wikihow.com page,
and update it with my better solution .
[@] co.net/wikihow.com/Convert-Unprotected-WMA-Files-Into-MP3-Files

. help is in the [forums] and a pdf .

. booking for how to halve size of output:

# To have a constant quality (but a variable bitrate),
use the option '-qscale n'
when 'n' is between 1 (excellent quality) and 31 (worst quality)
-qscale 16

no I need to
lower 160 kb/s, or 44,100 hz
mp3 does work
try audio bitrate 64

. something about -qscale 16 didn't change anything .
I started trying the next param but had to quit .

dead earbud was just oil-clogged

2.27: proj.gear/ear bud/left side is dead:
. the left side is dead ?
no, you can barely hear it though;
so, check inside the sound canal:
it's packed with foam that had gotten
totally saturated with oil
(the anti-bacterial ointment oil)
-- I thought that stuff was just drying up!
. the foam tips I got have a screen that will not keep oil out,
but that screen will hold in a piece of foam;
and, the more of that there is
the safer things are from oil penetration .

computerized with sticky brakes

2.26: sci.gear/cars/computerized with sticky brakes:
. crosstalk sept 2009 quoting pc today 2005
predicted that accidents like brake malfunctions
could be caused by net-based malware
through rfid - programmable embedded computers in cars .

Does the New Generation of Computerized Cars Pose a Security Threat?
PC Today 10. Oct. 2005
"([Some] automotive communication networks have access to
crucial components of the vehicle, like brakes, ... ) .

overhead book holder for recliner

proj.gear/overhead book holder for recliner:
. hey! just what I was looking for,
just hanging around:
. an acrylic sheet sized to shelve an open book
so I could lay down with a hanging laptop
typing in notes and ideas from book .
. I'd been using the sheet as a roof finish for the sanctum
it was also heavy and would weigh down curtain rods
-- phone books will do that now .
. after cleaning it's still a bit fogged from scratches,
I think I found it in the yard, has some cracks too .
. the rest is easy:
having grilled shelves for an earthquake sanctum
is making it easy to position rope
for hanging gear around me as I lay in my cot
with the keyboard warm inside my sleepingbag .
try shifting it closer to laptop screen,
rearrange it to minimize in-view scratches,

security door

2.18: tech.gear/security door:
. when a door opens toward an attacker,
one method of attack is to crowbar near the hinge .
. have the door built thick,
and then over lapping on the hinge side
so then can't have hinges popped by crow bar .

tree.saw repair

. see if saw fits bolts,
saw does fit new nadle,
bolt will fit saw but not handle it came with .
2.15: breaks again:
. the inside of the handle has a plastic support
that fits a slot in the blades meant for that handle,
and it does seem to be supporting the new tree.saw blade
... but later I would find that the support would break off .
2.15: reinforced:
. what the tree.saw was designed to have for stability
was a duel screw system rather than a tab&slot .
. so I drilled a hole in the adopted handle
and found a screw to fit from a bike light kit .

cusion for trice Q seat


2.5: trike`seat/pipe`foam idea:
. looking through the mesh you can see the frame;
mark the inner edges of frame on mesh with cheap thread,
and then hand sew foam scraps to seat mesh
starting from thread guides
outward for as long as it takes foam to
do a 180 around frame .

2.19: proj.gear/trike`seat/foam:
. modified the co.trice idea of foaming seat frame
by sewing the foam to the fabric
instead of taping the foam to the frame .
. got the foam from trimming what's being used on the cot:
a backpack roll for under sleeping bag,
it's open-cell with a wavy pattern on one side,
I used 2 pieces together, so the both sides of product are smooth .
added 4 sets of stitches on either side
with carpet thread .
. see picts for how foam mis.migrated;
need to compensate the location to avoid that .

2.26: gear/trike/seat`foam/sheathing system:
. sewing the foam in place must be done by hand
and it must be done repeatedly if the foam gets flat;
hence, the need for a sheathing system:
. the sheath can be machine sewed, is reusable,
and old foam is quickly replaced .
. the sewing will also reinforce the binding of the straps
to the existing fabric .

shopping for velo' security chains locks


2.23 ... 2.24:


genetically modified alfalfa looms over grassfed animal products

2.24: news.pol/gmo/USDA must not approve GE alfalfa:

from Center for Food Safety
date Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:05 AM
subject Tell Congress to Hold USDA Accountable!

Call your Senators and Representative today and say
USDA must not approve GE alfalfa!

Monsanto wants to sell its genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa
and wants the USDA to approve its permit application,
but consumers, farmers, dairies, and food companies
dont want GE alfalfa plants and seeds released into the environment.

USDA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) admits
that if GE alfalfa is approved:
* GE Contamination of non-GE and organic alfalfa crops will occur
* GE contamination will economically impact small and family farmers
* Foreign export markets will be at risk due to rejection of GE contaminated products
* Farmers will be forced to use more toxic herbicides to remove old stands of alfalfa

Yet, unbelievably, USDA has decided that these impacts are insignificant!
And, USDA intends to approve Monsanto's Roundup Ready GE alfalfa anyway.

Call your Congressional Representatives today
and ask them to hold USDA accountable
by contacting Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack
and urging him to deny approval of Monsanto's GE alfalfa!

Tell them that you DO NOT support the deregulation of GE alfalfa,
for the following reasons:
* GE contamination of non-GE and organic crops would be inevitable
* You won't buy products that are GE-contaminated
* Alfalfa is a major food source for livestock
and GE alfalfa would destroy the integrity of organic dairy products
* You support the rights of farmers to grow the crops of their choice,
and GE contamination makes that impossible
* Ask your Representative and Senators to contact Secretary Vilsack
and urge him to deny USDA approval of Monsanto's GE alfalfa

Then email us at info@truefoodnow.org
and tell us who you called
and let us know what kind of response you got!

In 2006, the Center for Food Safety (CFS)
sued the Department of Agriculture (USDA)
for its illegal approval of Monsanto's
genetically engineered (GE) Roundup Ready alfalfa.
USDA failed to conduct an environmental impact statement (EIS)
before deregulating the crop, as required by law.
An EIS is a rigorous analysis of the potential significant
environmental, health, and economic impacts of a federal decision,
mandated under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The federal courts sided with CFS
and banned GE alfalfa until the USDA fully analyzed
the impacts of the GE plant on the environment, farmers, and the public
in an EIS.

USDA released its draft EIS on December 14, 2009.
A 75-day comment period is now open until 3 March, 2010.
CFS has begun analyzing the EIS
and it is clear that the USDA,
in its recommendation to approve GE alfalfa,
has not taken into consideration the concerns of
non-GE alfalfa farmers, dairies, exporters, retailers or consumers ...
In fact, their [current] EIS states that consumers
don't care if their organic food is GE contaminated
and neither do organic farmers,
as long as farmers employ the organic practices required
under the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA).
Obviously, this is not true
and we need to push our Congressional representatives
to call upon USDA to deny the approval of GE alfalfa.
. review the EIS and other documents .

USDA must not approve GE alfalfa Tell-a-friend!

2.24: web.health/alfalfa/toxins that could get worse under gmo?:
. one of the hazards when gmo's involve gene shifting
is that the toxins and allergens already in the plant
can become more potent or effectively administered .
. natural toxins from alfalfa include medicarpin and Canavanine .
. medicarpin is useful for reducing plant population densities;
it's found in soils of the mature plant .
. Canavanine, an arginine analog,
is practically found only in the seed currently .

2.25: pol/gmo/gm-alfalfa invading organics:
. instead of beating the dead horse of anti-gmo,
we should push organics toward adopting
greenhouse technology,
both as a way of controling insects physically,
and for protecting crop genetics by
filtering out pollen vectors .

2.26: co.pol/gmo/linkedin.com/gm-alfalfa invading organics:
If you want to avoid GMO's in Canada and USA
you need to buy organic since we don't label them here.
There are lobby groups trying to get the government to
label food products as GMO
but the companies against it have stronger lobby boards
that argue it will cause unnecessary fear among citizens.
my reply:
. If you want to avoid GMO's you need to buy organic ?
that won't work in the usa soon:
they are now approving GE alfalfa
(see Center for Food Safety)
. this is sure [to] end organic meats
unless organic turns to air-filtered greenhousing
[2.28: or gmo can be considered organic].

2.28: pol/gmo/organic meat is not grassfed:
. organic meat is not worth fighting gmo's about
because really healthy meat should be
completely grass fed,
whereas organics can be grain-feed .
. grassfed will not be an economic reality until
the entire world downsizes population -- faght chance --
so, instead of worrying about gmo silage,
the health-conscious among us
should instead be resigned to a meatless future;
(see legumes offering complete protein
-- black beans and kidney beans);
however, as with solar energy,
the production of eggs is within the grasp of homeowners,
and we should structure locals law so as to
encourage the production of homegrown grassfed eggs .
. most homes are far away from the industrial farmers
where most of the gmo silage usage will be contracted,
therefore, they are the best place to raise healthy eggs .



1.1: proj.addn/log/rev and blog:
. look at site, fix page giving details of schiz case,
wonder about how to start blogging backward
the material written before blog started .

. start acting more bloggable .

proj.addn/log/rev 2009 gear subj:
. my prev'policy on logging project folders
-- like that for trike --
had been to copy proj folders from month to month
since I wanted the chance to quickly refer to
prior work of the same topic;
and also, use the prev'month's folder structure
as a template for filing the curr'month's notes .
. now I should go back and remove dup'y stuff .
. I also found there was a lot that was
not marked as blogged,
and much that had been passed over
but that could be blogged with a little editing .
. there were even a few items
that had been overlooked somehow .
. from the month where blogging began, 0905,
and working backwards to 0910,
found gear folders and files .
. one very relevant topic -- sewing mach' repair --
needed it's own blog file,
and since it's now the wrong year,
I included the year into the file's title .

1.11: proj.addn/log/review 2009:
. 0904 mobi notes are blogged?
find where I left off with rev subj,
log 0905 was rev'd .
log 0904 was rev'd .
log 0903 .

1.14: pos.addn/blog/priority should be dev.mac:
. since actually getting the project on the ground
was embodied by the study of the impl'lang,
the impl'lang (dev.mac/obj'c)
should be the first to get blogged .
. the only file left in [addx 0905].folder
is adda .

1.24: proj.addn/blog/addx 0905 and earlier 2009:
. the only file left in [addx 0905].folder
is adda .
. review blog for places to put older files .
. review adda .
. found and fixed more problems with text eaten by
blog turning angle brackets into xml tags .

1.1: mis.addn/todo:
. the usual 99 todo/todo.txt is just for banking?
no, there was at first a 99 todo.txt
which was then combined into the [99 todo].folder;
so I should be combining those .

1.3: proj.addn/rdy xpw db:
. rev log's text parts on mac
for what to bring to xpw .

1.4: pos.addn/fs:
. getting around (mis.addn/xp/filename error)
the main goal of moving log files
is to share the mac files with xpw .
. to keep things sync'd,
the changes made by either platform
should happen to a copy that is on the removable .
. but to get some quick searches,
I should copy the files to hard drive .
. 2008 ... 2009 are going to be modified a lot,
so they are only on the shared vol .
. I may never get around to hand-sorting the rest of log,
it may be better to just copy the files of previous era's
and morph them as new files
without worrying about keeping track of
original vs current creation dates .
. that will involve some concerns about
how to keep track of what's been reviewed,
but there is much time before that happens:
just do the usual review with the current era for now .

1.9: mis.addn/forgot recording cleanup routine:
. how did I convert olympus pc files
to something audacity will import? .

1.9: mis.addn/fs/memory needs hard pos review:
. where is everything on mac?
been at pc too long, and my mem is shot!
I put the log and all it's picts
in the aspect encrypt?
what was I thinking picasa would do?
[... a false assumption about picasa limits]
it's not reaching in the crypt,
so I had moved them back,
but then I was finding it was
annoying not having the log together .
. I could picasa-import picts as they were produced .

1.10: mis.addn/fs/forgotten pos helps revise pos:
. org downloads on xpw,
mov [to be installed]s to where
admn acct can reach them:
. the shared.folder has some surprises for my failing mem!
. I had been putting all dowloads and docs
into the docs.folder of cf.card;
but shared.folder also has docs;
I try to corralling them into a subfolder,
but the [ada 2009 downloads].folder
is having permissions problems .
. it is letting me copy instead of mov,
so I can still do my next idea
of making sure that everything is in both places:
. the cf.card is there in case of
anything stupid needs to reinstall xp-fujitsu os .
. the shared.folder is searchable more quickly than card .

1.10: proc.addn/log/type-in of notes routine:
. the log has previously distinguished logging from
type-in of notes to log,
but writing notes is now so routine,
all logging should be considered type-in's
without having to say that explicitely .

1.15: mis.addn/log:

find missing ergo.kybd entry:
. not anywhere? write a summarizing entry now .
[@] proj.addn/usb.ergo`kybd/delete.key fixed

data loss:
. almost lost an article spacing out a paste to subj.file
after a complicated double entry:
writing about having to do an article reporting
not finding an expected article .
. my mem' had one paste lined up
and recalled already doing one
when 2 were needed .

book notes unreadable:
. typedef can define a function
so that its id can be used in defining
ptrs to id .

cut&paste confusion:
. somehow I lost an article moving it from log to subj.file .
. did I just paste it into the wrong file? search .
. I just have a really bad mem:
I had placed it into the correct subj',
but then forgot which subj' I'd decided on .
. most obama`mail is co.pol,
but this plea to help for haiti
would be placed in gov (charity and consumer interests) .

1.24: mis.addn/lost data/paste buffer forgotten:
. I'm pretty sure that I had some content for
health/cancer/mold still #1 when on a low-fat diet,
but unless that was a false memory
(as in the title was the content meant to be expanded)
I fear that I fell prey to forgetting to unload my paste buffer .
. there should be this system where
if the cut doesn't get pasted
then it shows back up in the place it was cut from
just like the windows system does for files .


ms dev survey

1.10: ms`survey for dev'ers using vc++ express:

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net tripping

1.1: proj.addn/net.facebook.com/updating your privacy settings:
[not sure about how this turned out;
alarmed that there was no way give just friends my b'day;
must have been that I gave a false one]
Here are your new settings:
Everyone can see:
* About me
* Education and Work
Friends of Friends can see:
* Photos and Videos of Me
* Birthday
* Religious and Political Views
Your custom settings were preserved for:
... [other things] .

1.6: mis.addn/net.blogger.com/publish fails:
. tried to blog failed,
ok after got all pages to save to draft,
then got all drafts published later .

1.18: mis.addn/net/linked to unpublished knol:
. sent knol link to many
only to find later it was not yet published
-- may do well with general rule of
test important links in strange browser
before sending them .

1.19: sci.addn/net.twitter.com/lists:
. co.dev#feabhas has twitter? twitter has new feature"lists?
my acct is on lists? 4:

1.24: proj.addn/net.blogger.com/profile`interests updated:
. be careful with the commas,
because the keywords help people find other bloggers
with similar interests .
* software engineering
* preventive health
* isotonics (weightlifting without gear)
* hormonics (hormonally balancing nutrition)
* productivity enhancement
* velomobile
* human-powered cars
* recumbent
* tadpole
* trikes
. removed some paren's since many others are interested in
trikes and recumbents .

1.26: web.addn/net.marilynvossavant.com:
. her diet seems ho-hum,
but she's got a perfect hdl/ldl .
. she has a discussion board where people are
ranked {scholar, intellectual, thinker};
there is discussion of big bang,
but she was not part of it .
. her articles (which include the comment on big bang)
are at parade.com
google site:parade.com/askmarilyn/2009/
but the googles go further back than 2009
when addressed that way, if at all .

pc tripping

1.3: web.addn/xpw.seamonkey.g'gears:

mis.addn/usb.card`reader/going blinky:

1.1: mis.addn/mac/bak:
. the connection to card was shakey,
so it[mac fs] put me in read-only mode:
I removed card reader from ext
to directly in a usb socket of hub:
ok, ... sort of ...

1.3: mis.addn/xpw.komodo/internal error:
. it said the enclosed report was an internal error,
but it was due to loose connection in the card it was saving to .
. right after I opened the file,
the os gave the sound like a removable had been taken off-line .
. then I tried saving and it said the file had changed;
I said ignore changes (I knew there were none)
and that's when it noticed there were "(internal errors) .
Exception: 2147500037
Komodo Edit, version 5.2.3, build 4312.
Built on Wed Nov 18 19:49:30 2009.
1.10: mis.addn/usb:
. one of the hub's devices started mis.comm'ing .

1.4: mis.addn/xp/filename error:
. oh yes, now I recall why it was stupid
to let xp do massive file copies:
xp will quit on a too-long or illegal file name,
and will neither give a list of all the offenders,
nor will it continue the job .
. you need to then delete the infidel copy
and consider some other way to get your files in order .
. sometimes the files are too deep
because they started out fine but then you
unzipped them into the std shared folder,
which has the craziest long pathname
as if the microsoft-herded designers were
fighting among themselves for
domination between the efficiency of pathname limits
and cool factor of user-friendly names like:
[this is where your documents and other personal data go
on too much free cola]

news.addn/antivirus reviews:
. kasparsky, and eset are the best paywares
avast free,
ms' security essentials free

Process Explorer shows you information about
which handles and DLLs processes
have opened or loaded.
. The unique capabilities of Process Explorer
make it useful for tracking down
DLL-version problems or handle leaks;
and, provides insight into the workings of
Windows and applications .

The top window always shows a list of
the currently active processes .
. the bottom window depends on the mode:
handle mode:
you'll see the handles that the process selected
in the top window has opened;
DLL mode:
you'll see the DLLs and memory-mapped files
that the process has loaded.

1.19: web.addn/xpw.avg/replacement with opensource anti-virus:
. clamav is the only opensource one?
I thought there was something open about avg,
anyway avg is just nutty slow .
. clamwin claims to be open
but all I could find was that it does use an open engine:
. it's just a scanner .

web.addn/xpw.security/rootkit prevention:

. a security and data integrity tool
useful for monitoring and alerting on specific file change(s)
on a range of systems. The project is based on
code originally contributed by Tripwire, Inc. in 2000.

pdf reading

1.10: mis.addn/xpw.adobe`acrobat/a frigin' mess:
. problems with pdf?
find a reader for xp that is not made by adobe .
. kill process tree of acro* [acrobat reader],
only then do I get the cpu back,
that thing has its teeth in everything .
. it slowed down the main menu response to minutes! .

1.10: addn/net/google`chrome vs adobe`pdf:
. why would google's chrome not be playing well
with adobe's acrobat?
perhaps chrome`folks wanted to show us
how adobe's acrobat just wasn't playing well?
. consider how google's model could be upsetting adobe:
pdf's are supposed to be the portability standard,
and chrome's purpose is to facilitate cloud computing,
in which the model is being always on-line
with access always by browser
-- and html 5, or javascript --
really obviating the need for pdf's
which were originally designed for a
printer-centric world .

1.10: mis.addn/xpw.chrome/pdf plugin change:

. does chrome have a way to remove pdf plugin?
can't find it in menu's;

Delete or rename the DLL file:
"c:\program files\adobe\reader 9.0\reader\browser\nppdf32.dll"
Also search for copies of nppdf32.dll in Firefox/other browsers folders.

To find which nppdf32.dll is actually used,

Just open any DLL file in the browser
and look through loaded DLL modules
in the Lower Pane (DLL mode).

03-12-2009 matthawke/Nishi's advice worked for me:
. using that method I discovered that
Reader 8.0 was supplying its DLL to Chrome.
Renamed the DLL (to disable it) and restarted Chrome,
voila! Now using the Foxit Firefox plugin in Chrome.

1.28: proj.addn/xpw.foxit/a working pdf viewer:
. the auto-opener wouldn't recognize [sumatra pdf]
as my default pdf reader?
download and install the freeware foxit:
try the custom install:
it argues about being a plugin for
a firefox app that doesn't exist;
after that it asks to be a plugin to unspecified? ok (whatever);
and be my default pdf reader .
[later I found that g'chrome would use my new default pdf reader
by calling it to open in its own window .]

1.28: proj.addn/xpw.chrome/getting along with pdf's:
g'chrome is using the new pdf viewer with no problems
. when adobe's plugins were installed,
it would use the plugin as part of its page,
but then malfunction when that page was subsequently closed .
. g'chrome now responds to a pdf`open
by calling the default pdf reader to open in its own window .

1.30: mis.addn/xpw.pdf/killed flash too:
. when I was killing all things adobe
in order to make sure chrome had no adobe pdf code;
I also wiped out adobe's flash
-- the only way to watch youtube apparently .

1.10: web.addn/xpw/computer guru blog tucson:
. during his last radio program,
the tucson guru said he'd have links to an answer;

problems that could be solved using svn

1.9: mis.addn/bak confused with orig:
. bak'd bak? recover .
. checking the editor,
my recent files were from the original,
so changes were going into the right files;
but on selecting the files to bak,
I'd chosen one set from the bak,
and put them into another set on the bak .
. I had renamed the bak to include the word "(bak)
but within that,
there was another copy with no name change .

1.15: mis.addn/xpw.agent ransack/doesn't see eol's:
. my mac files don't have cr's in them .

1.19: pos.addn/backup/a safer system:
. since the accident
[@] mis.addn/data loss/worst of all backup worlds
it's apparent that I'm completely brain dead,
so I need a habit that can't possibly be confusing .
. open a zipfolder in the backup drive,
then when wanting to backup,
go to your usual directory and drag what needs to be bak'd
into the taskbar's icon for the zipfolder .
. it will come to the front
and then you can drop it in .
. another tool specifically for my problem
is the ms`briefcase, which lets you sync both directions .
. I had some confusion with that,
but I can't recall what it was .
. the idea seems pretty straight,
it could have been impl' bugs .
. the tests seem ok, and it has an easy habit:
after copying a folder to the briefcase,
it detects both additions and deletions to that folder,
so, then hitting the update button will do an
efficient incremental backup
without any crazy-manual copy and replaces .
. perhaps one place I got in trouble before
was working on a briefcase version that needed update,
then, since briefcase is not smart like subversion,
I was having a mess with merging changes .
. recall winmerge being a godsend numerous times
in my distant pc past .

1.22: mis.addn/xpw.briefcase/frigin' orphanage:
. it's not seeing that I need updates
because it thinks everything it does have
is an orphan ?
I need to recopy everything again .
. it could be due to not shutting down properly?
[@] mis.addn/xpw/found frozen on shutting down

1.23: mis.addn/xpw.briefcase/mov's turn to delete-create's:
. I was alarmed by a bunch of delete's;
that is part of the way that
briefcase handles mov's .

1.22: mis.addn/xpw/found frozen on shutting down:
. xpw needs hard reset for hung restart
for major auto.update .

1.28: sci.addn/xpw.sigil:
. it's a lot like seamonkey composer
only nicer integration of html-text views;
but is a bit confused in text view:
when on a header, eg H1-tagged text,
the controls indicate that the text is
normal (vs H1) with bold formatting .

1.28: proj.addn/xpw/unregistered app's:
. //c.drive/prog'files/000
is my place for programs that didn't
install in the usual way
(when you open them,
they just start doing their app')
. added links from there to shared folders;
. that way they are protected from being
writable from the user acct,
but are still runnable any acct .
. contents include process explorer and sumatra pdf .

1.30: mis.addn/xpw.chrome/not so modular:
. I thought chrome was touting modularity!
. some window was disfunctional
so I hit its close.box,
but then it froze, and gave me the dialog:
"(app is unresponsive, wait or kill?)
then kill took down every chrome window
not just the window*process I was attempting to close .

mac tripping

mis.addn/mac.picasa/forgot how picasa works!:
. I'm (wrongly) assuming picasa can't read crypts,
so I'm pulling a copy of log into open space
for importing into picasa .
. after having no luck importing anything,
I did some rtfm, and found what I'd forgotten:
there is a folder mgt that lets you exclude picasa's search,
and I had excluded everything except the one place
where the log had once been
before I moved the entire log to a crypt .
of course, I forgot!:
. you just need to go into Tools / Folder Manager
and check the [Scan Always] on any folders you want imported .


high-fat diet, dioxins, and cancer

1.29: health/cancer/dioxin:
. after hearing about our unending dioxin blunders
from a gm food discussion ...
. how much is a dioxin a continuing problem?
dioxin in jungles soon farmed on;
is that collecting in veg? esp'ly fatty or root veg?
. some remassaged data indicated little risk of dioxin
from eating root veg grown in high-dioxin soils;
but, apparently this is not the case for fatty plants .
Dioxin in the Agricultural Food Chain
. dioxin is continually ommitted by trash incinerators,
and {dairy, beef} cows concentrate these sources .

todo.web/health/sure-pure eggs:
. recent b'day money could be useful for getting
chickens that could supply sure-pure eggs .
. eggs typically have 10 times more dioxin
than veg'oil does (still 10times less than
fish highest on the food chain) .

santa man v1.0 -- a walk through the monsanto park

1.27: santa man v1.0 -- a walk through the monsanto park

. Health and Wellness Product Information Group asks:
should we eat gmo's?
should gmo's eat us!
-- look at this vid: Controlling Our Food
On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television
- a documentary that Americans won’t ever see.
The gigantic bio-tech corporation Monsanto
is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity
which has served mankind for thousands of years.
. gmo is about patentable seeds,
so you know when you don't have gmo because
really only when the seed sale is free of
contracts prohibiting saving crops for seed .
[1.30: ... and when there is
no similar gmo crop growing upwind .]
. in processed food things won't be labeled in usa,
though they are in europe .
. in 1992 George Bush Senior signed an executive order
that genetically engineered food
be equal to non-genetically modified food .
. the FDA was able to classify gmo's as GRAS
and under this category,
doesn’t require any additional testing or labeling.

. this film convincingly reminds us
that when there's a lot of money involved
the chances that science gets fudged
become exponentially more likely and tenacious .
. Monsanto is the main target of the film
simply because they have been at the forefront of gmo tech,
and they were the main source of money
behind the USA`admn's current policy on gmo regulation .

. the film documents Monsanto's history of careless science
with what turned out to be some very hairy problems:
pcb's, dioxin use as free as 60's love ...
. pcb's are not only a cause of cancer,
but are reducing IQ, thyroid, and sex hormone function .
. pcb's are spreading world-wide,
[and this is one reason why fat in the diet causes cancer
even when a high fat diet
protects us from cancer in other ways .]

[. Monsanto might seem like an
obvious villain at this point;
but, as you saw from
the finance industry's deregulation causing
yet another worldwide depression:
we all love privacy (virtually deregulation)
even though it's proven year after year
that private parenting is sure to leave some children
exposed to molestation;
and likewise,
we feel our businesses deserve privacy
even though they are sure to devastate
some unlucky generation(s) .
. who can you trust?
first, be sure to trust no one who says
we can be trusted until proven guilty
(wouldn't that be you?) .]

. tryptophan's EMS disorder was said to be a gmo problem,
[but it was also said by others
to be a different type of biotech problem:
when you are growing organisms to produce chemicals,
you have to be constantly vigilant with testing
to insure you still have the same vector working for you
-- something like the need for testing software:
it's all really created by the devil
(the creator of emotions and imagination);
-- no matter who the human face's name is --
and, it's all got to be walk-through'ed and tested .]

. gmo soy has been modified to survive roundup .
. roundup was recently shown in French courts
to not be as biodegradable as they once asserted
[... and, it doesn't have to be!
the world's agriculture will soon be
entirely roundup ready
and everything else is simply expendible! .]

. gmo corn is cross-polinating with mexican organics;
and, that is feared to be the end of organics for corn
as the transgenics don't do well without
high-tech fertilizers and pesticides .
[ but I fear it will be the population crush
looking for a quick fix,
that is really going to encourage the use of
exactly those "(accidental) hybrids
that do well with the cheapest treatments
only to grow larger populations that require
yet greater yields -- demanding ever more from science .]

. India has a different problem with gmo's:
the cotton is advertised as resistant to some insect,
only to be more vulnerable
to something else (like some sort of jungle rot) .
. the naive borrow money to start the technocrop
only to go bankrupt and fold with a suicide .
. one social worker points out that patented "(transgenics)
are being tried on every crop that India is growing:
they are literally being carpet-bombed with patents
as there will not be any corner of agriculture
that will not be lured into the trap of quick bucks
and unstable futures ...
[and with accidental crossbreeding,
what crops will they not own
-- what genome will they not degenerate into
dependence on high-tech methods?]

. in several places there were pitiful instances where
a farmer's neighbors had all started growing gmo's
leaving them on the edge of spraying operations
with pesticide poisoning their ducks
-- and their children .

. in Paraguay, after the leakage of gmo seeds
into their agriculture, it was ironically
Europe's gmo labeling requirements
that forced the Paraguay gov't
to legalize gmo crops
-- otherwise, they couldn't sell to any place
that respected either patents or gmo-phobic labeling .

. Europe's gov't was no different than usa
in the force with which it was swayed by cash,
but they had a scientist tell on prime-time tv
that animal experiments showed that
our state of genetic engineering
was a lot more complicated and unstable
than what the corporate giants were maintaining .

. Europe's public was swayed by tv coverage of
genetically engineered potatoes
that got a snowdrop gene,
which produced an aphid resistance .
lectins often serve as natural insecticides;
but this lectin was considered non-toxic to humans
yet became toxic when inserted into the potato:
. rats eating the potatoes suffered from
hormonal imbalances (fatty organs) .
. increasing a proliferative response in the gut .
thereby having an adjuvant effect
on any chemically induced tumor .
. it caused the rat`immune system to
go into high gear;
and, the study's head doctor interpreted this
as meaning that the immune system
was "(identifying the potatoes as alien) .
. it was apparent that the
gene insertion was causing the problem
rather than whatever was being inserted .
. on aug 10 '98, for live news, he reported:
I found it's very very very unfair
to use our fellow citizens as guinea pigs .
[. doesn't it seem like having that labeling
is like being told
yet another neighor's house is on fire?
. the question should be not whether
your dollar is ignoring the latest gmo effort,
what are your tax dollars doing
to counteract gmo cross-pollination
by developing totally glass-housed growing methods? ]

why teens have elderly cholesterol levels

1.22: news.health/cancer/teen cholesterol:
One-fifth of US teens have unhealthy cholesterol
Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:15pm EST
(Corrects AAP recommendations in fifth and sixth paragraphs)
- One in five American teens has unhealthy cholesterol levels,
a major risk factor for heart disease in adults,
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday.
The heavier teens were,
the more likely they were to have high cholesterol
but even 14 percent of teens with normal body weight
were found to have unhealthy cholesterol levels, the CDC said.
CDC researchers studied data on 3,125 teens
collected from the
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
for 1999 through 2006.
They found that 20.3 percent of young people aged 12 to 19
and more boys than girls
had unhealthy cholesterol levels.
[ . high fructose corn syrup can raise triglycerides
and promotes fungal overgrowth
which is known to raise bad cholesterol .]

whey to go -- ups and downs with cancer

1.27: whey to go -- ups and downs with cancer

. Health Canada usually agrees with usa`fda decisions;
but they disagreed about rBGH (recombinant bovine GH);
monsanto tried to encourage some agreement
by offering them funds to do their own additional research;
but they were so sure this was money-driven mad science
that they considered the offer a mere bribe .
. the director of monsanto reminds us that
biotech is only as good as its regulation;
which reminded me that when money talks,
it's because sex drive and population explosion
-- not monsanto, usa, or the fda --
is the real bully .

news updates about genetic modifications: gm watch

. whey protein isolate is touted as having anti-cancer potential;
but does that opinion still hold true
as the nature of milk is changed by unregulated science?
. when the cow hormone rBGH was increasing milk production
it also resulted in more IGF-1 in milk
that was said to be promoting the growth of
some cancers {prostate, breast, colon};
I wondered if, even after processing,
that could still be an issue for whey .

. whey contains igf-1 that increases igf-1 in the bloodstream;
[however, both sides of the whey debate
are saying that igf-1 from human and cow are identical
and some say that whey increases blood levels of igf-1
simply because whey is increasing the hgh (human growth hormone)
that igf-1 comes from in human blood .]

. HGH (human growth hormone) has a very short life;
most of it is used for producing IGF-1
(Insulin-like Growth Factor 1,
formerly known as Somatomedin-C)
which has an easily measurable lifetime .
. over-dosage of igf-1 is what turns careless hgh use
into the monster of insulin resistance:
this is due to high igf-1 having
the same effect as high insulin .

. one study found that in some groups
the use of low-fat milk could reduce the risk of colon cancer:
A high ratio of IGF-I to IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3)
has been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer.
Intake of dairy food (especially low-fat milk)
was positively and moderately associated with
plasma levels of IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and IGF-I/IGFBP-3
[increasing igf-1 more than igfbp-3;
however, ]
among individuals with a high IGF-I /IGFBP-3 ratio,
intake of low-fat milk was associated with
lower risk of colorectal cancer .
) .

IGF-1 is like insulin: vital but dose is everything:
Lifestyle factors that increase IGF-1 [and hgh]:
low-fat, low-sugar diets;
brief, intense exercise
(not aerobic exercise lasting over one hour);
not eating carbohydrates within 4 hours of bedtime.

Foods and supplements that increase IGF-1 [and hgh]:
whey protein;
dairy products (this may be from the whey)
creatine (5 grams per day);
use of arginine or ornithine at bedtime without competing amino's .

. substances to avoid while raising hgh with amino supp's:
Anti-cholinergic medicines (antihistamines)
--(Claritin, Clarinex and Allegra
probably do not affect natural HGH release) .

. lef.org has more suggestions for increasing hgh (and igf-1):
. Losing abdominal fat;
avoiding high-glycemic loads
. Optimizing sleep habits
. Exercise training above the lactate threshold
appears to amplify the pulsatile release of endogenous GH at rest,
increasing total secretion for at least 24 hours.
. CDP-choline, arginine, ornithine, glycine, glutamine, niacin (vitamin B3)
can help support endogenous GH secretion,
assist muscle growth and recovery from exercise, and promote healthy sleep.

. nausea can be an indication of
an excessive level of HGH release? [1.29:
the subsequent excess of igf-1 causes insulin resistance
which then allows blood sugar to get too high .]

. hgh over-use can cause the liver to
over-produce glucose;
or, hgh-induced insulin resistance
is leaving no market for the
liver's normal amount of glucose production;
in any case, metformin can be of some help
by reducing the liver's output .

. underactive t4->t3 conversion
(a virtual form of hypothyroidism)
can be a sign of low hgh;
conversely, some uses of hgh have produced
hypothyroidism [from excessive igf-1?]

1.29: soy lecithin is routinely mixed with whey

. since soy lecithin is routinely added to whey,
and soy is a high-fat plant that accumulates dioxin,
I was concerned that dioxins could be a greater cancer risk
than any igf-1 dosage anomalies from whey itself .

. among soy bean meal samples reported,
the highest level of dioxin contamination was
14.68 ppt[parts per trillion] of 2,3,7,8-TCDD,
and had a total toxic equivalency factor (Teq) of 21.75 ppt.

Dioxins, PCBs (picograms) in fatty foods:
Eggs (2) 13
Milk (1 cup) 11
Vegetable oil (1 Tbs.) 1
-- this could be the worst-case scenereo;
nevertheless, the point is that aside from processing diff's,
the main route of dioxin concentration
starts with any biological process -- animal or plant --
that is accumulating lipids in the presence of dioxins .

. fatty substances are routinely added to animal feed
in order to reduce dust or increase pourability .
. these can easily be a source of dioxins in eggs .
[1.30: similar additives for fertilizers and pesticides
could be adding dioxins to soy beans .]



1.27: web,news.addn/Apple`iPad:
. anything calling itself a tablet or pad
must include a sunlight-readable (reflective) screen,
and it must be a normally programmable device;
the apple`ipad is none of these things .
. it has the same app'store sdk model as iphone:
you test your app only on a simulator
until paying the fee .
. furthermore, in every way
this is just a bigger version of iphone:
no multitasking (a security feature against unintended ipc),
strict limits on web programming (eg, no flash app's);
and, it still doesn't come with built-in sd card reader
although it does have a camera card/usb reader .
. it has an ibooks app (an itunes app for books)
to sell books formatted in Epub
which anyone can publish with an openware editor Sigil .
. of course, if all you want to do is publish,
it shines at being a secure html wifi reader .


home invasions avoided

1.13: web.care/home invasions avoided:
Home invaders will typically try to use a
harmless child needs help-ploy
to get the unsuspecting resident to open the door,
upon which they will force their way in.
Most home invaders are armed,
and carry restraining utilities,
such as ropes and duct tape.
. you could get a CCTV monitoring system;
but rule number one remains:
if you do not recognize the person(s) at the door,
do not answer it, esp'ly during the hours that
most home invasions occur: 6pm ... 6am.
. instead, speed-dial 911 immediately
or run to your safe room and 911 from there .
. don't trust you'll be safe cooperating
as a ride to your ATM machine
will likely cost you your life too .
. see tips on fortifying your home,
and your doors in particular .

earthquake-proofing my adobe-only walls


. since haiti has made earthquakes so visible,
I checked out my area's history for them,
and it has a big one;
worse yet, my simple house holds its roof up
with nothing but brittle adobe!
. the 4 shelving kits might be strong enough
to provide a breaker from falling roof
used as walls for an inner sanctum .
. one problem with the sanctum reusing shelving
while sanctum is still being same size as bed
is finding a way to enter and exit the bed .
. start design from scratch .
. more ideas for reusing shelves,
this time getting out of bed is possible
by having the shelves wider apart
from the middle of the cot .
. they are 4 stories tall;
could make 3 stories, and use the extra
shelf' stories for bridging . (see picts)
. place 3-story shelves on all 4 sides of cot-bed,
. the stories fit by pipes fitting sockets
in each corner of shelf;
the pipes of the spare stories
can be cut so that the shelves are
still fitting together by pipe and socket
even when reused as cross beams .
. on the ends there is one corner that isn't pipe&socket'd,
but the other end can be strapped for security .
. chk shelf size for overlap
just a bit slim for current cot;
but, the piping provides a bit of wiggle .

. with the cot squeezed in,
there can be some problems getting at shelves;
so bring shelves out from wall
in order to be able to load the shelves
from the non-cot sides
there'll still be plenty of light for plants .
. 3 of the shelving systems are black,
and one is white;
I had assumed color was the only diff'
but they use different piping systems;
. the white tubes can be on top,
which means nixing all the black legs,
since there's only 3sets out of 4 .
. reuse the 3 black shelving systems without legs .
. pushed against west wall is the only way to have
dresser drawers access on the east wall .
. if needing more shelves,
the sockets in all shelves are all the same size .

1.25: redo floor matting:
. foam from south.bedroom that was under and around cot
is now replaced by shelving systems wider footprint .
reuse floor matting for walkways around shelving,
and 2 leftovers are put at entrance of house and bathroom .

1.25: custom pieces:
. make template out of paper,
mark 1st pipe cut with paper template .
. test piece for fit .
. mark other 3 pieces with 1st piece and hack marks .
. used a shelf from white shelving system
to add extra layer over head .

1.25: straps:
. the cross-shelves at the foot and head of system
are piped in place at only 2 of their 4 corners .
. used parachute cord to hold the loose corners
on the edges of the shelving they rest on .


idiot-proofed derailleurs

. this idea might actually be worth it for a velomobile,
where stalling on a forgotten downshift
can represent a non-trivial traffic impediment
due to the velo' being wider than your ordinary bike
and not easily push-started .]

4.23(2009): tech.gear/mobi/derailleur changing while still:
. did anyone try a front derailer on the underside,
one that would change gears by pedaling backwards?
. that idea would work for the rear derailer too,
but there are so many of those to do,
pedaling backwards would be an annoyance .
. these would be great for when being
caught by surprise in high gear,
and then no longer would you have to find some manual way
of getting started before you can downshift .


sewing machine refurbished with manual operation (2009)

5.26: gear/sewing.machine/repair:
. I could go a bit faster on the trike's shell
if I had the sewing machine;
what's wrong with it?
. the variable-voltage socket got shattered,
so the motor needs to be directly tied into the pedal,
or the the pedal needs a new socket .
. some of the chrome add-on's are missing:
there needs to be a vert'rod that the spool of thread sits on;
and more urgently, there is a screw-in place setting"thumb nut
that adjusts the length and direction of the step .
. without that, it tends to take huge steps .
. they couldn't be found so now the options are order new parts
(806) 744-6774
. they don't sell any replacement parts online
but feet, thread, and needles:
. the thumb nut could not be found online .

replacing the missing feed regulator thumb nut:
. one way to improvise is to make a crutch stick;
something that holds up the bolt to a typical level .
. the way I finally tried was
a cord lock that can vari-size a loop
that holds in place the feed regulator bolt .
. the cord is hanging from
my replacement for the spool pin:
a paint brush handle that fits snugly into a hole on top .

5.28: bk"operation routine:
. how to install the needle?
. needle's recess is on the right side,
thread from the left .
. bobbin's thread is coming over the top at you .

5.28: replacing broken parts:
. if it doesn't work mech'ly, no use fixing motor;
so, find parts and test it .

5.28: testing:
. gave it a wax-lube,
and removed the motor to get at all oil points
-- now it is very easy to rotate?
gives me the idea it might be better to just
run it without the motor!
. finish 2 parts rotating it by hand .

5.30: proj.gear/sewing.mach'/ergo.handle:
. I prefer the greater control I have from hand-turning the sewing machine,
but pushing the wheel made my fingers stiff,
so today I had the idea to reuse a bike pedal
as a turning handle .
. a good pedal to reuse is from the junker mtn bike
(it had been in an accident and the pedal was chewed up) .
. this bike had one of the cheaper pedal systems
where the cranks and the axle they rotate
are all one piece .
. I removed the bearings hoping to find some
easiest place to hack off a crank;
but it turned out I could have left the bearings in place .
. the pedal was made of plastic
and was hacked into a round handle .
. the sewing machine's rotator was drilled in 2 places,
which were then threaded with craft wire
to be twisted tight around the crank .