Showing posts with label schizophrenia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schizophrenia. Show all posts


Dan Harris 10% Happier #meditation vs #schizophrenia

5.21: co,web/psy/meditation/Dan Harris`10% Happier:
. "happy Sunday!" I greeted a coworker;
. from listening to a radio preacher today,
I was revisiting the idea that our thoughts
-- which we assume to be our self --
are actually influenced by the god or devil;
just like I saw on a cartoon once,
where the character has a devil and an angel
perched on each shoulder,
telling him different ways to react:
a supernatural game of good vs evil.
. I might like a book about handling thoughts:
Dan Harris`10% Happier:
How I Tamed the Voice in My Head,
Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge,
and Found Self-Help That Actually Works--A True Story
-- it's about the benefits of meditation,
and quitting drugs and alcohol.

. the primary benefit of meditation
is mindfulness -- being aware of your thoughts
objectively without automatically reacting.
. I do have some experience with meditation;
at times when I feel too toxic to work or sleep
I try to control my breathing and
and that becomes my only thought.
. however,
what I found most useful for mindfulness
was not meditation but schizophrenia.



2016.12.5: web.psy/gremlin:
. when hearing ventilation systems or motors
it sounds like there are voices from them.
. this reminded me of reports from air service during the war
when the voices of gremlins could often be heard
due to sound of motors and winds.
. it is true that during survival extremes
people may tend to hallucinate,
but gremlin noises may also come from
a bored mind finding patterns in random sounds
like when seeing animals or faces in clouds.


omega-3 medicinal effects

10.21: effects:
12.27: summary:
. fish oil has long-chained omega-3
that is very valuable for reducing disease;
you can make some yourself with
plant-based omega-3, but not much.
. plant-based omega-3 was not helpful for
reducing the risk of circulation disorders
yet one study showed it reduced the risk of
macular degeneration.
. some studies showed that supplements did not help
reduce risk of cerebrovascular disease,
only a diet of whole fish helped.
. one study showed high-dose supplements
did help with macular degeneration,
while another study showed that
low dose supplements did not help.
. fish is a source of mercury, PCB's and dioxins;
fish oil supplements that are 3rd-party tested
may help with heart disease, cancer,
arthritis, macular degeneration
and mental illness.


graphics 2015

. these are the drawings I did during 2015;
done in colored pencils or pens.
. also a collage.


Rupert Sheldrake Rediscovering God

2015.8.5: web.relig/Rupert Sheldrake/Rediscovering God
[updated 2020.4.27 relig/christian/Rupert Sheldrake/Rediscovering God]
Rediscovering God with Rupert Sheldrake
at Hollyhock [a place he likes to visit]
(this is a partial transcript of a video
[with my comments in brackets]).
. anatheism means returning to god;
[ it implies turning away from god,
as was the case when scientists supported atheism.]
. having the modern world going back to god
involves learning from atheism as a purifier:
it's purged a lot of rubbish out of religion;
also, do consider all the religious traditions;
[ returning to god doesn't mean
returning to any particular traditional religion;
I include a "born-again" religious experience I had
in I became aware of the existence of supernature,
without references to a particular tradition.].


Rupert Sheldrake The Extended Mind

8.5: web.psy/Rupert Sheldrake/The Extended Mind:
GoogleTechTalks`Rupert Sheldrake`
The Extended Mind[the mind beyond the brain]:
Recent Experimental Evidence
Rupert Sheldrake at GoogleTechTalks!
(partial transcript [and comments])


godless young males should hear about #schizophrenia

2014.12.11: psy/godless young males should hear about schizophrenia:
. if you thought the godless young male
was especially likely to be criminally secretive,
you might think it wise to teach them about the god
and it's ability to talk about you telepathically;
but can fear of god be taught?
it is only when the god reveals itself
that a god of our emotions and thoughts becomes obvious;
otherwise god is just a game of culture, a white lie .
. the best chance of instilling a fear of god
is explaining that schizophrenia could attack anyone,
and that it is the nature of schizophrenia
that you will likely believe in a god that owns telepathy,
telling others what you did and even think .
. but the best way to avoid youth criminality
is to keep them supervised until it is apparent
that they have some interest in their future .


battered wife syndrome like #schizophrenia

9.11: psy/schiz/like battered wife syndrome:
. in the battered wife syndrome,
despite trying guys with different profiles,
the victim always manages to attract a victimizer .
. I wondered if this was like schiz'ia,
where your guardian angel has a program for you,
and everybody you meet feels like
following that program;
because, we all share the same guardian angel
in order to orchestrate conspiracies
such as battered wife syndromes,
and schiz'ia hauntings .

#schizophrenia as god-mediated caste control?

8.24: 12.31: psy/schiz/god-mediated caste control?:
. a common time to become schiz'ic
is when transitioning to another social level,
such as trying to enter a major in college,
quitting substance abuse upon growing up,
moving from lower to the upper class,
or even from childhood to adolescence .
. schiz'ia is caused by the Holy spirit
intervening as a spiritual father
teaching one how to be totally honest
by revealing secrets through telepathy .
. the Holy spirit may organize a caste system
and give loyalty to the upper castes
in order to maintain some plan;
but schiz'ia doesn't hit every upward social move?
maybe some know what they are doing
(pledging allegiance to a group)
or they are highly sought
for the position they are entering ?
... but more likely it's as simple as
when moving to a new social position
you might not be aware telepathy exists,
and as you move, your subcon'mind realizes
other subcon'minds don't approve of
the secrets or attitudes you're holding;
ie, the key to not showing "delusions of telepathy"
is to have been basically loyal to
the caste or social group you are entering,
or to have been of sufficient emotional intelligence
so as to not warrant any fathering interventions
by the Holy spirit .


your telepathic supermind sacrificed you

4.30: psy/your telepathic supermind sacrificed you:
We already know most of the answers we seek in life:
How do I get healthy? – Eat better and exercise more.
How do I become successful? – Work harder and smarter.
How do I find happiness?
– Be grateful for what you have, pay it forward,
and take a vacation occasionally.
It all seems pretty easy to grasp, but then
why are two-thirds of the United States obese,
success is hard to come by,
and more people seem to be caught up in all the
negativity which surrounds them
instead of enjoying the beauty in life?
--. after seeing that, it was obvious to me:


#schizophrenia the garbage-can diagnosis

psy/schiz/the garbage-can diagnosis:
11.29: summary:
. schizophrenia was once considered to be
the garbage-can diagnosis;
and the reasons for that may surprise you:
labeling someone a schizophrenic
is meant to deny evidence of synchronicity
or parapsychology and the supernatural .


#Judaism the 7 Noahide laws whereby anyone can get into Jewish New World

11.3: co.self/dream/relig/judaism/the 7 Noahide laws 
whereby anyone can get into Jewish New World:
[ just before this dream I had learned from
about the Talmud's 7 commandments of god 
meant for all of the remaining gentiles
who were welcomed in the Jewish World to Come;
it had a law that was not in Moses 10 commandments:
not only shall you not take a life,
but also not take the limb from a life .
. also, instead of saying Honor your Parents,
it was saying Parents should instill in their children
a love for maintaining the legal system .]


who wrote that constitution? #childcare

1.19: co.self/dream/psy/who wrote that constitution?:
. in this dream,
I was really excited to be in the presence of
someone who helped write our new constitution;
I went over to him and asked:
"is it true that you helped write the constitution?"
. then our shared voice gave me a nudge, saying:
"when you put it like that
to a guy who looks a bit odd,
then you seem to be asking
why that job wasn't done by someone photogenic" .


teachers DMT & schizophrenia

13: news.psy/Jan Kounen`Other Worlds (Ayahuasca):
. my notes from watching
Jan Kounen`Other Worlds (Ayahuasca).

. Ayahuasca is a herbal form of DMT
which can totally separate the mind from body;
the body is a refuge:
a truly free mind can be in hell
just as easily as in heaven;
but the body is there to arbitrate
to mercifully limit experience .


Aquarian's church established in USA

10.29: relig/abstract islam/mecca pilgrimage:
. the mecca in the mind:
we should visit the places
where we have seen g-d's word,
or been touched by the supernatural
in some way .
. that includes using hallucinatory drugs,
like DXM, psilocybin, peyote, and DMT .

. after thinking that, I had to check out
what the mecca pilgrimage was really about .
. I was assuming it was where the Prophet
had seen the Qur'an;
but while that happened in the same lunar month,
the Mecca pilgrimage was actually about
the historic conversion of Mecca,
in the process of doing a counter-assault
after Mecca violated a peace treaty:
literally, the Mecca leadership blamed that defeat
on their god's subordination to Islam's god .


my friend, the Hidden Imam

12.5: relig/SMI(Seriously Mentally ill)/my friend, the Hidden Imam:
. I know a guy with an interesting mental illness,
a sort of schizophrenic personality disorder,
involving a style of magical thinking
that affects his ability to socialize .
. he thinks his thoughts are being broadcast
by god to other minds all over the world;
and god uses his mind as a public bulletin board;
which means he serves the same function as
Islam's Hidden Imam, providing guidance
like an Imam or priest, but telepathically,
and passively, not by addressing individuals,
but by being a sort of TV character
who everyone knows the details of,
so that god can tell us stories
that speak to all of us . signed by god .

. Mental Health calls him SMI(Seriously Mentally ill),
which makes him eligible for disability benefits;
but I was amazed at the uncanny coincidences
that make his "delusions" seems so believable .

. I asked my friend how he sustains such a delusion,
when he's routinely going to Mental Health
and getting asked questions like
"(are the medications giving you sideaffects?)
and "(have you heard any voices?).
"(how about any new smells?) I asked,
"(this condition doesn't smell to you?).
. he responded like an Imam, without blinking:
"(in America, when you live in a glass house,
you are too smashed to pick up a stone).


schiz'ia thought to be related to autism

7.31: co.fb/med/schiz'ia/thought to be related to autism:
How Autism is Changing the World for Everybody
How Autism is Changing the World for Everybody

There's not much doubt that autism, along with Asperger Syndrome,
is finally becoming accepted as a normal part of the human fabric.
Even if some people still see autism as a condition that needs to be "treated,"
it's increasingly obvious that people on the autism spectrum
are finding ways to...

. interesting that an article about
people misunderstanding autism
also noted that some had seen autism
as related to childhood schizophrenia;
because, schiz'ia too is quite misunderstood .
. medicals claim it's all about
being detached from reality:
having delusions about thoughts as objects
-- thoughts being sharable between people .
. the truth is,
not being able to control communications
(because thoughts are given to us
-- not made by us) means that
schiz'ia can be a lonely disease
and one filled with much frustration,
popularly known to end in mass murder
(people who think together, die together!?).
. what makes our medicals think that
this thought sharing is delusional?
. it may be delusional to think you control it,
that's where
a belief in the supernatural makes sense;
a belief in god
apparently makes a lot of sense,
but a belief in the devil is in the bible too,
yet even among many religious,
it's downplayed,
just like rational thought about schiz'ia .


Dr.Williams questioning schiz' theory

6.24: news.psy/schiz/Dr.Williams is correct:
By Paris Williams, PhD
. we still have no clear evidence that schizophrenia
and other related psychotic disorders
are the result of a diseased brain ...
anyone who takes a close look at the actual research
will simply not be able to honestly say otherwise.
And not only does the brain disease hypothesis
remain unsubstantiated,
it has been directly countered by
very well established findings
within the recovery research,
it has demonstrated itself to be
particularly harmful to those so diagnosed
(often leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy),
and is highly profitable to the
pharmaceutical and psychiatric industries
(which likely plays a major role in why it has remained
so deeply entrenched in society for so many years,
in spite of our inability to validate it).
. I think Dr.Williams is correct,
although I didn't find his arguments compelling;
however, there is compelling evidence out there
(and he's got a book on it I bet is interesting).
. in fact, most psychiatrists secretly agree with him;


witches, queers, and schiz', oh my!

6.1: co.apt/med/psychiatry/corrupted by mobocracy:
. our forefathers thought that you could tell a witch
by their being undrownable;
if they died, you killed an innocent
-- but that was justifiable collateral damage
in the war on witches!
. modern psychiatry until the 70's
had diagnosed homosexuality as mental disorder;
because it was indeed causing mental disorders
to many around them,
but politically you couldn't say most people are
mentally ill on exposure to homosexuality,
so they simply cheated the queers .
. the opportunistic mainstream gov's
or their tools of control, like psychiatry,
were caught lying about witches and queers,
and they are still lying about schizophrenics:


the spirits and molecules of autism

. this file started out as a political issue
-- 5.20/pol/energy/Autism related to Coal's mercury --
but mercury policy has improved
while autism rates have increased,
so, it's been reassigned as a health issue .
. however, it may also be a socioeconomic issue
as worsening underemployment
increases reliance on children's disability payments .
. nevertheless,
even if parents were encouraging the diagnosis
for collecting child disability payments,
there is still evidence of increased autism risk
from environmental pollutants
(pcb's, pesticides, estrogenics, mercury)
and a degraded food supply quality
(increased use of gmo's, pesticides,
and herbicides -- thanks to gmo's;
non-organic farming creates a lack of
selenium in food
which is needed to counteract mercury).
. another theory explaining increased autism
is what I call two-headed dominance syndrome
where one of the heads tends to submit
in order to let the other head take control .
. likewise, in sociology,
when a population starts to feel
a loss of economic opportunities
there may tend to be more silent tension,
and an increase in dependent personalities .

. at the same time, unique to our times
is a tendency to demand much more of students;
whereas, in the past,
the developmentally challenged may have been
understood to be simply a rowdy or lonely laborer .

6.22: web: autism is on the rise: