
water purification

web.aq.care/water purification:
7.11: summary:
. we should store water for emergencies;
boiling is the simplest way to purify water;
but to store tap water in sealed containers,
you can keep it fresh with chlorine dioxide,
(not to be confused with chlorine bleach).
. if there's a chance the water has
protozoa protected by the dormant cyst form
such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium,
only boiling or a submicron filter can remove them
but you don't usually find them in tap water .


#Judaism The Purpose of Exile (and Suffering)

7.3: news.relig/judaism/The Purpose of Exile (and Suffering):
. just as the Israelites built wealth in Egypt,
the current exile has spread Jewish talent
into all the world
in order to build far more wealth
than what could be had from
being confined to the Promised land .
. there will be the final war by Fall 2016
that determines the global leader,
and under that leadership,
the Jewish people will take full control of Israel,
and build the 3rd Temple .


Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths

5.28: web.health/Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths:
7.1: summary:
Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths
have been reduced substantially;
but there is still danger from
letting kids sleep in car seats .
. there is a crib device that simulates a car ride,
so no need to use car rides to promote sleep .


low melatonin may cause #obesity

5.14: news.health/low melatonin may cause obesity:
. there are 2 types of body fat:
white used for energy storage,
and brown for generating heat .
. sedentary people on high-calorie diets
can still remain thin because calories are
being burned for generating heat
by activation of their brown fat .
. being exposed to shorter periods of darkness
due to increasing use of artificial lights
may cause reduced levels of melatonin,
and may result in reduced activity of brown fat
resulting in an increased risk of obesity .
. melatonin also has other metabolic effects
that contribute to prevention of obesity .
The reduction in melatonin production,
as during aging, shift-work
or illuminated environments during the night,
induces insulin resistance, glucose intolerance,
and metabolic circadian disorganization
leading to obesity.

#Jesus as #global king #wwIII

6.29: summary:
. there is a good chance usa will win wwIII,
and it could still fulfill the prophesy
that the god of gods becomes universally recognized .
. whoever becomes the global king,
they will be in power because of Israel and Jesus;
and, that makes Jesus and Israel the global king,
fitting the title "the {only, first} son of the god".


Jonathan Cahn`Shemitah and Jubilee patterns #wwIII

6.26: news.pol/purges/wwIII/
Jonathan Cahn`Shemitah and Jubilee patterns:
. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn uses a study of
the Shemitah and the Jubilee,
to pinpoint the climax of wwIII .
. here is an edited transcript of his
Prophecy in the News Jun 8, 2015:


false teachers vs the gospel

6.18: news.relig/christian/false teachers vs the gospel:
. a study of the gospel
finds some problems with Paul's theology .


#NSA owns #linux even without #monolithic arch

2.19: cyb/sec/#NSA owns #linux even without #monolithic arch:
. I once thought the creator of linux
must be part of the NSA's conspiracy to
put vulnerabilities in open source:
he spurned the idea of a securable microkernel,
promoting instead the efficiency of a monolithic OS
written in the C programming language
which is notoriously difficult to secure .
. but if you look at all the other vulnerabilities
(such as USB support, and firmware rewritability),
a microkernel written in a safe language
would not have really mattered much .
. just look at what Chrome OS did with linux:
it removed many of the other vulnerabilities
and the linux core remains a survivor .


#encryption export controls #Logjam

5.27: news.cyb/sec/encryption export controls/Logjam:
The new attack has been dubbed Logjam,
( the name is a pun on the "discrete log"
math operation used to break the weak keys.
But the name is also an allusion to the fact that
these '90s-era export ciphers are part of an
immense amount of technical debt
that's built up in our crypto protocols,"
"There's just too much dead wood that's accumulated over the years."
The weakness is the result of export restrictions
the US government mandated in the 1990s
to enable less secure encryption for foreigners
so the FBI and NSA could eavesdrop on them .


solar cycles affecting economy

2.16: web.pol/solar cycles affecting economy:
economyandmarkets`The Power of the Cycle:
Do sunspot cycles affect the stock markets?
. the sunspot cycle is reputed be 11 years;
but over the last hundred years,
the real average of this cycle is 10.3 years.
. months of research into sunspot cycles
has shown that 88% of the major crashes,
came in the down cycle,
and most of the rest came close on either side.
The worst crashes come around
the first 2.5 years after a peak;
and, the cycle peaked February 2014;
so the greatest crash should happen
between mid-2015 and late 2016.
[ consider too the 7-year shemitah cycle:
the next one is sept 2015 .]

manage bermuda grass with chickens

2.15: co.nextdoor.com/apt`yard/manage bermuda grass with chickens:
Arthur Thomson:
Dan we had Bermuda grass, then we got about 10 chickens,
now no more Bermuda grass, just lots of fresh eggs.

drug use #childcare

2.15: co.nextdoor.com/Crime & Safety
/health/childcare/drug use in the neighborhood:
"This is not the first time that I have witnessed
students openly smoking dope on the street and sidewalk."
-- JH
. we see from how much society uses drugs
that the ethics of drug use is debatable;
but what is not up for debate
is that childhood is an efficient time to learn
and also an urgent time to learn
(the ignorant get hurt!)
so I thought we should pay kids to learn;
and insist that be their only source of income .
. teach kids not only what is hurting kids
(suicide, car accidents, teenage pregnancy)
but how health choices cost you later .
. when you develope academic skills
you learn to love yourself and are less prone to
letting social troubles lead you to suicide .
. we pay you more for higher grades
because we value your life .

rodeo is getting more dangerous #childcare

2.15: news.health/rodeo is getting more dangerous:
kids in rodeo:
"Cody Custer ... won the 1992 Professional
Rodeo Cowboys Association World Championship,
... He says 11-year-olds are now getting on
the kinds of bulls he rode in college."

The New Yorker mag`Bilger 12.10:
. bulls are being bred to be buckier than before;
only the steers (castrated) are safe to ride now;
at "futurities" bulls get rode by dummies .
. the more aggressive bulls sometimes gore each other;
often this starts when they try to hump each other .

anti-semitism from Islamic panic #wwIII

2.15: co.fb/pol/purges/wwIII/anti-semitism from Islamic panic:
. much of anti-semitism is really anti-zionism,
and the realization that WWIII is inevitable .

regulated #capitalism is #communism

2.15: co.apt/pol/gemini/regulated capitalism is communism:
. talk radio is saying we should beware communism
because it would regulate capitalism;
let me remind us that privacy is the root of all evil;
absolute power brings absolute evil,
and privacy is the key to absolute power;
the most powerful should have the least privacy;
because the whole point of privacy invasion
is to know what is going on to regulate it .
. to the extent that we regulate capitalism
for environmental or consumer protection
we are communistic; and, that degree of communism
is nothing to be afraid of .


extra snow can be from global warming

2.15: co.fb/phy/geo/extra snow can be from global warming:
. there are 2 sources of devastating climate change:
man-made, and geomagnetic pole reversal .


are vitamin E supplements needed?

2.14: web.health/diet/are vitamin E supplements needed?
. it could be that we don't need much vit'E
and any reduction in heart disease
only occurs in those prone to it due to bad diet;
my diet is like the Zone diet but with eggs,
no mammal meat, and little dairy;
my diet avoids grains except oats;
but grains are the primary natural source of vit'E;
however even without grains
it may be possible to get healthy levels of vit'E
by getting a lot of dark green leafies .

life is evil #privacy

2.14: phi/life is evil:
. violating privacy is clearly evil;
yet respecting privacy until proven guilty
inevitably helps hide criminals -- clearly evil:
therefore life is evil,
and you are left choosing the lesser of 2 evils .

@VeteransToday 's Gordon Duff with Dr. Judy Wood #911truther

2.13: news.pol/911truther/VeteransToday.com's Gordon Duff:
audio of Pete Santilli show:
. Santilli converses with Gordon Duff,
Senior Editor with VeteransToday.com.
. both agree with Dr. Judy Wood's analysis
that 9/11 was evidence of
directed free-energy technology,
but Duff warns the deep state will hurt us
if influential people expose classified technology .
. see also transcript .


closer to genetically modified humans

5.10: news.pol/healthcare/gmo/closer to genetically modified humans:
. germline editing is the only solution for
getting rid of inherited diseases
without a eugenics mandate .
. we are getting closer to such technology,
but scientists worry about public opinion
claiming only the god should create new life .