
calcium for oat phytate and stimulation #cook

11.16: web.aq.cook/calcium powder:
18: summary:
. I believe adding calcium to oats
might inactivate their phytic acid;
and in experimenting with calcium
I found that it can be stimulating,
and could reduce the need for caffeine;
so I looked for the kind of supplement
that would come in powder form,
for mixing with oats and water,
and not have too much lead .


space-launched DEW-based missile shield

11.15: news.pol/purges/wwIII/
evidence of space-launched DEW-based missile shield:
Level9News `Russian Meteor: Evidence of Directed Energy Weapon?:
. the meteorite that hit Russia on feb 2013
was attacked by something chasing it
(see this vid for a better view of the attack)
which resulted in the meteorite being dustified;
and then, the nearby land looked like 9/11
as if beam weapons neutralized the meteorite .
. to be on the trail of the meteorite so quickly,
it likely was a space-based missile defense shield .


A'shayana Deane`Voyagers is misguided #paraphysics

11.12: web.pol/gemini/aliens/A'shayana Deane`Voyagers is misguided:
A'shayana Deane (AKA Anna Hayes Gruber)
has a series of books, "Voyagers"
which has some interesting ideas about aliens
but it is all sourced via "telepathic downloads"
apparently from "ET's, IT (inter-time),
or OD (other dimensional)" beings;
. the basic truth is that the supernatural intelligence
has so much control over us,
able to control our emotions, our thoughts,
and even form shared new worlds via hallucination .
. communications from the supernatural
are often a disinfo program that are meant to
keep the real truth away from the masses
in order lead us into painful programs
that evolve technology through war
and diversify experience in ways we would not choose .
. you know you are being lied to
when your telepathic Source agrees with today's physics
about such things as dark matter and black holes:
black holes are a figment of the false einstein-based physics
meant to cover up the beam weapon physics
in order to keep us safe from terrorists .
. however,
all disinfo comes with a lot of truth,
and we are warned of "monumental changes" by 2017
which coincides with prophesies of Fall 2016
(Israel's messiah comes in hebrew year 5777
ushered in by the climax of WWIII).


#Secret Manuals Show #Spyware Sold to #police

11.5: news.cyb/sec/Secret Manuals Show Spyware Sold to police:
firstlook.org 2014/10
When Apple and Google unveiled
new encryption schemes last month,
law enforcement officials complained that
they wouldn't be able to unlock evidence
on criminals’ digital devices.
What they didn't say is that there are
already methods to bypass encryption,
thanks to off-the-shelf digital implants
readily available to the smallest national agencies
and the largest city police forces
— easy-to-use software that takes over and monitors
digital devices in real time.
First Look Media are publishing in full, for the first time,
manuals explaining the prominent commercial implant software
“Remote Control System,” manufactured by
the Italian company Hacking Team.
. they mention citizenlab.org's June 24 Police Story:
 Hacking Team’s Government Surveillance Malware

rising from the dead is what dieties do #Jesus

11.5: web.relig/jc/rising from the dead is what dieties do:
. Jesus is referred to as kyrios (greek`Lord)
kyrios may refer to a diety,
and there are many dieties rising from the dead;
one who seems to rise from the dead
would tend to look like a diety;
hence even if there is evidence that
Jesus didn't die on the cross
those who wish to paint Jesus as a god
would ignore such evidence to promote their belief .

nurses outing flu vaccine

11.4: news.pol/healthcare/nurses outing flu vaccine:
healthimpactnews.com is quoting nurse's 
letter to Boston Globe editor:
The flu vaccine is only 59 percent effective
and carries with it serious health risks,
which are not disclosed to those receiving it.
As of November 2013,
the Federal Adverse Events Reporting System
has received 93,000 reports of reactions,
hospitalizations, injuries and deaths
following flu vaccinations. These include 1,080 deaths,
8,888 hospitalizations and 1,811 related disabilities.
Nurses are more aware than the general public
of this data, and many do not feel that
the low effective rate of the vaccine
warrants the health risk.
This is so much more than the "pet peeve"
described by the Massachusetts Hospital Association.


fish oil for reducing inflammation #arthritis

11.3: web.med/arthritis/fish oil for reducing inflammation:
fish oil helps autoimmune arthritis 
[Arthritis Rheum. 1995]

Vin Kutty, MS, nutritionist:
Dr. Charles Serhan of Harvard Medical School
reports that the body converts Omega-3 into
joint-protective compounds 10,000 times stronger
than the original Omega-3.
These newly discovered compounds called Resolvins
help stop inflammation.
Minor Diet Changes Make a BIG Difference
. Taking fish oil supplements
is not the only answer to reduce arthritis.
You will need a diet makeover:
Less sugars, less starches and less wheat
(yes, less of even “healthy” whole grain wheat!)
Completely cut out vegetable oils made from
corn, soy, sunflower and safflower.
Use [extra virgin] olive or coconut oils instead.

#Judaism the 7 Noahide laws whereby anyone can get into Jewish New World

11.3: co.self/dream/relig/judaism/the 7 Noahide laws 
whereby anyone can get into Jewish New World:
[ just before this dream I had learned from wikinoah.org
about the Talmud's 7 commandments of god 
meant for all of the remaining gentiles
who were welcomed in the Jewish World to Come;
it had a law that was not in Moses 10 commandments:
not only shall you not take a life,
but also not take the limb from a life .
. also, instead of saying Honor your Parents,
it was saying Parents should instill in their children
a love for maintaining the legal system .]

#med washed out vision

11.1: web.med/washed out vision:
. several eye disorders can give a symptom of
colors seem washed out;
my other vision problem (word being read disappear,
or am distracted from reading by eyes feel full)
seems to be helped by exercising my lens,
so it might be high-pressure glaucoma
since lens exercise may help massage the duct
that is there to release the pressure .

me/med/eye strain/lens exercise helped:
. rapidly alternate between looking at somthing near
and something far away .
. that can cause aggression or excitement too .

enslavement in Egypt prophesied (WWIII_2016_prophesied_too)

10.31: pol/purges/wwIII/relig/bible/enslavement in Egypt was prophesied:
. there is part of the old testament bible(gen 15)
where the father of Israel is warned centuries early
about his people being enslaved in Egypt;
. that is significant to our time,
because we were warned centuries ago,
of a prophesy for the year 5777 (Fall 2016)
that a new world order would emerge
(ie, Israel's messiah would come);
and that order likely will be installed only by
a great war; that would obviously be WWIII .
. the messiah will come at a time of world-wide peace;
(see criterion# world-wide peace);
and that could only occur when there is just one army
acting only for the United Nations, or some other global government,
that can only be installed by world-wide war .

#health #diet raw mushrooms

10.31: web.health/diet/raw mushrooms:
. mushrooms are slightly carcinogenic if not cooked .
. many mushrooms contain aromtase-inhibiting drugs,
and therefore should be treated like a hormone:
used only consistently and modestly .

#med accelerated wound repair with #arginine

10.29: web.med/accelerated wound repair with arginine:
. one thing that may accelerate growth for sports injury repair
is arginine and vitamin c .
. quackwatch says arginine doesn't raise growth hormone;
but look at this:
"Arginine Enhances Wound Healing and
Lymphocyte Immune Responses in Humans." Surgery. 1990.


#USDA should protect #Organic Standards!

co.pol/healthcare/organic/USDA should protect Organic Standards!
. in September, the USDA announced changes to its
interpretation of the "sunset" provision
in the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. [OFPA]
. those changes overrode the powers of the
National Organic Standards Board
and are making it easier for food producers to
use synthetics in organic food production.

Previously, any exemptions from organic standards
were set to expire, or "sunset," on a specific date
-- unless they were reinstated by a "decisive"
two-thirds majority vote of the NOSB.
Now it's just the reverse:
a synthetic material can be permitted to remain
in an organic food indefinitely
unless a two-thirds majority votes to
remove it from the exempted list.

More than 100 synthetics will be up for sunset consideration in 2015.
I am writing to ask you to enforce the sunset provision of the OFPA
as it was originally intended .
In addition, I strongly urge USDA to use
a public and transparent process
for all major changes to organic standards
by publishing proposed changes in the Federal Register,
and by actively seeking public input and discussion.


#Jesus #privacy vs #knowlege #the_truth_will_set_ you_free

10.25, 11.2: relig/jc/the truth will set you free:
. when Jesus said "the truth will set you free"
he was talking about the truth about
what the god wants from us;
knowing that will set us free from sin
(being addicted to behaviors that harm us,
or that set us apart from the god,
giving us bad luck in war and competitions).
. is it generally true that truth is freedom?
there are 2 schools of thought:

#911truther #remoteviewing #psyop #farsight.org not_consistent_with_evidence

10.25: news.pol/911truther/farsight.org/not consistent with evidence:
. I listened to an interview with Dr. Courtney Brown
speaker for the farsight.org remote viewing program .
. he claims a 9/11 report will be good for
popularizing the believability of remote viewing;
but his results are not even consistent with facts .

big clue from #DownSyndrome prone to #Alzheimer's

10.25: news.health/alz/big clue from Down's syndrome prone to Alzheimer's:
. most people with Down's syndrome get Alzheimer's disease?
that makes sense because they are prone to obesity,
and tend to be intolerant of sugar,
(they then get spikes in blood sugar
that raises cholesterol that causes Alzheimer's disease).

#Islam like #Judaism facing a holy site to pray

10.24: web.relig/islam/like Judaism facing a holy site to pray:
. another way Islam patterns itself after Judaism,
facing a holy site while praying .


#vote general election #Tucson #Arizona #usa

10.26 .. 28: proj.gov/vote/general election #Tucson #Arizona #usa:
. my Fall 2014 general election picks
were often just voting for Democrats
in order to minimize Republican influence,
including possible Obamacare rollbacks
(see why we need Obamacare).
. there are some votes local to Tucson,
and some propositions for az.state .


#obese more likely to die from #flu

10.21: web.health/hormonics/obese more likely to die from flu:
. the obese were more likely to get the H1N1 flu
and to subsequently die from it;
so, would that apply to any flu?
. usa's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
added morbid obesity to the list of conditions that
increase the risk of influenza-related complications,
including hospitalization and death .
. some say the obese should be urged to get flu vaccine,
while others claim vaccines may not work in the obese
because they are less like to mount an immune response .
. also, vaccines work surely only by herd immunity,
because, vaccines are not 100% effective,
so if you are obese surrounded by
thin people who don't get vaccinated,
getting a flu vaccine is not surely going to protect you from flu .
. vaccines aren't without risk,
so, it would be wise to minimize them .
. instead of flu vaccines,
we could vaccinate only the care providers
of those who stay home with the vulnerable
(infants and elderly)
and reduce the size of our obese population
by putting a huge tax on high-glycemic foods
and also on the high-fructose low-fiber foods .


50g alcohol limit saves only liver

10.18: web.health/50g alcohol limit saves only liver:
One unit of alcohol is 8g (or 10ml) of pure alcohol
( 87.5ml glass of 12% wine [0.37cup]
, 25ml measure of 80 proof liquor
, A half pint of normal strength (4%) beer
). concerning damage to the liver,
the risk begins when regular weekly consumption
exceeds about 30 units per week;
[ 6units *5days per week? ]
-- Royal Colleges recommend two days of abstinence a week .
But for other conditions, like cancer,
the risk starts at once .
. one who drinks 50g (6units) of alcohol per day
[ 2.22 cup 12% wine ]
- has nearly double the risk of stroke,
high blood pressure and pancreatitis
as someone who abstains.


Chabad and other Chassidisms #Judaism

10.14: relig/judaism/Chabad and other Chassidisms:
21: summary:
. I'm studying Judaism through chabad.org,
and today's topic is "a Lubavitcher Rebbe";
. I found definitions for chassidism, Rebbe,
Chabad, and Chabad-Lubavitch .


mayonnaise homemade @ foodrenegade.com

cook/mayonnaise/homemade @ foodrenegade.com:
20: summary:
. I'm not sure mayonnaise is the smartest thing to do
with nature's most awesome food, the egg yolk,
but if there is indeed a healthy mayonnaise,
you'll likely have to make it yourself .

high-oleic oils #health #cook #cancer

health/high-oleic oils:
20: summary:
. high-oleic are high in good fats (monounsaturates)
but they are also highly refined,
and therefore remove many of the antioxidants
that gave good fats their excellent reputation .


modern #medicine idol worship

10.11, 10.16: pol/healthcare/modern medicine idol worship:
. there are several meanings of "idol worship":
it was believed by the authors of the Bible
that each culture was ruled by its own god,
and that one's own god was the ruler of other gods
such that other gods were basically lifeless
and unable to work magic or bless their followers;
one's god required that certain commands be obeyed
and would provide rewards for doing so;
drugs were outlawed because they cheated the god
by taking rewards without doing the god's will .
. cheating the reward system is a form of idol worship;
because, it doesn't obey the culture's god
therefore it is worshiping some other culture
-- some non-god, an idol .


Dr. Steve Phinney's #ketogenics #diet

10.9: news.health/diet/ketogenics/Dr. Steve Phinney's diet:
10.12: summary:
. low-carb means high fat, not high protein;
the point of a low-carb high-fat diet
is to get your liver to stop producing glucose
and start turning fat into ketones for use as body fuel;
ketogenics is the ability to make ketones as fuel;
a ketogenic low-carb diet spares vitamin C,
and cures Metabolic Syndrome .
. Dr.Phinney has a recipe for bone broth:
he uses chicken heavily mostly for minerals
(the only protein used is the broth's gelatin).

Dr. Steve Phinney 2011:
. carb's stay between 25 and 50 grams
(around 100 calories a day);
protein is between 125 and 150 grams
(500 to 600 calories a day).
so if needing 2800 calories a day,
that entails over 2,000 calories of fat
per day to maintain body weight.
. by staying low-carb, one becomes keto-adapted:
easily drawing on fat stores for energy;
so, low-carb dieters can eat less often
without getting tired .

10.11: Dr.Phinney 2004`protein guide:
The studies noted herein
[ low cal Capacity for Moderate Exercise
chronic ketosis without caloric restriction
Preservation of submaximal exercise capability 
low-cal maintining nitrogen balance ]
demonstrate effective preservation of
both lean body mass and physical performance
when protein is in the range of 1.2 – 1.7 g
per kg of reference body weight daily;
so, picking the mid-range value of 1.5 g/kg-d,
for adults with reference weights ranging in
60-80 kg, [132-176 lb]
this translates into total daily protein intakes
of 90-120 g protein/day.
-- about 15% of calories should be protein
when total daily intake is 2000–3000 kcal/day
(ie, if you are doing low-calorie dieting,
you should obviously get more than 15% protein;
because 15% of 1000kcal is far less than 90-120 g ).
. protein exceeding 25% of 2000-3000 kcal
has the potential to suppress ketogenesis
( because protein raises insulin [Ph2012]);
and, suppression of the ketogenic ability
will result in a feelings of low energy on low carb
until becoming keto-adapted again (could take 2-6 weeks).

Dr. Phinney`ketogenic diet conserves vitamin c:
. the usual carbs are inflammatory,
and raise requirements for vitamin C:
eating just pemmican even with no berries
did not cause scurvy unless mixed with
classic euro'navy rations that included
many carbs, typically biscuit and peas .

chicken broth for minerals:
. a good source of minerals is a meat broth:
simmer a whole chicken for 6 hours,
adding one quart of water per pound of chicken
(see my efficient induction pressure cooker).
. skim off the oxidized fat floating on top;
and, feed the meat to pets; [ because,
if you get plenty of minerals from broth
you'll be buying more meat than you can eat
on a moderate-protein, ketogenic diet .].
. if chicken is a $2.00 per pound,
and you get a quart of broth per pound,
that averages to about two cups of broth
for $1.00 per a day .
. to support a ketogenic diet
in which kidneys dump salt a lot,
(and to avoid low-carb constipation)
you should add salt to your broth:
one teaspoon of salt per quart .
. the salt helps you hold water in your blood,
and lets more water get into your stools
to soften them up .

10.12: Dr.Phinney`typical ketogenic day:
(21% protein, 5%carb, 74%fat, 2100kcal)
2cup greens; 6oz celery; 4oz green beans;
4oz mushrooms, 8oz tomato bisque;
2oz nuts, 10olives,
4 sausages; 6oz tuna, broth, 8oz steak,
bluecheese dressing(yogurt, olive oil),
4oz low-carb iced cream .
-- the broth has 2g salt needed by the diet
to avoid low blood pressure;
supplement magnesium to avoid cramps .
. most calories are from mono'oils and sat'fats:
polyunsaturates are taken only as required .
1.5-2g/kg of protein per day .

Dr.Phinney's controversial fat sources:
. says high-oleic safflower is like olive oil?
(new hybrid with no long-term testing);
and he casually eats cheese? [10.12:
cheese is a special treat not healthy for daily use:
it has the carcinogenic part of dairy (casein).

10.12: Dr.Phinney 2012`thyroid function:
. he doesn't know why thyroid would be low
after several months of a ketogenic diet
(at least if following his whole diet);
but, other diets' pitfalls may include:
higher fat in non-ketogenic state,
not enough carbs (get your 50g);
too many polyunsaturates .
. I wondered if there might be dysbiosis;
the GAPS diet people deal with that,
and they suggest use of probiotics
including fermented foods;
digestive aids might be needed too .
. a person eating wheat bran may get leaky gut,
and would still be ketogenic but also have dysbiosis,
that can affect the thyroid .
low thyroid is related to other hormones:
. testosterone, IGF-1, and SHBG are low;
Glucagon is higher .

#ketogenic #diet works when #DASH diet doesn't #cure #hypertension

10.9: news.med/hypertension/
ketogenic diet works when DASH diet doesn't:
Dr. Steve Phinney`beyond DASH diet:
. a ketogenic low-carb diet cured his hypertension
that was not responding to a DASH diet*
-- he was overweight too (indicating he was
too carb'intolerant for a DASH diet).

#grains promote blood clots?

web.health/diet/grains/grains promote blood clots?:
10.12: summary:
. saturated fats are safe if not mixed with grains;
oats are among the safest grains, but aren't paleo:
they may promote leaky gut, inflammation,
and turn palmitic saturated fats against you .


#BadUSB code made public #badBIOS #android #linux #mac #Windows

news.cyb/sec/#badBIOS/#BadUSB code made public:
10.11: summary:
. in 2013 I wrote about #badBIOS malware
apparently infecting my mac and linux/pc;
 recently a demonstration of badUSB
has proven a key technology needed by badBIOS;
but the code was not revealed; because,
USB is considered to be unpatchable,
unless $billions in hardware were replaced .
. even more recently,
other researchers have released the code .


#Jesus avoids proselytizing to non-Judaeans

10.7: preface:
. my reading of the New Testament sees Jesus as
intending only to politically unify Israel,
and thereby save his family from enslavement;
but his philosophy could also unify everyone
regardless of his intentions .
. in fact he does unintentionally save us all
by spawning the religious wars between
Christianity's Jesus-is-the-god 
and Islam's Christianity-is-idol-worship 
that would lead to World War III 
that will install the global union,
putting all military responsibility
in the hands of the United Nations,
and thereby bringing peace to the world,
the ultimate goal of the Messiah .

10.6: web.relig/jesus/avoids proselytizing to non-Judaeans:
mis: Matthew 23:15 is not proof jc against proselytizing:
. after reading Matthew 23:15 again,
I decided it was not proof of
Jesus being against proselytizing to non-Jews:
it can be interpreted to mean that
if you go out of your way to convert others,
you should set the best example,
instead of some debased version of the culture .
. so then,
what is the biblical evidence that
Jesus proselytized only to Jews?
[ tips from answering-christianity.com ]


#homemade #mustard dealing with #tannins

10.4: web.cook/mustard/dealing with tannins:
. I made a mustard by pureeing mustard in mct oil,
(the vitamixer got the puree very hot)
and the result was upsetting to my stomach?
the reason may have been tannins;
so, maybe mustard should be cured like olives?
. chefsteps.com says the tannins can be removed
by boiling and straining the seeds 8 times .
. other recipes leave the tannins in,
but make them less available by never heating the seeds,
soaking them in cold water overnight
and then pureeing drained seeds in vinegar .
. some cold-soak recipes soak in vinegar,
and then don't toss that soak,
instead pureeing it with the seeds .


#oleic acid and #breast #cancer

10.1: web.health/cancer/oleic acid and breast cancer:
10.4: summary:
. there is some confusion between oleic acid
and virgin olive oil rich in oleic acid .
. frying with refined oils is not healthy,
but simmering virgin olive oil in herbs may be ok .


reasons to cook oils at lower temperatures

9.30, 10.3: web.health/reasons to cook oils at lower temperatures:
Advanced Glycation End-products:
Foods with significant browning, caramelization,
cooking done at temperatures above 120°C (248°F),
the use cooking oils high in polyunsaturates
as opposed to monounsaturates (olive oil, almond oil, ...)
will result in Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs)
which increases inflammation and causes heart disease .


Revised Rules for the Food Safety Modernization Act #FDA #organic #healthcare #petition

9.26: co.pol/healthcare/fda/
Revised Rules for the Food Safety Modernization Act:
petition to FDA:
I read with interest that your agency has released
several revised rules pertaining to the
2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
I was pleased to see that the FDA listened to stakeholders.
Your revisions are heading in the right direction,
but unfortunately they don't go nearly far enough.


PÄ’CE Do Happy Today outreach

9.22: co.pol/Partnership for Equity and Civic Engagement
/Do Happy Today outreach:
. PÄ’CE (Partnership for Equity and Civic Engagement)
had a planning meeting for their Do Happy Today outreach .
 . part of happiness is getting a sense of community;
(eg free food may bring the community together)
. do you measure success in gross domestic product,
or do you measure it in national happiness levels ?
. and consider long-term happiness too:
you're high on sugar but what did alzheimer's cost?
you feel lucky but are you prepared for
climate change and limits to population growth?
. as a closing message,
I seconded the gentleman who earlier showed concern about
preparing for climate change:
even 3 days without infrastructure
would be as devastating as nuclear bomb .
(he adds that people are happy when they are grateful,
rather than being grateful when they are happy).
. we should use some of this time promoting happiness
to talk about long term happiness
remind people how fragile our supply chain is,
and that we need to relocalize,
telling people about backyard gardens and chicken raising .
[ but perhaps not a good message for a desert like Tucson
as it has more people than local water supplies .]


#USAFREEDOMAct reauthorizes #PATRIOTAct until after #wwIII is over

news.pol/privacy rights
/#USAFREEDOMAct reauthorizes #PATRIOTAct until after #wwIII is over:
. it's ok to lose privacy; we're in a war until 2017;
and after that we're in a global union;
how can you keep global peace
without keeping an eye on every guy
since you can't know who's evil until you look .
sign the petition:


the most paleo nuts

9.17: news.health/diet/omega-6/the most paleo nuts:
. "paleo" refers to a Zone diet (hormonics),
that keeps the glycemic index low (all nuts win)
and balances the omega-3 to match omega-6
(nuts and seeds vary widely in this regard).
. total poly'oils should be low relative to
mono'oils, and the good, non-palmitic sat'fats
(the palmitic sat'fat when combined with grains
will promote strokes and heart attacks)
. proteins that were not complete
were usually lacking lysine, and/or cysteine/methionine .
. the omega-3 found is usually Linolenic(18:3);
the omega-6 is Linoleic(18:2).

why is #GAPS #diet only #bean the white navy?

9.16: web.med/GAPS.diet/why is GAPS.diet only bean the white navy?:
. the GAPS diet (for Gut and Psych Syndrome)
lowers most types fiber and pours on the fats
in order to flush out the bad germs;
but, it allows the following legumes:
"Lima beans, Lentils, Peas;
White navy beans, properly prepared" .
. navy beans have a high saponin content;
Saponins exhibit antibacterial and anti-fungal activity,
and have been found to inhibit cancer cell growth.
. navy bean is the richest source of
ferulic acid [antibacterial] and p-coumaric acid
among the common bean varieties.
White beans are the most abundant plant-based source of
phosphatidylserine (PS) yet known .


reinterpreting "Lord you gave your life so I could be free" #liberal vs #christian

9.9: relig/christian/"Lord you gave your life so I could be free":
. I heard this line on a christian music station:
"Lord you gave your life so I could be free".
. "Lord's life" means Jesus;
but that line also makes sense within my religion theory,
which does not equate Jesus with the god
(I assume, without being a Muslim,
that Jesus was one of many sincere and wise prophets;
ie, people who are correcting their culture).


lecithin granules lipid composition #cook

9.7: web.cook/lecithin granules/lipid composition:
. I've been thinking of using more lecithin
such as Now Food's non-GMO soy lecithin granules
by using it in all my cooker recipes;
so, how much omega-6 am I getting ?
granules are 33-35% soybean oil,
and half of that is an omega-6 poly'oil;
also 10% of soy oil is palmitic acid,
the bad (atherogenic) saturated fat,
which becomes dangerous when adding grains to diet .


#usa was and is stingy with #Jewish immigration #5777

8.27: news.pol/zionism/usa was and is stingy with Jewish immigration:
9.6: summary:
. this is my edit of an article by
tabletmag's Mark Oppenheimer August 27, 2014 
[ with my comments in brackets ];
. this article reminds us that some Jewish people
are not that excited about Zionism
but the usa offers them no place to go but Israel
when things are getting much hotter for Judaism
in Europe, but also soon in Israel .
. it seems obvious that Zionism will lead to WWIII
and that is going to devastate not only Israel,
but major cities in the usa, by Fall 2016 .
. we should invite more of the Jewish gene pool
into rural america .


#liberals associated with #Lyme disease

8.27: news.pol/liberals associated with Lyme disease:
. this map of gay marriage (liberal) states (found here)
is similar to the Lyme outbreak density (found here).
. the Lyme ticks are thickest in liberal states
except clean NewMexico is liberal,
and infested Wisconsin is not .

webcam pedophilia sting operation like drones

8.27: news.pol/children's rights/
webcam pedophilia sting operation like drones:
27: summary:
. webcam pedophiles (defined as those who are
asking children to masturbate in front of the webcam
and may involve exposing children to adult masturbation)
are getting caught by a new policing strategy
because they can't tell the difference between
a human and a computer-generated character;
and, they show their face during the crime,
which can lead to identification of the offender .

Morphic Resonance #parapsych #paraphysics

8.27: news.psy/parapsy/Morphic Resonance:
. the idea that your brain's memory is more like a
radio receiver than a computer storage,
is included in a theory known as Morphic Resonance .
. just as there is a shared evolving memory for minds
there are shared memory stores for some natural laws
such as epigenetics and crystal formations .
video: Dr Rupert Sheldrake: 
"Morphic Resonance, 
Collective Memory and the Habits of Nature" .


#solar #oven by sunoven.com

2014.2.9: web.gear/solar.oven/compare amazon offerings:
All American Sun Oven

base oven is $294.00, extras is $45.5:


Antichrist war is officially declared

news.pol/purges/wwIII/Antichrist war is officially declared:
defense.gov Aug. 21, 2014:
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
ISIS has an "apocalyptic, end-of-days" vision 
that will eventually have to be defeated.


#Russia #religion the greater hope of the world #Cayce

7.22: relig/Russian (what Cayce esteemed)
8.13: summary: 
. Edgar Cayce was "the sleeping prophet";
he could hypnotize himself, and answer questions
which his waking self knew nothing about .
Edgar Cayce 1932.2 READING 3976-10:
What should be the attitude of so-called
capitalist nations toward [Stalin's] Russia?
On Russia's religious development
will come the greater hope of the world.
Then that one, or group, that is
the closer in its relationships,
may fare the better in the gradual changes
and final settlement of conditions
as to the rule of the world.
. the Religion Cayce saw coming to Russia
must have been the same one that Cayce
had himself been drawn to in 1932;
and, like the mystics of India,
Cayce's religion included Hindu reincarnation,
but was otherwise traditional Christianity .


#PC as the #communists vs the #fascists

8.10: news.pol/PC as the communists vs the fascists:
. traditional versions of Christians
believe that God Himself wrote the very Bible
that outlaws many sexual behaviors
which means you cannot be both Biblical and
tolerant of non-procreative sexual orientations .
. the Christians traditionally tried to
dominate every community around the globe,
replacing all the local perversities;
so, the natural reaction of the PC
has been to globalize sexual tolerance .

protecting Christian culture:
. one way to protect all cultures,
including the Christians and the racists,
is to have entire towns dedicated to
one particular culture and language .
. just like private homes can be discriminatory,
private groups who can afford to buy an entire town
can dedicate that town to their own culture,
their own language, or even their own race .


prioritizing supplements for a tight budget

health/prioritizing supplements for a tight budget:
. I'm looking for ways to save more in preparation for
lower luck and higher inflation;
so, I'm trying to replace health supplements
with items that foodstamps will pay for .


national security challenge of the 21st century

30: news.pol/purges/wwIII/national security challenge of the 21st century:
defense.gov news:
Aspen Security Forum in Colorado,
 A panel of experts discussed the specter of
terrorists armed with WMD's (weapons of mass destruction)
-- nuclear, biological, chemical, etc .
Among the panelists was Andrew C. Weber,
assistant secretary of defense for
nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs .


United Countries vs United Communities #Israel #Ukraine #WWIII

7.24: pol/United Countries vs United Communities:
. the purpose of the coming wwIII is to
give military muscle to the United Nations (UN);
and, I'm concerned about what sort of government
the UN will be enforcing globally .
. it seems like much of the world is aligned with
the policies of usa-Israel rather than Russia;
and it's likely the WWIII winner will determine
what sort of UN the world must be subject to .
. this concerns me because the usa strongly supports
the will of countries over communities .
. obviously there are some bad communities
( slavers, nazis, and fascists ),
but look what usa has done with good communities: