
A'shayana Deane`Voyagers is misguided #paraphysics

11.12: web.pol/gemini/aliens/A'shayana Deane`Voyagers is misguided:
A'shayana Deane (AKA Anna Hayes Gruber)
has a series of books, "Voyagers"
which has some interesting ideas about aliens
but it is all sourced via "telepathic downloads"
apparently from "ET's, IT (inter-time),
or OD (other dimensional)" beings;
. the basic truth is that the supernatural intelligence
has so much control over us,
able to control our emotions, our thoughts,
and even form shared new worlds via hallucination .
. communications from the supernatural
are often a disinfo program that are meant to
keep the real truth away from the masses
in order lead us into painful programs
that evolve technology through war
and diversify experience in ways we would not choose .
. you know you are being lied to
when your telepathic Source agrees with today's physics
about such things as dark matter and black holes:
black holes are a figment of the false einstein-based physics
meant to cover up the beam weapon physics
in order to keep us safe from terrorists .
. however,
all disinfo comes with a lot of truth,
and we are warned of "monumental changes" by 2017
which coincides with prophesies of Fall 2016
(Israel's messiah comes in hebrew year 5777
ushered in by the climax of WWIII).

I had recently asked about aliens:
"I would like to know more about the species
that genetically engineered our species .
and was directed to A'shayana Deane's series of books, "Voyagers".

see free online edition of Vol 1;
see toc of vol II: Secrets Of Amenti;
. here are summary notes of those books:
# voyagers/esp_voyagers18.htm
# voyagers/esp_voyagers.htm
# vida_alien/voyag01.htm;
see also keylonticdictionary.org .

. here are vid's of Deane teaching us;
in this one (at 50min) she assumes there is
a black hole in the middle of our galaxy;
but, black holes are a figment of the
false einstein-based physics
meant to cover up the beam weapon physics
to keep us safe from terrorists .

5thworld.com`Voyagers`Black Hole:
. a hole in the fabric of the Time Matrix
that magnetically pulls in energy,
scrambling its original time sequence organization.
Once created, it continues to exist until
all energy that passed through it is reclaimed. 67
. the basic truth is that the supernatural intelligence
has so much control over us,
able to control our emotions, our thoughts,
and even form shared new worlds via hallucination .
. communications from the supernatural
are often a disinfo program that is meant to
keep the real truth away from the masses
in order lead us into painful programs
that evolve technology through war
and diversify experience in ways we would not choose .
. you know you are being lied to
when your telepathic Source agrees with today's physics
about such things as dark matter and black holes .

. the only religious teaching she is against (min 56)
is metatronic death star merkaba?
. metatronic death star merkaba
is also mentioned by Theresa Talea's book:
The Truth about God, 2012-2022 Ascension,
and Who We Really Are:
How an Ex-Prophet and I Left Religion
and Discovered Universes Beyond and Within .

rikisuave`A'shayana Deane`Death Star Merkaba:
A'shayana Deane, author of the Voyager books.
Detailed information on “organic First-Creation Dynamics,”
the historical “Fall of Metatron” and related characters,
and the mechanics and historical applications of
“Metatronic Death Science”
is found in Voyagers Volume-2, 2nd Edition, ... .
Her previous work details the history behind the
genetic engineering of the human race
and the numerous ET races that have been
interacting with and shaping our destiny here on Earth
as well as throughout the many multi-verses.
This information is highly complex and detailed.
She and two other "speakers" as they call themselves
are receiving this information via telepathic downloads.
They have been trained by the Guardian Alliances,
a group of ETs who protect the secrets of ascension
and the stargates on this planet and others
from what they call the self-interested Intruder races.
. well, her Sources are honest about at least one thing:
they are "a group of ETs who protect the secrets
from the self-interested Intruder races",
and the "Intruder races" might include
any public speakers like Ms.Deane!

. one interesting assertion that I do believe
based only prophesies about Fall 2016
is that WWIII will climax by then
and we will see the revelation of beam weapons
and anti-gravity propulsion
("flying saucers" used secretly by the military).
. somewhat in agreement with that,
A'shayana Deane asserts that a major revelation
will occur between 2000 and 2017 .

A'shayana Deane`evidence revealed by 2017:
One plausible reason for the seeming absence of
archeological evidence supporting [alien] contact
... is a scientific dynamic known as Particle Transition,
a dynamic which is not presently understood
within the scientific communities of Earth.
... Remains that vanish when Earth transitions back into
the particle universe,
can be rediscovered when Earth once again passes into
the anti-particle universe,
at the completion of its 26,556-year time cycle.
Within Earth’s natural time cycle passage,
the present cycle would end in 4230 AD,
at which time various types of missing remains
would become available for discovery.
Due to events described in Volume II,
[Voyagers: Secrets of Amenti]
the opportunity for some such discoveries
may present itself between 2000 and 2017
due to "monumental events" .
bajt 2000 summarizing A'shayana Deane`Voyagers I:
We can only fully unearth the remains of civilization,
when the Earth is back in the Anti-Matter-Universe cycle
(in which the artifacts etc were originally created).
This is approximated to occur between 2000-2017 AD.
A'shayana Deane`Voyagers II: The Secrets of Amenti:
The most authoritative text available
on ... preparation for the monumental events
that will occur between 2000-2017,
humanity’s true origins and evolutionary destiny
and the hidden purposes for the New Age Movement.
bajt 2000 quoting Voyagers: Secrets of Amenti:
The 2000-2017 opening of the “Seven Seals”,
earth’s 7 Primary Vortices (chakras),
the phenomenon of the 2000-2017 Stellar Activations Cycle
and “Stellar Bridge of Frequency” to ground at Giza
on 1/1/2000 and how this new inter-dimensional wave spectra,
which has not come to the planet in 210,216 years,
will create spontaneous activation of the dormant
Silicate Matrix Crystal Gene in the DNA
and could possibly create
geological issues of tectonic cracking.
[12-Strand Silicate Matrix(Crystal Gene):
A recessive gene composite
that appears within family lines
and remains dormant until it activates via
opening of chakra centers 8–15.
Found largely in Hebrew, Melchizedek, Aryan,
East Indian and Tibetan races.]
Presentation geared toward using Keylontic
Morphogenetic Science technique
to prepare the body and assist the planet
so 2000-2017 does not have to be traumatic.
Earth grid mechanics and the
morphogenetic “shields” (scalar grids)
that control the planetary Ley Lines and Vortices,
advanced information on the
electro-magnetic formation of Merkaba Fields,
creating Merkaba within the bio-energetic field
to move through the electro-magnetic changes of the
2000-2017 Stellar Activations Cycle
and the bio-energetic reality of
the condition called “Christ Consciousness”
and the mechanics by which it is achieved.
5thworld.com`Artificial Christ Consciousness Grid:
Guardian-created multi-layer frequency blanket
that buffers Earth life during the
Stellar Activation Cycles of 2000-2017,
so humanity can temporarily evolve to the level of
Christ Consciousness.
A'shayana Deane`Voyagers II: The Secrets of Amenti
/mass ascension wave of 2017AD:
... the races still had a long way to go
in healing and evolving their consciousness and genetic codes. ...
The races still carried within their genetic codes
portions of the Amenti Seal
(DNA strands one, two and three mutation,
anti-particle "death" seal),
the Palaidorian Seal
(DNA strands two and three mutation, D-4 seal),
the Templar Seal
(DNA strands two, four and five mutation, D-6 seal)
and the Templar-Axion Seal;
(DNA strands 1, 5 and 6 mutation, D-7 seal; the "666" seal)
the memory of the human lineage still remained
locked away within the Sphere of Amenti
in the UHF bands of the third dimension.
These conditions would have to evolve and heal
before humanity would be prepared to face
the ascension wave of 2017 AD.
selftransform.net`What is the ascension process?:
The 2012 to 2017 higher Earth frequencies
[2012 - 2017 Earth Ascension Frequencies]
will allow beings on this planet with
higher frequencies activated in their system
to ascend to Dimension 12 and
higher Universal Time Matrix systems ... .
keylonticdictionary.org`2000-2017 ascension cycle:
The "end times" represent the point in Earth's evolution
when the planet has completed a cycle of
26,556 years (Euiago Cycle)
and moves forward through its ascension period
to begin a new cycle.
. Reference to this ascension cycle
(the transition Earth will encounter during itsarf. 2000-2017 ascension cycle)
can be found within the calculations of the Mayan calendar,
inscriptions within the ancient Egyptian pyramids
and within the rich tapestry of Native American oral tradition
and many other tribal cultures.

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