
how to process organic greens

web.cook/how to process organic greens:
. I learned that canned greens
retained more fat-soluble vitamins than frozen,
and I couldn't find canned organic greens;
so I consided home canning,
but then decided it's easier to use fresh;
(just need to get to store more often).
. may blanch before vitamixing.
my next cooker might be an Instant Pot Mini.


theory of #evolution renamed biological diversity

5.29: news.pol/edu/biol/
theory of evolution renamed biological diversity:
Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction
Diane Douglas, has a good point;
in the theory of evolution,
we assume that the point of genetic mutation
is to evolve, when in fact
it could be something else like
adapting without necessarily evolving,
or simply to promote diversity.
. obviously some life is highly evolved
so Douglas's wording reminds the student
if random changes do not imply evolution
what does cause it?
. science has no answer for this,
except to say that
no matter how complex the design
it is not impossible
that completely random changes
could have produced the evolution.
. science has no way of disproving
that the genetic changes are not random;
except to remind us
that any alternative theories
involve unpleasant ideas that cause paranoia:
# being genetically modified by aliens;
# having our "randomness" influenced by
an intelligent supernatural entity.
. have you seen our wacky "big bang" theory?
the establishment couldn't care less
about the public knowing how we got here.


#dementia more risk from diet soda than from sugared soda?

2017.11.24: news.health/dementia/
more risk from diet soda than from sugared soda?:
the week.mag may 12, p21:
washington post:
boston univ`Matthew Pase:
. a 10 year study* resulted in few cases of dementia
but those who did get it, were more likely to have
used diet soda not sugared soda.
*[Stroke. 2017]


cultural appropriation @IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews

5.2: pol/free speech/cultural appropriation:
@IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews tv:
. you can say I feel like the other sex today,
so I will just dress like the other sex,
and use their bathroom too;
but if you feel chinese,
and say I will dress like the Chinese today,
that's hateful cultural appropriation.


#nationalism goyim, heathen, pagan, gentile, gentility

2017.11.19: pol/purges/nationalism/
goyim, heathen, pagan, gentile, gentility
2018.4.16: summary:
. this is a review of all the terms
that religious nationalists will apply to
those of other religions or classes.
. notice the same root word gent-
can have opposite connotations:
gentiles are lowly, outside your nation;
but gentility refers to nobility
more international than national.
. the "Jus Gentium" (latin: law of nations)
was defined as "the law that
natural reason establishes among all mankind
and is followed by all peoples alike."
. pagan means a civilian, non-combatant:
not a "christian soldier" globalizing Bible law.


non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is very common #fructose #roundup

17.11.16: news.health/probiotic/hormonics/
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease:
2018.3.26: summary:
. surprised to learn how many are sick with
something that may be related to dysbiosis;
ie, having the wrong gut germs from a bad diet
or from getting too many antibiotics
such as the pesticide Roundup
(much more common in grains and legumes now).
. Dr.Rinella blames fatty liver on
bad germs or leaky gut and being obese,
but the primary cause is our modern diet
high in fructose (sugar is half fructose).
[J Hepatol. 2008]

Mary E. Rinella, MD:
jama 2015 june 9,
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
A Systematic Review

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
affects approximately 30% of the US population.
high visceral adipose tissue (being obese)
increases pro-inflammatory mediators
and excessive free fatty acids (lipotoxemia)
and insulin resistance;
all that affects the liver:
alterations of glucose and lipid metabolism.
. all that altered metabolism leads to
fatty liver or hepatic steatosis.

2nd stage is steatohepatitis
caused by lipotoxicity from increased free fatty acids
and by inflammation from
obesity releasing pro-inflammatory mediators,
and by intestinal dysbiosis generating portal endotoxin.
. pro-inflammatory mediators and
(endoplasmic reticulum sress
from dysregulated unfolded protein response)
leads to pro-inflammatory signalling
that along with (the vicious circle of
oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction)
causes activation of hepatic stellate cells
and collagen deposition;
that leads to fibrosis
which is a precursor to cirrhosis.

. one symptom of insulin resistance is
acanthosis nigricans
[velvety darkening of the skin.
It is usually found in body folds.]


naturopath Frank Cooper early warning about Interesterified fats

2017.11.13: web.med/naturopaths/
Frank Cooper (Naturopathic Nutritionist based in Australia):
I was impressed that when Interesterified fats
were raising alarm bells in 2009,
Frank Cooper warned about them a year earlier;
I wondered what he is doing now,
and he seems to have lost web presence in 2013.


creditkarma offers free credit monitoring and tax service but unresponsive

17.11.6: web.care/fin/creditkarma/
offers free credit monitoring and tax service but unresponsive:
2018: summary:
. creditkarma services are free,
and might alert you to identity theft
but the BBB says you get what you pay for
when it comes to customer service.

Intel ME OS is Minix3 -Google wants Linux

17.11.6: news.cyb/sec/Intel Mgt Engine OS is Minix3 while Google wants Linux:
2018: summary:
. below the OS level is hypervisor,
and below hypervisor level is
the ME (mgt engine).
. it allows the maker of the pc
to do updates even when power seems off,
as long as there is internet.
. the ME uses the secure Minix OS kernel,
but also includes a web browser,
and other huge amounts of functionality
that you can't get the bugs out of,
so Google suggests replacing it with
a Linux kernel and less functionality.
. this has the potential to be a back door
with which the national security agencies
can better protect us from terrorists
and others who take advantage of privacy.


@walmart tax cut? buy a better checkout system like @sproutsfm

2017: mis.aq/walmart/@walmart tax cut? buy a better checkout system:
. I frequent the Walmart located at
Kolb & Speedway, Tucson, AZ;
in 2017 I started storing a lot of canned food;
often I would bring 12 or more of the same item;
double charged by cashier?
I'll try my luck at self-checkout;
I double charged me too?!
. the display has only 10 lines
and displays each item on a new line,
instead of using just one line
to show you how many times
you entered the same type of item;
so, it's not obvious from looking at the display
whether or not an item scanned
when you have more than 10 of the same item type.
. it would be easier if the new system would tell you
how many times you entered that item
rather than listing each entry separately
(like occurs when using the cashier
and their one-line display
tells you what just got scanned).
. doing that would also save a lot on receipt paper:
instead of 12 lines of canned greens,
there would be one line saying:
12 x canned greens.
-- @sproutsfm has a system like that,
and it is very easy to check for charging errors;
whereas, on the Walmart receipt,
it lists each item on a separate line,
making the receipt difficult to check
for cashier or machine errors.


early #AMD reversal with high-dose fish oil #med #blindness

2.12: med/amd/fisho
2.13: summary:
. AMD is a major source of blindness;
studies show that in its early stages,
it can be reversed with fish oil;
and that a key marker of healing
is there being nearly as much EPA
as the body has of AA;
fish oil supplements vary in EPA;
eg, le caps have 0.35g of EPA;
along with EPA from fish oil,
you also need to lower AA levels:
keep insulin low (avoid grains and sugars);
limit omega-6 oils and most of all
be wary of AA in fatty animal products,
especially eggs and chicken.
if you get all your fish oil from fish meat
you also get some AA along with
dioxins, PCB's and mercury].
. AMD reversal was indicated by
the ability to read more letters
on a chart with increasingly smaller letters:
8 more letters at aa/epa ratio of 2-2.7;
[from perhaps 4 le caps per day]
15 letters at aa/epa ratio of 1.1-1.6
[from perhaps 8-12 le caps].
. the study applied the oil in 2 doses.
. rancid fish oil can do more harm than good
so it's important to pick a brand
that is 3rd-party tested for low rancidity
and also has powerful antioxidants
such as rosemary or olive extract.
. when taking high-dose fish oil
you should add more antioxidants,
and also ensure you get some GLA
that is blocked by high-dose DHA
(oats are a source of GLA).


call for increasing offensive cyber capability

1.3: news.cyb/sec/call for increasing offensive cyber capability:
. the military wants to focus on cyber offense;
the thing to keep in mind with offense,
is it involves placing vulnerabilities
in the hardware that is used internationally;
and that will affect the security of everyone
when those vulnerabilities get out
into the hands of cyber criminals.

apps using #Python may be vulnerable

1.2: news.cyb/sec/lang/python/undocumented methods:
Liam Tung 2017:
IOActive researcher Fernando Arnaboldi
revealed Python has "undocumented methods
and local environment variables
that can be used for OS command execution".
blackhat presentation:
Exposing Hidden Exploitable Behaviors in Programming Languages
Using Differential Fuzzing:
A differential fuzzing framework was created to detect
dangerous and unusual behaviors in
similar software implementations.
1.16: the paper:
. some Python commands are undocumented because
they are for deprecated functions;
meaning don't use the functions in new code,
but for backward compatiblity we are
keeping the function in place undocumented.
. documentation can be there to warn you
that a function doesn't check its inputs,
so you shouldn't feed it data from an untrusted source.

#Chinese calendar similarities to #Judaism

1.1: web.relig/judaism/Chinese calendar:
. the Chinese calendar has some
similarities to the Jewish calendar:
it is lunisolar, with some holidays on
the 15th (full moon),
eg, the Lantern Festival
is on Chinese calendar's 1.15.
eg, Mid-Autumn Moon Festival (month 8)
[In 2018 it's on September 24th.]
eg, Ghost festival (month 7).
[2018 date August 25]
. but the Chinese year starts differently,
with the new moon near the midpoint
between winter solstice[12.21]
and spring equinox[3.20]
--or the new moon between 1.21 and 2.20
. and the day starts at midnight not sundown.


#glyphosate exposure from desiccation #cancer

2017.11.4: news.pol/healthcare/glyphosate/
significant glyphosate exposure from desiccation:
2018.1.1: summary:
. increasing glyphosate exposure
may have adverse health consequences
and we are getting a lot more of it
since the 2002 practice of
using glyphosate for killing crops
to make harvesting easier.


menstrual synchrony supports #telepathy

news.psy/parapsy/telepathy/menstrual synchrony:
10.28: 12.9: summary:
. menstrual synchrony refers to
the ability of women who live together
to align their menstrual periods
implying they would have to reset
the duration of their period.
. snopes calls it unproven.
. see list of all the conflicting studies
concerning Menstrual_synchrony.
. one problem with this theory
is that no physical communication
such as human pheromones
have been found to explain it,
thereby leading to the idea
that it involves being influenced by
a collective subconscious,
and if that exists,
it would support the idea of telepathy
which is considered a "bizarre delusion";
ie, there is widespread suppression
of even good telepathy evidence.
[ Rupert Sheldrake`telephone telepathy]
. see Rupert Sheldrake`The Extended Mind.
. the suppression of telepathy evidence
is part of both establishment atheism,
and biblical laws against remote-viewing
and other uses of the collective subcon'mind.


#Hanukkah Jonathan Cahn`haNOOka

12.4: tv.relig/judaism/Hanukkah/
Jonathan Cahn`haNOOka:
Jonathan Cahn (NOVEMBER 29, 2017)`
Hanukkah foreshadows the Antichrist
. he says Hanukkah is about rising up
to protect your culture from
being eaten by a One World Order,
and he wants us to fight back
against modern liberal values.
. Cahn is supporting Christianity
but he is a also a good source of
Jewish culture.


@sproutsfm #sardines with no added salt or BPA #review

11.28: news.cook/fish/
@sproutsfm #sardines with no added salt or BPA #review:
. Sprouts has a good selection of organics;
they stock Certified Humane pastured eggs;
and I will be using their brand of sardines.
. today I tried the Sprouts sardines
with no added salt or BPA.
. if the daily sodium should be
the usa Daily Value (2400 mg per day);
and you don't get sodium from other sources,
then you can eat 9 cans of Sprouts sardines
compared with 5 cans of typical sardines.
. for a sardine with no added salt
I was surprised at how salty Sprouts tasted
(what are they actually doing in Morocco?);
anyway, salt is not really evil:
those with hypertension really need
less sugars (glucose and fructose)
and more greens.


reacting to an active shooter

10.18: care/survival/active shooter education:
. my place of employment had the police come
and tell us how to survive a mass murderer.

calc channel blockers control #emf symptoms including #afib

10.15: web.med/afib/calc channel blockers 
control emf symptoms including afib:
Mercola 2017.9:
. cell phone and other wireless fields
such as smart electricity meters
that are too mild to have thermal effects
(so they won't cook you like a microwave)
can still harm you via VGCC activation
(a cell's voltage-gated calcium channels)
Common heart problems linked to EMF exposure
include: Cardiac arrhythmias
(associated with sudden cardiac death)
Atrial fibrillation / atrial flutter.
[J Chemical Neuroanatomy 2016]
. put a Faraday cage around your bed,
as EMFs are known to disrupt sleep.


detect a #cancer cell's CD 19 protein (cellular_immunotherapy)

10.5: med/cancer/cellular immunotherapy/
detect a cancer cell's CD 19 protein:
time.mag aug 21 p36:
Dr. Carl June developed a method for growing
chimeric antigen receptor T cells;
that is reprogramming a person's T cells
to detect a cancer cell's CD 19 protein,
reducing risk of autoimmunity disorder
while increase chance of a cure.


the cross(product) has set you free

9.19, 10.26: psy/parapsy/relig/christian/
the cross(product) has set you free:
. there is a subconscious part of self
that comes from the devil and the god
that influences our decisions and emotions
because the universe was made to define
the indefinite experience
(an infinite diversity of experiences)
that involves feeling both good and evil.


Eric Dollard` Bearden is a hoax?

10.23: tv.phy/tesla/Eric Dollard/Bearden is a hoax?:
. Dollard gives a history of electrical engineering
and points out that those who said what cost others
would get severely punished;
he then said Maxwell was too hard to understand
(key to understanding scalar EM weapons)
and said the guy who simplified his work was great
(not a conspiracy to hide scalar EM tech);
then when asked about "scalar waves" technology
he said Bearden's scalar theory was a hoax,
meant to sell protective devices.
. Bearden calls it scalar EM because
if you add 2 equal and opposite EM waves
using Maxwell's quaternions,
then you get a zero vector part,
but also a non-zero scalar part
which represents the energy that goes into
longitudinal rather than transverse waves
(EM pulses used in the Hutchison Effect on 9/11
--classified dustification weapon tech).
Prof Eric Dollard "Theory of Anti-Relativity"



10.22: summary:
. before you are aware that the devil
influences your thoughts and emotions
you think of every thought as self,
and have an unquestioning allegiance to them;
you are a puppet of the devil
until you begin to question yourself,
then you become a human, like Pinocchio.


Collagen from Wild-Caught North Atlantic Cod

10.3: co.amazon/cook/fp/5-star/North Atlantic Cod:
Zen Principle Marine Collagen from Wild-Caught North Atlantic Cod
. one problem I have with collagen in general
is that it might have a problem with
free glutamates (possible excitoxicity);
well, I will just use it many small doses.

what does the #god want?

9.4: relig/jc/what does the god want?:
. Jesus said all law comes from just 2 laws:
# love the god (obey its commandments),
# love community members as self;
eg, it may be nice to agree with neighbors
but they may want things the god forbids.
. but who knows what the god wants?
Jesus had to assume prior Judaism prophets
knew what the god wanted;
but does the god really hate homosexuals?
how do we distinguish god from devil?
2 main requirements according to Dream theory:
# survival of community
or evolution of an intelligent species;
# diversity of experience.

3-star Pacific Marine Collagen Peptides

9.4: co.amazon/cook/fp/3-star/is the pacific safe?:
Sports Research Marine Collagen Peptides from Pacific-ocean Wild-Caught Snapper
. one problem I have with collagen in general
is that it might have a problem with
free glutamates (possible excitoxicity);
well, I will just use it many small doses.
. but another problem with
this product in particular
is that it is sourced from the Pacific ocean
where there might be problems with radiation
from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear contamination.
. if the bone is from older fish,
it might have considerable levels of strontium 90
(strontium 90's half-life is 30 years,
and it collects in bones like calcium).
. except for having to manage that small fear,
I enjoy this product.

5-star Erythritol

9.4: co.amazon/cook/er/5-star/what are bad reviews talking about?:
NOW Foods Erythritol,2.5-Pound
. I agree erythritol is not sweet;
but if the product tastes bad, it is not pure erythritol.
. the purpose of this product is to repair dental cavities:
you soak your mouth in it; eating too much can give you the runs.


Dane Wigington`Pat Tillman was a 9/11 martyr

9.18: news.pol/911truther/
Dane Wigington/Pat Tillman was a 9/11 martyr:
geoengineeringwatch 9/16:
Dane Wigington remembering 9/11:
. 3 buildings demolished by
elements within our own government;
the official story of 9/11 was a lie;
Pat Tillman joined the military on 9/11
but then after finding out what was really going on,
the military shot him and burned his writings.


child-marriages how is this allowed in usa?

8.24: news.psy/child-marriages/how is this allowed in usa?:
time.mag 6.12 p15:
. 17-year olds can join the military;
thus they should be able to marry before then,
to start their family before they get killed.
. most laws are based on parental rights,
[and many parents feel their children are sexual
and it safer to get them married
so that at least the unavoidable sex will be legal
(sex with your under-age wife is perfectly legal
while other under-age sex is statutory rape).]
. a problem with under-age marriage
is that in some states,
the under-aged cannot retain a lawyer
and thus cannot file for divorce
or fight for custody of their kids;
"legally, a 17-year-old is the same as a 7-year-old."
-- Fraidy Reiss, Unchained At Last


why take down statues of civil war leaders?

8.17: pol/purges/alt-right/
why take down statues of civil war leaders?:
. my anti-"liberal" friend is annoyed with
the ones taking down statues of confederates;
"they were excellent military leaders
who should be honored!"
well, I've heard some say good things about
nazis too:
Hitler was not primarily about killing Jews;
they say he was about protecting Germans,
from evil bankers and communists.
. my friend objects to that comparison:
the nazis were genocidal murderers,
whereas the confederates
were fairly fighting a war;
well, the unfortunate fact is that
whether it is true or not,
the confederates are seen as
wanting independence from the union mainly to
protect the evil institution of slavery.
. and to protect slavery, they were willing to
kill as many people as needed to succeed;
so there is mass murder protecting slavery,
vs genocide;
I don't see much of a difference.
. statues are being taken down because
a fan of confederates
massacred an african-american church
just because he felt it is africans who are evil,
not enslaving confederates.
. I agree that collective punishment is not fair;
why abuse all pro-confederates,
just because one of them is a mass murderer?.
. it might also be true that there were
actually good reasons for
southern independence from the north
just like the north had good reasons
for independence from their mother country, UK;
I vaguely recall there were trade policies
that helped the north and hurt the south;
but protecting slavery is what destroyed them.


fragrances are untested #tradesecrets and often #endocrinedisruptors

8.14: news.health/diet/hormonics/
fragrances are untested #tradesecrets and often #endocrinedisruptors:
. Marilee Nelson 2015 gave some great resources
on the issue of toxic secret fragrances
that I explore here.

#cashews #lectins #diet @DrGundry

8.14: health/diet/lectins/cashews:
. cashews seemed to be a good nut
except they inflamed my mouth;
but Dr. Steven Gundry claims
they are related to legumes
and have the same toxic lectins;
although he also said
the toxicity of legumes can be reduced
by heating them in a pressure cooker,
although he didn't say that applied to cashews.