Jonathan Cahn`haNOOka:
Jonathan Cahn (NOVEMBER 29, 2017)`
Hanukkah foreshadows the Antichrist
. he says Hanukkah is about rising up
to protect your culture from
being eaten by a One World Order,
and he wants us to fight back
against modern liberal values.
. Cahn is supporting Christianity
but he is a also a good source of
Jewish culture.
Hanukkah was originally pronounced
it's mentioned in the Christian bible:
John 10 (bible in basic engl, [jewish orthodox])
22 Then came the feast of
the opening of the Temple
[the Chag (Festival) of Channukah]
in Jerusalem: it was winter;
23 And Jesus [Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach]
was walking in the Temple,
[in the Beis Hamikdash]
in Solomon's covered way.
[Ulam Shlomo (Solomon's Colonnade)].
John 10:22 (New Living Translation):
It was now winter, and Jesus was in Jerusalem
at the time of Hanukkah,
the Festival of Dedication.
. the history of Hanukkah is found in
the first book of Maccabees:
. about a century and a half after the
conquest of Judea by the Greeks
under Alexander the Great,
after Alexander's empire has been divided
so that Judea was part of the
Greek Seleucid Empire,
the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes
[pronounced anti.OH.kuss]
attempted to suppress basic Jewish law,
resulting in the Maccabean Revolt
from 175 to 134 BC, highlighting how
the salvation of the Jewish people
came through Mattathias' family,
particularly his sons, Judas Maccabeus,
Jonathan Apphus, and Simon Thassi,
and Simon's son, John Hyrcanus.
After successfully invading the
Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt,
Antiochus IV captures Jerusalem
and removes the sacred objects
from the Temple in Jerusalem,
slaughtering many Jews.
Antiochus forbids both circumcision
(required by every Jewish male)
and possession of Jewish scriptures
on pain of death.
He forbids observance of the sabbath
and the offering of sacrifices at the Temple.
He also requires Jewish leaders to
sacrifice to idols.
Hellenization included the construction of
nude gymnasiums in Jerusalem,
making known who was circumcised;
and, many Jews sought out or welcomed
the introduction of Greek culture;
some even engaged in foreskin restoration
in order to pass as fully Greek.
In 168 BC, Antiochus desecrates the Temple
by setting up an "abomination of desolation"
(that is, sacrificing an unclean animal
on the altar in the Holy of Holies).
In 165 BC the Temple is rededicated:
fit for worshipping the god again.
The festival of Hanukkah is instituted by
Judas Maccabeus and his brothers
to celebrate this event (1 Macc. 4:59).
Judas seeks an alliance with the Romans
to remove the Greeks.
Simon gets the double office of
high priest and prince of Israel.
Simon and his successors form the
Hasmonean dynasty, which is
not always considered a valid kingship,
since they were not of the lineage of David.
. Cahn says an important part of the story
(not necessarily in Maccabees)
is that the priests were corrupt
and actually allowed the Temple to be defiled;
similarly, our liberal establishment
has invited evil into our culture
by promoting anti-christian sexual values
and abortion (like sacrifice of children,
something the bible warns against).
. when Antiochus tries to suppress
public observance of Jewish laws,
this was enforcing a one world order:
one culture for all nations;
and this is happening today:
all cultures are being replaced
by liberals preaching tolerance for
all behaviors but Christians.
. Antiochus was referred to as shanah
[Hebrew: to repeat, do again, change]
meaning devastating total change,
a purge of the traditional culture;
the same name was applied to
the 4th beast of Daniel's vision.
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