
the cross(product) has set you free

9.19, 10.26: psy/parapsy/relig/christian/
the cross(product) has set you free:
. there is a subconscious part of self
that comes from the devil and the god
that influences our decisions and emotions
because the universe was made to define
the indefinite experience
(an infinite diversity of experiences)
that involves feeling both good and evil.

. christianity says that "the son of the god",
sacrificed himself on the cross
(actually hung from a stake)
so that all your sins could be forgiven
and you could have eternal life
even after Adam's sin (our original sin)
had condemned us all to death.
. in math the cross-product means
all possible relations between 2 sets;
the god of love has forgiven you for
making any evil experiences
because this universe is the
cross-product of all situations:
every possible combination of feelings must happen,
and you had to be a part of that
-- the good god designed the devil
just to make sure that we would find
some ignorant, sleeping, intoxicated, or crazy reason
for collectively feeling every evil.
. the mention of "the cross" is another
coincidence where religion hints at truth
while also supporting dogma.
. hopefully most of the evil feelings
have already been produced,
and we can get on with an infinity of
mostly good times!
Cartesian product of two sets A and B
(also called the ...cross product)
is defined to be the set of all points (a,b)
where a in A and b in B.
-- it originated in Descartes'
formulation of analytic geometry. 

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