. Dollard gives a history of electrical engineering
and points out that those who said what cost others
would get severely punished;
he then said Maxwell was too hard to understand
(key to understanding scalar EM weapons)
and said the guy who simplified his work was great
(not a conspiracy to hide scalar EM tech);
then when asked about "scalar waves" technology
he said Bearden's scalar theory was a hoax,
meant to sell protective devices.
. Bearden calls it scalar EM because
if you add 2 equal and opposite EM waves
using Maxwell's quaternions,
then you get a zero vector part,
but also a non-zero scalar part
which represents the energy that goes into
longitudinal rather than transverse waves
(EM pulses used in the Hutchison Effect on 9/11
--classified dustification weapon tech).
Prof Eric Dollard "Theory of Anti-Relativity"
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