. cashews seemed to be a good nut
except they inflamed my mouth;
but Dr. Steven Gundry claims
they are related to legumes
and have the same toxic lectins;
although he also said
the toxicity of legumes can be reduced
by heating them in a pressure cooker,
although he didn't say that applied to cashews.
Many lectins are proinflammatory,
immunotoxic, neurotoxic and cytotoxic.
Certain lectins may also increase blood viscosity,
interfere with gene expression
and disrupt endocrine function.
Among the most problematic lectin-containing foods are
corn, corn-fed meats, casein A1 milk, peanuts,
cashews and unfermented soybeans.
These are best avoided altogether.
[ Dr. Steven Gundry | May 23, 2017:
more lectins than any other food:
Do your best to limit legumes
or cook them in a pressure cooker.
Also, some legumes hide as nuts
– so it’s best to cut out
peanuts and cashews as well.]
"It’s not about lectins.
As I have mentioned before,
lectins are a class of sugar-binding proteins
with a variety of functions in both plants and animals.
[example of such variety:
Kidney bean lectin can induce E. coli
overgrowth in the small intestine
and this can be blocked by a mannose-specific lectin.]
Almost every food contains lectins
and this fact by itself is not sufficient to
avoid eating something (otherwise we wouldn’t eat anything!).
The lectins that we avoid eating on a paleo diet
are lectins such as gluten
(and related lectins in other grains and legumes)
that are known to survive cooking, be poorly digested,
interact with the cells that line the gut,
increase intestinal permeability and/or
cross the intestinal barrier largely intact
where they can stimulate the immune system.
To date, there is no scientific evidence that
the lectins in nuts and seeds
cross an intact gut barrier
or prime the immune system."
rmathes ✭ May 7:
. can't make any general comments on cashews,
but in the last 2 years
I've developed some auto immune issues
with systemic inflammation
and cashews make it far worse.
. in Eating Right For Your Blood Type
it says nearly everyone should avoid Cashews
"ALL blood types except
TYPE AB who are also a Secretor."
. a study of 800 autoimmune patients
evaluated a diet that avoided
... cashews, ... . [Circulation. 2014]
Most of these patients started with elevated levels of
TNF-alpha (an inflammatory molecule),
which were reduced to normal
after 6 months on this diet.
The study concluded that increased adiponectin
is a marker for lectin and gluten sensitivity,
while TNF-alpha can be used as a marker for
gluten/lectin exposure in sensitive individuals.
Dr.Steven R Gundry, Circulation. 2014:
Elevated Adiponectin And Tnf-alpha Levels
Are Markers For Gluten And Lectin Sensitivity.
Adiponectin is a hormone secreted by [fat] cells
and is thought to be a precursor for
the inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha.
Although low levels of Adiponectin are associated with
visceral adiposity [fat around intestines and liver]
and high levels are associated with weight loss,
there is a strong association of
elevated Adiponectin and TNF-alpha levels
in thin women with dementia, osteopenia,
and/or coronary artery disease.
This paradox led us to consider that
these biomarkers correlated to
sensitivity to the plant defense proteins:
gluten and other lectins.
We studied serial Adiponectin and TNF-alpha levels
every 3 months in response to
a lectin and gluten elimination diet
(The Matrix Diet).
The diet consisted of avoidance of
grains, sprouted grains, pseudo-grains,
legumes, soy, peanuts, cashews,
nightshades, melons and squashes,
cow milk products containing Casein A1
(from non-Southern European cows)
and meat fed grain or beans.
80% of patients related some history of
autoimmune disease personally or among family,
including Hashimotos thyroiditis, IBS, arthritis,
RA, Lupus, Crohns, colitis, GERD, CAD, Type 1 DM.
within 6 months on the lectin and gluten free diet,
TNF-alpha levels became normal in all
(less than 3.0 pg/mL);
However, despite normal TNF-alpha levels,
Adiponectin levels remained elevated in
nearly all of those with a history of autoimmunity.
We conclude that elevated Adiponectin
is a marker for lectin and gluten sensitivity,
while TNF-alpha can be used as a marker for
gluten/lectin exposure in sensitive individuals.
These findings probably explain the
Adiponectin paradox.
TNF-alpha levels appear to be useful as
a marker of response to a
lectin/gluten limited diet,
and as a marker for degree of
adherence to such a diet.
Dr. Gundry`Matrix Program:
Turning off Autoimmunity
with a Lectin Avoidance Diet.
. if you have European, Asian, or African ancestry,
your ancestors never encountered a lectin from
North or South America until 500 years ago.
So then you want to eliminate American foods,
-corn, quinoa, nightshades, potatoes,
eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, goji berries.
Chia seeds are also American;
two human studies show that chia seeds
promote inflammation in humans.
Peanuts and cashews are American beans;
they aren’t nuts.
Sunflower and pumpkin are American seeds,
terrible for lectin-sensitive people.
Squash family -zucchini, pumpkins,
and tomatoes and peppers,
in general, if you peel and de-seed
they are pretty safe
(lectins are primarily in the peels and seeds).
. 2,000 years ago Northern European cows
suffered a genetic mutation.
They started making a protein in their milk
that’s called casein A1.
It’s a very potent lectin-like substance.
It’s changed into beta casein morphine 1 which is a
direct attacker of the beta cell the pancreas.
Southern European cows, goats, sheep, and water buffalo
are Casein A2 producers
and they’re perfectly safe.
-- almost all cows in the world
are the wrong breed of cow.
lectin blockers?
. MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate;
before every meal.
Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution:
Turn Off the Genes that are Killing You and Your Waistline.
The theory he puts forth, that all primates experience
an almost subliminal war within their DNA
that pits their good genes against their killer genes,
is a compelling one, and this makes sense to me.
For example he says,
to our killer genes within our cells,
the marathon runner sends the message that he or she
are like baboons in the forest
hopelessly foraging for foodstuff.
Once recognized the killer genes
plot the undoing of the animal's life
so as to hasten the genetic turnover.
On the other hand unleashing the "good" genes,
by eating certain foods and avoiding others,
all is good in our cells,
and longevity and physical well being is at hand.
eg, "If it's sweet, retreat." etc.
When we finally get to his list of
foods to "avoid at all cost,"
we see potatoes, pasta, any kind of milk, mayonnaise.
Steven R., M.D. Gundry 2017:
The Plant Paradox:
The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods
That Cause Disease and Weight Gain
legumes are bad
(but Cooking them in a pressure cooker
turns some of them into a healthy food).
Grains are also bad:
including white rice, and oats.
other veg that are bad:
sugar snap peas, green beans,
sugar, agave, maltodextrin;
Splenda, NutraSweet, Sweet 'n Low,
diet drinks,
cows' milk,
cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, squashes,
melons, eggplant, bell peppers,
chili peppers, goji berries.
pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds,
chia seeds, peanuts, cashews.
Peeling and deseeding a tomato
turns it into a healthy food.
healthy foods:
Food grown without pesticides
pastured chicken, turkey, duck;
pastured or omega-3 eggs;
wild-caught Alaskan salmon, Alaskan halibut,
freshwater bass, shrimp, crab;
red wine (6 oz./day);
goat cheese; coconut yogurt;
broccoli; brussels sprouts; cauliflower;
kale; napa cabbage; spinach;
red and green leaf lettuce; romaine;
avocado; olive oil; coconut oil.
limited amounts of [sugary] fruit:
blueberries, raspberries,
apples, cherries, peaches, crispy pears, etc.;
Fruit in season is healthier than
fruit out of season.
More yams and less potatoes.
More celery and less cucumber.
More raw carrots and beets
and less cooked ones.
Dr.Gundry 2017`philosophy:
My own landmark study — presented to
the American Heart Association in 2013 —
proved that a diet HIGH in polyphenols
and LOW in lectins
can significantly improve blood vessel function
and help lower the markers for
cardiovascular disease.
Polyphenols are a micronutrient found in
Dark blue or purple fruits — like
pomegranate, mulberries, Aronia berries.
They're also found in many other food sources,
including: extra virgin olive oil,
celery seed extract, capers, hazelnuts,
coffee beans, ginger, red wine,
dark chocolate, endive, kale,
fennel seed, pine bark, and more.
Polyphenols help you digest your food better by
"feeding" the microorganisms in your gut
that keep you healthy.
Avoid LECTINS in your diet:
All Grains. Potatoes. Peppers. Tomatoes.
Beans. Lentils. Nuts.
We already talked about how polyphenols
are proven to fuel your good bacteria,
but they need something else as well...
Prebiotic Fiber. — found in tubers,
rutabagas, parsnips, chicory, etc.
[pressure-cooked peas]
Stephan Guyenet 2009:
Lectins are another toxin that's frequently mentioned in
the paleolithic diet community.
They are blamed for everything from digestive problems
to autoimmune disease. One of the things
people like to overlook in this community
is that traditional processing techniques such as
soaking, sprouting, fermentation and cooking,
greatly reduce or eliminate lectins
from grains and legumes.
One notable exception is gluten,
which survives all but the longest fermentation
and is not broken down by cooking.
Soaking, sprouting, fermenting, grinding and cooking
are the techniques by which traditional cultures
have been making the most of grain and legume-based diets
for thousands of years.
We ignore these time-honored traditions at our own peril.
Dietary Lectins as Disease Causing Toxicants.
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8 (3): 293-303, 2009.
marksdailyapple`lectin harm reduction:
Fermentation methods are especially effective,
virtually eliminating lectins in one study of lentils.
Restrictive diets make us even more susceptible
to the downsides of our foods.
Research shows that simply rotating primary foods
was enough to limit lectin-related damage in rats
that were given rounds of soy feed.
Avoid GMOs. Hidden lectin is just one more reason
to leave GMO products on the shelf.
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