. I learned that canned greens
retained more fat-soluble vitamins than frozen,
and I couldn't find canned organic greens;
so I consided home canning,
but then decided it's easier to use fresh;
(just need to get to store more often).
. may blanch before vitamixing.
my next cooker might be an Instant Pot Mini.
something about Vacuum_packing?
. placing the food inside a vacuum-sealed pouch
then cooked in boiling water.
food is free from oxygen but is exposed to
hot plastic that might leach chemicals?
canninggranny`canning greens:
Kale is a low acid food
and really can't be canned in a water bath,
it has to be pressure canned.
The idea of blanching the kale first is that
the kale wilts, or shrinks during the blanching process.
Then, when you fill the jars
you are able to put more kale into them
because it has already shrunk.
I've not had any deposits on my greens,
but get a white hard water coating on my jars and lids
if I don't add a little vinegar to my canning water.
Unless the food being preserved has
a high acid content (add citric acid?)
the filled jars are also processed
under pressure in a canner,
a specialized type of pressure cooker.
Ordinary pressure cookers are not recommended for canning
as their smaller size and the reduced thickness of the cooker wall
will not allow for the correct building up and reducing time of pressure,
which is factored into the overall processing time
and therefore will not destroy all the harmful microorganisms.
The goal in using a pressure canner is to achieve
a "botulinum cook" of 121 °C for 3 minutes,
throughout the entire volume of canned product.
Foodborne botulism is the rarest form though,
accounting for only around 15% of cases (US)
and has more frequently been from
home-canned foods with low acid content,
such as green leafies.
a popular $70 canner with a cranky gasket.
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