Jewish people know best (avoid or delay some #vaccines):
2018.6.18: summary:
. the herd-immunity theory is fatally flawed:
it assumes that to protect a minority
you have to ensure the majority are vaccinated;
but, what are the long-term large-scale side-affects
of all these new hardly-tested vaccines?
you need a sizeable control group
who do not take vaccines
to compare them to the group who does.
. Jewish communities are known to be
highly intelligent or well-researched,
and many of some Jewish communities
are refusing or delaying vaccines.
($Millions in Vaccine Injuries)
Marjorie Ingall 2017:
"A 2015 Tablet investigation into
vaccination rates at Jewish Day Schools in California
found some truly staggering figures;
at one school,
Kabbalah Jewish Academy, Los Angeles:
75% of the students were unvaccinated.
. in Private School Review’s list of
Jewish elementary schools in the state
14 of 68 had very high levels of vaccine refusal."
"Jewish actress Mayim Bialik
(who has a Ph.D. in neuroscience):
"We are a non-vaccinating family,
but I make no claims about people’s
individual decisions. We based ours on
research and discussions with our pediatrician,
and we’ve been happy with that decision,
but obviously there’s a lot of controversy about it."
"I am not anti-vaccine. My children are vaccinated.
There has been so much hysteria and anger about this issue.."
Marjorie Ingall 2007:
"More than 100 Orthodox Jews, most of them small children,
in a heavily-unvaccinated community in Manchester, England,
were also recently diagnosed with measles."
"Thousands of anecdotal reports and dozens of
poorly designed studies link autism to vaccines,
but there has been only one seemingly credible study,
published in the British medical journal
The Lancet in 1998, [Dr. Wakefield]
that found a link. As it turned out,
the study had major methodological flaws.
Of the 12 children in the study,
some turned out to have had developmental disorders
before they were vaccinated
and most were clients of a lawyer
who was preparing to sue vaccine manufacturers."
Mercola 2012:
New Evidence Refutes Fraud Findings in Dr. Wakefield Case.
". new investigation into Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s
hotly contested MMR-autism study
concluded there was no fraud
committed by Dr. Wakefield.
At least 28 studies from around the world
support Dr. Wakefield’s controversial findings;
Dr. Wakefield has also published dozens of
peer-reviewed papers looking at the mechanism
and cause of inflammatory bowel disease,
and has extensively investigated the
brain-bowel connection in the context of
children with developmental disorders such as autism.
Growing research is now supporting the link between
gastrointestinal disturbances and autism;
it could be that if your child has suboptimal gut flora,
vaccines can become the proverbial "last straw"
—the trigger that sends his/her immune system
over the edge into the development of
chronic heath problems."
Allison Hoffman 2009:
". ultra-Orthodox parents in Brooklyn
are as susceptible as their crunchier counterparts
to the belief that there may be a causal link between
the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and autism."
". it is the tendency of Hasidic parents to wait
far beyond the recommended 12-month vaccination deadline
that produces a large pool of potential victims."
". New York, unlike California,
doesn’t allow parents to exempt their children
from vaccination on the basis of personal belief,
and 92 percent of children,
including those in the ultra-Orthodox community,
are vaccinated by the time they reach school age.
New York health officials say they are instead seeing
a watered-down version of the anti-vaccination trend,
in which parents don’t inoculate until
they can be sure their children don’t have autism,
at around age two or three.
...happy to get the child vaccinated for school
but not before."
"That risk is then exacerbated by a widespread reliance
on homeopathic medicine and, in some cases,
lax oversight by private yeshiva schools,
said Moshe Tendler, Yeshiva University’s
professor of Jewish medical ethics.
Within the local ultra-Orthodox community,
some lay the blame on their Israeli
[Jewish zionist] counterparts,
whose long history of resistance to
government-mandated programs
includes vaccination drives,
and was a factor in the [measles] outbreak
that began in 2007 in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak,
before spreading to New York last year."
Marjorie Ingall 2009:
"Do we have to wait for more massive outbreaks,
along the lines of the ones in
ultra-Orthodox communities,
perhaps involving even scarier diseases?
Perhaps if we stopped treating opt-out parents
as if they were stupid
and instead treated them as though they were
frightened for their own children’s welfare,
it would color our approach and let us communicate
more effectively."
Marjorie Ingall 2012:
. vaccine law is only enforceable
if you send your kid to public school.
. the avoidant are home-schooling.
"I have several friends who don’t vaccinate.
Like my neighbors, they are well-educated people.
I have tried to engage with them
about why they’ve chosen this path.
The standard rap is that parents who skip vaccines
foolishly continue to believe
the fully discredited study that ran in
the medical journal The Lancet a few years ago
saying that vaccines can cause autism.
But my friends don’t necessarily believe that study.
They do believe that no one fully understands
how vaccines work, and that the shots can
mess with developing immune systems
and may be at best unnecessary and at worst dangerous.
It doesn’t matter that my evidence comes from
peer-reviewed, [very small] controlled studies
and theirs from anecdotal stories
or poorly constructed studies.
They do not trust the medical establishment.
[why? anti-vax doctors are suppressed]
And that’s that."
Marjorie Ingall 2015:
'You would think that Jews, with our values of
tzedek, tzedek tirdof (“righteousness,
righteousness shall you pursue”)
and al tifrosh min hatzibur
(“don’t view yourself as
separate from your community”),
as well as our general proficiency in
the areas of health and medicine,
would be all over vaccination.'
'You would be wrong.
As I’ve written repeatedly in Tablet and elsewhere,
Jews are opting out of vaccination
—either partially or entirely—
in serious numbers.'
. see the vaccine debate in the comments
for the book:
"Judah Maccabee Goes to the Doctor".
thyroid patients`anecdotes of vaccine injury.
greenmedinfo`vaccine research guide.
mercola`vaccine research guide.
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