
dreamed #WWIII by Easter

1.1: pol/purges/wwIII:
co.self/dream: assassinated hitler-like starts it:
. dreamed a hitler look-alike got assassinated;
what does that symbolize?
worried about how wwIII starts;
is that supposed to be Obama?
likely a mideast character that Obama has to retaliate against;
and, then this retaliation snowballs somehow;
because, the communists are against how we intervene .
"(let Israel manage by itself!), I'm fretting;
and then cowering in the other direction:
"(and if they start nuclear does that snowball ?).
co.self/dream: Easter:
. I had been dreading the 2013 new year,
fearing that would be the start of WWIII;
a WWIII study in my dream finds
Easter is significant to it,
as is the plastic version of something .
. on waking I realize that traditionally
Easter (the spring or vernal equinox)
was the new year to early christians;
and, so any predictions associated with New Years,
may be happening around Easter
... which is Iran's New Year (March 20 or 21).
1.31: easter island:
. the dream focusing on Easter
could be referring to the codeword: Easter Island
( after they demolished the ecosystem,
they just started eating each other
until everyone was gone ).
. don't those guys fish? yea but they were cold !
and they ran out of fuel and insulating material .

the anti-christ is invincible #meant-all #WWIII #911neocons #petrodollar #uncircumcised

3.19: relig/anti-christ:
. you'd think wwIII happens to check Iran hubris
or maintain the petrodollar against devaluation by
competition from a gold-backed currency;
but the stakes are nuclear because
the hubris the elites want to erase is overpopulation
from family values like a cancer .


prepper gyrations 2013.01 #WWIII

  3.10: summary:
. I'm not far from some secluded spots,
so I might survive wwIII,
perhaps, after checking the fallout risks,
and protecting a water supply .


open-house commune

1.8: adds/open-house commune:
summary of how to run a commune:
. the commune I have in mind is like a marriage;
you are committing to a relationship,
to the idea of sharing in the raising of children
and you might like sharing meals and company too
like at boarding school .
. people that want more privacy
-- esp'ly private parenting --
are protecting the ones that abuse privacy .
. privacy and lack of transparency
is the root of all evil .


optical backups are important #WWIII #EMP

2.26: co.cyb/xu/backup/optical media for EMP attacks:
linux/ Span DVD - backup software?/fisheater May 18th, 2012:
 I have 100GB of photos I would like to back up on to DVD
for remote (safety deposit box) backup.
I looked into brasero, but the documentation is lean.
I searched online and the forums with not much luck. 

optical backups are important


defend #PETA against "ag gag" bills #torture #whey #beef #milk #cheese

2.23: news.pol/animal rights/
defend #PETA against "ag gag" bills:

Undercover investigations by PETA
have put on TV and in newspapers
—for all to see— the routine beatings,
mutilation, sexual abuse,
and other severe cruelty to animals
prevalent within the animal-based food industries
and often lead to historic industry-changing
criminal charges and convictions.

Exposing cruelty will be next to impossible
—indeed, absolutely impossible—
if lawmakers under the influence of factory-farming interests
in New Hampshire, Nebraska, and other states
succeed in passing bills that could make it a crime
to photograph or to record video or even sound
on factory farms and in similar facilities.