
real #NIBIRU danger -- not about planet X

10.2: web.purges/overpopulation/
nibiru cataclysm's political symbolism
12.24: summary:
. NIBIRU (Non-Inflationary Birth-Inflated
Rate of Unemployment)
. the NIBIRU cataclysm is a disastrous encounter
between the Earth and a large planetary object
which will take place in the early 21st century.
. birth-inflated conditions are those that
depend upon overpopulation .
.  people don't slow breeding for poverty;
and, capitalists continue to replace workers with
more profitable means of production:
automation, illegals, and immorals
(uninsured slaves in polluting countries).
... therefore,
the capitalists and the hyperbreeders
are like 2 huge planets about to collide .

#Judaism the Mayan connection

9.13: web.relig/judaism/the mayan connection:
. the Hebrew and Mayans calenders both have
world creation dates that are just 647years apart .
and, how did this synchronicity occur ?


dawn in Aquarian's World

12.20: web.relig/aquarian/myan calender:
. when is the mayan calender changing?
it's friday, 12.21, [why did I think 23?];
the ancient Mayans’ long-count calendar
ends at midnight Thursday,
. archaeologists have uncovered Mayan glyphs
that refer to dates far, far beyond 2012;
an age change happens every 5,125-years .

. our understanding of the mayan calender
may be off by two years:
some think Mayan's new age started in 2010 .
. when is the actual dawning of
the age of aquarius? [2000 or 2600 ...]
are the Mayans referring to this?
[ yes and no ... ].


Genesis sync's with Dream Theory

10.22: relig/bible/Genesis creation narrative/sync's with Dream Theory:
. the genesis story's trees of life and knowledge
appears to be aware of
the same creation story that is told by
Dream Theory and the Perfection Plan .
. the story starts with the humans
getting into trouble with the Tree of Knowledge,
and that part is getting the spotlight,
but it is these 2 trees together
  -- Knowledge and Life --  that are
 the central theme of creation:
this universe could not have existed
unless it was capable of creating
the indefinite experience .

. the main reason we can't all see g-d,
is that g-d couldn't create every experience
if there weren't blind people walking into holes .

. ... and the Truth shall set you free ...
-- Jesus Christ .

12.30: summary:
. Genesis reminded me of the Dream Theory;
because, treeing Life represents
the ability to define experiences;
while treeing Knowledge represents
the evolution of technology
and the remembering of history
so that it wasn't repeated .
. without wars the technology would not grow;
and when the sun fizzled out,
the Tree of Life would have to start over
on a new planet from a new god-seed .
. to protect the Tree of Life from restarts,
the god needs to grow our Tree of Knowledge
to get us surviving off the planet;
but we would rather be peaceful farmers
rather than torturous or bored scientists;
so,  the god controls our emotions
for getting us to burn each other;
and, then the burned ones find preventives,
-- and everything else along the way .
. any way life tried for finding peace
the rotating sword of the god's emotion controls
would cut down those rational ways .


Aquarian's church established in USA

10.29: relig/abstract islam/mecca pilgrimage:
. the mecca in the mind:
we should visit the places
where we have seen g-d's word,
or been touched by the supernatural
in some way .
. that includes using hallucinatory drugs,
like DXM, psilocybin, peyote, and DMT .

. after thinking that, I had to check out
what the mecca pilgrimage was really about .
. I was assuming it was where the Prophet
had seen the Qur'an;
but while that happened in the same lunar month,
the Mecca pilgrimage was actually about
the historic conversion of Mecca,
in the process of doing a counter-assault
after Mecca violated a peace treaty:
literally, the Mecca leadership blamed that defeat
on their god's subordination to Islam's god .


#Germany circumcision ban warns #jihad

10.14: news.pol/purges/prison/
circumcision ban labeled religious intolerance:

14: 19: summary:
. after England frowned on Germany for
appearing to be anti-semitic again,
I wanted to point out a misunderstanding
about Germany's issue with circumcision .
. I have German and English blood,
my family includes American Jews,
my country is both USA and UK;
my religion is supernature-aware,
but without a belief in circumcision,
and includes a love of Islam's Prophet
however I think the Prophet is misunderstood:
in this age, he would use psychology, not war,
to pursue the dream of world-wide Islam;
and I don't think he would be against Israel,
but he would insist on community purity:
neighborhoods and businesses used by muslims
should be completely Islamic .

. the news of Germany outlawing circumcision
was made into an anti-jewish spectacle,
but notice the related news just before this:
Germany's leadership was reporting
that after embracing the immigration of muslims
it looked like "(it wasn't working out) .
[citation not locatable, heard on NPR?
but below are many reports from Germany
suggesting widespread resistance to,
or systematic "integration" of, Islam .]
. indeed, that was the same time there was
serious talk of giving up all nuclear power
-- and they were concerned mostly about
having it sabotaged by terrorists .

post- #2012 #collapse needs Mormonism #Romney #overpopulation #revelation

10.2: news.pol/purges/overpopulation/
post- #2012 #collapse needs Mormonism #Romney:
global economic collapse is likely:
. capitalism and overpopulation
are embraced in a vicious cycle
that is building unstable comlexity .
. pop'growth causes debt that is healed by
the increasing efficiencies of capitalism;
conversely, pop'growth empowers capitalism
by lowering labor wages
and increasing the number of sales
allowing for slimmer margins .
. but capitalism is a cruel master
eventually serving only capitalists
by causing high unemployment
and even endangering itself
by being primarily incentivized by profit
which promotes destabilizing technologies:
# domino-effect vulnerable banking
# brittle just-in-time production .
. this combination can cause
very quick collapses
as a failure to finance food production,
then causes fear of food shortages
resulting in runs on food stores
that empty them within hours .
. it's illuminating that republicans chose
Romney for the 2012 usa presidency:
the icon of globalized outsourcing
and rising local unemployment;
he's notable for having been pro-choice
but then converting to pro-abstinence,
and he is politically challenged by being
associated with a "(cult) religion
that believes in long-term food storage .

. what the Romney choice tells us is that
Republican Christians are overpopulators,
and they are prepared warriors
-- may the best capitalist take all .

. remember the Romney lesson:
your free markets can rely on JIT food
(just-in-time production and distribution)
only because your community
does its own long-term food storage .