
duelling romney - obama funnies

5.3: sci.pol/obama/
romney can win because he's sarcasm:

. romney can win because he's sarcasm:
"( proud capitalism is canibalizing your job ),
and people will then feel silly being jealous of 1% image .

5.4: pos.pol/obama/
romney has a chance with delegates voting:
. now I'm sure romney is electable because
the group he's making his case to is not us
but the delegates .

5.7: co.apt/obama/controling us with czars!:
. obama is controling us with czars!
that's what dem's always do, they invented the first czar,
for the drug war;
but also the alcohol prohibition, ... who did that?
the women, when they got to vote,
** it got right there in the constitution **
-- talk about a super czar .

5.8:  co.apt/pol/obama/from the socialists, with love:
. recall someone recently saying
that usa youth on the euro tourist circuit
were feeling a lot more loved at europe's hostels
after it was seen that usa had voted for Obama .
. but love can be tough:
the amsterdam coffee shops
no longer cater to foreign tourists,
they're only to keep local youth off the street .
6.23: web:
(23% of tourists visited those coffeeshops).

5.9: web.pol/obama/obama's real father:

. real father rumors are hitting the fan;
is this why he's out for gay marriage now?
. the story I got from the radio was that
obama's real father, Frank,
and a friend, the kenyan, agreed to agree
for some reason,
that the kenyan would say he was the father,
perhaps so he could have access to
usa as married to citizen ?
he never said, or I was radio surfing elsewhere .
frank was married with many children
and was struggling to maintain that marriage,
so perhaps this move was part of that struggle .

obama's real fatherBirtherism 2.0: Obama’s ‘Real’ Father
April 30, 2012 at 11:04 am Ed Brayton
. taking birtherism to a new level,
in “Dreams from My Real Father:
A Story of Reds and Deception ”
(see trailer, and intro)
Joel Gilbert is arguing that
not only wasn’t Obama born in the USA
but that Barack Obama Sr.
isn’t even his real father.
And who is his real father? A communist!
Gilbert rejects the official story
that the Kenyan-born Barack Obama
was the president’s father.
Instead, he argues, Frank Marshall Davis,
the radical poet and journalist
who was a card-carrying member
of the Communist Party USA,
was the real, biological -- and ideological --
father of Barack Obama.
the real father is Frank Marshall Davis?
Jerome Corsi's The Obama Nation
claims that Davis was a political influence on Obama .
A rebuttal released by Obama's presidential campaign,
titled Unfit for Publication,
confirmed that "Frank" was Frank Marshall Davis,
but disputes claims about the nature of their relationship.
5.11: co.apt/pol/obama/romney is funny:
. funny story to find romney forcing a haircut;
you'd think they'd use an eagle scout ...
as if my audience:
. phil, that is an eagle scout:
you find a long-hair, you cut his hair off!
as self:
. just saying, you'd think they'd find a match who
wouldn't squawk underneath the presidential lights !
it worked for me
5.22: co.apt/pol/obama/
it worked for colin powell
. Colin Powell's new book is
"(it worked for me);
suppose that was about
him looking like Obama?
. Powell was the one
who was asked to say:
"( there's weapons of mass destruction
-- just kidding! ).
. Obama was told to say these kiddings:
"( g'tmo is closing down,
israel will be told no more wars for
defending arrogant settlers ).

Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.)

5.30: co.apt/pol/Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.):
diane rheme's show, Rep. John Lewis:
. his every response was a flowery
"(that's none of your business) .

. when he showed concern for a lack of voting,
diane asked what he would do about
making it easier to get 3rd parties voted in;
and he scoffed at that as
not even representing us well!
. if we had instant-runoff voting,
then we could show our support for other parties,
without having to worry about the spoiler affect .

. and after saying that,
he called us a democracy?!
. other leaders are quick to remind us
it certainly is not a democracy!
it's a constitutional republic .
. I've never seen a referendum at the federal level;
and if there was one,
much of drug law would be in the toilet .

. he also did nothing to defend himself against
a caller who was wondering how he could
be for love and obama,
when obama lied about the repub's,
saying they wanted to poison our environs,
and throw grandma over a cliff .

here's how I would have defended obama:
. do the repub's not support small gov'?
does that not skimp on regulations
and also skimp on using tax money to
transition us to less toxic forms of energy
-- away from coal and oil ?

. but I didn't know about that grandma comment;
what was it refering to?
. apparently a progressive group was asking
if america was beautiful without medicare .
. the fox news commentary of that
was pointing out that repub's simply
agreed with obamacare's death panels:
they wanted to cap the growth in medicare spending
not put an end to medicare .

. but wasn't there some republican talk about
privatizing our entire medical insurance?
. anyway, it's not clear to me that Obama
personally would say such a thing .

. I think his problem is being brain damaged
(he was hit hard during a civil rights march);
the best he can do is
gracefully evade complicated questions ...

[6.23: are you kidding?!:
. Rep. Lewis was simply using the same tactics
that Obama would use against massive contention .
. Obama certainly isn't brain damaged,
but a highlight of his speaking tour for ObamaCare
was spending hours saying nothing !
. they think they are being honest, like this:
"( I understand that you see
nothing in this bill for you;
but, if you are well-read on the subject
you know that it does improve things
for the majority ).
. another reason to say nothing
is when you're convinced the questions being asked
are merely rhetorical,
and anything you say will merely be used against you .
. I've noticed Obama getting a lot of heat just for being
the first hiafric to tower over euro's .
. maybe a hiafric congressman has had to deal with
the same treatment, incessantly .]

Romney as born-again State's Rights disciple

5.21: co.apt/pol/to repub's
mormon romney is born-again state's rights:

. some other christians call mormonism a cult;
and the reason for that could be that
by fabricating their own 3rd bible,
mormonism may be suggesting that
the christian's interpretation of the bible
is a fabrication -- "(they may as well have
written a whole new book! let us do the same .)
. so perhaps,
by using mormon romney as a candidate,
the repub's intend to communicate
that they are the political landscape's
new and vibrant moral fiber .
[ or they could be trying to attract
people from 3rd parties?...
most likely his mormonism is an accident,
what they meant to communicate about him
is his conversion from being a democrat
to being a small-gov state-rights republican
so the main message is:
we don't have to agree with our candidate,
we just need to find someone that likes
state's rights, and love them for it .
6.23: 5.21:
. another important message is change:
Bush converted from drunk to christian;
Obama converted from druggy to christian;
and now that christian conversions seem played,
Romney represents the Tea Party conversion
from Democrat-funded tax-and-spend liberal
to Integrated Money Party -funded
maximal freedom for Big Money conservative .]

credit to debt ratio

5.12: pol/credit to debt ratio:
. credit to debt ratio has nothing to do with your
level of student loan debt,
or how much of a student loan you have piled up;
rather it has everything to do with
your relationship to credit cards,
although this too can be unfair
since you can get hit just for closing accounts
without having an open account with an active history .
. I think the person who was fired for a credit report
might have some serious credit card bills
rather than seeking out more sane, responsible places
to get a full-coverage student loan from .
. this person appears to be assuming that
it's ok to steal from a credit card company
in the event of unemployment after school;
this puts the person's ethics into question .
. would you hire such a person to do your accounting?
they could be desperate eno' to
use the accounting job for their own gain,
such as taking bribes for looking the other way .


check your nitrogen footprint too #GlobalWarming

5.29: news.pol/energy/global warming/
check your nitrogen footprint too:

(we need to watch out for both our
carbon and nitrogen footprints ...)
my response:
. do you want to reduce suicides,
get more wind energy,
and feel more satisfied?
eat more meat, and dump more
nitrous oxide into the atmosphere!
. sure there will be more global warming,
but you have so much wind energy,
you can afford to live underground,
where the weather won't bother you !

news.pol/energy/hydrogen economy by 2020
and living in the deep sea:

world future society reports:
. new advances in fuel cells may enable us to
live deep under the sea .
. Hydrogen Economy will seriously begin to
supersede the Oil Economy by about 2020 .
your nitrogen footprint is huge:

a free-market obamacare

5.29: co.fb#leslie marshal show/pol/healthcare/
response to Hans Verboon:
Hans Verboon
Why not, have the government control this too.
Most of our politicians are overweight anyway.
I say leave the market to be free,
including health insurance.
May 9 at 5:11am via mobile
@Hans Verboon May 9  "(I say
leave the market to be free, including health insurance.)

. but the market can't be free
when average americans agree that we should
be given medical care and asked questions later;
it's creating this cycle of people using emergency rooms,
hospitals raise costs for insurance co's,
insurance is too expensive,
forcing people to rely on emergency rooms ...
hence, obamacare's mandatory insur'premiums .
. what would be fair for the free market
is to let us decide what services we'll accept,
and then we must pay insurance for only those services .
. eg, I don't want to be treated for cancer,
heart disease, diabetes, or mental illness;
but I do want surgery for accident recovery,
so my premium should be about $10/month .
(I could pay that much with plasma money!)

GOP (Get OverPopulation)

[6.22: summary:
. the highlight of this post was the realization that
GOP had the same initials as Get OverPopulation;
but the main theme is overpopulation's causes,
and ideas for humane solutions .
. inflation and unemployment together
are symptoms of overpopulation relative to
the labor needs of capitalism .
. when the GOP says "(we don't have the money)
they mean they don't need our labor;
and, all of their cost-cutting measures
are attempts to get overpopulation
by making us feel like we can't afford children .
. they don't feel like they're being heard though,
because they are the party of church values,
but they keep reminding us of family values
and hope we get the hint:
if your family doesn't have a job for your children
your family should at least have a spare bedroom .
. most of all they talk about reaganomics,
but you must know there are no more jobs
because they Get OverPaid too!
. not only are those jobs not coming back,
we are just a few years from intelligent automation;
so as we have more people needing a free lunch,
shouldn't we pay people to stop reproducing? ]