
obama's silverspoon speech

4.19: pol/purges/reaganomics/obama's silverspoon speech:
co.g'+#Dan Gillmor/3:48 PM  -  Public
Amazingly, the White House is denying that
Obama's "silver spoon" crack
had anything to do with Romney.
I think that wins the
"political lie of the day" award.
a comment against romney?
but even without romney in the picture,
if he meant what he claimed to mean
he'd still have a very appropriate
and hard-hitting point:
are we going to give other people's kids
a hand up or not?
if republicans are serving only the elite
no way are they going for free job training. .
. unfortunately for obama,
both parties are sending jobs overseas
so why are democrats worried about aid for job training?
. now what would make sense for obama to say is
"(my constituents are the 99% not the elite,
so I want to make the elite pay welfare
on the condition you guys will stop breeding .
. then we're right-sized for the new economy! )
4.20: co.g'+#David Jones/6:53 AM
This campaign is going to be a slugfest
between the "have's" and "have nots".
4.20: co.g'+#Joshua Megnauth:6:03 PM
+Nick Uva
Judging from Activision's business practises,
I'd say that you're probably correct.
Perhaps the election should
pit the parties against each other in a video game
since the actual politics
take a backseat to everything else.

sportsification of politics

4.13: co.apt/pol/purges/reaganomics/
sportsification of politics:

(I heard someone lamenting the Bush deficits,
and I thought their reason was so gamy;
we certainly are credit worthy eno' to receive
any amount of debt;
so let's get to the real problem here!)

. they are not even trying to be reasonable;
this is just sportsification of politics;
the main game lately has been to
keep the liberals away from
redistributing the wealthy's money .
. the repub's might say they want the chinese to
stop manipulating their currency
because it worsens the trade deficit,
but did you notice how the chinese were
doing that currency manipulation?
they are buying dollars with their savings,
which means that whenever the fed's need a loan,
the chinese are right there giving us that loan!
. yet the during the previous decade
it was a republican presidency saying to us,
that we didn't need to pay our taxes,
we'll just borrow from the Chinese!
. don't worry about funding the War on Terroism,
the Chinese are happy manipulating their currency,
thank god .]

[4.15: remember how this started:
. if you're a capitalist looking the world's opportunities,
everything about american employees is overpriced .
. it's not just the labor unions
demanding an equal place at the table;
every single citizen is part of virtual labor union
that is heavily taxing employers
to pay for pensions (social security)
and senior medical care (medicare).
. then if they are competitively expected to
subsidize employee heath insurance,
then they are also subsidizing medicaid
-- tax payers and employers split the bill on that one .
. if, on the other hand,
they can get their employees from out of country,
either by exporting jobs, or importing workers,
then they can pass on that healthcare tab
to other countries who are
not so confused about living standards .
. how are americans acting confused?
they keep defending their right to expand the population,
and they also demand that capitalists or the fed
should be finding them jobs that pay more and more
in order to cover increases in cost of living
that are due primarily to their own population growth .

anti-solar sees environmentalists depopulating

4.7: co.pol/energy/the dirt on solar doesn't include wind:
Robert Llewellyn 4:37 PM today:
[!] (a cartoon about solar failing because big energy co's
don't own anything that could let it corner the market )
Nathan Buth:
-  Solar energy being clean is a lie at the moment.
To make solar cells more toxic chemicals are released than even coal.
Plus the size of the area and the amount of cells
to even be equivalent to other energy sources is ridiculous.
Nuclear is the cleanest and most efficient way at the moment.
By the way the comic should say for the solar part
we own the silicon... XD
@Nathan Buth, so who needs solar cells:
wind power alone could supply all our needs;
got some dirt on wind mills?
Mike Rees:
-  It's worth noting that wind turbines are currently 60% subsidised,
and have 75% fossil fuel backup generation.
They're not clean and they're not cost effective.
@Mike Rees
. it may be true that wind turbines are currently
60% subsidised, and have 75% fossil fuel backup generation;
but that's not wind's problem:
instead of subsidising green energy
we could sin-tax fossil fuels
to make them pay for all the cancer they cause;
and then we could use ethanol or other biofuels
for a less toxic backup generation .
. therefore, clean and price-competitive .
Sheila Nagig 8:18 PM
  I think micro-hydro is being overlooked. Wind and sun are great,
but water actually makes a lot of sense in terms of facilitating
a relatively easy transition to sustainable energy.
We already have hundreds if not thousands of defunct water mills
rotting away out there. Rig them to generate power
and decentralize the grid a little bit
by having river communities power themselves.
+1 [@] (show approval)
. later, I would realize
we weren't thinking of the same thing at all, really;
I had in mind some coastal tidal turbine plans
which could stay of of sight, unlike windmills;
and they would be so powerful and remote
they don't really help without being part of a grid .

. the hate directed at solar is really about
seeing environmentalists are trying to
control population by
making it more expensive to live .]


AAP guidelines update #ADHD #med #childcare

4.19: news.med/adhd/AAP guidelines update:

. did you think it was only psychiatrists
who medicated mental illness?
the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics)
started doing so in 2000 .
. back then they were telling all pediatricians
to screen ages 6..12 for adhd
(attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder).
. this was actually a prayed-for improvement;
because, before the diagnosis of adhd,
parents would seek help from psychiatrists,
who would put their kid on anti-aggression drugs
-- the same endocrine-disrupting major tranquilizers
that are given to seriously ill schizophrenics .

In 2011, the AAP updated these guidelines,
now recommending that primary care physicians,
screen ages 4 through 18 for ADHD .
. here's how the adhd stimulants fit in the treatment plan:
"( For preschool-age children,
behavioral interventions are considered first-line therapy.
If resources are unavailable, physicians should
carefully weigh the risks of drug therapy at an early age
with those associated with delayed diagnosis and treatment.

For children aged 6 to 11,
there's combination medication and behavioral therapy .
Evidence for use of stimulants in this age group is strong.
For older children, treatment should begin with medication.
Behavioral therapy may be prescribed,
but data on it in this age group
are not as strong as in younger patients.
Medication for ADHD should be titrated to achieve
maximal benefits with minimal adverse events.
) .
. one problem the "(minimal adverse events) criteria
is that the some of the most notable adverse events
come later;
according to Dr.Breggin,
the use of stimulants will inhibit growth;
and, in households where diet is not conservative,
it can lead to hypertension, and enlarged heart .
. stimulants may increase the risk of
other psychiatric disorders (ocd,
schizophrenia-like disorders,
depression, suicidal ideations).

caveats to prunes preventing osteoporosis #health #osteo

4.5: health/prunes
5.3, 5.4: summary:
. prunes (dried plums) have a dramatic effect on bone growth,
primarily by  [my inference]
increasing parathyroid hormone (PTH)
but prunes also raise IGF-I (insulin-like growth factors)
which increases the risk of cancer .
. plums also have a special sugar, sorbitol,
that enhances calcium absorption
or increases bone metabolism;
but, plums also have a high infammatory index,
due to the sheer quantity of their total sugars;
the plum's sorbitol may reduce bone resorption,
but this is better done with xylitol .
. other ways dried plums can help bones
is their generous serving of boron and vitamin K; [5.9:
but again, there are better sources:
while boron is required by plums,
it seems likely that the prune's boron levels
would depend on how much is in the soil;
therefore, supplements would be a safer bet .
. by far the best sources of vitamin K
are the dark green leafies .]

. a better strategy for bone growth
is to make sure your diet is avoiding growth inhibitors:
bones need IGF sensitivity,
which in turn needs both load-bearing exercise
and proper insulin sensitivity (that entails
a low-glycemic, low-cortisol diet).

. cortisol is raised by low blood sugar
(the usual reason sugar gets low is when a diet has
too many simple sugars and grains,
and then the insulin response over-reacts
which swings sugar from too high to too low).
. cortisol is also caused by chronic stress, or lack of sleep .

. lowering cortisol is the most dramatic way to
increase insulin sensitivity,
which is critical to bone growth because,
if your cell's can't hear the insulin calling,
they are also deaf to the other growth factors
(also known as anabolics); these include
GH (growth hormone),
IGF (insulin-like growth hormone),
and PTH(parathyroid hormone).
. along with using a low-glycemic diet,
cortisol can be further lowered by supplements:
the combination of arginine and lysine .

. other ways to increase insulin sensitivity include
load-bearing exercise and supplements:
magnesium, alph lipoic acid, L-carnitine, taurine, L-arginine,
chromium, coenzyme Q10, silymarin, Inula racemosa ... .

. perhaps there could be safety by cycling the IGF?
the usual diet should be low-glycemic,
and include herbs that lower IGF;
but every couple days,
take your prunes before and after bone training
(weightlifting or squats, pushups, etc).]

. the usual form of vitamin D
promotes bone resorption,
which is good for healthy bone turn-over,
but the needed rebuilding after resorption
will only happen if one is not resistant to anabolics .


link between alz and sugar may be cholesterol

4.13: news.health/alz/
 link between alz and sugar may be cholesterol:
4.13, 4.17: summary:
. when alzheimers was reported to be a clumping of protein
and related to diabetes,
I had assumed it was a glycation problem,
but here is evidence that cholesterol is implicated
by way of reducing leptin levels
which apparently is what prevents the formation of amyloid-β
and the occurrence of phosphorylated tau .
. the way it all ties together is that
cholesterol is elevated by sugary diet,
and a sugary diet is a leading cause of diabetes
(see the theory and results of an epi'study).

Crossfit Training Guide

4.18: health/Crossfit Training Guide:

. the CrossFit Training Guide:
an open source online community
using competition to encourage greater gains .

I was surprised to hear that Olympic Weightlifting
had the unique ability to develop
an athletes’ explosive power,
but I could definitely agree with the other parts:
control of external objects,
and mastery of critical motor recruitment patterns;
as for increasing maximum oxygen uptake,
I had no idea that Olympic lifts
are the only lifts shown to do that .

best diet for heart recovery

4.12: co.health/ask.lef.org/best diet for heart health:
What is the best diet for a 
recovering heart attack patient?
(legume, paleo, zone, heart,)
Transpower (3/5/2012)/Try the Paleolithic Diet:
lean meat (skinless turkey and chicken, low-fat beef),
fish, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.
High protein, low carb, low fat.[/quote]
. concerning the Paleo diet,
beware lumping together legumes with grains;
Paleo experts love to point out how toxic soy is,
but black turtle beans are not nearly as toxic,
and they have equally high quality protein .
. beans are a great way to control the rate of
both glucose and protein;
and, according to Dr.Darmadi-Blackberry,
(Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2004;13(2):217-20)
Legumes are the most important dietary predictor
of survival in older people of various ethnicities.
. I get half my protein from red or black beans,
and half from LE whey and few eggs;
mixed with olive oil, and rosemary .
. along with plenty of greens, cruciferous veg,
tomato sauce, boiled yam,
selenium, magnesium, seaweed, and LE fish oil,
I consider that diet consistent with a Zone diet
-- a less-toxic version of the Soy Zone .
. listen to paleo's discuss beans:
. here's the science of bean prep:
. I'm not too fussy about bean prep myself;
I bring the beans to a boil, and then let sit overnight;
toss the water and vitamix-puree
with oil and rosemary herb;
pressure cook for 30min at 210F
(see my cooking gear).
"Futuro Pressure Cooker"   "Auto Sensor Induction Cooktop"