
facebook security options

6.12: summary:
. I enabled secure connection
so that facebook uses https
to encrypt the info it sends to me .
. while doing that I found an
even more important security feature:
if an attempt is made to log in
from a device I don't usually use,
they will text my cell phone
and ask me what was sent
to ensure the user also has my cell phone
as proof it is really me .


Fusion 3.1.4 works with Mac OS x Lion

5.5: web.cyb/mac#lion/fusion ok with upgrade?:
6.11: summary:
. I updated to latest the Fusion 3.1.4
before doing the upgrade to Lion,
and everything turned out great;
the usb camera works fine,
and other usb devices are used only from
the host OS (mac).
. I did not need to uninstall and reinstall Fusion .
. I already had the recommended 4gb ram .
. I did not intend on using mac as a guest OS
( if that idea appeals to you,
then you'll want the upgrade to Fusion 4.0 ).


recovering from brain atrophy

5.14: co.lef.org/med/apm/recovering from brain atrophy:
G Satyanarayanan
Can cognitive problems caused by
antipsychotic like risperidone
(ADHD, slow processing speed, low working memory)
and lithium(dyslexia, restlessness,
immediate and long term memory loss)
be reversed?
I was taking these medications for 4 years.
Now I 've stopped them
still now side-effects of those drugs not gone
so that I can say I have become normal
wrt those cognitive parameters.
Is cognitive problems caused by antipsychotic
like risperidone and lithium reversible?
What duration of such medications
beyond which such side effects
are not reversible- 2/4/6 years?
Ad: "Stainless Steel Meat Hammer"
. Satyanarayanan asks about brain repair
after being on long-term anti-psychotics .
. these medications work by inhibiting dopamine function,
and atrophying the brain cells that make dopamine .
. the key is to find dopamine enhancers,
and anything that "(exacerbates schizophrenia)
and then anything that promotes neurite growth .
. I'm combining mct, blueberry extract,
and LE fishoil with DMAE for neurite growth .
. yohimbine extract promotes dopamine use,
and L-dopa (Mucuna Pruriens extract)
promotes dopamine production .
. you may have a lot of research ahead of you:
beware high blood pressure, etc .
. if I think of anything else for attention deficit,
I'll be putting them on my
performance enhancers list .

the first ever Food Revolution Day

5.19: co.fb#applegatefarms/health/
the first ever Food Revolution Day:
A day to spread awareness and knowledge
about healthy eating!
Are any of you joining or hosting an event?
see vid.
. thanks for supporting Food Revolution Day .
. the important thing with meat is
certifying no grains were fed,
unless the animal is a natural grain eater
(eg, grasshoppers, crickets, other insects)
. I would also want an annual sanity test
that included 3rd-party dioxin testing;
if the animal is sitting high on the food chain
(from being fish entrails for instance)
then this may show up in a dioxin test .
. for economics, I would start by
feeding organic grain to grasshoppers or crickets
and then try feeding pressure-cooked beans and insects
to the chickens for meat and eggs .
. not sure if grass-eating animals will eat insects,
but if they'll eat mouldy grain out of a trough
they might eat anything!
. until then, the only animal product I can trust is
whey protein isolate and eggland's organic best eggs .
(I actually have to do without organic eggland's in my area
but eggs are very important brain food
and low-sat'fats = low-grain fed .)

ready for your sweet surprise?

5.14: co.fb#inst for respons' tech/health/
corn is not just bee killer:
What are your thoughts on this article?
GE corn & sick honey bees - what's the link?
| Pesticide Action Network
No farmer in their right mind wants to poison pollinators.
When I spoke with one Iowa corn farmer in January
and told him about the upcoming release of a Purdue study
confirming corn as a major
neonicotinoid exposure route for bees,
his face dropped with worn exasperation.
I'm  sorry bees were harmed by gmo corn,
but we need hfcs (sweetsurprise.com)
to drive up glucose consumption
for more diabetes, cancer, senility, and heart disease
in order to fast-track healthcare technology .

5.14: co.fb#a4m (American-Academy-of-Anti-Aging-Medicine-A4M)/
health/cost is not just insurance pigginess:
Soda's Not-So-Sweet Side |
Anti-Aging Tip of the Day |
Worldhealth.net Anti-Aging News

More Americans now drink sugar-sweetened sodas,
sport drinks and fruit drinks daily,
and this increase in consumption
has led to greater incidences of
disease over the past decade
another reason to send jobs overseas:
we can't possibly afford sugar nation's healthcare .

americanselect.org is doomed without IRV

6.10: summary:
. americanselect.org is trying to support 3rd parties,
but there was so little interest in the available
3rd-party presidential candidates
that they decided not to enter one on the ballot .
. americanselect.org's mission was doomed anyway
unless they could mandate the use of
IRV (instant runoff voting)
because otherwise, their 3rd-party candidate
will simply be viewed as a spoiler .
. there is another way to help 3rd parties,
but it is very expensive, and unreliable:
make sure that everybody has access to the internet,
and can easily participate in mock elections
where they can gain confidence in a 3rd party .
. the mock election would feature IRV,
and we could see from that election
whether any 3rd party has the popularity needed to win .
. but a mock IRV still suffers trust issues:
how do I know that those who
claimed to be a 3rd-party supporter
will actually follow through during the actual vote?
voters of a 3rd party in the mock election
may be sincere,
but if they can't trust that voters will
behave the same as in the mock election
then they may fear voting 3rd party in the real election
and this inconfidence may cause the spoiler effect .
. another scenerio is
strategic lying during the mock vote;
in order to encourage the spoiler effect .

RC Helicopter has a video recorder

5.14: news.gear/Egofly Hawkspy
LT-712 Helicopter with Spy Camera:

makeuseof.com introduces hawkspy
(a remote control helicoptor with video camera)
The fixed forward-facing camera
is activated by a button on the transmitter
and once enabled, it records video only at a resolution of
720×480 in MJPEG format directly into the MicroSD card.
. see videos recorded by the Hawkspy on YouTube
. also seen being used at newegg's youtube .
. needs 6 AA batteries . remember the overcharge warning .


3rd trimester choline improves fetal cortisol levels

5.14: news.health/prenatal/
choline during 3rd trimester reduces cortisol levels

The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology,
first human study to suggest
a role for choline
in the "programming" of
key biological processes in the fetus .
. a group of third-trimester pregnancies
consumed 930 milligrams of choline,
more than double the recommended
450 milligram daily intake.
The result for their babies was a
33 % lower concentration of cortisol
- a hormone produced in response to stress
that also increases blood sugar -
compared to those from a control group of women
who consumed about 480 milligrams of choline.
Dietary sources of choline include egg yolks,
beef, pork, chicken, milk, legumes and some vegetables.
Most prenatal vitamin supplements
do not include choline.