Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts


is it #underemployment or #overpopulation ? #pol

8.16: web.pol/purges/number of purged in usa:


. my definition of the practically purged
includes all forms of societal outcastings
whether it be to prisons or the streets .
. my definition of the homeless poor
are those in such poverty they can't even afford
a warm, safe car to sleep in
(insured, registered, and licensed),
and those having such meager social relations
that they would rather ask a charity shelter for bedding
than seek a place with family or friends:
this segment tripled from 1980 to 1990 .
. often the research on homelessness
will define the homeless as
not living in a house;
but 59% of those "(homeless) were car campers .
. even if cities have a war against car camping,
a person who has the income to do that
and finds somewhere to get away with it,
is not homeless in a warm, locked car .
. it is often conjectured that
many homeless are voluntarily unemployed;
but we should consider overpopulation:
if employees were always scarce,
we could easily find the money
to reserve the loner jobs for loners,
and the easy jobs for the slow;
we could be more generous with
subsidies for the challenged .
. most of a city's quality standard rules
(car-camping bans, maximums on number of
persons at one residence, ...)
are really more concerned with
suppressing overpopulation
than they are with actual safety .
. when you volunteer for employment in our economy,
you volunteer to do the work of 3 men
in order to pay for the wildly inflated
housing made scarce by overpopulation,
and pay taxes to support police & inspectors
that are primarily there just to
suppress overpopulation by
raising the cost of construction
(eg, building codes with min'size requirements,
or bans on factory-built homes)
and enforcing the inflated living standards
with bans on car-camping
(maximises property taxes paid by rents).
. you gotta problem finding a job to
pay for all this?
step across any of our bureaucratic lines
and you're easily purged to prison!
-- we're all about purging; because,
you're all about abundant-life free parenting .]


. out of 307M usa citizens, there are
2.3M prisoners
+ 0.124M chronic homeless .
-- thus our actual numbers of purgables
may be equal to our entire
year-1790 population! (3.9M) .
. our number of "corrected"
-- under correctional supervision --
is the size of our entire
year-1810 population! (7.2M) .


anti-obama is not exactly anti-liberal

4.26: pol/zionism/anti-obama is not exactly anti-liberal:

. conservatives are really just liberals for
corporates, bankers, oilers, and financiers!
. I'm hearing that same thing plastered across
Mark Levin's show this evening! [4.26]

. first there's an ad' for the Laura Ingraham show
where she reminds us that Obama
is trying to raise the nation's debt ceiling
when doing so will only tell congress
to just keep on doing what they have been .The Obama Diaries
. what about the fact that
most of the trillions being spent
are to wrap up a conservative's war?
and the corporate bailout ?
wasn't that for preserving
the little guy's jobs?
-- not just the dem'voting union jobs .

. while some may say the housing crisis
was caused by socialistic dem's,
we've had the Bush admn get a chance to
undo Clinton's undoing of the
finance watch laws;
-- but, hey, why would a conservative do that?
that was so liberating for bankers;
conservatives are really just liberals for
corporates, bankers, oilers, and financiers! [5.2:
. what's wrong with being
liberal for capitalists?
Professionally Framed President Ronald Reagan Republican 80s Poster Art - 11x17 with RichAndFramous Black Wood Framewhat's wrong with free parenting
alongside free outsourcing of jobs?
huh?, when you said outsourcing
you just kissed off Reagan's trickle down theory.]

. in Laura's defense,
we're not here to preserve jobs,
we're a capitalism harnesing a
chinese communism
and harnessing as well
that religious dictator of India
who is chronically overpopulating a mud pit .
. just who is Laura's constituency?
perhaps the hard-working, money-saving Christians
-- let's hope so, for the sake of her ratings .

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto. then comes Levin himself:
. Obama wants to cut off the oiler's
$4B subsidies;
Mark warns us that this will only
tax you at the pump;
well, yes, we know subsidies are
a form of socialism:
when you stop getting
cheese and butter subsidies,
you pay the true cost of the cow .
. I've often suspected Levin is really just anti-Obama
rather than being solidly pro-conservative;
but now he's slashing Obama for being anti-socialist?
. or is socialism ok for corporates ?
yes, even with billions in profits
to fuel its own R&D
you need a break at the gas pump!
. conservatives are really just liberals for
corporates, bankers, oilers, and financiers!

. in Levin's defense,
Obama rode in on a ticket of Palestinian fairness
even at the expense of Israel;
he also wanted to make up with the communists,
Fatal Embrace: Christians, Jews, and the Search for Peace in the Holy Landnotorious for using the Jews to gain liberation
only to brutally turn on them,
suggesting they should goto ...
back where they came from !
. Obama needs to realize that
Islam is to Judaism
what Mormons are to Christians;
ie, Muslims are the true Jews!
-- not the anti-Jews!!
and, they're bringing the New Testament's
real translation,
(they are the true christ respectfuls also!)
so, having the latest superpower
bedding Muslims with old-style Jews
-- like they were prison mates --
is not ever going to bring stability .

. the soviet-era Jews scoffed at zionism as escapist
and only the likes of Hitler and Stalin
could have convinced them otherwise .
. Obama's fairness doctrine is such that
military aid to Israel depends on how Israel
works at negotiations with Palestine;
but, this will do nothing for
curbing Islamic resistance;
there are only 3 choices:
the possibilities of globalized zionism:
America's Secret Recreation Areas: Your Recreation Guide to the Bureau of Land Management's Forgotten Wild Lands of the West
usa is zion
#resettle zion:
. the New World is so obviously
the Promised Land;
usa has 245 million free federal acres,
-- 13 percent of the total usa land surface
and more than 40% of all usa's fed land .
. in order to provide zionists with
what they're getting from Israel,
we'd need just 5 out of that 245 million acres,
445 (172 sq mi) of inland water,
and 273 km of coastline .

. overwhelming force might be used
to What Everyone Needs to Know about Islamdivide and conquer the Muslims;
but, if you haven't checked lately,
the Islamic world is huge .

. Islam is just as reasonable as the next
paternalistic dictatorship
(eg, drug wars jail our children,
privacy is kingpin of domestic violence,
bureacrats tax our residential property
instead of taxing what generates profit
and corporates outsource our jobs).

true Islam supports christian american values:

. you can do what Islam's founder intended;
it doesn't have to be foreign;
here's my first draft of how even a
capitalistic Christian or Jew could love Islam .

. there are many branches of Islam,
and while they all laugh at other branches,
they'd at least agree that a partial believer
is far better than an anti-believer .

. Islam's founder was greatly influenced
-- not by slavers and polygamists, but rather --
by his first wife (a 25-year monagamous marriage);
and, rather than being a founder of polygamy
he mentioned it simply to restrain
the current Arabian practices;
and, his policy mirrors that of
prior Jewish prophets .
. to the extent that polygyny cares for widows,
a monagamous version of Islam could
have the same effect by
fully funding communes for single women,
orphans, and disabled elders .
. each commune would be
abstractly fathered by a
particular constitution such that
only like-minded women lived together;
troubled women could live without children
in exchange for less financial freedom
(part of cutting costs is by
having everyone eat the same meals
and buying toiletries in bulk).

. the only thing Islam asks of capitalism
is that we make money from stocks exclusively
rather than bonds and other forms of usury;
-- Islam could have prevented the housing crisis
by dealing only in housing stocks, not bonds .

manditory conversions:
. it is true that Islam requires evangelism;
however, this is nothing new to
american capitalists who are
so quick with a civil war
or a stream of frivolous law suits,
that their openness to destruction
would make islamic terrorism look tame !
seriously, though;
this mandate simply follows the Jewish example
of being smart about protecting culture;
 if you let a communicating body fester,
that body infects you and your children .
. foreignized Islam is easy to demonize,
but your own brand of Islam -- amen! --
should be in the federal constitution .

. at the time of Islam's founding,
the forced conversions by Islam were
simply to guard against
equally virulent conversions by Christians
which were turning their neighbors against them
replacing their local gov't control
with that of the Catholic empire's elites .
. Americans required conservative conversions too:
even if you thought communism was a nice path
to a steady income and decent labor rights,
anybody who mentioned communism in america
was actively conspired against .
. Americans require drug-free conversions:
even when entire states demanded access to marijuana,
the federation would convert them
by using its own police to uphold the law .

. at the mention of "(usa is the Great Satan),
one of the first things
a foreign Muslim thinks of
is the laws protecting freedom of pornography .
. Islam's prophet had 2 branches of activity:
# bringing the final message:
ie, no Jew-hating idolatrous charades,
# applying the current Word to his community:
ie, laws for public health and fairness .
. this is the context under which Islam
demands sexual purity;
all communities did this to inhibit promiscuity
and thereby protect against disease
(not to mention hard feelings:
JC's performance as a rabbi was
deeply affected by the rumor that
his genetic father was unknown).
. even more than public health, though,
the Word demands rapid population growth
for promoting war, evolving technology,
and protecting the future;
. if you can find some other way
toward that end
then you are welcome to practice birth control
including the use of the sort of porn
that women in your community would find to be
respectful or mutually effective;
the peaceful way is not easy:
just think of how costly war is!
how much renewal of all things it causes:
that's the actual tax that g-d demands
to protect eternal future .

. what was the point of such showy prayers?
you could replace that with any sort of
frequent reaffirmations:
look straight up and chant several times:
"( I believe in one g-d,
a spirit that creates our emotions
like a director writes the scripts of actors .
. I believe in protecting feelings,
and I believe others possess feelings .)
. if you speak english,
you already speak the global tongue;
Arabic is a nice,but the point was that
all believers should speak a common language .
Iranian muslims don't speak Arabic either
although they share most of the same alphabet .

. Islam did specifically renounce
the theory that JC was "(the son of god)
but that is just symbolic language anyway,
like cussing
-- save it for the battlefield !
. a whole reading of the New Testament says
JC was of g-d, not of the devil,
meaning that he had good intentions,
he was not merely self-important .

. Islam did say Islam's founder was the final word;
and, that's not surprising
if you look at their perspective of history:
. in summary,
Jews were Chosen to dominate
if they followed the Word;
christians convinced the world that
anyone could be dominant
if they followed the Word
which now included a belief
that JC was the son of god
(an idolatrous heresy).
. Islam provided the final prophet:
you have the Word,
it applies to the whole world;
but it specifically does not include
a belief that JC was the son of god
-- or any other form of idolatry .

g-d's message is given to the Jews:

. culture should use law to prevent diseases
and catastrophes (floods, slavers, plagues, rapes, ...);
these laws should include dietary advice,National Geographic Guide to the National Parks of the United States, 6th Edition
sexual practices, finance, foreign policy,
and the ways of the supernatural;
eg, the supernatural is real;
it does not depend on the natural
(1st law against idolatry).
. to promote both our
familial and cultural values,
the nursing parent should be
familiar with the culture
so that the first 3 months of life
are immersed in that culture;
ie, infants might learn by
synchronized thinking .
(that's why a true Jew must have a Jewish mother;
if, on the other hand,
the male provided the infant care,
then the father would have to be Jewish).

. the culture should insure that the
culture multiplies
(the g-d wants to evolve technology
that in turn insures eternal survival;
towards that end,
we must either be massively aware
of the need to multiply high-tech R&D;
or we must multiply the populations;
because that at least will
force the resource contentions
that in turn will cause
the wars that evolve technology .)

. Jews knew the Word of g-d
and believed their genetic family
was specifically Chosen:
ie, there would be many descendants,
and they were collectively promised a profitable future .

. while Jews of JC's era understandably believed
that JC misrepresented g-d's Word
Christians believed JC was a prophet,
ie, able to speak on g-d's behalf;
and they interpreted his message
as meaning that everyone
who believed what Jews believed
could equally be Chosen .

. JC had been an icon of equality:
"(if Jews are g-d's Chosen,
then even the least of Jews should be Chosen;
so, even if being ill doesn't seem Chosen,
we still don't make lies about them being sinners
or about g-d making them ill in order to
punish personal sins;
we stand by them and cure their illness)
. the elites, however,
had a different sort of illness to cure:
every time they got things productive,
the mobs would overpopulate and dilute the wealth;
so, you have to find some way to
organize mobs into armies;
then elites survive while armies die .
(not a bad deal since mobs started it, eh?);

. JC's message might seem to say
that the right thing to do
is to yell at the elite until they share more;
but that would dilute everyone's wealth
and leave them vulnerable to the mob next door .
. so, the elite's deal must be:
a christian mindset should be all about
dying to push your beliefs for their own good;
that way we can attack pre-emptively,
and while the mobs still suffer
under such poverty and inequality
it's because the mobs next door won't believe;
because if they did, they would share !

. next door to JC was the arabian peninsula,
where Islam's founder resided;
and, 500 years later, when Islam was born,
Christians had by then,
increasingly over-simplified the story,
in order to convince the overpop'ing masses
to adopt the elite's Christian culture .

. like JC's King of the Least of these Jews,
 Islam's founder was a reluctant prophet,
and, he worried about
the life of cultural reform being one of
pitiful self-sacrifice;
but if he succeeded, arab culture would be
not only safe from invasion,
but a much better place for women, children,
charity cases, and those needing loans .

. when the Christians gave him the Word,
what he noticed about their "(son of god)
was that he loved a Bible which
warned repeatedly about the very idolatry
that the Christians seemed to be guilty of:
# worshiping the physical as being god;
so, there was the final Word:
. in declaring JC was a form of g-d;
Christians were trampling on
the very Jewish beliefs
that made Jews the Chosen ones .

I'm stopping to look up now:
. I believe in one god,
a spirit that creates our emotions
like a director writes the scripts of actors .
. I believe in protecting feelings,
and I believe others possess feelings .
. all my hate was written by the same g-d
that wrote all the actions I hated;
hater and hated were both defending feelings,
and in both cases g-d was defending future .
. feelings are adaptable suggestions;
they come from g-d -- not your brain*
. we should talk more
about when to compromise
vs when to privatize,
vs when to respectfully segregate
-- but, without leaving anyone
in a ghetto or a war zone --
vs when to demand of our mobs
far more R&D and less children;
ie, g-d's peaceful path to perfection .
*:  I'm not denying brain imbalances can
sometimes cause lack of self control
only asserting that when it feels natural
look again, you're in the Matrix).

4.28: pol/zionism/psychological judo:
. Islam should by using psychological judo,
and instead of resisting zionism
encourage it as part of an anti-nazi act;
the Nazi's, when they force-marched jews to Zion,
weren't resisting what Islam resists
no, they were national socialists,
and they were resisting
open competition by foreigners
-- they may as well have resisted open evangelism;
the jews in Germany were setting a good example
of what a tight-knit culture can do
for competitiveness .

The Nation's Largest Landlord: The Bureau of Land Management in the American West

Wild lands of the West: The Story of the Bureau of Land Management


oops I did it again ...

4.29: pol/justice/oops I did it again ...:

Jesus Christ Superstar (Special Edition). I was shocked to hear on lib'radio (1330)
that a reporter was dragged and maced
just for asking a question
in a "(townhall) meeting
whose elite she apparently didn't represent .
. we know that anyone requiring dragging
must be maced to reduce officer risk,
but we can still ask,
who really needs to be dragged,
ie, who needs to be "(arrested),
vs who was willing to leave with an escort .
. we then can seek to punish (or victimize?)
The Matrixthose accepting a duty that is unamerican .
. so in my state of ah-fficer-assisted rage
I thought of this perfect crime:
sir-real psy'op's against the undeserving sir .


glenn beck -- may he be confined to hate radio

4.8: news.pol/glenn beck radio's word on religion:
"(... anyone else living under the illusion of
a true Democratic Party
-- what are you smoking?
The Democrats don't exist anymore.
They were eaten by the progressives --
the labor unions, the communists, the radicals,
the globalists, George Soros -- yes ...)
-- Glenn Beck 2010 may 12
. Glenn Beck is big on anti-communism
and reminding us what a destructive mess
the fed's made of the south .
. today, and on Beck's show today,[4.8]
liberals are synonymous with totalitarian communism;
(they are both about freeing the labor class
at the expense of capitalists
-- and even the middle class);

. the 1800's civil war fed's can be thought of as
being the first communists here in usa;
because, the crux of communism is
labor rights vs capital owner's rights;
and, in the 1800's southern usa,
slavery and land was the primary capital;
slavery was hardly a liberal vs conservative issue,
since the northern christians were conserving
evangelical christian values,
and defending usa`honor against attacks on
the sincerity of "(all men are created equal)
after rebelling against slave drivers
only to make a mint promoting slavery .

. the religion that southerners were conserving
was certainly the more popular one:
straight out of the roman empire,
should any one think it ever declined
-- human trafficking thrives to this day
and will continue as long as we support
privacy as an inalienable right .
praise be to the feds:
. still, you have to agree
that the fed's made a mess of the south;
we were fine splitting up once (with britain),
never again?
the least we could have done was
give the ex-slaves their own western reservations;
perhaps the trick to being a good capitalist
is making sure the competition is not ?

. speaking of reservations,
Glenn Beck must agree the feds can be useful
at least any time your religion needs to
keep some Jews in Palestine; [christian zionism]
here again, anyone with any religion at all,
would suggest the jews should accept a usa reservation,
they are sure to start the next world war,
just as the Nazi's hoped for
when they allowed their Jews to leave only if they
moved to {Palestine, Zion, Israel} .
. Hitler called Zionism "a great movement";
in fact,
it was his acquaintance with Zionism
that coalesced his view that
one cannot be both a German and a Jew;
Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, had also claimed
"(the world's twin evils) are
--[evil# from below:
too little competition]-- Communism
--[evil# from beside:
too much competition]-- Judaism.

. Hitler's Zionism obviously differs from Glenn's
if only because Glenn is quite tolerant of Jews;
when the bible's G-D gives a prophesy like
"(you'll eat this fruit I warned you about
and then start dying)
do you really think this is a good time to
praise the power of prophesy
and eat the fruit from that tree?
when G-D is whispering that bad things
will happen in Palestine,
believers might want to start thinking about
what they can do to make other places
more inviting .
. usa's Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
has 245 million surface acres,
-- 13 percent of the total usa land surface
and more than 40 % of all fed land .
. in order to replace Israel,
you need:
. 20,700 (5 million acres),
which hopefully includes
445 (172 sq mi) of inland water,
and some coastline (Israel boasts 273 km of that).]
breaking news from American Jews:
. over 10,000 petitioned Fox News
to fire Beck last fall,
and it recently happened [4.6] .

. as Glenn Beck was selling his newsletter, [4.8]
he said curiously:
"(I'm a capitalist;
I'm not asking for a handout).
--[4.9: . my first fallacious impulse, unfortunately,
was to brand him as a slaver proponent
(a whip-cracker asking for handouts)
when, in fact, he's only
objected to the way fed's handled the slavers .
. then again,
when are good capitalists not slavers?
The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Lifewell, when they're good eno' to automate
(or in Glenn's case, be self-employed);
between the stampede of free parents
just dropping us off
-- with our very numbers and desperation
so devaluing our worth as a human resource
that we set our wages at "(under the table) --
and Free Capitalists automating away jobs,
capitalists are getting handouts
whether they accept them or not !]
Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government
Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big GovernmentBroke: The Plan to Restore Our Trust, Truth and TreasureThe Overton WindowGlenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas PaineAn Inconvenient Book: Real Solutions to the World's Biggest ProblemsThe Five Thousand Year Leap: 30 Year Anniversary Edition with Glenn Beck Foreword


the myth of unfair capitalism

2.12: pol/wealth gap/the myth of unfair capitalism

. I'm still hearing about the widening gulf of wealth disparities
as being an indicator of unfair compensation policy;
in fact it's a very precise indicator only of
the population being super-sized .
Karo Light Corn Syrup - 1 gallon. if you can make just 1 dollar per person
say, selling a unit of corn syrup
to billions of people,
then you can still be a billionaire
even though billions could afford
only corn syrup .
. the beauty of global trade at this time
-- when there are still developing nations --
is that labor costs for your pricey items
become dirt cheap,
and employees can easily give billions back
to a corn syrup tycoon
because underdeveloped equals overpopulated
(and ignorant eno' to sugar everything!).
Omaha Steaks 1 (7 lb.) Spiral Sliced Ham
sweetened ham
[see why that's unhealthy]

. if everyone did get fair salaries,
it would not stop wealth disparities;
instead, employees would be replaced with machines,
and in their unemployment,
they could still afford corn syrup .
. the savings ability of the billionaire
depends only on
automation replacing people
while still having billions of people to sell to.
Koolatron KWC-4 Coca-Cola Personal 6-Can Mini Fridge
corn.syrup inside

. with capitalism applied to reproduction,
parents would form a reproduction cartel:
slowing production to meet demand,
and would keep slowing it until
pervasive labor scarcity
causes a high min'wage .

capitalism is broken by religion:
. people have a god-given right to
control their own reproduction;
and some even have a god-given requirement
to not control it!

capitalism is broken by a lack of religion:
(a lack of socializing institutions):
. children are not just capital,
parents have them to both express personal pride,
and to repress fears of growing old alone
without the brave and energetic in their corner .

. the religious will plead for charity;
ie, redistribution of wealth done voluntarily;
liberals are accused of doing it involuntarily;
this would not be truly progressive .
. we should instead be advancing social security
in the form that churches once had:
they had a strong sense of community,
assisted by localization of the economy .

. well, localization just might be far off;
how can local ownership of children be possible
when people are moving around for jobs?
the gov' should strongly encourage everyone
(esp'ly those who are potential or current parents)
to spend most of their time in community centers
helping with the care of elders and children,
instead of working so hard to buy escape from others .

. the progressives need to point out
that while communes as practiced by churches
was held together by hateful bigots
it served some valuable functions we sorely need:
. hidden power differentials should not be
looming over all the women and children .
. everyone should be taking care of elders;
ie, instead of teen clubs and senior centers,
there can be communes for every lifestyle
-- including racists and other bigots --
but with always an intergenerational mix:
these communes would be the various houses of
who I am and will be .
. but that would bring you right back to now!
most elders and youth culture
mutually consider the other rude .
. well, that gets to science-based morals;
if there's nothing wrong with a behavior
why are you suppressing it? ... endless .
. anyway,
it's a nightmare to single-handedly
care for the senile or emotionally challenged;
and if we all were drafted to help the impaired,
we would start thinking about how our society
can do less impairing .]

. the only people who should be alone are students,
everyone else should be communed .
. that policy may be bucking American nature
since by the way it was populated
it may have acquired a genetic tendency to
take large risks for personal space .
. then again, you could look at
the same [suburban is normal] religion
and conclude instead,
that being the king of your own castle
is simply the easiest thing to do, and
not the thing our demons force us to do .

. never underestimate the power of the devil;
we never would have
struggled to get the science,
and advance the state of empowering tech
without ugly emotions disempowering us:
. there may be an irresistable supernatural force
causing overpopulation,
and an easy path to that could be
making people seem unappealing to each other;
"(. people just love peace ... in a toilet:
wouldn't you rather just start over
and make people in your own image?
welcome to the church of private parenting!
you are now happily on your own .)
. the traditional church did not allow this .

. the major religions have all had some
complementary ways of controlling population:
judaism:. only the educationally tested
are deemed eligible to be parents
(Bar and Bat Mitzvah):
"(sons and daughters of the commandment)
-- not children of the free spir't .
. we don't need to out-reproduce the world,
we should convert what's here, and call them us .
. by allowing the man to have multiple wives,
we take the pressure off every woman to reproduce;
population growth is exactly proportional to
the number of active women .
. if overpopulation makes sense to you and your elders
then you might still find peace
by not expecting the universe to be pain-free :) .

[3.3: in sum:
. the wealth gap in modern times
is caused by a culture of over-reproduction;
and, aggravated by racism and democracy .
. the culture of right-sized reproduction
includes communal parenting and senior care .
. and,
watch those teens around the senior drugs
(yet another wealth gap!).]


#usa #child #care gemini policy saves innocents

2.25: care needs 2 adults:
. one benefit of modern life's specialization of duties
How Modernity Forgetsis that we can add safety features
that could be absent in practical self-employment
such as watching one's own children .
. one of the glaring problems of a
2-parent family
is that while one parent is off working,
that leaves only one other parent
watching children;
and, if anything happens to the watcher,
the children's safety could be in
immediate danger
(how often do unattended children
drown in pools or buckets in the usa?)
. having houses specializing in day care
The Secret Knowledge of Water: There Are Two Easy Ways to Die in the Desert: Thirst and Drowningcould provide an economical dual watcher
where even if one is busy in the bathroom
the other could still be watching children .
. it may not be politically feasable to demand
that nuclear families always double up;
but, at least in the case of licensed day care
we could have a rule that
2 responders be present;
one adult, and the other at least able to complete
some first responder course .
. 24 Feb 2011:
3 children killed, 4 injured by smoke in day care:
. lone operator at Jackie's Child Care, Tata, 22,
had also lived at the 4-bedroom since April 2009
(2810 Crest Park Lane Dr, Houston, TX, Earth
-- near South Eldridge Parkway and Richmond ).
. the fire started in the kitchen
while she was in the bathroom,
though Tata and investigators have no idea how .
. Vera Thompkins, a pastor who has
known Jessica Rene Tata for many years,
said Tata's daily activities for the children include
Beginner's Bible, The not only feeding and crayons,
but also a Bible study;
the pastor also said "(I didn't have
a good feeling about that house
— I really didn't),
perhaps indicating a belief that
faulty wiring
might have been the fire starter .

. Texas regulations allow
no more than 6 preschoolers (under 18 months of age)
(12 children total) to be day-cared in any 24-hour period;
whereas 7 preschoolers were found there;
(ages 18 months to 3 years).
When Panic Attacks: The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life. Tata, with memory fogged by panic,
wasn't sure of the current attendance;
and was worried there were 9 preschoolers
to be accounted for;
but, 2 of them hadn't shown up that day .
. the day care was licensed just last March;
inspectors had held things up for a week
because owners were unaware
that regulations required a fire extinguisher,
and a carbon monoxide detector .
First Alert CO615 Carbon Monoxide Plug-In Alarm with Battery Backup and Digital Display
. the Feb. 24 inspection records
show that both deficiencies were corrected;
though, inspectors visually verified only the fire extinguisher;
the same was not said
of the carbon monoxide detector
(the only 2nd watcher in this case).

. forced outside of the fire by smoke,
Tata was yelling frantically,
"My kids, my kids, pray for them!"
. perhaps the 2nd watcher in the sky
is urging us to get serious about some automation .
 (Luke 18:19)
Noah's Ark (Picture Yearling Book)