. one benefit of modern life's specialization of duties
that could be absent in practical self-employment
such as watching one's own children .
. one of the glaring problems of a
2-parent family
is that while one parent is off working,
that leaves only one other parent
watching children;
and, if anything happens to the watcher,
the children's safety could be in
immediate danger
(how often do unattended children
drown in pools or buckets in the usa?)
. having houses specializing in day care
where even if one is busy in the bathroom
the other could still be watching children .
. it may not be politically feasable to demand
that nuclear families always double up;
but, at least in the case of licensed day care
we could have a rule that
2 responders be present;
one adult, and the other at least able to complete
some first responder course .
. 24 Feb 2011:
3 children killed, 4 injured by smoke in day care:
. lone operator at Jackie's Child Care, Tata, 22,
had also lived at the 4-bedroom since April 2009
(2810 Crest Park Lane Dr, Houston, TX, Earth
-- near South Eldridge Parkway and Richmond ).
. the fire started in the kitchen
while she was in the bathroom,
though Tata and investigators have no idea how .
. Vera Thompkins, a pastor who has
known Jessica Rene Tata for many years,
said Tata's daily activities for the children include
but also a Bible study
the pastor also said "(I didn't have
a good feeling about that house
— I really didn't),
perhaps indicating a belief that
faulty wiring
might have been the fire starter .
. Texas regulations allow
no more than 6 preschoolers (under 18 months of age)
(12 children total) to be day-cared in any 24-hour period;
whereas 7 preschoolers were found there;
(ages 18 months to 3 years).
wasn't sure of the current attendance;
and was worried there were 9 preschoolers
to be accounted for;
but, 2 of them hadn't shown up that day .
. the day care was licensed just last March;
inspectors had held things up for a week
because owners were unaware
that regulations required a fire extinguisher,
and a carbon monoxide detector
. the Feb. 24 inspection records
show that both deficiencies were corrected;
though, inspectors visually verified only the fire extinguisher;
the same was not said
of the carbon monoxide detector
(the only 2nd watcher in this case).
. forced outside of the fire by smoke,
Tata was yelling frantically,
"My kids, my kids, pray for them!"
. perhaps the 2nd watcher in the sky
is urging us to get serious about some automation .
(Luke 18:19)
. an electric stove with a pot containing oil
is believed to have started the fire;
charged with reckless injury to a child
involving serious bodily injury.
Bond had been set at $500,000
Tata fled to her homeland, Nigeria;
Four of the children died after the fire:
3-year-old Shomari Leon Dickerson, of Houston,
Elizabeth Kajoh, 19 months, of Cypress;
Kendyll Stradford, 20 months, of Katy;
Elias Castillo, 16 months, of Houston.
this post was reposted here:
-- I would say imitation is sincere flattery
but, sadly the links were stripped .
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