Showing posts with label overpopulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overpopulation. Show all posts


Rush`speech & Loughner`violence

7.24: news.pol/purges/mass murder/Loughner/
how Rush and Glen Beck incited him:
Thomas @
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman
wrote on his blog that the "hate-mongers"
Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck
contributed to the Giffords shooting,
despite later reports that the shooter,
Jared Lee Loughner,
had never listened to their programs.
The discovery that Loughner liked
"The Communist Manifesto" and "Mein Kampf"
forced media types to quickly abandon that smear,
but not retract their comments.
They're running the same play again.
. actually, Krugman still makes sense
but not in the way Thomas assumed:
Rush and Beck represent
the right-wing capitalist views
that america implicitly listens to
as they embrace reaganomics .
. Loughner was pointing out
Hitler's "Mein Kampf"
and Communism's "Manifesto"
in order to tell us that
reaganomics caused his hate
-- and it just so happens
that the icons of reaganomics
include Rush and Glenn Beck .
. so Thomas is right in one way,
but Krugman was right in another way:
Reaganomics -- and its supporters ---
caused the unemployment
that caused Loughner's desperation,
that unleashed a hail of bullets
on the Washington who will not listen
-- won't listen to conservatives
and won't listen to the jobless .
. communism always found jobs,
and Hitler even de-immigrated to make jobs .
. Loughner was all about jobs
or at least relief from homelessness;
too bad he wasn't about real population control
(immigrant control isn't enough).

Greg Hunter's

7.22: news.pol/Greg Hunter's
. his C&C show:
"( . investigative reporter Greg Hunter
. he reveals how the banking system is rife with
fraud, instability and infighting
which could collapse the entire system,
resulting in a prolonged bank holiday.)
heard on coast to coast
"( . you think that 401k is designed for you?
if the market tanks, that money stays in the banks!)
"( . buy gold? to fight the impending inflation
buy what goods you need sooner than later:
buy your car tires, some dry food! )

global warming bugs killing trees for fuel #overpopulation vs #ark-investing

7.18: news,co.pol/fires/global warming bugs killing trees for fuel:
climate central org
. the massive fire seasons recently
were the culmination of a trend:
between 1986 and 2003, western forests saw
a nearly fourfold increase in the number of wildfires,
and those fires burned six times the amount of land
and lasted five times as long
when compared with the previous 16 years.
In response, states and the federal government
adopted policies and legislation,
such as the Bush administration’s
Healthy Forest Restoration Act,
which were designed to head off
increasingly catastrophic wildfires
by thinning forests and reintroducing fire
to areas that were overgrown with fuel
from a century of fire suppression.
Some wildfires would be allowed to burn
in hopes of improving overall forest health.
The fires, however, have continued to grow
in size, frequency, and intensity,
while the policies meant to tame them
have sputtered and stalled.
Air quality issues
increasingly limit the number of days when
prescribed burns can be lit,
and the public is often resistant to them,
particularly after incidents in which
forest managers lose control .
Residents of fire-prone landscapes
are often unwilling to cut down the trees they love,
even when removing a few trees increases their safety.
And building with fire-resistant materials
is often more expensive
and doesn’t fit with mountain traditions.
. between 2000 and 2010,
more than 100,000 people moved into
Colorado’s most flammable forests .
. global warming means that
bugs are killing more trees,
so we have a lot more to burn through;
and, there's less water in the area
to naturally suppress that burning .
Wildfires nationwide cost the federal government
up to $3 billion annually
— twice what they cost a decade ago.
Today wildfires take up nearly half
of the U.S. Forest Service’s budget,
up from 13 % in 1991.
. even with climate change,
the real problem is that people who should be
investing in fire prevention systems
like irrigating the property around them,
are instead relentlessly spending on
expanding the population .
. use solar energy to pump oceans into deserts
and this will make solar do more desalination too .
. the problem is not too much affluence,
it is too much poverty:
high-tech could survive global warming;
but this 3rd-world mentality cannot .


message is save anyone not everyone

7.29: relig/christian/the message is save anyone not everyone:
. christian notices that the free market is immoral
because commercialism is diluting our culture .
. however, that is actually christian's fault;
because they are the ones who believe
that they are G*D-ordained to
convert and embrace the entire world;
so, their own idea for the
free-marketing of religion
means that everyone else's culture must be diluted
-- but the rub works both ways:
their culture gets diluted as well .
. what's really notable about that though
is that it doesn't have to be that way
according to their own leader, Christ .
. when Jews seek to maintain moral quality,
their ultimatum to you is social rejection .
. when JC set out to save the world
he was indeed looking beyond
his own Jewish community
but the idea was to recruit anyone -- not everyone .
. he had an important culture to foster,
and, whoever would embrace it,
that was who his new family would be .
[ his new religion was this:
you are unfairly calling people sinners:
. when your disabled make it look as if
your community is being cursed by G*D
you claim that god has really
caused the disability as a punishment
and that the reason for this is that
self or family has displeased G*D .
. faced with the demon-possessed (mentally ill),
you are forcing them to feign physical disabilities
in order to get sympathy while begging;
you shun people in required jobs like tax collectors,
and you shun the jobs you force on them
with your poverty and under-the-table demands:
eg, why is the prostitute allowed but shunned?
why are kids shunned for being born out wedlock
-- for what their parents did?
I'm not saying you have to embrace
or convert the whole world
but we need to take responsibility
for the mess we make as a society,
rather than leave the disabled
to beg or prostitute .]
. we CHRISTIANs need to live by example
and encourage people to join us that way;
we need control of our cities;
we can't have creeping democracy
forcing our city to flip cultures;
instead, new cultures should find new cities .
this is where privacy is really important
-- on the cultural level --
yet this is where we have none!
. a community 's privacy right
means the right to not be invaded by
competing cultures .
. this notion of community privacy rights
is directly at odds with the
separation of church and state clause;
but that clause make sense only at
the state and federal levels;
it doesn't makes sense at the community level
where people want to share values
to achieve trust and reduce contact stress .]
. but wouldn't this perpetuate intolerance?
the primary concern about intolerance
was what to do with freed slaves;
but if we offered them the American Dream
-- a piece of fertile land,
or the ownership of a thriving business --
I'm sure they would have been
quite happy with "(intolerance) .]

. the place where cultural competition can happen
is in the economic realm, like so:
if your culture can't afford a business
then you sell it,
and the new owners replace your culture with theirs .
. if a gated community has too many vacancies,
they may decide to convert the culture,
ie, sell it for use by some other culture
so that they can use the money to
expand where they can thrive .
. the way it is now though
gives each culture too much ability to
erode the values of another culture
even when the market has given it no in-roads .

. there can still be minimum fed standards
that ensure communities are not
holding people against their will
or getting into child abuse or neglect;
and that's where issues happen:
is being a drug addict considered to be
child endangerment?
. drugs could still be allowed in adult communities .

7.29: 9.26:
. but what about the free market?
you have to tolerate all these behaviours
because we have a right to
set up shop in your community,
and when we do, we have a right to expect
that you will not limit our clients .

7.29: 9.26:
. what about the free parent's dump:
your culture is so uninviting
that you keep losing people
and you are really adding to the federal blight;
because, you send them out with no resources .
. yet you are finding ways to
still own all the cities,
thereby creating all these homeless people .


pedophile priests protest overpopulation

6.12: relig/christian#catholic/
pedophile-protecting priests may be protesting:

. I've often thought that catholicism has lost its way;
the point of not using sex for sport
has been to protect us from the pitfalls of sex:
irresponsible pregnancies,
and sexually transmitted diseases;
the typical mob reaction to such a culture
is to simply say all sex is deliberate
thereby the tendency to have large families
even among the poor .
. when jesus said there will be poor always,
he was not giving us a pass to wallow in poverty:
the only joblessness should be from disabilities,
not these huge families .
. what if priests thought the same thing?
what if they were muttering among themselves:
"(we pretend like we're in control,
and like the masses are in compliance,
but the amount of sex we tolerate is so abusive
deliberately casting all our children into poverty!)
. what if one way to protest fertile sex
is to keep pushing infertile sex
-- under the table ?
a conservative pattern:
. then again, we could be seeing a pattern here,
where part of promoting [father knows best] culture
is never making a big deal about father failing .
. this has been an obvious problem among the catholics,
but I recently saw a conservative jewish version of it too:
. a jewish woman was protesting the conservatives
because they felt it was counterproductive
to expose cases of incest in jewish homes .



the spirits and molecules of autism

. this file started out as a political issue
-- 5.20/pol/energy/Autism related to Coal's mercury --
but mercury policy has improved
while autism rates have increased,
so, it's been reassigned as a health issue .
. however, it may also be a socioeconomic issue
as worsening underemployment
increases reliance on children's disability payments .
. nevertheless,
even if parents were encouraging the diagnosis
for collecting child disability payments,
there is still evidence of increased autism risk
from environmental pollutants
(pcb's, pesticides, estrogenics, mercury)
and a degraded food supply quality
(increased use of gmo's, pesticides,
and herbicides -- thanks to gmo's;
non-organic farming creates a lack of
selenium in food
which is needed to counteract mercury).
. another theory explaining increased autism
is what I call two-headed dominance syndrome
where one of the heads tends to submit
in order to let the other head take control .
. likewise, in sociology,
when a population starts to feel
a loss of economic opportunities
there may tend to be more silent tension,
and an increase in dependent personalities .

. at the same time, unique to our times
is a tendency to demand much more of students;
whereas, in the past,
the developmentally challenged may have been
understood to be simply a rowdy or lonely laborer .

6.22: web: autism is on the rise:


check your nitrogen footprint too #GlobalWarming

5.29: news.pol/energy/global warming/
check your nitrogen footprint too:

(we need to watch out for both our
carbon and nitrogen footprints ...)
my response:
. do you want to reduce suicides,
get more wind energy,
and feel more satisfied?
eat more meat, and dump more
nitrous oxide into the atmosphere!
. sure there will be more global warming,
but you have so much wind energy,
you can afford to live underground,
where the weather won't bother you !

news.pol/energy/hydrogen economy by 2020
and living in the deep sea:

world future society reports:
. new advances in fuel cells may enable us to
live deep under the sea .
. Hydrogen Economy will seriously begin to
supersede the Oil Economy by about 2020 .
your nitrogen footprint is huge:

GOP (Get OverPopulation)

[6.22: summary:
. the highlight of this post was the realization that
GOP had the same initials as Get OverPopulation;
but the main theme is overpopulation's causes,
and ideas for humane solutions .
. inflation and unemployment together
are symptoms of overpopulation relative to
the labor needs of capitalism .
. when the GOP says "(we don't have the money)
they mean they don't need our labor;
and, all of their cost-cutting measures
are attempts to get overpopulation
by making us feel like we can't afford children .
. they don't feel like they're being heard though,
because they are the party of church values,
but they keep reminding us of family values
and hope we get the hint:
if your family doesn't have a job for your children
your family should at least have a spare bedroom .
. most of all they talk about reaganomics,
but you must know there are no more jobs
because they Get OverPaid too!
. not only are those jobs not coming back,
we are just a few years from intelligent automation;
so as we have more people needing a free lunch,
shouldn't we pay people to stop reproducing? ]

better wages needed? for not reproducing

5.22: co.g'+/pol/purges/unemployment/
we need more than better wages:

Sheila Nagig:
The trouble nowadays is that
nobody has much in the way of disposable
income to spend on much beyond the necessities of life.
It's why furniture stores go out of business in a recession.
I was wondering if you could undepress me;
I was sure the trouble nowadays was that our overpopulation
is finally colliding with our capitalistic value enhancements .
. the republicans don't believe in job creation either;
they just solidly reject the other myth:
that socialistic handouts can save the
bottomless pit of population expansion that we are .
. can you show me how I'm deluded?


who's economy? obama's or private parenting?

5.29: co.apt/pol/purges/reaganomic/
neolib's are not job creators:
. I am a neolib, and I'm just warning you,
if you think romney is about jobs,
both the repub's and the dem's are also neolibs
giving your jobs to the needy globally;
so, if you give them a tax break,
they are only giving more jobs to india and china .
. just remember, you're the 60% who actually
owns something in america besides a birth certificate
-- crappy commoners .
5.10: news.pol/purges/reaganomics/
it's obama's economy:

andy dean conservative radio:
. he has this subservient lesbian sidekick
who when asked what she thought of
obama's lackluster economy,
said she doesn't believe in the 99%
-- said a person's job prospects are
up to the individual;
so it doesn't matter what obama did .
. the 99% is hiding the elephant of overpopulation,
and that is indefensible;
but, why isn't an obama supporter like herself
pointing out that the economy has
nothing to do with the president?
. obama isn't even allowed to touch
the root cause of our unemployment
which is globalized capitalism
-- that is nothing less than the unstoppable
perfection of the american way!
. if you believe in capitalism at all,
you believe in eventual automation,
so you must believe in massive unemployment
-- inevitably!
so stop dreaming about economic expansion,
and think about the homeless you generate
breeding like you want to .

5.1: pol/purges/reaganomics/
family values is dictatorship just like communism:

redistribute wealth only for population reductions

[6.21: summary:
. after watching both lib's and conservatives
creating wildly delusional videos on youtube,
I debated several other viewers
about whether the real issue was
socialism had been a proven failure
or we had never tried what works:
there can be no wealth or security
without state control of population size .]

socialism is a proven failure:

The Critique of the Crisis of Capitalism Critique
by HowTheWorldWorks


sports training for babies

5.12: training for babies:
. headline had me curious; but,
wasn't much of a story here except that
business was excited about feeding on new ways
that you could micromanage your kid ever-earlier
to help your kid get into an elite college .
. those who sell sports training for babies
got into trouble saying they make a difference,
so they don't say that any more,
but I was reminded of Tiger Woods:
how would you find out that guy is a natural at golf
unless you started him at age 4 ?
. some training I had in mind for literal babies
would be interaction that
kept their eyes following you;
for exercise, there is massage
and getting them to pull
with their reflexive grasping:
they will hold your fingers
and you can partially lift them this way .


plastic first praised as indestructable abused_as_disposable

4.30: news.pol/trash/
plastic praised as indestructable abused as disposable:

. it was said on Fresh Air, that an LA suburb
has a problem with gulls showering them with dump waste .
. when the dump was first started,
there were no houses in the area;
but the dump has grown that much?
perhaps they can't believe that suburban sprawl
would try to compete with dump space .

. the Puente Hills landfill near Los Angeles,
has so much trash
that its natural gas emissions can generate
enough electricity to power 70,000 homes,"
. the author of Garbology stated that
methane gas is not very efficient;
the way to get energy from garbage
is to burn it
using europe's new stack scrubbers;
but the old scrubbers are so notorious
that nobody in the usa trusts them any more .
. plus we found other ways to unload it:
the chinese will recycle our paper
but this very inefficient too because
they are using fuel to ship tons of garbage to china
and then ship tons of paper products right back .
. Terry Gross was perplexed, and quipped:
"( if everyone is happy,
what is there to this Garbology book?!),

. I thought most of this was just another
side attack of the overpopulation issue
but I was truly impressed when it was pointed out
that plastic was originally praised as the
make-anything substance that would last forever,
and then it's most common use becomes
one-night-stand tossable containers!

. the plastic never really decomposes either,
it simply gets smaller (and absorbing more toxins)
until it is eaten by marine life .