Showing posts with label cook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cook. Show all posts


ascorbyl palmitate vs Liposomal Vit'C

6.12: summary:
. ascorbyl palmitate is my preferred vit'c,
because it stores longer without refrigeration;
and, the Now Foods product is cheap and trusted;
but, Liposomal Vit'C may have unique benefits .
. it's very expensive and the competition is hot,
so some of the rumors about Mercola's product
may be planted by those working for Livon Labs,
or some other Liposomal Vit'C maker .

1.20: who encapsulated vs who formulates:
. notice Mercola's main encouragement
is that Capsugel is great at encapsulating,
but who formulates what goes inside the capsule?
what did he do to validate the formula?

tell #FDA to test food for radiation! #Fukushima #Strontium

/health ranger's radioactivity testing:
.  Mike Adams, the Health Ranger,
talked of testing radiation levels in food,
but nothing came of it (not even for seaweed).
12: web:
however, this was written March 10, 2014:
DirectorFukushima Fallout Awareness Network
. three years since the beginning of the
ongoing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdowns:
It’s also been one year since
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network
or FFAN filed a Citizen Petition with the
US Food and Drug Administration
to lower the current allowable levels of
Cesium 134 and 137
in food, nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals.
The International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in Germany
wrote a report requesting a nearly identical
decrease in radiation allowed in food as FFAN’s petition,
so clearly an international movement
is forming on this critical issue.
The USFDA has responded that they need more time
to consider FFAN’s Citizen petition,
but one year is long enough won’t you agree?
The situation is urgent and we need your help
while the comment period is still open
or FDA may reject the petition entirely.
Comment to FDA at


manual vegetable juicers #EMP -proofing

6.8: web.cook`gear/manual veg grinder:
. wwIII or some other source of EMP
could take out the electrical supplies for a long time;
and also burn out anything electronic,
(many cooking appliances have electronic controls);
so, I'm looking to replace my electric blender
with something manual and reliable .


#thyme enhances #omega-3 in #brain

13: news.cook/thyme/medicinal properties:
. thyme oil contains thymol,
found to protect and significantly increase
the percentage of DHA omega-3 oil
found in brain, kidney, and heart cell membranes .
Thyme oil's antioxidant flavonoids include
apigenin, naringenin, luteolin, and thymonin.
. thyme oil, an Egyptian embalming agent,
can kill some germs, including
Staphalococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis,
Escherichia coli and Shigella sonnei .
. washing produce in solution containing
either basil or thyme essential oil
at the very low concentration of just 1%
wiped out nearly all Shigella bacteria .


Mannose blocks #lectins in #legumes

6: lectins and activates immune response:
Mannose can be found in berries,
green beans, eggplant, cabbage,
turnips, kelp and Aloe vera.
. Mannose [that exists on the surfaces of your cells]
plays a role in the formation of
cytokines which stimulate the immune system .
D-mannose blocks the lectins in legumes
and can prevent them from breaching the intestinal wall.
D-mannose can bind to things that cause
inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome,
weight gain and even possibly colon cancer.


glycerine sweet relief from dry skin on hands

5: co.iherb/cook/glycerine/sweet relief from dry skin on hands:
. after I started using too much caffeine,
it raised my cortisol and lowered my dhea,
which then made me unable to sweat
so my fingers felt so dry it was annoying;
but, glycerine keeps the moisture on your hands
without making them feel greasy .
. this is the same stuff as in Sortkwik
meant to help paper handlers get a better grip .
. it washes off with hand-washing,
so I keep some in a little squeeze bottle
in my pocket at all times . [8:
( I mix 1 part water to 3 or 4 parts glycerine ).]


acetylcysteine can inhibit anti-cancer p53 protein

30: can inhibit anti-cancer p53 protein:
31: summary:
. N-acetylcysteine or NAC is a source of cysteine,
but is too powerful an antioxidant .
. a better source of cysteine is egg yolk:
it too is great at raising glutathione,
a safe antioxidant made by the body .


methylated B vitamins #glutathione

25: health/glutathione/methylated B vitamins:
. I was hearing the best form of vit'B for glutathione
(the magic associated with selenium)
is the pro-methylation forms .
. Now Foods thought that the pro-methyl form of b6
needed to be enteric,
so being sublingual might be very important
(either way avoids the stomach acid).
. anyway, here's more about methylation
if you were looking to variety for security .

. I am going to try using Methyl-Guard Plus
sublingually (see below).
I may also try enteric B6 (pyridoxal 5-phosphate) .


onion's Quercetin for #glutathione #antioxidants

25:'s Quercetin for glutathione:
26: summary:
. another good reason to get more onions
is their connection to glutathione levels .


mortar & pestle as pill crusher

23: sci.cook`gear/mortar & pestle/metal is a great pill crusher:
(review of BC Classics Stainless Steel Mortar and Pestle)


effect of food irradiation

22: of food irradiation:
23: summary:
. cooking causes much more peroxidation of oils
than keeping the food refrigerated raw,
but pureeing food with high-potency spices
can do much to maintain freshness .
. radiation of food is not very damaging
compared to cooking it;
however, radiation does do minor damage to oils;
the retail outlets should keep food raw,
and then the consumer should do the irradiation
as that is preferred to cooking it ?
. does it also kill pork and fish worms?


3rd-party tested #probiotics

4: web.cook/probiotics/3rd-party tested products:
. probiotics are capsules of live germs;
they are notorious for delivering dead germs .
. is there any 3rd-party testing going on?
. here's truflora with regular 3rd party testing;
others just claims spotchecks by .

USANA® Probiotic
Receives Certification
-- Sixth Stamp Of Approval From Third-Party Testing .

Dr. Mercola Complete Probiotics 
was also listed as tested by
and I'm betting it got a good review .

17: current practice:
. go to your health food store, and try
refrigerated gardenoflife`RAW Probiotics .
. it has a certain variety of germs that will
pull me out of depression,
but they can also overstimulate my thyroid,
causing a bit of anxiety (leave it in your mouth,
and if you have any oral sores (or leaky gut?),
a lot of germs can get to your thyroid gland .
. I use this everyday like it was sunshine;
but I've been sunburned a few times .


Dr.Mercola's vitamin E

12: web.cook/vit'e/Dr.Mercola's vitamin E:
. this talk from Dr.Mercola about vitamin E
(it's a video speech with matching text)
tells you why his vitamin E is better
(derived from sunflower seed not soy, etc).
. I take it only once a month or so,
when my fishoil contains imbalanced vit'e
( alpha instead of mixed with gamma ).
. here's the same mercola with a different view:
rather than selling you on supplements,
he's reminding you that vitamin e
like most other nutrients except trace minerals
is best obtained from food not supplements .
. given the amount of greens you should eat,
greens provide plenty of vitamin e .


variety best for sourcing selenium?

Frontier Bulk Garlic Granules, CERTIFIED ORGANIC:
where is it sourced from?!
. this is the perfect granule size,
just large enough for me to feel confident that
all the substance is actually garlic ...
. it tastes great but I'm interested in garlic because
it is a selenium accumulator,
with a very healthy form of selenium:
se-methy-seleno-cysteine .
. however, if it comes from China,
then there are many places there that have
very low levels of selenium in the soil .
. so my new strategy is to just get variety,
and not depend on any one brand .
. I'm also going for quantity too,
and not worrying as much about organic
when it comes to garlic .


Quorn contains "Natural Flavors" #excitotoxins

12.20: contains "Natural Flavors":
. what's in our beloved Quorn besides fungus?
Yeast Extract, Salt, Pea Fiber,
Natural Flavors From Non-Meat Sources. 
. "flavors" reminds me of msg ...
Chemical Warfare with "Natural Flavor"
Natural flavors can legally contain
naturally occurring glutamate bi-products like MSG
– which are known excitotoxins.
. that doesn't mean Quorn has excitotoxins;
it just means they are not doing much to
reassure us that they are clean
when they use unspecified "natural flavors" .


#canaan #fairtrade olive oil

12.29: fairtrade olive oil:
. I recently became acquainted with's olive products:
organic oil, pickled olives, and soap .
. I live right next to California,
so I'd rather get my cooking oil locally;
but I was quite impressed with canaan soap .
. Dr. Bronner's soap contains olive oil
that comes from both Palestine and Israel,
and can be found in many stores .
. I prefer liquid soaps myself,
and that too has olive oil in it;
but the bar soaps
claim to use a lot more olive oil,
and thus help Palestine more,
however, Dr. Bronner's is on,
and might be more convenient for most
while still helping Palestine a lot .


CocoaVia for potent cocoa flavanols

12.26..28: health/cv (CocoaVia)
CocoaVia 250mg cocoa flavanols
enhancing circulation and brain function
sometimes ... .
Cocoavia's got sure levels of flavanols:
. the Mars process known as Cocoapro®,
ensures the cocoa flavanols are preserved;
whereas, traditional cocoa processing
has inactivated much of these flavanols .


supplements for radiation #fukushima

12.5: for radiation:
Dr. Melissa Patterson, ND
talks about supp's you may need for
dealing with the increased radiation levels
coming from the fukushima nuclear accident .
If large doses of C,E, and B (especially B5),
are taken before exposure,
the radiation sickness can be reduced to a large degree.
Vitamin A can be toxic to a pregnancy .


magnesium threonate

12.26: threonate
. from my own experience with mg-threonate,
using 2g providing 144mg magnesium,
it rather cut through the caffeine:
my relaxed mind was less concentrated,
and dialated bronchioles became less so;
but at a time when I was becoming
too antsy to sit still for concentrating,
this was definitely calming .
. it also reduces anx in the head,
but without reducing butterflies in stomach .


#paleo #egg sacrificed for legume grains

11.6: tolerated if leaky gut cured:
. the common egg intolerance that is outgrown
is not an allergy, but a leaky gut problem .
. I learned this from Dr. Campbell-McBride's
GAPS diet Gut & Psychology Syndrome:
she's the one who's child had a gut infection
which reacted to immunizations by causing
a worse gut-immune system
that in turn caused autism .
here's what she says about infants and yolks: