
#thyme enhances #omega-3 in #brain

13: news.cook/thyme/medicinal properties:
. thyme oil contains thymol,
found to protect and significantly increase
the percentage of DHA omega-3 oil
found in brain, kidney, and heart cell membranes .
Thyme oil's antioxidant flavonoids include
apigenin, naringenin, luteolin, and thymonin.
. thyme oil, an Egyptian embalming agent,
can kill some germs, including
Staphalococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis,
Escherichia coli and Shigella sonnei .
. washing produce in solution containing
either basil or thyme essential oil
at the very low concentration of just 1%
wiped out nearly all Shigella bacteria .

stimulates opioid receptors:
. thymoquinone is found in thyme,
as well as Nigella sativa;
thymoquinone stimulates opioid receptors,
thereby preventing or reducing allergic reactions to foods.
With the addition of thymoquinone to the diet,
mice exhibited a less severe allergic reaction
to an induced egg protein allergy .
. thyme is a germ-killer found in mouthwashes
and in liniments (may be absorbed through the skin,
[ so that the antibacterial action
is not focused on gut bacteria ]).
. might reduce fungal and parasitic worm infections .
. relieves smooth muscle spasms, such as coughing,
and a movement disorder in children (dyspraxia).
. increases urine flow (as a diuretic),
and acts as an appetite stimulant.
. likely a good source of manganese;
though plants can manage with very little;
certain seaweeds are a sure source of manganese:
# wakame; # laver .
-- green tea is usually the highest source,
but it depends on what's in the soil .

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