
9-11 update# matrix TV no-planes realization

7.20: pol/purges/gemini/911neocons/matrix tv


23: the update:
. in my prior theory of 9/11,
I had assumed that military drones hit the Towers;
but I drew that conclusion from a CNN video
that showed a large plane poofing into the building,
and then causing an explosion .
. recently it was pointed out to me
that the resulting video was a fraud,
a creation of layered video editing .
. reading Andrew's book, we are pointed to
Dr.Reynold's no-planes theory
that points out that the 9-11 planes video
must be a fabrication (matrix TV).
. Reynolds didn't explain how the planes
showed up on national tv channels;
but, Andrew had another link to
September Clues,
and this video was an eye-opener .

Certified Humane® store finder

30: news.care/Certified Humane® store finder:
Certified Humane® products now available in all 50 states!
"Adele Douglass, Certified Humane®"
date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:00 PM

you can use this link from certifiedhumane.org
to find store near you,
and find out what products they sell
that are Certified Humane® .


Amy Webb`intelligent infant care

7.31: news.care/Amy Webb`intelligent infant care:
"Here & Now" radio:
. Amy and her husband have a new daughter,
and they do a lot of data collection:
they noticed that when reading to her,
she was most attentive and contented
when the reader was more interested
in what they were reading;
so, instead of plodding through nursery rhymes,
they were reading their news magazines aloud .
. they also noted that a study has shown
infants exposed to a higher vocabulary
had higher IQ's or cognitive development .


mastercard supports Wikileaks

7.6: summary:
. wikileaks has been viewed by USA as
"an enemy of the state"
and banks have been afraid to support it,
but Mastercard broke ranks recently,
and it will be defended in the future by
pressfreedomfoundation.org .

Snowden is accepted into Venezuela

7.5: news.pol/Snowden is accepted into Venezuela:
. here's Snowden recently on twitter:
Edward Snowden @EJosephSnowden 56m
Revealed to staked-out reporters
existence of subterranean ultraterrestrials.
No more secret intermediaries!


thyroid obstructed by bromine

4: web.health/hormonics/thyroid obstructed by bromine:
. bromine is in everything now,
and it may reduce our thyroid function
and increase our need for iodine,
even as it becomes harder to get:
. between 1970 and 1990, 50% reduction
in urinary iodine excretion .


2014-2015 big year for #Israel

4.13 .. 6.30: relig/judaism/lunar eclipse tetrads on Jewish holidays/
proj: tetrads since 2nd Temple's demise:
. a Jewish-holy or holiday tetrad is defined as
four sequential full "blood-red" lunar eclipses
with no intervening partial lunar eclipses
that occur on the first and last Jewish holy days
Passover and Sukkoth .
. since the demise of the 2nd Temple (70AD)
to the 2014-2015 Jewish-holy tetrad
there have only been 8 such tetrads;
the next one won't occur for another 500 years.
--[119 Ministries refutes some of these 8 ].

. every time a Jewish-holy tetrad has happened,
it's been important to Israel's history;
what follows is a list of the Jewish-holy tetrads
with their significance to Israel or Judaism
along with some related history briefs
( there are many events significant to Israel
which are not occurring in a Holiday Tetrad year;
those who were significant to Israel include
christians, muslims, and communists ).

. according to 119 Ministries,
Ramadan 2014 will kick off the antichrist war
spoken about in the book of Revelation .
. this will devolve into WWIII,
with the apocalypse in the fall of 2016 .

. you may be surprised to learn
that Muslims and Jews were once quite friendly;
keep in mind that Islam's reason for living
is to proclaim that Judaism is good,
and that Jesus was a prophet of theirs;
moreover, the reason Islam rebukes Christianity
is not only because the Trinity doctrine can be
interpreted as making a false god of Jesus
but also, Christians had disowned Judaism .
. Islamic radicals are portrayed as anti-Jewish;
but they are violent only about Zionists
who tried to militarily remove Muslims
from controlling the land of Israel .

the main content is here:
bloodmoon tetrads and 2014-2015


Perfect Health Diet

5.31: web.health/perfect health diet:
. the latest advance in lifestyle advice
doesn't like legumes? find out why!
( longevity correlates with use of legumes:
the famous confusing example is soy:
the healthy traditional way to use soy
is to ferment it, and mix with fish,
to balance the high omega-6 in the soy .
. other societies did well on peas,
and PerfectHealthDiet approves of peas .
. I'm still putting my bets on
unfermented black turtle beans ).