
Ventura challenges psyop#911bluepill

11.29: news.pol/purges/controlled demolition/
Ventura challenges psyop#911bluepill:
. former governor Ventura says
9/11 is an obvious controlled demolition;
see also Ventura dustifies
Shawn Hannity's 9-11 .
. Ventura's related books include:
# 63 Documents the Government 
Doesn't Want You to Read
# Don't Start the Revolution Without Me!
# American Conspiracies: 
Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies
that the Government Tells Us

. some say Ventura "failed" as governor?
well, only in the same way Obama is:
Lacking a party base in Minnesota's
House of Representatives and Senate,
Ventura's policy ambitions had little chance of
being introduced as bills.
. Ventura was questioned by the CIA
about how he became governor
(same mafia that selects CIA agents?).
Initially, Ventura's base feared his vetoes
would be overturned.
He vetoed 45 bills in his first year,
and only three of those vetoes were overridden;
but, in his fourth and final year,
six of his nine vetoes were overturned.
Ventura was often successful;
One of the most notable was the
rebate on sales tax in times of budget surplus .
Later, he came to support a
unicameral (one-house) legislature,
property tax reform, medicinal marijuana,
gay rights, and abortion rights,
while opposing the death penalty.
. he generously funded grade school education,
but did not have a high regard for
public funding of higher education,
and he opposed the teachers' union .
. he advocated a higher role for
third parties in national politics,
and favored the concept of instant-runoff voting.


creating chaos is a suicide mission

12.4: pol/purges/war/creating chaos is a suicide mission:
. I noticed a problem in our war policy
from listening to the medal of honor hero
[oct 25 2007 specialist Salvatore Giunta]
who was on the Rusty Humphrey show:
. we are supposed to charge an ambush
in order to get close to the snipers
and create chaos,
but chaos works both ways if we
try giving the chargers air support:
helicoptor gunners can't tell
chargers apart from the enemy,
thereby increasing the risk of friendly fire .
-- basically these are suicidal tactics:
hopefully you'll be left with someone alive
after all of them are dead or running into air support .


#9-11 #holocaust #denial pushback @PBS

news.pol/purges/controlled demolition/
Experts Speak Out against usa gov on PBS 2012.9.11:
Sep 3, 2012  "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"
"9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"
is getting public attention and
casting doubt on the scientific validity of
the U.S. government's investigation
into the WTC tragedy.
PBS is the first major network to air the program.
Just days away from the 11th anniversary
of the World Trade Center tragedy
and months away from the U.S. presidential election,
a game-changing 9/11 documentary
is ranking number three among
"most watched" documentaries on PBS
and number one among "most shared."
. see similar:
. books from professionals refuting USA gov reports .
11.20: Dr.Wood interviewed 
by OneStepBeyond`Theo Chalmers:
(title: Nov 15, 2011 Directed Energy Technology)


the warmest boots are gifts of the heart

11.30: co.fb/gear/shoes/the warmest boots are gifts of the heart:
LOOK: NYPD Cop Gives Homeless Man Boots,
Photo Goes Viral
You have to like what NYPD Officer Larry DePrimo did
for a barefoot man in Manhattan
one frigid night this month.
I cringed seeing that story,
wondering if the guy was sane eno' to say thanks .


Romney's smaller fed #2012 #vote

10.30: pol/obama/romney's smaller fed:
. if Romney is for smaller fed,
then what do his perfect court picks do?


obama #2012 #vote

10.30: summary:
. this is a collection of my reactions to
news about Obama, the presidential race,
or obamacare .


crash predicted after election

8.5: news.cyb/pol/purges/reaganomics/
crash coming in after election:

. at coast to coast an astrologer Joni Patry
has predictions about this november;
she also predicted the japan erthquake in march 2011
and they were very thankful for the heads up .

. she says september is a high:
there will be a major crash in november;
when the election will be like Bush's
with much irate contention about the results .
[. how could that cause a crash?
# obama wins:
people wanting romney
will rage about unemployment endless
and taxes look relentless
this could cause the market to go into theatric lows .
# romney wins:
. people wanting obama
will see obamacare getting dismantled,
and there could be something like a 9-11
to greet a usa that is once again christian-headed . ]

says we should buy xmas gifts now
because the bottom falls out:

the #singapore experience #reaganomics

8.10: pol/purges/reaganomics/the singapore experience

. why would singaporeans need coaxing
to maintain a replacement-level population rate?
they crack down on litterbugs with caning;
so, is the place just too harsh?
. in fact, up until recently, they actually did
crack down on having 3 children;
even though 2.1 is the replacement rate .
. now the gov is seeing major life extensions,
and they are getting worried about soon being
overtaxed by a heavy elder-to-worker ratio .

. it's pointed out that their elderly
currently care for both themselves and children;
but this won't always be the case,
because the gov can see that in time
their elderly will get the modern food diseases
and they will need the modern medical treatments
-- which will far exceed what they have in savings .

learn from singapore:
. they had religious overpopulation
and they burned in poverty and crime;
only when had their Stop at Two program
and got the jobs that globalization took from
affluent countries like usa
did they themselves become affluent .
. usa's greatness has actually come from underpopulation:
usa has a naturally low population density per resource;
but that of course will soon change
as the usa becomes overrun by religious overpopulators .