
calcium supp's cause arterial calcifications?

5.9: web,mis.health/
when do calcium supps cause arterial calcifications?:

. I had erroneously assumed that the
routine finding of arterial calcification in elders
was being made worse by the advice
to take calcium to fight bone resorption .

. calcification is a problem,
but in the calcium deficient test animal,
calcium-supp'ing, reduced calcification by 62%;
when there's a deficit of calcium in the blood,
 the body excessively releases bone calcium
[20. Sanders S, Debuse M. 2003:89-90.]
and saturates soft tissues with calcium .

. so, could there be a bell curve effect,
where a deficit of calcium does
 flood the system with bone calcium,
but likewise, if you're taking megadoses of calcium,
that would have the same effect as low calcium?

. in any case, there is a study showing that
calcium supp's do increase the risk
of heart attacks by 27%;
and, lef.org points out the study's special conditions:
the risk from calcium is eliminated by
combining the calcium with sufficient levels of
calcium controlers (vit'd, vit'k, magnesium).
. not only does vit'k keep calcium in bones,
it has some way of keeping it off arterial walls,
[5.10: likely by making it latch onto more useful things,
that happen to be closer by .]

5.10: depends on form:
. certain forms of vitamin D are provoking bone resorption:
vs 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
In 10 patients taking oral 0.25 micrograms of
1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol twice daily for 7 d,
--[ Rocaltrol Oral Suspension (calcitriol) Rx ]--
calcium absorption increased more than in 10 patients taking
oral 40 micrograms of
25-hydroxycholecalciferol once daily for 7 d (p less than 0.02)
--[ the common D3 found in most supplements ]--
despite both groups having a
similar increase in plasma 1,25-(OH)2D.
These results support the view that the major effects of
oral 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol on absorption
is due to a local action on the gut
and that it is possible to increase
calcium absorption in osteoporosis
with oral 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
without increasing its undesirable action on bone resorption.

6.5: may depend on dosing too:
. the form provoking the bone resorption
is also the most common form by far;
so maybe it would still be safer if
the dose was divided and taken with calcium ?
but too much calcium
inhibits conversion to the active form:
The following inhibit the activity of 1-hydroxylase enzyme
needed for making active vitamin D (calcitriol):
    # low parathyroid hormone (PTH)
     - PTH stimulates 1-hydroxylase.
     [see how common low PTH is, and what to do about it]
    # High calcium levels cause lowered PTH .
    # High phosphorus intake/high blood phosphorus.
    (An aside: Fructose we eat gets phosphorylated,
    grabbing phosphorus and holding it in the liver.
    So fructose (fruit) consumption can counter
    high phosphorus intake(dairy, fish, meat, soda) .)
    [don't mix high fructose with high-glycemic diet]
    # High concentrations of calcitriol
    - A negative feedback mechanism is in play, meaning,
    the more active vitamin D you have circulating,
the less active the enzyme.

. the Active vitamin D, also called calcitriol,
is a high-energy, twice-hydroxylated compound
with a very short half-life (about 5 hours)
- such that levels of active vitamin D are tightly controlled .
Serum concentrations of active vitamin D (calcitriol)
are not typically correlated with vitamin D intake,
or vitamin D stored as 25(OH)D3.
It is primarily calcitriol that is responsible for the
benefits we're discovering about this vitamin,
e.g. mineral balance and bone mineralization,
immunity, blood pressure control,
reduction in cancer cell proliferation, and insulin secretion.
list of calcitriol suppliers .
(CAS NO.     32222-06-3; 125338-24-1)

sports training for babies

5.12: web.care/sports training for babies:
. headline had me curious; but,
wasn't much of a story here except that
business was excited about feeding on new ways
that you could micromanage your kid ever-earlier
to help your kid get into an elite college .
. those who sell sports training for babies
got into trouble saying they make a difference,
so they don't say that any more,
but I was reminded of Tiger Woods:
how would you find out that guy is a natural at golf
unless you started him at age 4 ?
. some training I had in mind for literal babies
would be interaction that
kept their eyes following you;
for exercise, there is massage
and getting them to pull
with their reflexive grasping:
they will hold your fingers
and you can partially lift them this way .


stamps.com (sent by mark levin radio)

5.17: proj.bus/mail/stamps.com (sent by mark levin radio):
"( . and the first thing you should do is click on the radio icon
and tell'em mark sent you . )
. but they act as if you know what you're signing up for;
in fact I had no idea until they asked for my credit card,
and found this cheap way to do stamps from home
is suitable only for businesses who do mass mailings,
because the service is $16 per month
-- heck, I haven't used that much postage in 10 years!

whole house surge protector

5.5: web.apt`gear/whole house surge protector:

. the best way to protect from lightning is to
get off the grid, and then to protect your own system,
use a lot of lightning rods at all the high points .


evidence JC didn't die on the cross

4.30: co.g'+/relig/christianity/the swoon theory:

Jon Stewart's usa gov and christians:
Justin Bale 12:56 PM 
"(the american gov has the same approach to
reading the constitution
that christians have to reading the bible)

-- jon stewart
co.g'+#Kelline Pickett: 7:40 PM:
earlier in this stream I commented on
what my view of this post
about Jon Stewart sounds like to me.
I will comment again for you.
He's making a comparison statement
of the American Government to all Christians.
That can be considered a matter of his opinion.
However, his statement is based on an assumption
that all Christians don't read their Bibles.
To make an assumption like this,
one would have to know every single Christian personally. 
Philip Torrance Apr 28, 2012
"( the american gov has the same approach
to reading the constitution
that christians have to reading the bible
. I don't think you have to know any christians
to make that statement;
if you just listen to what anyone in christianity
is supposed to believe,
you know they are pretty selective
in their reading of the bible .
. a careful reading of the bible
should convince one that Christ didn't even die,
let alone get raised from the dead;
meanwhile, a christian is defined as
one who believes Christ rose from the dead;
therefore, a "christian" must be
one who is not reading their bible .
+1 your comment by Vladimir Sumarov.

â„›ichard Mead Apr 28, 2012
Oh that definitely piqued my curiosity, +Philip Torrance
- would you be so kind as to give some supporting detail
showing how the Bible has convinced you that
Christ didn't die, and didn't rise?
Caleb GriffithsYesterday 4:19 AM
+Philip Torrance
well you have obviously never read the bible.
That was the stupidest thing I've read so far.
Coming from someone who has
read it cover to cover over a dozen times.
4:23 AM
Just because someone reads the bible occasionally
does not make them a Christian.
Just like going to McDonalds occasionally
does not make you fat.
You have to live it or it does nothing.
Philip Torrance:
+Caleb GriffithsYesterday 4:19 AM, 4:23 AM
. well, we don't really know how stupid I was
until I give you the biblical quotes,
and explain how I interpreted them .
. you can read the bible hundreds of times,
and of course really live it,
but if you don't have a justifiable interpretation
you are just living in a dream .
+â„›ichard Mead Apr 28, 2012
some supporting detail showing how the Bible
has convinced me that Christ didn't die,
and didn't rise:
Jesus was crucified at nine in the morning,
and died at three in the afternoon,
or just six hours after the crucifixion.
Pilate was surprised to hear that
Jesus had died so soon (Mk 15:44).
The average time of suffering before death by crucifixion
is stated to be about 2-4 days,
and there were reported cases
where the victims lived for as long as 9 days.
The body is taken down from the cross and immediately
handed over to a close disciple (Joseph of Arimathea),
who transports Jesus' body to a
close-by roomy secure burial chamber.

. in that same chapter, the context is:
42 And when it was evening,
because it was the time of getting ready,
that is, the day before the Sabbath,
43 There came Joseph of Arimathaea,
a responsible man in high honour,
who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God;
and he went in to Pilate without fear,
and made a request for the body of Jesus.
44 And Pilate was surprised that he was dead;
and, sending for the captain,
he put a question to see if he had been dead for long.
45 And when he had news of it from the captain,
he let Joseph have the body.
. my interpretation, but not my original idea,
is that something to do with Jewish custom
precluded letting the crucified labor on the Sabbath,
and a very wealthy Jew simply bribed the captain,
to put the body to rest before the sabbath .

. perhaps the captain did not need to be bribed;
did he not stab jesus
in an attempt to ensure his death?
I understand that the routine for that occasion
was to hack the legs until they were broken .
. whether hacking was a routine or not,
many people have survived stab wounds .
. of course, since it's likely he never died,
there's no reason then
to assume he had risen from the dead
except by concerned "witnesses"
who wanted to keep him hidden .

what it means to believe in the devil

4.20: relig/christian/what it means to believe in the devil:
Penn Jillette said:
"( . people often confuse athiests with satanists,
but, christians are closer to being satanists,
because athiests don't even believe in satan,
while some christians believe they are satan !).
. earlier today[4.20] I heard a psychologist say
(about race relations):
"( until you can admit you have a problem,
the problem can't ever go away ).
. any christians who say they are satan
must be referring to the fact that
it's much easier to be fooled by the devil when
you don't believe it has influence over you .
. if you know it is there, you search:
"( gee, this idea seems to have such good intentions,
but you know HE'll is paved with good intentions!
how am I being used even now? ).

the choking game

4.16: psy/the choking game:
. the news recently said that kids are dying from
losing at playing the choking game;
. as kids, we had a game of hyperventilating
and then holding our breath
while getting another to squeeze us until we felt limp;
that would cause intense dreams on demand .
. later in life I discovered by myself,
something like the choking game, but safer:
with just 2 fingers, you can, by tilting your head back,
find all the arteries in your neck
and completely cut off your brain's oxygen .
. when you do that, getting near passing out
is extremely relaxing .
. it even works while standing or walking
always without falling down, let alone dying!
. I would do that often when obsessed with negativity,
and I wondered if head-banging behaviour
might also be for avoiding negative thoughts;
but I think in their case it was that
the same conditions that cause mental slowness
also create insulin resistance and restlessness
that can be relieved by direct brain stimulation .