
beans increase your activity level

7.21: co.fb/health/legumes/
beans increase your activity level:
    Being Inactive Kills as Many as Cigarettes
    - Longevity Center - Everyday Health
How about some truth in headlines:
Being a [hyper-glycemic dieter] May Kill You .
-- The Truth About Sex via The Truth About Sex
. one way of getting more active without trying
is to get far more fiber
(replace meat with beans
and replace sugar with greens)
. look at the details of that study:
"removal of physical inactivity
had the largest effect on colon cancer,
and the smallest on coronary heart disease,
in terms of percentage reduction, ..."
. it just so happens that beans are
a major preventive of colon cancer
just as if you had gotten more exercise .
. that's not all beans do for health .

7.25: news.health/hormonics/
sugar transitions muscle to
prefering glucose over fats:

07-23-12 European Journal of Nutrition,
. the participants were lightly active, lean,
and then drinking soft drinks for only four weeks.
. Dr. Hans-Peter Kubis, Bangor University in England .
. the research showed regularly drinking soft drinks
changed the way muscles use food as fuel,
making them prefer to burn sugars over fats
via altered gene activity
-- encouraging unhealthy adaptations
similar to those seen in people with
obesity problems and type 2 diabetes:
a reduced ability to burn fat and to fat gain.
and making it more difficult for the body to
cope with rises in blood sugar.

found a loophole in Atkins 2002

7.20: health/hormonics/found a loophole in Atkins 2002:
. my familiarity with Atkins is limited to
a book he last revised in 2002;
in that book, he suggested that
in determining our carb' allotment,
we didn't need to count the non-insulinemics,
which includes fructose .
. the Zone diet noted that
one way to keep your blood sugar up,
is to get generous amounts of certain proteins
(chicken, fish, egg whites, veg protein isolate,
but not whey protein isolate).
. Dr.Lustig noted that a leading cause of
the liver becoming insulin resistant
is from eating too much fructose;
he also warned us that it was the
combination of glucose provoking insulin
and fructose causing insulin resistance
that was causing the current epidemic of
metabolic syndrome (obesity, fatty liver, ...).
. some with high blood sugar are finding that
their blood sugar is high on awakening
suggesting that for some reason
their liver is being fooled into making
too much glucose .
. one way it can be fooled is insulin resistance:
as it produces glucose,
it knows when to stop because
it detects that levels of insulin are getting high;
but if it's insulin resistant,
it can't hear the insulin signal
and thus continues to produce glucose
even when the {insulin, glucose} are too high .
. therefore,
high glycemics is not exactly the whole problem:
fructose is making the liver insulin-resistant
which makes the liver put out too much glucose;
so, if instead of sugar you had too much
combined fructose and protein,
that too would cause the same hyperglycemia,
without being on a high -glycemic diet ?
. if that 's true,
that's a loophole in the Atkins 2002 diet,
because he allows non-insulinemic carb's
and any amount of any sort of protein .
. most people don't fall into that pitfall
only because fructose is usually combined with
the insulinemic carb's that Atkins controls,
so most on Atkins diet tend to get less of
all sorts of carb's, including fructose .

biofuel & TEG electricity sources

7.30: gear/pedgen powered by wood-burning turbine:
. a great way to produce energy while mobile
is to use a wood-burning steam engine
to power a windmill's electricity generator .
. go to a national park where there is forest litter,
and burn it in a steam engine,
that drives that the generator
that recharges your batteries .
9.25: summary:
. with that thought in mind,
I set about looking for equipment that
already does such wood burning,
and I found an even better idea:
thermoelectric generators (TEG)
-- converting heat into electricity .
. existing TEG-based camper products
include the $129 BioLite CampStove .

full-time rv legal residence

7.29: co.answers.yahoo.com/mobi/
full-time rv legal residence:

2011: answers.yahoo.com
If you are full time rv person
how do you maintain a resident status
and how do you deal with mail?
Neva Neva -- Best Answer - Chosen by 1 Voter:
Deal with your mail on the Internet.
Do your banking on line.
You do not really have a resident status.
Your home goes where you go.
7.29: my comment to "(best answer)
. that answer may be increasingly correct
in the future:

toilet design for very-low water usage

7.24: gear/toilet/design for very-low water usage:

keyboard tray for reclined use without sliding

7.28: proj.gear/table for kybd in bed/the fencing star
make a fence to preventing kybd sliding:
. when using the table for kybd in bed
 I like to have the table at a slight angle,
 but then the kybd tends to slide off,
 so the table needs a little fence in front,
 and found just the adapter among my junk hardware:
 there are angle brackets for reinforcing cabinets .
 . I screwed a pair of them into place near the edge .
the keyboard tray


compressed natural gas will save us

7.7: gear/mobi/compressed natural gas will save us:
. after trying cycling with a mobile home,
it occurred to me that I might need
quite a bit of distance to find safe places to park it
given I spend time at the city's library
but there are often city-wide bans on car-camping .
. the healthiest economical engine
runs on compressed natural gas
and many cars are converting to this
(4 million in latin america).