
high times for low carb

7.9..13: summary:
. A Calorie Is A Calorie theory
disproven again?
nobody was seriously positing
that all calories are equal;
what they were trying to do is
not offend the food marketers
or those who like the new modern diet .
. what they were say is:
"( so what if corn syrup is addictive:
can we treat consumers like adults?! )

. however, it's very interesting to hear
that low-carb diets raise cortisol
and C-reactive protein (measure of inflammation)]
more than low-glycemic diets !
-- esp'ly when most people will
misinterpret what that just said:
Atkins did not raise these!
Atkins dieters had very good cortisol levels
relative to the levels associated with heart disease
and Atkins will cut your CRP in half !


the spirits and molecules of autism

. this file started out as a political issue
-- 5.20/pol/energy/Autism related to Coal's mercury --
but mercury policy has improved
while autism rates have increased,
so, it's been reassigned as a health issue .
. however, it may also be a socioeconomic issue
as worsening underemployment
increases reliance on children's disability payments .
. nevertheless,
even if parents were encouraging the diagnosis
for collecting child disability payments,
there is still evidence of increased autism risk
from environmental pollutants
(pcb's, pesticides, estrogenics, mercury)
and a degraded food supply quality
(increased use of gmo's, pesticides,
and herbicides -- thanks to gmo's;
non-organic farming creates a lack of
selenium in food
which is needed to counteract mercury).
. another theory explaining increased autism
is what I call two-headed dominance syndrome
where one of the heads tends to submit
in order to let the other head take control .
. likewise, in sociology,
when a population starts to feel
a loss of economic opportunities
there may tend to be more silent tension,
and an increase in dependent personalities .

. at the same time, unique to our times
is a tendency to demand much more of students;
whereas, in the past,
the developmentally challenged may have been
understood to be simply a rowdy or lonely laborer .

6.22: web: autism is on the rise:


repairing a recumbent exercycle

6.30: mis.gear/exercycle/chair`stem`weld failed:
. the Marcy exercycle's seat weld failed!
and, inspecting the weld area,
the reason is obvious:
they had the weld strengths reversed:
they needed only light tacks
in the back,
but a good strong seam in the front
because that is getting
a lot of lift pressure;
instead there were only
2 tack welds in the front,
so when the front tacks snapped apart,
then the seat pitched backwards about half a foot .

6.30: proj.gear/exercycle/
recovery from chair`stem`weld failure:


combo solid tire and tube

2013.2.21: summary:
. this chronicles my combining of a
typical pneumatic inner tube
with a Bell No-Mor Flats (solid) Bike Inner Tube .
. I now have this on both a bmx bike front wheel,
and on all wheels of a recumbent trike . 

BHT anti-viral may be anti-cancer?

6.24: news.health/bht:
7.8: summary:
. at lef.org's forum, a note about hepatitis C
mentioned a yahoo health group, BHTcures .
. files they have there include
Fowkes`The BHT Book,
also at projectwellbeing.com .
. if you ever used that for insomnia,
you might be interested in knowing
-- for minimizing liver toxicity --
that it can be absorbed through the skin:
simply mix BHT with mct oil and blend .

. eg, use 5.5 tsp of BHT (16.5 grams)
for a quart (32 fluid ounces) of MCT oil.
Each tablespoon of oil now contains
slightly more than 250 mg of BHT.
There are about 64 tablespoons to a quart.
. I tried adjusting that recipe for higher potency:
. 250mg bht per tsp/2 oil
is done by blending 32oz oil with
2* cup/4 + 3 tbspoon bht .

[6.28: proj:
5.5 tsp means 250mg per 3tsp,
so 6*5.5 = 33 tsp crystals means 250mg per tsp/2 oil .
. 3tsp per tablespoon, cup = 16*3 tsp, cup/4 = 4*3 tsp .
. 33tsp = 2* cup/4 + 3 tbsp .]

. another highlight of the book was purification:


interpreting JC's beatitudes

5.20: web.relig/jc/the beatitudes:
Jesus began to preach a message of repentance
because the kingdom of heaven was near (4:12-17).
In order to reach a wider audience,
He moved from Nazareth to the city of Capernaum,
on the shores of the Sea of Galilee,
but more importantly,
on the main highway through the land.
His declaration of beatitudes would come,
but not until He called for repentance.

critiques of Judaism and Christianity

5.6: relig/bible/unifying
the jewish and christian messages:

. judaism pointed out we get punished for
not following god's law;
christianity points out:
we will never be able to follow the law,
so there can be no salvation in actions;
and that's why god's love said
we'd be saved simply by believing that
the work of Jesus Christ could save us .
. actually, god's love comes in 2 forms:
there are the warnings about how to avoid harm,
and then there is the spirit-guided urge to
ignore the warnings;
this indirectly leads to love; because,