
probiotics reduced infantile colic

30: news.health/probiotics/probiotics reduced infantile colic:
sciencenews.org: (JAMA Pediatrics January 13)
. Treatment with a beneficial microbe
(Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938)
nearly halves crying time .
. probiotics lead to a reduction in crying
from 71 minutes to 38 minutes per day;
and there were fewer incidents of spitting up .
get to know germs
January 13 in the Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences:
. when genes of the bacterium
and its human host evolve together,
the strain appears to be less harmful
than that same strain in a person whose ancestors
didn’t encounter that particular microbe.

prochoice for medicaid recipients

30: co.fb/pol/healthcare/prochoice for medicaid recipients:
amen! who wants to be born by
someone who felt they couldn't afford you?
I'm hitching a ride with the next mom!

nuclear fallout is survivable

30: news.health/nuclear fallout is survivable:
. in the 2014-2016 wwIII climax
we might not see any nuclear weapons
because Russia and usa have beam weapons;
however, if China gets involved,
and if China doesn't yet have beam weapons,
that nation may resort to nuclear weapons
in order to defend itself against attacks .
. if you survive a nuclear attack
you may want to stay in your house
to avoid fallout .
. you will want a good supply of
food and water in your house,
because much of what is available later
will be contaminated with radiation .
. if you are trapped in a house
rather than underground, you will need
supplements to neutralize radiation .

acetylcysteine can inhibit anti-cancer p53 protein

30: news.health/acetylcysteine can inhibit anti-cancer p53 protein:
31: summary:
. N-acetylcysteine or NAC is a source of cysteine,
but is too powerful an antioxidant .
. a better source of cysteine is egg yolk:
it too is great at raising glutathione,
a safe antioxidant made by the body .


#mac #osx #rtfm #badBIOS #NSA stuccomontana

9: news.cyb/sec/#mac #osx #rtfm #badBIOS #NSA stuccomontana:
. when NSA conceals a computer vulnerability
(one that can take possession of your computer
and make it do the bidding of the internet)
there is nothing magical about this situation
that would prevent criminal elements
from also exploiting these backdoors .
. NSA knows the cat is out of the bag;
that's why they set up the Snowden leak:
NSA knows they need to get our permission now
rather than use our computer vulnerabilities
because the criminals now know too much
about the backdoors NSA needs for surveillance .

. the following is someone claiming to show
an NSA leak documenting the #badBIOS malware
that has been plaguing Dragos Ruiu .


Rabbi Kaduri characterizes the Messiah

2013.1.21: relig/judaism/Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri characterizes the Messiah
2014.1.12: 1.28: summary:
. Rabbi Kaduri was famous for making predictions,
and claimed that the Savior of Israel
would become apparent after 2014.1.11
or whenever Ariʼēl Sharōn died,
and that the Savior of Isreal would
unify Jerusalem as Israel's capital .
. from his clues I develope a theory
for what this "Savior of Israel" is .


methylated B vitamins #glutathione

25: health/glutathione/methylated B vitamins:
. I was hearing the best form of vit'B for glutathione
(the magic associated with selenium)
is the pro-methylation forms .
. Now Foods thought that the pro-methyl form of b6
needed to be enteric,
so being sublingual might be very important
(either way avoids the stomach acid).
. anyway, here's more about methylation
if you were looking to variety for security .

. I am going to try using Methyl-Guard Plus
sublingually (see below).
I may also try enteric B6 (pyridoxal 5-phosphate) .


usa has perfected what aliens gave to nazis?

news.pol/purges/wwIII/usa has perfected what aliens gave to nazis?:
. what we saw on 9/11 was galaxy-class tech
that could of come from aliens or superhumans
although Tesla was quite bright,
and likely didn't need their help
or perhaps he was one of them ?