
methylated B vitamins #glutathione

25: health/glutathione/methylated B vitamins:
. I was hearing the best form of vit'B for glutathione
(the magic associated with selenium)
is the pro-methylation forms .
. Now Foods thought that the pro-methyl form of b6
needed to be enteric,
so being sublingual might be very important
(either way avoids the stomach acid).
. anyway, here's more about methylation
if you were looking to variety for security .

. I am going to try using Methyl-Guard Plus
sublingually (see below).
I may also try enteric B6 (pyridoxal 5-phosphate) .


usa has perfected what aliens gave to nazis?

news.pol/purges/wwIII/usa has perfected what aliens gave to nazis?:
. what we saw on 9/11 was galaxy-class tech
that could of come from aliens or superhumans
although Tesla was quite bright,
and likely didn't need their help
or perhaps he was one of them ?

onion's Quercetin for #glutathione #antioxidants

25: news.health/antioxidants/onion's Quercetin for glutathione:
26: summary:
. another good reason to get more onions
is their connection to glutathione levels .


FoldRight reversed #arthritis ?

23: news.health/arthritis/FoldRight reversed arthritis?:

Jarek (Califonia USA) August 11, 2013
( reviewing Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw's
Life Enhancement`FoldRight )
I'm 59 and I've been taking FoldRight for about nine months
hoping to feel younger (okay, don't laugh).
Unexpectedly, after the first month
my osteoarthritis improved
in my hands, knees and hip joints.
Now, nine months later
I can even snap my fingers!
My knees and hips no longer hurt
and my muscles seem firmer.
... I take two teaspoons
mixed in water before each meal.
so, what's in FoldRight?:

onion's hydrogen gas is an #antioxidant

23: news.health/probiotics/onion's hydrogen gas is an antioxidant:
24: summary:
. certain types of fiber produce an odorless gas
that is also a powerful antioxidant: hydrogen .

mortar & pestle as pill crusher

23: sci.cook`gear/mortar & pestle/metal is a great pill crusher:
(review of BC Classics Stainless Steel Mortar and Pestle)

all things in moderation #vaccinate

23: co.fb/health/vaccines/the word from theverge:
this interactive map is very interesting
specifying measles, rubella, polio,
mumps, whooping cough (Pertussis), and other .
. apparently the usa is not getting vaccinated for
mumps and Pertussis .
. theverge wants to point that
at least 10 babies died from Pertussis;
but, this should considered in the context of
vaccine-caused injuries and deaths
(over $2 billion has been awarded for these).
. therefore, some people are asking,
do we really want to cause dozens of grief
to avoid one death?

#arginine complemented by #weightlifting #geriatrics #insomnia

22: sci.health/geriatrics/insomnia
/#arginine complemented by #weightlifting:
. from the book Life Extension, I learned that
using arginine and peak resistance exercise
just before 2+ hours of sleep
could promote the growth hormone
that makes sleep productive .
[27: caveat: Arginine is not always safe:
Don't take L-arginine if you have had
a recent heart attack.
. have optimal antioxidant protection:
get dark leafy greens and exercise .
. I also found that arginine promotes sleep;
in fact when I was younger and had trouble sleeping
(due mostly to excessive stimulant use)
3..9 tsp of arginine would help out;
but now that I'm over age 50,
I get a different response:
. if I take it before bed without exercising
I become antsy and nauseous
until I do some peak resistance exercise,
such as pushups, jumping squats,
or isotonics which I can do in bed:
have one hand hold the other
as one arm pushes and the other pulls,
so that there is movement in the coupled hands
but there is also a lot of resistance in arms .
. if I didn't sleep well or woke up too early,
I can count on arginine and 9mg melatonin
to get a 2nd round of sleep
( usually I take 3mg melatonin ).