
yoga could be healing because you believe in it

2022.10.5: bk.health/psy/yoga/Advait 2020:

Hack Your Brain The Yogic Way: 

15 Secret Ancient Indian Techniques 

to Enhance Cognitive Fitness, Promote Neurogrowth, 

Improve Your Focus and Unleash Your ... Potential.


3-star/could be healing because you believe in it:

. this book claims that certain poses and breathing exercises

will cure certain medical conditions,

and then has a weasel clause in the back

that says he is not responsible for you,

and that you should see a doctor for a cure.

. but I'm not suggesting the book is false:

there is a lot of magical curing to be had

by using breathing exercises to get control of 

your autonomic nervous system,

and then believing that you will get cured.

. to see how powerful belief can be, read Dr.Dispenza's 

"Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: 

How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One".

. like Yoga, Dispenza uses meditation and breathing control

to get cooperation from our magical "higher self".

. unlike this book, Dr.Dispenza has some references

to some science that supports his claims.

Dr. Barry Sears 2002`The Omega Rx Zone:
The Miracle of the New High-Dose Fish Oil [ad]

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