
methyl salicylate on mucous membranes

 20.10.16: health/diet/methyl salicylate on mucous membranes:

. one can get a cleaner toilet wipe by adding alcohol to the paper.

. alcohol may raise the risk of cancer,

but there may be less risk with salicylates added,

hence the use of alcohol with methyl salicylate.

. is it safe to rub methyl salicylate on mucous membranes?

it is absorbed even through skin where it supposed to be used,

and is added to food as a flavoring.

Hum Exp Toxicol. 1996


Potential dangers from topical preparations containing methyl salicylate

T Y Chan

Ingestion of methyl salicylate poses the threat of 

severe, rapid-onset salicylate poisoning 

because of its liquid, concentrated form 

and lipid solubility.


A single teaspoon (5 ml) of methyl salicylate

contains approximately 6 g of salicylate,[26] 

which is equivalent to almost 20 adult aspirins(300 mg);

(5 ml × 1.174 g/ml = 5.87 g). 

An athlete died after her body absorbed methyl salicylate 

through excessive use of topical muscle-pain relief products.

West J Emerg Med. 2016


Salicylate Toxicity from Genital Exposure to

a Methylsalicylate-Containing Rubefacient.

Trevonne M Thompson, et al

Scrotal skin can have up to 40-fold greater absorption

compared to other dermal regions.

Symptoms of salicylate poisoning can include

hyperpnea[heavy breathing], 

tachypnea[Rapid and shallow breathing], 

tinnitus[ringing ears], hyperpyrexia[fever], 

diaphoresis[cold sweats];

dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, 

and high serum glucose, and mixed acid-base disturbances.

Isoprophyl Alcohol with Wintergreen[ad]

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