
a christian comes to agree with Islam

2022.10.6: bk.relig/islam/Steven Colborne 2021-2022

Discovering the Qur'an

[as translated by Oxford World Classics

M.A.S. Abdel Haleem]

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5-star/a christian comes to agree with Islam:

Steven Colborne is BA (Honors) graduate 

with a PostGrad Certificate in Philosophy and Religion.

. he has written extensively on the problem of 

divine sovereignty versus human free will;


eg, Colborne [p24] believes that 

"God creates impressions in our consciousness

as we read and reflect."

. Colborne[p33] has a list of Judaism verses 

where the prophets believe that our god

influences both men and nature 

to create both good and trouble.

[Isaiah 45:7; Lamentations 3:37-38; Job 42: 2; 

Isaiah 46:9-10; Proverbs 16:4]

. you could say our free will is obvious,

but why do you want --what you want?

because the god influences your emotions!

. the only way you could really have free will

is to decide to be reasonable and follow a code

instead of following your emotions.

. yet the Bible and the Qur'an will also

deny that the god is to blame

because it is using a devil to test you,

or you have the ability to resist the god's influence,

so you can only blame yourself.

. the Qur'an (Surah 4:85, 26:28) agrees that

our god controls all the actions and the roles

(suggesting your prayers for mercy could stop anything?)

but Surah 12:52 denies the god "guides" deceptive betrayers.

. so, what does the god do with all that control?

I believe it is ensuring competition and war

for enhancing technology and survival skills;

and, the god's highest priority is creating

exactly what seems to exist:

an infinite diversity of experience.

. Colborne has a background in christianity,

and has read Bart Ehrman's book "Misquoting Jesus".

. perhaps referring to that book he said

some claim that the christian scriptures have been

corrupted -- in a conspiracy to make a god of Jesus.

. he points out that there are many references

to the divinity of Jesus,

but all I could see were many references to

Jesus being magical and he being of the opinion

that his magic power came from Our Father,

and from the god's intention to use Jesus as prophet.

. history is full of magical beings;

magic is no proof you are the Only Son of God.

. when Jesus said he and the Father are "in" each other,

that could simply mean they respect each others' requests.

. Colborne has a blog, "perfect chaos".


eg, in a 2022.10.4 article

"Does Worshiping Jesus Lead to Hell?"


he laments the Qur'an[Surah 4:116] states:

the god doesn't forgive worship of others

even as christians worship prophet Jesus.

(while authoring this 2021 book,

he was under the impression that

the Qur'an's god would forgive anything

if you would promise to do well going forward,

and that christians were regarded as

"People of the Book" who would

"fare well on the day of judgement".)

. in the 2021 book, despite believing

the Qur'an is a beautiful book about our god,

he sees Qur'anic culture as promoting Arab culture

while at the same time "the Qur'an discusses

how different communities have their own messengers,

and each community can learn the same truths

from their specific messenger."

. where does it say that?

. I was under the impression that Muslims believe 

their prophet is the final messenger

meaning former prophets such as Jesus are respected,

but there is no reason for a future messenger

because the perfected message has already been sent.

. that, of course, applies only to our own planet;

each planet would need its own messenger

both now and in the future.

. in the chapter on predestination [p41],

where "your free will" is decided in advance;

he shows where the Qur'an believes mainly that

the god records everything that has been,

rather than everything about the future.

. Qur'an(Surah 9:36) says predestination was involved

in deciding things like the number of months in a year

but that doesn't contradict the idea of free will.

. the Qur'an [Surah 4: 171] denies Trinity theory

where the christians claim that our god is 

one substance residing in

3 separate persons or personalities

{Our Father the creator, Jesus, Holy Spirit}.

. Colborne[p51] and I agree with the Qur'an's 

unitarianism, where the idea of Jesus being

eternal like the god,

is really a baseless claim, since he was born

with no mention of being reincarnated eternally.

. also notice that 

some of the New Testament [Matthew 26:39,42]

has Jesus begging the Father god for mercy,

-- is he begging himself for mercy?

if Jesus is another form of the god,

why doesn't he have god-like control?

. when Jesus was in the mind of Paul saying

"you are blinded by me until you repent"

wasn't that just the god pretending to be Jesus?

. why make a distinction between

the god and the Holy Spirit? 

did they have separate wills too,

like Jesus and the Father held?

. they are said to be part of the same substance

but they are just 3 evidences of supernatural power;

the god can empower Jesus with magic

without the Jesus being a form of the god.

. Islam was designed to compete with 

militant invasive Christianity;

and, the prophet of Islam was saying,

"you christians have a lot of good theory

but you are wrong about the Trinity."

. so it's not a surprise that the Qur'an

believes just like the christians do

about the afterlife happening by way of

a Resurrection on Judgement day 

sending everyone to Heaven or Hell.

. Colborne seriously believes that

the fact that half the planet believes this

makes it "very likely indeed".

. what makes a popular belief likely

is the quality of evidence they have;

and this belief depends upon the opinion of 

2 prophets, claiming to know the future.

. let's remember that

Jesus credibility was destroyed when

he assumed a fig tree would have fruit

and then angrily destroyed it when it did not.

[Mark 11:12-]

. so that leaves everyone's belief

dependent upon just one messenger.

. you can say you trust Islam's prophet

and the god who sent him,

but don't say popularity is to be trusted;

that is just madness or sarcasm.

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