
parenting with Mark J Musser

22.10.8: bk.psy/parenting/Mark J Musser 2014:

. a commentary on the book:

How to Raise Kids that Follow Christ Not Culture: 

10 Ways to Help Your Children Honor God, Stand for Truth, and Impact the World

Mark J Musser 2014


5-star/a good overview of effective parenting:

. a study of the parents of christian leaders

showed unsurprisingly, that the key to success

was controlling how your children spend their time.

[George Barna, Revolutionary parenting].

. Musser had a problem with kids faking obedience

when they were told to avoid worldly media

(not consistent with Christian values).

. when he mentioned the need to 

get more involved with your kids,

I got the idea that our kids should get

a series of worldly media sessions

where we watch a forbidden video together

so you can interrupt at key points to explain 

why that media should be avoided.

. typically, the content seems to be an attraction

but it is actually pulling you into a lifestyle

that will lead to a future you will regret,

or a lifestyle that attracts the sort of people

that will not act in ways everyone can be proud of.

. Musser uses the word "heart" 

as if it's a synonym for "mind";

I think the heart represents the source of your impulses;

so, "guarding your heart" is about untrusting it,

not accepting everything that comes from it.

. Musser suggests your children should give you

their passwords to all internet-connected devices

apparently so you could see browser history.

. the point is that everyone should have an

"acountability partner" rather than secret privacy.

. that gave me the idea you should require kids to

keep a journal explaining how they are spending their time.

. for every block of time in a particular subject,

there should be a file of what was learned each day.

. he[p86] said it was normal to spend 54 hours per week

on media! we should be turning that into

self-directed home-schooling that is fully documented.

. as he says in the chapter on bible study,

we should demand that a good portion of media choices

involve subjects related to the culture

that you are trying to instill in your child.

. children should also be journaling about school;

and when you review these journals,

you should keep an eye on what the school is teaching

if you are trying to instill a non-liberal culture.

. chapter 3, about being a good role model,

should mention that your thoughts matter too

because they could subconsciously influence kids.

. when Jesus said "if you've even thought about sin,

you are guilty of it" [Matthew 5:28]

he was obviously talking about offending the god,

but he could have also been talking about

offending people who are being tipped off by the spirit

as to what you happen to be thinking about them.

. when Jesus met the woman at the well [John 4:4],

the spirit told him about her immorality,

and for that she called him a prophet.

. Musser believes that kids below 6th grade

may not understand a church sermon

and would need a service directed at them.

. is he talking about adult topics such as sexuality?

or about the use of translations full of jargon?

. 5th graders are 10 years old;

they've been speaking for 7 years.

. bible lessons seem so basic;

we should use translations that are clear to everyone.

. the bible verses a child should know 

concerning rules and boundary-setting include 

Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13; 29:17; 

Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:20, 21; Exodus 20:12.

more resources for parenting:

Gary Chapman, Ross Campbell 2016:

The 5 Love Languages of Children: 

The Secret to Loving Children Effectively







George Barna 2010: Revolutionary Parenting: 

What the Research Shows Really Works


the Sense of Being Stared At: And Other Unexplained Powers of Human Minds [ad]

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