
John Allen 2022 Life After This --a common delusion

 2022.10.17: bk.psy/schiz/John Allen 2022`Life After This:

. this is a commentary on the book by John Allen 2022

Life After This: 9 Chapters: 

History Shows We Have Contacted the Deceased and You Can Do It, Too 


4-stars/a common delusion:


methyl salicylate on mucous membranes

 20.10.16: health/diet/methyl salicylate on mucous membranes:

. one can get a cleaner toilet wipe by adding alcohol to the paper.

. alcohol may raise the risk of cancer,

but there may be less risk with salicylates added,

hence the use of alcohol with methyl salicylate.

. is it safe to rub methyl salicylate on mucous membranes?

it is absorbed even through skin where it supposed to be used,

and is added to food as a flavoring.


an inspiring (but not magical) book by Willbur Glenn Colaco 2022

2022.10.15: bk.psy/
Willbur Glenn Colaco 2022`Drops of Wisdom: 

. this is a commentary on the book:

Willbur Glenn Colaco 2022`Drops of Wisdom: 

Applying Ancient Words of Wisdom in Today's Turbulent Times.


5-star/an inspiring (but not magical) book:


Christian evangelism from a systemic relational therapist

2022.10.10: bk.relig/christian/
Christian evangelism from a systemic relational therapist:

Theressa McMorris 2022.7

Kingdom Blueprint: Cultivating an Intimate Relationship with God


5-star/best suited to Christians 

but interesting systemic relational therapist:


parenting with Mark J Musser

22.10.8: bk.psy/parenting/Mark J Musser 2014:

. a commentary on the book:

How to Raise Kids that Follow Christ Not Culture: 

10 Ways to Help Your Children Honor God, Stand for Truth, and Impact the World

Mark J Musser 2014


5-star/a good overview of effective parenting:


a christian comes to agree with Islam

2022.10.6: bk.relig/islam/Steven Colborne 2021-2022

Discovering the Qur'an

[as translated by Oxford World Classics

M.A.S. Abdel Haleem]

https://amzn.to/3fzzcXN [ad]

5-star/a christian comes to agree with Islam:


yoga could be healing because you believe in it

2022.10.5: bk.health/psy/yoga/Advait 2020:

Hack Your Brain The Yogic Way: 

15 Secret Ancient Indian Techniques 

to Enhance Cognitive Fitness, Promote Neurogrowth, 

Improve Your Focus and Unleash Your ... Potential.


3-star/could be healing because you believe in it:


a new beginning with Ian Cooper

2022.10.2: news.psy/schiz/
a new beginning with Ian Cooper 2021:

. this is my summary of a book by Ian Cooper,

One and All: A Spiritual Perspective on Getting Along 

[ad] https://amzn.to/3UYkc6f

. this book caught my eye because the intro claimed

"We are not who we think we are"

which reminded me of being born-again aware of a god.