2022.10.6: bk.relig/islam/Steven Colborne 2021-2022
Discovering the Qur'an
[as translated by Oxford World Classics
M.A.S. Abdel Haleem]
5-star/a christian comes to agree with Islam:
any noteworthy thing not relevant to Americium Dream Documents .
2022.10.6: bk.relig/islam/Steven Colborne 2021-2022
Discovering the Qur'an
[as translated by Oxford World Classics
M.A.S. Abdel Haleem]
5-star/a christian comes to agree with Islam:
2022.10.5: bk.health/psy/yoga/Advait 2020:
Hack Your Brain The Yogic Way:
15 Secret Ancient Indian Techniques
to Enhance Cognitive Fitness, Promote Neurogrowth,
Improve Your Focus and Unleash Your ... Potential.
3-star/could be healing because you believe in it:
2022.10.2: news.psy/schiz/
a new beginning with Ian Cooper 2021:
. this is my summary of a book by Ian Cooper,
One and All: A Spiritual Perspective on Getting Along
"We are not who we think we are"
which reminded me of being born-again aware of a god.
2022.9.30: news.psy/
emotion control with Dialectical Behavior Therapy:
psychiatry prof Maria Clarke 2022
DBT skills workbook in 7 weeks:
Use Dialectical Behavior Therapy to overcome negativity,
manage your emotions and improve your relationships.
. prof Clarke successfully treated her own emotional pain
with a program designed to treat Borderline Personality Disorder.
. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (finding the middle ground)
is based on cognitive behavioral therapy
and dhamma, the teachings of Bhudda.
. it involves meditation, controlled breathing, journaling,
exposure to intense exercise, temperature extremes,
and alternating between tensing and relaxing each muscle group.
. there are many techniques for negotiating with
your emotion maker and other relationships;
eg, part of self-respect is not relating to those who
require us to change our values or lie about them:
"it's ok to walk away from a toxic relationship".
the Sense of Being Stared At: And Other Unexplained Powers of Human Minds [ad]
2022.9.27: news.psy/emotion control strategies/
Jennifer N. Smith 2020:
How to Control your Emotions: Effective Ways to Maintain Your Cool
When The Situation Demands It (Improve Yourself Everyday Book 1)
a summary and critique:
2022.9.18: web.pol/edu/vouchers/
#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again:
. with expanded vouchers, the newer public schools
may have trouble repaying construction bonds.
. other than that, vouchers could be good
for promotion of gun-resistant and mind-liberating
2022.9.15: health/diet/Chuck Norris anti-aging diet:
Chuck's 3 keys to healthy aging:
1: healthy microbiome:
needs probiotics and prebiotics
(onion and Jerusalem artichoke inulin)
2: superfoods: barley grass, kale, alfalfa.
3: rapid aging fix: ashwagandha,
and bovine collagen peptides.
2022.9.12: news.wealth/music/psy/schiz/
David Leonard 2022`Good Lord:
. David Leonard's 2022 song, "Good Lord"
could have been about schizophrenia
(about telepathy with our god).
. he is glad to know the god;
but deeply embarrassed about what he has been;
and wishing he could warn others:
the god is easiest on those who have been
good all the time,
not just good after meeting the god.