
#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again

2022.9.18: web.pol/edu/vouchers/
#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again:

. with expanded vouchers, the newer public schools

may have trouble repaying construction bonds.

. other than that, vouchers could be good

for promotion of gun-resistant and mind-liberating 


. it is claimed by opponents of vouchers

that private schools aren't accountable:

you can't tell whether they are failing,

but more importantly, you can't tell if

their teachings are politically correct.

. that may not always be so bad for us;

for instance, the scientific evidence against

Intelligent Design theory  isn't strong, 

yet that theory is dismissed as unscientific

because it is pro-spiritual and anti-materialist.

. there is much evidence against materialism

but it is accused of being a fraud on the basis that

spiritualism is physically impossible

thus any proof of it must be a fraud.

. you can't win your case because we know you are guilty

so any evidence supporting you must be a fabrication.

. there is no scientific evidence against the idea that

all the "randomness" in physics -- could --

be optionally decided by a devilish Intelligent Designer

who made this whole universe for the express purpose of

generating experiences that were diverse

rather than successful.

. random evolution being the cause of all the failures

makes me feel less paranoid than the I.Design Theory

but that doesn't prove it's true.

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