beans increase your activity level:
Being Inactive Kills as Many as Cigarettesme:
- Longevity Center - Everyday Health
How about some truth in headlines:
Being a [hyper-glycemic dieter] May Kill You .
-- The Truth About Sex via The Truth About Sex
. one way of getting more active without trying
is to get far more fiber
(replace meat with beans
and replace sugar with greens)
. look at the details of that study:
"removal of physical inactivity. it just so happens that beans are
had the largest effect on colon cancer,
and the smallest on coronary heart disease,
in terms of percentage reduction, ..."
a major preventive of colon cancer
just as if you had gotten more exercise .
. that's not all beans do for health .
sugar transitions muscle to
prefering glucose over fats:
07-23-12 European Journal of Nutrition,
. the participants were lightly active, lean,
and then drinking soft drinks for only four weeks.
. Dr. Hans-Peter Kubis, Bangor University in England .
. the research showed regularly drinking soft drinks
changed the way muscles use food as fuel,
making them prefer to burn sugars over fats
via altered gene activity
-- encouraging unhealthy adaptations
similar to those seen in people with
obesity problems and type 2 diabetes:
a reduced ability to burn fat and to fat gain.
and making it more difficult for the body to
cope with rises in blood sugar.